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Kabam Miike?

FrydayFryday Posts: 810 ★★★★
edited May 31 in General Discussion
I'm just watching KarateMike stream.

He mentioned something about @Kabam Miike no long working at Kabam.

Is this true?

Agreed or disagreed with Kabam Miike, he was the longest running Community staff here, it would be a big shock if he left.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


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    KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Posts: 326 ★★★
    Blue Cyclops F in the chat.

    Buen suerte Miike!
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    PandingoPandingo Posts: 907 ★★★
    edited May 29
    I'll m8ss him too. Been a mainstay since before he was even employed. Ngl it feels like a big step towards the end of MCOC in my gut
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    DRTODRTO Posts: 1,630 ★★★★★
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    Rayven5220Rayven5220 Posts: 1,955 ★★★★★
    Aww, that sucks. Imma miss him, but good luck on your future!
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    Legend_WriterLegend_Writer Posts: 20
    Damn. Best of luck, Miike.
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    The end of an era, see ya Miike, I wish you well.
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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,221 ★★★★
    Did Kabam refuse to buff Cyclops?
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    EdisonLawEdisonLaw Posts: 3,010 ★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    bdawg923 said:

    bdawg923 said:

    Awesome news!

    How is this an "Awesome news"?
    Because miike is always rude, talks down to the community he claims to fight for, treats people like **** and lies to our faces. That's why it's awesome news :D
    I think the thing that most people will never understand is not how wrong these perceptions are, but rather how easy it would be to forget how counterproductive it would be to try to spend too much time defending against them.

    @Kabam Miike 's job was (in part) to manage the interactions with the community. And that sometimes counterintuitively meant saying things and doing things that were unpopular. The job of a community manager is not to be popular, it is to act in the best interests of the company's interactions with the player community. In that I believe Miike did an excellent and generally thankless job. Where ever he ends up next will be lucky to have him on their team.
    This, even if he did have some controversy, he still had his funny moments lol
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