Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Scream - Cosmic

    Toxin - Cosmic

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Muse - Skill

    Blindspot - Skill

  • RiasGremoryRiasGremory Member Posts: 240

    Muse - Skill

    Blindspot - Skill

    Yeah more daredevil characters , look some posts before this post , im all for it

    Kabam realllly should add more defenders universe characters
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Iron Man (Director Of Shield)


    Iron Emperor

    Iron Maniac

    Iron God

    Cosmic Iron Man

    Iron Man (Mystic Armor)

    Iron Destroyer

    Iron Man (Supreme)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 66
    I’d love to see a year of strictly villain characters. I personally think the villains are a bit under represented though it’s slowly changing as the game progresses. It’d be cool as well if they buffed champs correlating to villains on certain months. I’ll map out what I mean…

    Add: Batrok the Leaper (skill)
    Update: Captain American (classic or WWII)
    *personally I’d like to see WWII updated & give him a gun. Cap was out there shooting the HYDRA during that time. It’d be a bit of an homage to his character. It’d also be nice to see synergy boosts updated for him as well for both.

    Add: Klaw (tech)
    Add: Man Ape (skill)
    *it would be nice to see more Black Panther rogues than just Killmonger.

    Add: Crimson Dynamo (tech)
    Add: Madame Masque (skill)
    *iron man needs more rogues in the contest. Especially when the man just got updated. Would love to see more than just these two but they’re my top picks for the time being.

    Add: White Rabbit (skill)
    Add: Boomerang (skill)
    *figured for April a couple of gag villains would be fun. Also classic Spider-Man just got updated & I think it would be a fun storyline for an event quest.

    Add: Nightmare (mystic)
    Update: Doctor Strange
    *I feel doctor strange needs a boost considering he’s supposed to be the “sorcerer supreme” he gets toasted compared to other similar mystic champs.

    Add: Mystique (mutant)
    Add: Pyro (mutant)
    *Mystique has been asked for, for so long it’s borderline criminal she hasn’t been added yet. Pyro would be nice just to round out the Brotherhood a bit more.

    Add: Diamondback (skill)
    Add: Cobra/King Cobra (science)
    *I’ve always liked the Serpent Society & when I heard about the new Captain America movie being titled “new world order” or whatever it is I had hoped it would be them but unfortunately it’s not. Would still love to see them make appearances in the contest. I also feel they’re more abstract which is something t Kabam are no strangers to when adding champs like Night Thrasher & Darkhawk.

    Add: Leader (science)
    Add: Harpy (science)
    *speaking of the new Captain America movie the leader is one of Hulk’s best villains & adding Harpy with the Leader I feel could be an excellent plot point for an event quest given Hulk & Harpy’s relationship.

    Add: Enchantress (mystic)
    Add: Executioner (cosmic/skill)
    *not sure what to label Skurge the Executioner given Thor Rag & Valkyrie are skill champs themselves. But it’d be nice for a pseudo Thor/Masters of Evil story with Zeno & other masters battling the summoner & the heroes.

    Add: Dracula (mystic)
    Update: Scarlet Witch (classic)
    *Dracula is another Dark Cabal member I’d love to see given he has ties to multiple champs already in the contest. & I don’t need much for classic Scarlet Witch, just some synergy additions/adjustments & to have cleaner fight animations cause she out there fighting like Black Widow for goodness sake.

    Add: Korvac (cosmic)
    Add: Hala the Accuser (cosmic)
    *given Korvac’s history as a world destroyer & needing some Kree/Captain Marvel/cosmic villains I figured both Korvac & Hala would be perfect. Adds more for Ronan as well given he’s trash.

    Add: Blob (mutant)
    Add: Avalanche (mutant)
    *I figure it rounds out some more mutant champs for the year while also bolstering unique champs & abilities. Given how I’ve written up this list these two are the least I care about along with November’s champ ideas.

