Revive Farming Nerf Round 2
I have thought this out over some time to make sure all I say won’t go against any rules that ban me from the forums since that sadly happens way too often. Many times understandable but others are questionable but it’s is what it is.
Now let’s talk about revive farming being nerfed yet again… Now we all have done it, the majority of players from the non spenders to the whales. From non content creator players to YouTubers, CCP members to Kabam employees as well.
Now many will agree and there will be those who don’t lol. Why? Why take away a free resource that still needs to be grinded with energy in a free to play mobile game? Which in return will push people to spend money or have to grind arena and other arenas of the game to save units to purchase revives. And yes that’s how we all used to do it back in the days but this is a far different game now. And for those players who can’t afford to or just chose not to spend what happens if they grind grind grind mass units and get stuck in let’s say Necropolis (since this seems to be the reason why this is happening yet again) and now these free to play players run out of all resources and now have to quit out of the quest and grind units and items for it all over again. That will make people quit the game which is more than understandable.
And yes there is that revive quest we were ok with until you realize it’s bad. The 1 energy 1 has a pic of a L1 revive on it but for the many times I’ve done it and everyone I’ve asked they never got a single revive from it. And then there is the the 2 energy one that shows a L2 revive but you only get 1 single L1 revive from it and nothing else. And that’s 1 a day, revives expire in 14 days so that’s only 14 extra if you start before they start to expire. Which in a game mode like Necro is far too little for the majority of players. Yes there are very skilled players who do it in 10 revives to none. But that’s 1% of the community of players. Can’t justify that for the rest.
To push spending so much is really a disheartening thing to do with a game company that profits way more than it actually should be. And I’m saying this as a former whale. I am a big fish these days due to way to much negative situations that have transpired with the game. Yes Kabam employees are people to as they have said many times in stream, but guess what so are the players and customers who without them the game would’ve ended years ago and many employees of the game company wouldn’t have the jobs they currently do. I’m sure they would have a job somewhere but not for MCOC. It’s the truth like it or not.
Now I’m personally not fully stressing this for myself since I’m a decent player and I spend. I’m writing all this in regards to all those this will really hurt and push them away from MCOC. This community is so amazing most of the time and that’s a huge part of why so many continue to play. Many would’ve quit years ago but we have all made such amazing bonds over MCOC with so many around the world and that definitely keeps a very high percentage playing.
It feels like we move 2 steps forwards and not long after 4 steps backwards with things in MCOC. I just want to have a good time with good people in the game and not have to stress about things that really shouldn’t happen many times. Yes many things Kabam has done needed to be done but there are many that the community will highly disagree with. I’m not attacking anyone nor bashing the company. I’m only speaking on an issue that yet again has not been so player friendly in a free to play mobile video game. The same way people love getting praised for the good things they do they should as adults also take criticism for the bad without banning people from the forums when things are said in a respectful manner.
It would be very nice if something else could be done in return and not like last time with that not good at all revive quest but how about the one we always used to get with the 3 paths that always gave a few revives. The one that ran one day and then a gold quest then an iso quest. But only the revive and health pot one “Halls of Healing” I think it was called. Run that daily and take away the one we were given last time revive farming was nerfed. I think that is more than fair with all I’ve said and would ease the anger of many from what’s happening yet again. Just something to consider.
Lastly its kinda sus that this happens now after all, if not most of the YouTubers and CCP members 100% Necropolis and hype it up so much that everyone else is excited and starts farming items like they have and now its bad again lol. Absolutely not saying this was intentional but it sure does look a bit so. Possibly bad timing but it just doesn’t look right.
Please keep comments respectful. Agree or not let’s not be nasty.
Now let’s talk about revive farming being nerfed yet again… Now we all have done it, the majority of players from the non spenders to the whales. From non content creator players to YouTubers, CCP members to Kabam employees as well.
Now many will agree and there will be those who don’t lol. Why? Why take away a free resource that still needs to be grinded with energy in a free to play mobile game? Which in return will push people to spend money or have to grind arena and other arenas of the game to save units to purchase revives. And yes that’s how we all used to do it back in the days but this is a far different game now. And for those players who can’t afford to or just chose not to spend what happens if they grind grind grind mass units and get stuck in let’s say Necropolis (since this seems to be the reason why this is happening yet again) and now these free to play players run out of all resources and now have to quit out of the quest and grind units and items for it all over again. That will make people quit the game which is more than understandable.
