One thing Kabam and the content creators need to bear in mind

Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
As everyone in the community is probably aware, there is a strong amount of backlash to the carina's challeneges. Some of them seem extremely annoying or tricky and I would just like to add a couple of things that I see rarely mentioned, but I think are important for Kabam to get feedback and (optimistically) learn from.

1. Timing. Some months it feels there's nothing to do and others a whole bunch of content drops at once like November with necropolis/the deathless guillotine hunt in bgs and this February with new carina's challenges and EOP. On top of that we have to 100% explore thronebreaker difficulty to be able to do the paragauntlet. The problem with this is in the name really, the difficulty and rewards are not catered to endgame players. That's fair enough, but it should be optional, particularly with a 10 energy per attempt cost in EOP not to mention the carina's challenges are mostly 3 per tile too. Paragauntlet should be locked behind completion, or not at all.

2. Champion restrictions. This is particularly relevant to EOP and these new challenges. They are on average far too restrictive. I appreciate the robot objective being changed, but even so there are only 2 options for the sinister 6 objective (both 2023 releases) but the gamma one is far. Apparently one of them will require deathless guillotine which does ring some alarm bells.

This is especially relevant for some of these carina challenges like the baron zemo one. Limiting players to one champion just doesn't make sense to me. Just because he is your favourite champion to play Mike, doesn't mean I like playing him. There are certain champs that some people hate playing for whatever reason and they shouldn't be forced to use them, so at least offer a few options. Same thing for Fintech where he is just choosing one of his favourite champions (tigra) and is great with her but other ppl might be very bad with her and much better at playing certain other champs. The revive cost will be much higher for even an amazing player at this game if they are forced to use a champion they don't like or aren't familiar with.

3. Stop using the word 'optional' everywhere. Everything in this game is optional, but you really need to participate in certain gamemodes or you will be left behind and find it difficult to find an enjoyment out of this game for most endgame (or even mid-game) players. Sure, you don't have to do any challenges, but most players do want that king groot piece and the eop rewards make these events pretty much 'unskippable', even if you spend a decent bit of money on this game. And just because a piece of content is permanent doesn't mean 'you can do it at any time' as the rewards will become outdated and the content become irrelevant. We have seen this time and time again with labyrinth, abyss, other carinas challenges, variants, even battlegrounds to an extent.

Point 3 is really just a minor niggle but these super tight champion restrictions are actively hurting the game and making it not fun. We see this in super restrictive battlegrounds metas, EOP, and now the carina challenges too. Please stop doing this.


  • Josh2507Josh2507 Member Posts: 748 ★★★★
    I do agree that this content should be more spread out

    It’s great that we have these special challenges, but having to do them all at once makes it more difficult than it needs to be
  • Phantomfire500Phantomfire500 Member Posts: 245 ★★
    This is especially optional though. It's not like the 3 exclusive 7 stars are *that* good, and the rank 2 gem is very meh. It's not like you miss out on much by skipping KM/Fin's
  • KC4lifeKC4life Member Posts: 23
    Wait a min I just realized something was the idea for the avengers challnege made before iron man buff as a thing if so thats just evil.
  • BeeweeBeewee Member Posts: 564 ★★★★
    I like the avengers objective a lot but I wish we got rank up mats in another challenge to rank these champs to do the challenge. Cause then I gotta use my rank up mats on someone like black widow and then never use her again which never feels good.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,774 ★★★★★
    KM literally proved that she's not trash. AAR is extremely rare and useful.

    Is she OP? No. But that's not the argument.
  • AcidBurn404AcidBurn404 Member Posts: 364 ★★
    Lol im just sitting here watching wholesome cyberbully while completing my chinese winter vacation homework and drinking pineapple yougurt.
    I love life
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,873 ★★★★★

    Milan1405 said:

    Black widow is called garbage because she is. Her damage and utility aren't high enough, and as a result no one uses her.

    Yet she soloes Gauntlet Korg! One of the hardest fights in the entire game.

    Crazy how a garbage Champ can do that, eh
    Man I wish you'd stop arguing with people.
    Look I respect you a lot but this is really not it, arguing Black Widow isn't trash just because she can take one really hard fight in the whole game? You know more than anyone else that good champs aren't those that can take one hard fight in the game but the ones that can take most fights in the game. Come on lol you can't be serious, you really expected people to rank up Black Widow when you thought about the challenges?
    So the community can bash the CCP members challenges and very much personally attacking and apparently death threats but if they come on here defending their choices, they're the ones arguing and they should stop?

