BrutalDLX challenge, what did you think?



  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★
    1 - Hated it
    what was there to like? i don't necessarily think the rewards were much for the sheer repetitive slug it was. i mean the same old fights over and over and over and over. it wasn't a test of skill but rather a test of will lol
  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    2 - Disliked it

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    To start off, the rewards are fantastic, so no issues on that! Even not counting the part of the 7* selector I think they're fantastic

    But to be honest, I've never really enjoyed these Champion challenges in the past either, this has been the first time where my team was good enough and I had enough incentive to do the hardest difficulty. And maybe I'm not alone in that and there are a lot of people who haven't felt the need to do it in the past

    With that said, it was way too tedious, I kinda had a good time when doing Chapter 2, it took a awhile, but felt rewarding when I was done. I had hoped to atleast autoplay the first 2 or 3 diffs of Chapter 1 but due to some very restricting nodes that wasn't possible sadly.

    And honestly, I had my expectiations kinda set to a boss rush because it lines up well with RoL. And I personally do enjoy those A LOT.

    So for me it's really a combo of all of these things, but eventhough I didn't really like the content I still think it should not deter you from doing more like this in the future, this has been one of my favorite months in MCOC history!
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
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    Considering this was built by a chap who parried and blocked a wolverine to death with a 3/30 4* electro, I felt the grind was somewhat appropriate.

    But I think @MarvelNoob hits the nail on the head; we all rushed it to obtain those fantastic rewards and in that context, the first chapter did feel Grindy.

    Personally, I enjoyed it!
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Member Posts: 1,642 ★★★★★
    0 - Didn’t do it
    Tried it.
    Hated it.
    Abandoned it.

    I can live without the latest shiny object when the game I play as a past time turns into something I hate.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,668 ★★★★
    It was alright. The issue was that it was too repetitive with the same champions. Might be time on away from BrutalDLX with realm of legends challenge to turn into something else.

    The rewards was nice and juicy for sure.
  • TangerineBallsTangerineBalls Member Posts: 45
    2 - Disliked it
    Excessively grindy, rinse and repeating the same paths 40+ times across the 2 challenges was way too much. The BrutalDLX quest alone was enough. To endure the quest with varying difficulty as well was a step too far. Some creativity to differ the quests would have been better! Rather than same 5 fights over and over, with the couple extra nodes to ramp up the difficulty… wasn’t something I’d like to do again thank you!
  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    1 - Hated it
    I'll echo everyone else and say the first chapter was just insanely boring and time consuming.

    Would have been cool to have put the majority of the rewards as completion/exploration rewards for the 2nd chapter only, and then put smaller prizes (gold, iso, some shards, etc) as path rewards in the 1st chapter to allow us to pick and choose what we need and not make us slog through proven difficulty to access the rewards that we earned at paragon level.
  • HungaryHippoHungaryHippo Member Posts: 1,091 ★★★★
    3 - Neutral
    It was fine. Did it over a week but trying to rush through it would have been mind-numbing.
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    2 - Disliked it

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    My main gripe was having to do 7 sets of 6 lines. 3 difficulties that by all accounts I should've been able to auto fight without the restrictive nodes. That and the fact I didn't use a single revive throughout meaning there was no real challenge and it just got repetitive and boring. The DLX difficulty was cool but having to backtrack through the other six was just soul rending.
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    1 - Hated it
    7-star selector and rewards were okay, but that is time I will never get back. Had me on the brink of deleting the game that I’ve played since download day.
  • BulmktBulmkt Member Posts: 1,707 ★★★★
    4 - Liked it
    I was fine with what needed to be done in chapter 2

    But chapter 1 for 100% completion was tedious and boring. Paragon players should have had the lower levels up to TB credited.
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  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
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    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    First off too grindy in the first chapter .....especially on the lower difficulties....secondly it was released in a month with already a lot to grind in terms of the incursions side quest .... the rewards were the redeeming quality of the quest and the legend crystal was what made it worth it'
  • cane47cane47 Member Posts: 41
    1 - Hated it
    Doing the same path 42 times was mind numbing, but just my opinion
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    3 - Neutral