And yes there is that revive quest we were ok with until you realize it’s bad. The 1 energy 1 has a pic of a L1 revive on it but for the many times I’ve done it and everyone I’ve asked they never got a single revive from it. And then there is the the 2 energy one that shows a L2 revive but you only get 1 single L1 revive from it and nothing else. And that’s 1 a day, revives expire in 14 days so that’s only 14 extra if you start before they start to expire. Which in a game mode like Necro is far too little for the majority of players. Yes there are very skilled players who do it in 10 revives to none. But that’s 1% of the community of players. Can’t justify that for the rest.
To push spending so much is really a disheartening thing to do with a game company that profits way more than it actually should be. And I’m saying this as a former whale. I am a big fish these days due to way to much negative situations that have transpired with the game. Yes Kabam employees are people to as they have said many times in stream, but guess what so are the players and customers who without them the game would’ve ended years ago and many employees of the game company wouldn’t have the jobs they currently do. I’m sure they would have a job somewhere but not for MCOC. It’s the truth like it or not.
Now I’m personally not fully stressing this for myself since I’m a decent player and I spend. I’m writing all this in regards to all those this will really hurt and push them away from MCOC. This community is so amazing most of the time and that’s a huge part of why so many continue to play. Many would’ve quit years ago but we have all made such amazing bonds over MCOC with so many around the world and that definitely keeps a very high percentage playing.
It feels like we move 2 steps forwards and not long after 4 steps backwards with things in MCOC. I just want to have a good time with good people in the game and not have to stress about things that really shouldn’t happen many times. Yes many things Kabam has done needed to be done but there are many that the community will highly disagree with. I’m not attacking anyone nor bashing the company. I’m only speaking on an issue that yet again has not been so player friendly in a free to play mobile video game. The same way people love getting praised for the good things they do they should as adults also take criticism for the bad without banning people from the forums when things are said in a respectful manner.
It would be very nice if something else could be done in return and not like last time with that not good at all revive quest but how about the one we always used to get with the 3 paths that always gave a few revives. The one that ran one day and then a gold quest then an iso quest. But only the revive and health pot one “Halls of Healing” I think it was called. Run that daily and take away the one we were given last time revive farming was nerfed. I think that is more than fair with all I’ve said and would ease the anger of many from what’s happening yet again. Just something to consider.
Lastly its kinda sus that this happens now after all, if not most of the YouTubers and CCP members 100% Necropolis and hype it up so much that everyone else is excited and starts farming items like they have and now its bad again lol. Absolutely not saying this was intentional but it sure does look a bit so. Possibly bad timing but it just doesn’t look right.
Please keep comments respectful. Agree or not let’s not be nasty.
and i can almost 100% guarantee they aren’t trying to get money from revives. the fact that necro is possible itemless means that it is very possible to beat it with just free revives. i’m not privy to their exact revenue breakdown but im willing to bet a lot of it is from special offers and not people buying units for revives. someone pointed out in another thread that you can get over 1k units from just milestones in arena each week which is 25 revives if you so choose.
It is almost certainly no coincidence that the most extreme revive farms were tackled this year, almost certainly while Necropolis was in development. The developers were confronted with the knowledge that Necropolis would prompt players to simply grind up hundreds of revives to face roll through it. Which meant either the revive farms go, Necropolis opponents get a billion points of health, or they put road block fights in there that cannot be beaten with any amount of revives. The 6.2 champion was like that: you could have a thousand revives and it wouldn't matter if you couldn't get the timing right. Fights like Air Walker in Necropolis come close, in that if you don't fight the fight correctly he'll just heal to full and no amount of revives can counter that, but he's not nearly as much of a road block as 6.2 Champion.
In a world where you get all the revives you want, Everest content would contain fights revives would not help you in. FIghts where you cannot simply throw revives at it and eventually get passed it. We can still get tons of revives, approaching a hundred even for free to play players (20 each of L1 and L2 in inventory, 14 each in stash, and if you don't claim 22 hr rewards immediately you can stack those up for at least a week or more gets to 75 before things like buying EQ completion packs). But even those revives would do no player any good if players were allowed to farm vast amounts of revives, forcing the devs to make top tier content that was essentially revive-proof.