    Honourable Mentions:
    Lizard (science), Black Talon (mystic), Baron Von Strucker (tech/skill), Arnim Zola (tech), Whirlwind (mutant), Living Laser (science), Unicorn (tech), Radioactive Man (science), Viper (skill), Moonstone (cosmic), etc.
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Atli (Cosmic)

    Weapon America (Mutant)

    Shathra (Mystic)

    Old Man Phoenix (Cosmic)

    Shocker (Randall Darby) (Mutant)

    Wonder Man (Skull's Wastelands) (Science)

    Wraith (Yuri Watanabe) (Skill)

    Pestilence (Polaris) (Mutant)

    Yeoman America (Skill)

    Web-Weaver (Science)
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 66
    Given Kabam has a focus on diversifying the contest I also thought up some champs that can be added that add both diversity & good story material…

    Idea 1: Alpha Flight
    Add: Shaman (mystic), Snowbird (mystic), Puck (skill), Northstar (mutant), Aurora (mutant), Box (tech)
    *being a Canadian I’d love to see some more Canadian champs find their way into the contest. These are a diverse group of champs that would make not only for excellent diversity but cool synergy teams & mechanics.

    Idea 2: Spider-Man
    Add: Lizard (science), Scarlet Spider (science), Jackal (science), Stegron (Science), Boomerang (skill), White Rabbit (skill), Hammerhead (skill), Silvermane (tech), Tombstone (science), Hobgoblin (tech), Hydro Man (science), Beetle (tech), Screwball (skill), Chameleon (skill), Tarantula (skill)
    *Just a slew of excellent Spider-Man villains/characters that would all be welcome additions to the contest. Would love to see how they’re adapted into the contest & how their synergies match with unlikely champs.

    Idea 3: Masters of Evil
    Add: Radioactive Man (science), Enchantress (mystic), Whirlwind (mutant), Executioner (skill), Klaw (tech), Man-Ape (skill), Griffin (science), Grey Gargoyle (science), Arnim Zola (tech), Chemistro (science), Unicorn (tech), Crimson Dynamo (tech), Living Laser (science), Madame Masque (skill), Grim Reaper (tech), Black Talon (mystic), Whiplash (tech)
    *I’m a huge fan of villain champs & have a strong desire to see more added. Not a huge fan of Kabam original champs to be honest given there are sooo many awesome heroes & villains to choose from Marvel. Also I included a ton of Iron Man villains as he doesn’t have many rogues in the contest aside from MODOK, Ghost & primarily Avenger villains. Same with Black Panther only having Killmonger… granted BP doesn’t have a supremely extensive list of rogues himself.

    Idea 4: X-Men
    Add: Cannonball (mutant), Warpath (mutant), Cypher (mutant), Pixie (mutant), Beak (mutant), Mystique (mutant), Pyro (mutant), Gold Balls (mutant), Cassandra Nova (mutant), Legion (mutant), Sunfire (mutant), Banshee (mutant), Blob (mutant), Avalanche (mutant), Dust (mutant), Hellion (mutant), Marrow (mutant), Darwin (mutant), Sebastian Shaw (mutant), Moira MacTaggert (mutant), Blink (mutant), Polaris (mutant), Dazzler (mutant)
    *I could keep going but there’s a plethora of mutant champs ready & raring to go in the contest. There are some in the above listed I’d like to see more than others but they’re all welcome additions.

    Idea 5: Avengers
    Add: Wonder Man (science), Living Lightning (science), Echo (skill)(or cosmic if given phoenix force), Mockingbird (skill), Jack of Hearts (cosmic), Bill Foster (science), Jocasta (tech), Robbie Reyes (mystic), Swordsman (skill)
    *there’s probably plenty more Avengers I can’t think of at the moment that haven’t already been added to the contest but they’ve always had a massive roster of heroes constantly.

    Idea 6: Thunderbolts
    Add: Mach IV (tech), Techno (tech), Songbird (mutant), Moonstone (cosmic), Atlas (science), Jolt (science), Charcoal (mutant)
    *the more classic line up of villains gone good. It’d be nice to see. Especially with the boosts they could have & their potential mechanics.

    Idea 7: Guardians of the Galaxy/Space Related
    Add: Hala the Accuser (cosmic), Korvac (cosmic), Cosmo the Dog (science), MCU Ego (cosmic), Quasar (cosmic), Genis-Vell (cosmic), Titus (tech), High Evolutionary (tech), Star Fox (cosmic)
    *just some additional champs for the Guardians to square off against while still in the contest. Also adding Ego gives another elder of the universe & why we didn’t get him or High Evolutionary for their MCU appearances is beyond me. & Star Fox has loads of potential synergy boosts with his fellow eternals, Thanos, the Guardians & Avengers alike.

    Idea 8: Young Heroes
    Add: White Tiger (mystic), Patriot (science), Iron Lad (tech), Nova: Sam Alexander (cosmic), Moon Girl (tech), Hazmat (mutant), Reptil (mystic), Cloak (science), Dagger (science)
    *It’d be nice to see an abundance of young heroes pad out what champs like Hulkling, Wiccan, Viv Vision & more champs have been doing. It’s a fresh change in pace from the typical adult heroes we’re so familiar with.