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    I think people ask for more because it's more content and more rewards - not because of the way the quests are set up. The problem is the length and how boring it become. As i mentioned above, give keys to each progression level to be able to bypass certain paths. In doing so, I would welcome the gated path to be hard (more challenging that the final path of quest 2). Appease both the lower and higher rated players.
  • Phantomfire500Phantomfire500 Member Posts: 240 ★★
    edited August 2023
    4 - Liked it

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    Mulaney's had a massive difficulty spike for chapter 2 so even though chap 1 was pretty grindy you could pretty much auto it, and definitely didn't have to pay attention. Exploring paragon on the other hand probably takes longer than the actual challenge for this, since you're doing more fights and you're probably not boosted.

    Mulaney's was also a lot more difficult than this, where Juggernaut and Hulk are the only fights you couldn't do with one arm behind your back with a team of Ronan, Red Mags/Nimrod and one of the many SW counters. The difficulty was overshadowed by the grindiness here.

    I personally have time to kill, and I'm not starved for difficult content so these grievances don't really matter to me, but I do still prefer the boss rush format over the 36 of the same 6 fights format

    Maybe take out all chapter rewards and put them in the quest rewards? That way you can pick and choose which quests to do, and still get all the relevant rewards, while allowing weaker players to get rewards up to the point they can complete.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,778 ★★★★★
    2 - Disliked it

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    Thanks for following up on this. This quest was like that joke about Pete and Repete in a boat.

    If you don’t know it (and I’m sure you probably do), Pete falls out, who’s left in the boat?

    This Challenge.

    Ok jokes outta my system, the fight design was pretty fun tbh, I really enjoyed them but wish more fights were like the Hulk boss and less cheesy than they ended up. The real problem was it was the same 5 fights x 6 paths x 7 chapters with very very little difference other than attack value and healthpools. After 3 paths it felt mindless and we still had 39 paths to go. It needed more of a shake up in difficulty and less volume of fights.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Doing chapter 2 should have auto completed chapter 1. Or at least make it so you only have to do 1-2 levels under your current level, doing all six was just tedious, when loading fights takes longer than the fight itself somethings not right.
  • MalchaeisMalchaeis Member Posts: 264 ★★
    3 - Neutral
    Not hard just tedious. Cheesed my way through with Ronan for ws and vision. AA for juggs. And invisible woman for sw and wolverine. And 2 skill champs for hulk.
  • SonOfArgu16SonOfArgu16 Member, Guardian Posts: 263 Guardian
    4 - Liked it
    First challenge map I was able to fully explore, wasted some pots, revs and units because of carelessness.
    Should have waited a week before attempting it seriously with the help of recommended champs from guides
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,748 ★★★★★

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    I loved it however it been better if

    1. paragon tb and brutaldlx chapter was 1 quest as they felt the same.

    2. the jugs issue with the damage increase got seen too as people have been experiencing for the time it was up that jugs wasnt getting damage by 200% at times.

    3. Probs a little smaller amount of fights if gonna do high hp as it feels very boring quickly if u have to fight 6 times at 400k each lane of every champ if gonna do high health then id say keep to 3 but increase the difficulty of each lane.
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    1 - Hated it
    It was so boring . It wasn’t even the difficult so kuch as how tedious the fights were
  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    You know the answer already . Don't pretend like you don't. Mediocre rewards coupled with boring , repititive lanes was the problem. Ask your team to not make such stupid challenges again .
  • witt24witt24 Member Posts: 35
    4 - Liked it
    I enjoyed playing my new rank-ups (Kate and Cassie)...
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    4 - Liked it

    Out of curiosity, what did/didn't you like compared to say, the John Mulaney's Champion challenge? People have always asked for more of those and I'd like to know what the difference was in case we ever do one of these again?

    Personally, I loved the gauntlet aspect of it. The BrutalDLX one I thought was perfect and I'd actually love for it to remain in game as permanent content - whether as is or just one path and then Hulk.

    The Legends portion was way too tedious. Not difficult, just full on tedious.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    4 - Liked it
    Liked these challenges in the past, will like them in the future.

    I really liked the rewards here - titan shards damn nice.

    I disliked the monotomy of the first chapter, like all the feedback before me.
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