To be blunt, if you are a top tier players the revive farms are just a convenience, not a necessity. None of those players needs revives in such huge quantities. And if you are a lower tier player, the revive farms are also mostly just a convenience and not a necessity because most of those players aren't likely attempting content that requires hundreds of revives. And if they are, they are playing over their head. It is really the players who are not top tier players but think the game owes them a path to top tier progression that have the most problems with the revive farms. The players who need two hundred revives to do high tier content, or who need revives constantly because everything they do constantly bleeds revives every month, every week, every day.
Revives are not just a different kind of energy. Revives are not there to spend to autocomplete content. Revives are a second chance. You die in content, you get a second chance to complete it. And if everyone has an unlimited amount of second chances, then either all content is meaningless or the only content with any difficulty will be content that the vast majority of players will *never* complete, because no amount of effort will complete it: it will be "have top tier skills" or fail. And that would be an immensely hostile game.
You think you "need" those revives. Well, the devs need to be able to make difficult content that can't just be steamrolled easily. If you get the revives, the devs will not make content you can use them in. They will find another way to make content difficult that neutralizes the advantage of those revives, or makes it so hard you'll need thousands, not hundreds. What will you do then?
How is it fun when it’s extremely roster dependent and requires a boat load of potions/revives? Most long form content champs like Black Cat dont even work.
The revive farm was the only thing that didn’t make it a unit dump/pay wall form of content.
I can never understand how some people would want good things like this nerfed.
Remember the Namor nerf? A ton of people from my old alliances had quit after that.
They’re already reeling in loads of cash from their deals, they dont have to severely bombard the one good thing we had.
When they go through with this, they need to bump up the capacity for revives, potions, and refills. The fact the capacity for everything including catalysts went up besides consumables....
I fear the game is headed towards a direction of Greed that could potentially lead to its downfall as more and more pro player nerfs are done.
Just nerfing it to the ground opens a whole can of worms in itself
I love end game content. It excites me as it does many players. But to do what’s is constantly done to push spending or push players to login more to do things in game they don’t enjoy just to earn enough resources to do what they do like is not really player friendly. For example many dislike arena and incursions and bgs yet will be forced to do them to earn units and rank up mats to rank certain champs needed for Necro if they even have them. I understand where you are coming from and appreciate the respectful way you responded. But there are two sides to this situation. Those who see this as Kabam heroes and those who see this as Kabam villains lol. And btw 6.2 Champn boss wasn’t that bad. I 100% it all way before they nerfed it and made it a joke.
all those revives are from farming , not free at all. like we have to farm aq and aw for other resourses. that's just the same. farming is basically the common thing in a game. why take it away just to force ppl spend?
good luck keep this game alive without letting ftp player keep pushing in game.
@Ngoalong711 There is nothing about this game that forces you to do everest content. If you don't complete it, you will still advance your roster. You'll just do it a bit later.
I am a relatively recent player - started about a year ago. And I've never done any everest content, and I've only kicked the company 7 bucks in all the time I've been playing, as a show of appreciation more than anything else. And my roster is fine. Sure, I'm not valiant. But I have 10 7*s, and one 7r2 (by exploring act 8.3). Sure, there are people with a lot stronger rosters than that. But it's not bad!
Also, there's another thing to consider here. For a lot of players, the fun comes from the challenge. The challenge is what makes success so rewarding, when it does come.
I can definitely relate to the frustration of getting 90% of the way through a necropolis run, investing so many game resources, and feeling pinned between either giving up or spending money. That feeling really sucks.
But you have to remember: if you're a f2p player, all you've really lost from an aborted necro run is your time. Time to get those revives and units that you spent. But still just time. And if you had fun while you were doing it, then what did you really lose?
and DNA above wrote one of his manifestos, labeling players high/low out of his piece. I got a big account, I’m a spender for this game, yet i also need to farm revives. Also farming isn’t easy, you still spend energy and real time, neither of which is limitless…
Either way, i believe Kabam’s headed a different path where they’re more pro-player. So, again i doubt they’d do this.
In that sense I think that 10 lvl4 health potions (50k health) holds the same value as 1 or 2 revives. If kabam would implement 2 lvl4 health pots for 100% apothecary and 2 lvl4 health potions in the 24h solo event, I think that would feel a lot better.
If you're at 20% health and a mistake kills you then you need a revive. If you're at 100% and a mistake brings you to 60%, then the next mistake brings you to 20% and then the next mistake kills you, you would need a lot less revives. I hope the point I'm making is clear.