    Idea 9: Agents of Atlas
    Add: Amadeus Cho (science), White Fox (mystic), Wave (mutant), Aero (mutant), Luna Snow (mutant)
    *given champs like Shang Chi & Kamala Khan are already in the contest & they’re a part of Agents of Atlas this seems like a no brainer. It’d also be the perfect time to update Kamala Khan as she’s currently terrible in game.

    Idea 9: Inhumans
    Add: Gorgon (skill), Crystal (cosmic), Triton (skill), Maximus the Mad (tech), Lockjaw (cosmic), Iso (cosmic), Inferno (cosmic), Flint (cosmic), Naja (cosmic)
    *I know it’s a lot of cosmic champs with correlating synergy buffs but I’m not entirely sure what else to label them as aside from the few who have different classes. But I’d love to see more Inhumans enter the contest given it’d be a good time to buff Black Bolt more given he’s supposed to be one of the strongest champs from earth.

    Idea 10: updates
    Updates: Doctor Strange, Captain America (WWII &/or Classic), Captain Marvel (classic), Ms Marvel (classic), Scarlet Witch (classic), Spider-Man (symbiote), Iron Man (superior), Daredevil (classic), Elektra, Electro, Rhino, Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Iron Fist (both), Kang, Thanos, Punisher (classic), Luke Cage, Ronan, Cyclops (both), Wolverine (classic & X23), Black Widow (classic), Red Skull, Drax, Groot, Star Lord, Vision (both)
    *some of these are more aesthetic based, some are mechanic based. For example Vision, there’s no reason Vision doesn’t have the ability to phase given that mechanic has been around for a while now & his daughter has it in the contest. Some of these characters need added or adjusted synergy boosts & some need entire animation reworking/re-renderings cause they look like **** & the way they fight looks goofy, & some need mechanic overhauls to make them playable in the contest.
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Given Kabam has a focus on diversifying the contest I also thought up some champs that can be added that add both diversity & good story material…

    Idea 1: Alpha Flight
    Add: Shaman (mystic), Snowbird (mystic), Puck (skill), Northstar (mutant), Aurora (mutant), Box (tech)
    *being a Canadian I’d love to see some more Canadian champs find their way into the contest. These are a diverse group of champs that would make not only for excellent diversity but cool synergy teams & mechanics.

    Idea 2: Spider-Man
    Add: Lizard (science), Scarlet Spider (science), Jackal (science), Stegron (Science), Boomerang (skill), White Rabbit (skill), Hammerhead (skill), Silvermane (tech), Tombstone (science), Hobgoblin (tech), Hydro Man (science), Beetle (tech), Screwball (skill), Chameleon (skill), Tarantula (skill)
    *Just a slew of excellent Spider-Man villains/characters that would all be welcome additions to the contest. Would love to see how they’re adapted into the contest & how their synergies match with unlikely champs.

    Idea 3: Masters of Evil
    Add: Radioactive Man (science), Enchantress (mystic), Whirlwind (mutant), Executioner (skill), Klaw (tech), Man-Ape (skill), Griffin (science), Grey Gargoyle (science), Arnim Zola (tech), Chemistro (science), Unicorn (tech), Crimson Dynamo (tech), Living Laser (science), Madame Masque (skill), Grim Reaper (tech), Black Talon (mystic), Whiplash (tech)
    *I’m a huge fan of villain champs & have a strong desire to see more added. Not a huge fan of Kabam original champs to be honest given there are sooo many awesome heroes & villains to choose from Marvel. Also I included a ton of Iron Man villains as he doesn’t have many rogues in the contest aside from MODOK, Ghost & primarily Avenger villains. Same with Black Panther only having Killmonger… granted BP doesn’t have a supremely extensive list of rogues himself.

    Idea 4: X-Men
    Add: Cannonball (mutant), Warpath (mutant), Cypher (mutant), Pixie (mutant), Beak (mutant), Mystique (mutant), Pyro (mutant), Gold Balls (mutant), Cassandra Nova (mutant), Legion (mutant), Sunfire (mutant), Banshee (mutant), Blob (mutant), Avalanche (mutant), Dust (mutant), Hellion (mutant), Marrow (mutant), Darwin (mutant), Sebastian Shaw (mutant), Moira MacTaggert (mutant), Blink (mutant), Polaris (mutant), Dazzler (mutant)
    *I could keep going but there’s a plethora of mutant champs ready & raring to go in the contest. There are some in the above listed I’d like to see more than others but they’re all welcome additions.

