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Say Hello to your next Deathless chase: King Groot!



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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,838 ★★★★★
    This is one of the pieces you dont want to miss.

    Kinda like the GC deathless guilly one that causes many threads.
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    Kingering_KingKingering_King Posts: 519 ★★
    So I’m not paragon yet (I’m tb,) so how will I acquire the second price later on?
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,036 ★★★★★
    edited January 10
    Bobs said:

    So far it’s just two Kabam original characters. I’d bet that’s what all the deathless champs will be.

    That would mean a Deathless aegon. I very much doubt they'll let us have that lol. Besides king groot isn't a kabam original. He has a comics history prior to kabam.
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    ButtehrsButtehrs Posts: 5,036 ★★★★★

    So I’m not paragon yet (I’m tb,) so how will I acquire the second price later on?

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    The_0wenpusThe_0wenpus Posts: 178 ★★

    May I suggest Deathless Psycho man with a new mode in his kit-Depression mode?

    Or the stages of grief to go with EOP.
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    JannasJannas Posts: 89
    One questionfor the 7* champ we do have to get the
    Ashacekar said:

    Ashacekar said:

    Should have revealed it in livestream by doing who's that pokèmon animation. Do it for rest 2 though.

    Here's my pokèmon guesses, i think it's Deathless Hyperion and Deathless Saitama

    Deathless hyperion is a good guess but for the last one i think its gonna be a deathless vision
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    BobsBobs Posts: 21
    Buttehrs said:

    Bobs said:

    So far it’s just two Kabam original characters. I’d bet that’s what all the deathless champs will be.

    That would mean a Deathless aegon. I very much doubt they'll let us have that lol. Besides king groot isn't a kabam original. He has a comics history prior to kabam.
    KG does not have comic history prior to Kabam. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/King_Groot_(Earth-517)

    There are 19 or 21 (depending how you look at this version of Galan and Herald Quicksilver) Kabam originals. Wouldn’t necessarily have to be Aegon.
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    AxewAxew Posts: 620 ★★★★
    Buttehrs said:

    Bobs said:

    So far it’s just two Kabam original characters. I’d bet that’s what all the deathless champs will be.

    That would mean a Deathless aegon. I very much doubt they'll let us have that lol. Besides king groot isn't a kabam original. He has a comics history prior to kabam.

    Unduped Aegon is kinda useless tbf. I could see it happening since none of the 7* can be duped at the moment

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    FrydayFryday Posts: 802 ★★★★
    Oh boy, now have to look at ranking some "Mercenary" tag champs.

    Got none right now above 6*R3 and none as 7* either.
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    peixemacacopeixemacaco Posts: 1,632 ★★★
    Jack2634 said:

    this was from infinity chaos monthly eq back in 2018. Providing that we already saw deathless guilly and KG , so i guess the other champs are in this pic

    Amazing finding

    Great memory
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Fryday said:

    Oh boy, now have to look at ranking some "Mercenary" tag champs.

    Got none right now above 6*R3 and none as 7* either.

    Yeah, my strongest Merc is 5* Domino, albeit r5 ascended and sig 200…

    But I have no idea how to play her, I only use her in BG defense!
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    makoponmakopon Posts: 8
    Why did this team get paid? I didn't use a selection node. (I used a translation app, so sorry if the sentences are weird)
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    makoponmakopon Posts: 8
    I decided to try again with this team.
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    makoponmakopon Posts: 8
    For some reason, I ended up achieving my goal with the first team and was rewarded. Is it a bug?
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    G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    What goal? Do you mean the Deathless King Groot piece? Then yes, seems like a bug, because the wording says Team of #Mercenary
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    makoponmakopon Posts: 8
    It's probably a bug after all. I didn't want my reward to be cancelled, so I cleared it with a team consisting only of mercenaries.
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    I’m gunna need a cool profile and title for him
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    WM187WM187 Posts: 11
    When is the 4th piece of king groot coming deathless ? :)
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    As a guy that became a paragon less than a month ago, this challenge was quite easy. took me 6 days to fully explore tb quest and just today i did the gauntlet. I used a 6* r3 sig40 abs man, 5* r5 sig200 acsended weapon x and 5* r5 sig1 acsended hit monkey. Hit monkey is a cheat code, soloed 3 defenders and only revived him once on the last fight, while bullseye had 54% remaining. His crits help alot.
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    DaddriedaDaddrieda Posts: 1,588 ★★★★
    Hoping for an deathless scarlet witch as I remember she being one of it. Or was it nameless?
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    willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Posts: 3,555 ★★★★★

    Hey I have a doubt for kabam team. Is there a possibility that any of the deathless champ pieces being locked between alliance rewards? Up until now, all pieces can be recieved as solo rewards, I hope in the future they won't lock deathless pieces behind alliance events/milestones, just want a confirmation.

    I didn't think of that. I'd hate to have to switch alliances if one is stuck behind Raids.
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