Omega Days Opening Thread

Reached the 80 milestones at 3k odd units and got my fav and best pick from the lot, Mole God. I will still consider on the 100 points mark crystal as well. A 7* before the guaranteed mark is win-win for me.

Share your openings and the 7* Omega Days champ you got...

Share your openings and the 7* Omega Days champ you got...
Decided for a quick 10 pop...
Forgot to screenshot and they’re also not in my roster for some reason so you’ll have to take my word for it
First paragon omega crystal too
The only Champion I wanted
Got Corvus from the featured pool, big W just for nostalgia reasons.
And Crossbones tagged along as well.
Was sure I’d be using my cosmic 2-3 gem on Corvus, but that Hyp awakening surprised me big time. Hard decision now.
No first time Omega Red pull, so that plan is shot now, but I’ll probably choose another QS dupe from the selector and use all my stones to get him up to sig 180 and then the 2-3 gem on him
Should be able to r3 Mole Man through raw materials after I finish Incursions challenge. Will probably just throw the awakening gem on him or Longshot.
It looked a bit like this
2 7*s from 60 odd valiant crystals, not horrible. Corvus and moleman to r2, it is.
I'm not complaining but what do I even do with this lmao
Litrally the best opening for my account....W luck (I mean the sunspot and doom ascension was the main hype anyway)