    Idea 5: Avengers
    Add: Wonder Man (science), Living Lightning (science), Echo (skill)(or cosmic if given phoenix force), Mockingbird (skill), Jack of Hearts (cosmic), Bill Foster (science), Jocasta (tech), Robbie Reyes (mystic), Swordsman (skill)
    *there’s probably plenty more Avengers I can’t think of at the moment that haven’t already been added to the contest but they’ve always had a massive roster of heroes constantly.

    Idea 6: Thunderbolts
    Add: Mach IV (tech), Techno (tech), Songbird (mutant), Moonstone (cosmic), Atlas (science), Jolt (science), Charcoal (mutant)
    *the more classic line up of villains gone good. It’d be nice to see. Especially with the boosts they could have & their potential mechanics.

    Idea 7: Guardians of the Galaxy/Space Related
    Add: Hala the Accuser (cosmic), Korvac (cosmic), Cosmo the Dog (science), MCU Ego (cosmic), Quasar (cosmic), Genis-Vell (cosmic), Titus (tech), High Evolutionary (tech), Star Fox (cosmic)
    *just some additional champs for the Guardians to square off against while still in the contest. Also adding Ego gives another elder of the universe & why we didn’t get him or High Evolutionary for their MCU appearances is beyond me. & Star Fox has loads of potential synergy boosts with his fellow eternals, Thanos, the Guardians & Avengers alike.

    Idea 8: Young Heroes
    Add: White Tiger (mystic), Patriot (science), Iron Lad (tech), Nova: Sam Alexander (cosmic), Moon Girl (tech), Hazmat (mutant), Reptil (mystic), Cloak (science), Dagger (science)
    *It’d be nice to see an abundance of young heroes pad out what champs like Hulkling, Wiccan, Viv Vision & more champs have been doing. It’s a fresh change in pace from the typical adult heroes we’re so familiar with.

    Idea 9: Agents of Atlas
    Add: Amadeus Cho (science), White Fox (mystic), Wave (mutant), Aero (mutant), Luna Snow (mutant)
    *given champs like Shang Chi & Kamala Khan are already in the contest & they’re a part of Agents of Atlas this seems like a no brainer. It’d also be the perfect time to update Kamala Khan as she’s currently terrible in game.

    Idea 9: Inhumans
    Add: Gorgon (skill), Crystal (cosmic), Triton (skill), Maximus the Mad (tech), Lockjaw (cosmic), Iso (cosmic), Inferno (cosmic), Flint (cosmic), Naja (cosmic)
    *I know it’s a lot of cosmic champs with correlating synergy buffs but I’m not entirely sure what else to label them as aside from the few who have different classes. But I’d love to see more Inhumans enter the contest given it’d be a good time to buff Black Bolt more given he’s supposed to be one of the strongest champs from earth.

    Idea 10: updates
    Updates: Doctor Strange, Captain America (WWII &/or Classic), Captain Marvel (classic), Ms Marvel (classic), Scarlet Witch (classic), Spider-Man (symbiote), Iron Man (superior), Daredevil (classic), Elektra, Electro, Rhino, Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Iron Fist (both), Kang, Thanos, Punisher (classic), Luke Cage, Ronan, Cyclops (both), Wolverine (classic & X23), Black Widow (classic), Red Skull, Drax, Groot, Star Lord, Vision (both)
    *some of these are more aesthetic based, some are mechanic based. For example Vision, there’s no reason Vision doesn’t have the ability to phase given that mechanic has been around for a while now & his daughter has it in the contest. Some of these characters need added or adjusted synergy boosts & some need entire animation reworking/re-renderings cause they look like **** & the way they fight looks goofy, & some need mechanic overhauls to make them playable in the contest.