    This community has hit a new low in toxicity. Y'all are absolutely ridiculous. It was bad enough people attacking Miike because of a few posts but now this? Jesus.
    When have I been toxic towards Mike or any CCP member? I'm trying to have a civilized discussion right here because I, like other people who didn't send any death threats, actually have something to say cause we don't like the direction the game is heading in.
    Don't add me to that group of trolls and no-life edgelords, I haven't said anything disrespectful here if you want to derail the thread as per usual just say that.
    You're doing it with the comment I quoted. Telling him he can't argue or give his opinion on a champion he finds useful. Why can everyone else say what they want but KM can't?
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,753 ★★★★★

    Milan1405 said:

    Black widow is called garbage because she is. Her damage and utility aren't high enough, and as a result no one uses her.

    Yet she soloes Gauntlet Korg! One of the hardest fights in the entire game.

    Crazy how a garbage Champ can do that, eh
    Man I wish you'd stop arguing with people.
    And I wish people would stop telling me to kill myself over an optional objective in a mobile game, but, apparently that isn't a possibility 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Gotten lots of those, so please forgive me if I'm not in the most pleasant mood at the moment.

    I'm not necessarily arguing with anyone, I'm giving my thoughts on the public forums just like everyone else is.

    Black Widow can take dozens of very hard fights - and solo some of the hardest Gauntlet fights.
    That was literally the whole purpose of the objective, to shine a light on the classic Champs of the contest - to show that they aren't as bad as everyone thinks they are.

    It wouldn't be much of a challenge if it consisted of using the best champs in the game to do a 4-year-old quest that was initially cleared with mostly 5 stars.
    If most people aren't happy with this type of content then haven't you considered that perhaps you and Kabam were wrong? People don't want content like this and it's been painfully obvious since that Abs Man WoW fight came out.

    the vast majority of the playerbase absolutely hates this type of content it feels like you guys are doing it out of spite even lol
    Totally hear you, my man. Indeed, the vast majority of the player base doesn't enjoy this type of challenge - but there is a pretty sizeable group of players out there who have been craving content like this for a very long time, and the truth of the matter simply is, that's who this one was geared toward.

    I've already seen many people say "oh man, these looked a lot more ridiculous before I tried them, had a bit of a knee-jerk reaction" and lots of "I can't believe Black Widow was the MVP" - that last one in particular has been pretty cool to see.

    Believe it or not, there are also lots of players who enjoyed Absorbing Man in his current form.
    Obviously, for the overall health of the game, I hope he's heavily adjusted before he returns to the Gauntlet - since that is content that is meant for the majority of the player base to be able to complete, and it is clearly wildly overtuned.

    But, regardless, I can assure you that nothing is done out of spite - I wouldn't waste my time doing something like that haha
    Fair enough, I understand. I guess I probably wouldn't be concerned if we weren't getting so much challenging extremely unfun content lately so that's probably why I feel the way I feel about the game at the moment.
    I think this is the crux of it. You say all this content has been “extremely unfun,” and I believe you that you aren’t enjoying it. But I absolutely love this stuff. These challenges are what I play for. I know I’m in the minority, I know I’m about to get disagreed into oblivion, but these kinds of challenges, including WoW Abs Man, are why I play this game.

    I absolutely understand that I’m in the minority opinion on this. I’m not gonna try to change anybody else’s mind and make them love this stuff. But the game just got Necropolis. That’s the average-player-friendly level of endgame content, and it’s a massive piece of content with the best rewards currently available in game. Let the masochists like me have these challenges for our fun too.

    @Karatemike415 you did great work, thank you to all three of you who took the time to think through up these challenges. This stuff rules.
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    @Wicket329 much love, dude - super glad to hear you enjoyed!
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,694 ★★★★

    Take care my man, they can “ Take action against you account” because of this comment 👀
    From what I read here in the forum of one of the admins, it sounded somewhat threatening to position yourself against

    Kabam doesnt do anything of the sort if you provide feedback. Stop being an alarmist and spreading fake rumors.
    These isolated cases have been to users being incredibly offensive/ racist/bigoted players.

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