    I mean. I agree with almost everything. Almost, cuz you know. Maybe that's just my opinion, but Doc Ock is just fine. He's got his own very versitiatle abilities and Red Skull is anyway getting buff, so I would remove him and Doc Ock from Update needing Champs list, and almost again, because I aswell would add Classic Deadpool, Moon Knight, Phoenix, Ghost Rider, Rogue, Sabretooth, OG Abom, Agent Venom, Beast, Dormammu, Winter Soldier, Iron Patriot, Loki, Kamala Khan, Vulture, Classic Ultron, Jane Foster, Taskamster and of course Sentry. Anyway, I really like your list of those Champs that we should get 🙂👍
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Spider-Phoenix (Cosmic)

    Kraven (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Life-Model Venom (Tech)

    Spider-Smasher (Tech)

    Black Cat (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Bodega Bandit (Skill)

    Asgardia (Cosmic)

    Necroko (Cosmic)

    Black Fang (Cosmic)

    Venoman-Thing (Mystic)
  • YngwieYngwie Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2023
    Electro Tweak Idea

    - Electro's attacks deal Energy Damage instead of Physical.
    - Electro sees all static shocks flowing in his opponent's body. When the opponent has 3 or more Shock Debuffs, Electro's
    attack cannot Miss.
    - Electro takes no Damage from Shock effects and each Shock grants Elecrto +X Attack and 15% Static Shock Damage.
    - Incoming Shock effects gain +75% Ability Accuracy and Duration. Additionally, he gains Passive Energize Buff when he has Shock Debuff.
    - Electro's Attack Damage is increased by X per Shock Debuffs on the opponent.
    - When Electro's Power Bar is 2 or more, he can activate Special 1 by doing Medium, Light, Light combo. When he has 3 Power Bars, he
    can activate Special 2 by doing Medium, Light, Medium combo.

    (When Attacked)
    - Opponents that make contact with Electro receive a Static Shock for X% of the Damage they inflicted as Energy Damage.
    This damage is Science based, dealing increased damage to Mystic Champions andreduced damage to Skill Champions. If the attacker is
    a Mystic Champion, inflict 1 shock Debuff for 4 seconds as well.

    (Energy Form)
    - When Electro has 5 Shock Debuffs on him, he turns into Pure Energy for 10 seconds. This goes on a cooldown for 10 seconds and starts
    the fight with 10-second cooldown.
    - When Electro turns into pure energy, all damaging Debuffs are Cleansed and he becomes Immune to all damaging Debuffs.
    - Elecrto's body becomes pure energy, phasing through all attacks except Energy Attacks. When the opponent attacks Electro
    with Physical Attack and missed, they received 2 Shock Debuffs per attack that missed.
    - Deal an additional X% burst Energy Damage based on Electro's Power level.

    (Heavy Attacks)
    - When charging Heavy Attack, Electro inflicts himself with Shock Debuffs per second for 7.50 seconds.

    (Special Attacks)
    - Special Attacks inflicts Power Lock for 10 seconds and Stun for 3 seconds if Electro is in Energy Form.

    (Special Attack 1)
    - Inflict 3 Shock Debuffs for 7.50 seconds.
    - If Electro is in Energy Form, also inflicts Petrify for 12 seconds.

    (Special Attack 2)
    - This attack doubles up all Shock Debuffs from the opponent.
    - If the opponent has 2 Power Bars or more, Electro burns 1 Power Bar and he gains half Power Bar.
    - If Electro is in Energy Form, duration is paused for 4 seconds.

    (Special Attack 3)
    - Drains all opponents Power and inflict Shock, Power Lock and Petrify for 12 seconds.
    - Electro turns into Pure Energy for 12 seconds after this attack.

    (Signature Ability: Overload)
    - Electro Regenerates X% HP for each Shock Debuffs on him.
    - Building Power levels in both players charge the atmosphere, increasing Critical Rating by up to X to X based on the
    stored Power in both Electro and his opponent.
    - When Electro reaches 3 Bars of Power, after 3 seconds, he gains Overload for 7 seconds. This goes on cooldown for 25 seconds.
    - While Overload is active, Electro gains Passive Unstoppable and all Electro's attacks are guaranteed Critical Hit.
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Virus (Mac Gargan)

    Shade (Jacobs Nash)

    Siphon (Weapon X Program)

    Hazmat (The Imperfects)

    8-Ball (Jeff Hagees)
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Yeah! This is how I imagine 2024 for MCOC 😁 Sure, I know. I have to wait for December and for some information from Kabam to be able to predict 2024 for 100%, but I couldn't resist the temptation 😅. But as for August/September, I'm not sure about these characters. The new Summoner's Choice will be for 100%, so I expect that either August or September will be the month of the Champion who would win SC'24.

    January: Madame Viper (Skill) - King Cobra (Science)
    February: Spider-Punk (Science) - Prowler (Tech)
    March: White Tiger (Mystic) - Songbird (Tech)
    April: Lizard (Science) - Hobgoblin (Tech)
    May: Leader (Science) - Patriot (Skill)
    June: Beta Ray Bill (Cosmic) - Surtur (Mystic or Cosmic)
    July: USAgent (Skill) - Beetle (Tech)
    August: Puck (Skill) - Wendigo (Mystic)
    September: Mystique - Pyro (Mutants)
    October Agatha Harkness - Dracula (Mystics)
    November: Danger (Tech) - Silver Samurai (Skill or Mutant)
    December: Crystal (Cosmic) - Gorgon (Skill)
  • TilMakerTilMaker Member Posts: 3
    Here are my ideas for more diverse Champions.





    Blue Marvel



    Cottonmouth (Burchell Clemens)

    Moses Magnum


    Silver Samurai

    Radioactive Man

    Cecilia Reyes

    SnowGaurd (Amka Aliyak)

    Red Wolf



    Diamondback (willis Stryker)






    Arabian Knight (Abdul Qamar)

    Monet St. Croix
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Electro (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Rhino (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Dream-Spider (Mystic)

    Virus (Tech)

    Major League Venom (Cosmic)

    Spider-Man (Eddie Brock) (Cosmic)

    Anti-Carnage (Science)

    Doctor Octopus (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Vulture (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Misery (Science)
  • TilMakerTilMaker Member Posts: 3
    Here are two more


    Faiza Hussain
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    edited October 2023
    Red Wolf - Skill

    Forge - Mutant

  • TilMakerTilMaker Member Posts: 3
    Here are a few more ideas for diversity.



    White Tiger

  • HypnoticmageHypnoticmage Member Posts: 1


    Jack O Lantern



    Death’s Head
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Balder the Brave - Cosmic

    Thor (Stormbreaker) - Cosmic

  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Lady Sif - Mystic

    Destroyer - Tech/Mystic

  • Donutlord_7Donutlord_7 Member Posts: 1
    Y’all how come we don’t have Beta Ray Bill
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★

    Y’all how come we don’t have Beta Ray Bill

    There is a really big chance to get him in 2024
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    Thor (2012)

    Chitauri (2012)

    The Other (2012)

    Ronan (2014)

    Silver Samurai (2013)
  • IgorCIgorC Member Posts: 14

    Thor (2012)

    Chitauri (2012)

    The Other (2012)

    Ronan (2014)

    Silver Samurai (2013)

    Dude, Thor and Ronan from movie are basically that same in the game
  • Jhonny5000Jhonny5000 Member Posts: 208 ★★
    IgorC said:

    Thor (2012)

    Chitauri (2012)

    The Other (2012)

    Ronan (2014)

    Silver Samurai (2013)

    Dude, Thor and Ronan from movie are basically that same in the game
    They're a bit different, that's why I've put them here
  • LLEEXXLLEEXX Member Posts: 37
    edited October 2023

    *Super attack 1
    **Ares fires a gun**

    *Super attack 2
    **Ares cuts the floor and hits his opponent causing bleeding**

    *Super attack 3
    **Ares cuts his opponent in half**

    *Victory pose

    1. Hércules
    1. Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
    2. Ironman
    3. Bullseye
    4. Green Goblin
    5. Shang-Chi
    1. Sentry
    2. Ironpatriot
    3. Man thing
    4. Doctor Doom
    5. Hulk
  • BartekTymoczkoBartekTymoczko Member Posts: 309 ★★
    Jack O'Lantern - Mystic

    N'Kantu, the Living Mummy - Mystic

    Happy Halloween Summoners 🎃
  • ProwlerSymbioteProwlerSymbiote Member Posts: 526 ★★
    Zheng Bao Yu (Skill)

    Dreamstone Venom (Mystic)

    Jeff the Land Shark (Science)

    Lizard (Venomized) (Cosmic)

    Ant-Venom (Cosmic)

    Samurai Venom (Mystic)

    Headline (Science)

    Chaos Engine (Cosmic)

    Agent Venom (Anne Weying) (Cosmic)
  • LLEEXXLLEEXX Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2023


    *Super attack 1
    Hellcat throws his chains temporarily paralyzing his enemies

    *Super attack 2
    Hellcat throws her lasso creating an explosion

    *Super attack 3
    Hellcat transforms and creates an explosion

    *Victory pose

    **Beast Friends
    ***América Chávez
    **The Defenders
    ***Dr. Stranger
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