Look, I know it's the weekend and I know Kabam is always slow to respond, but a simple "we will analyze the data" would have been nice. Radio silence on something that is clearly an issue is NOT okay. The fight is bugged, overly challenging, and clearly a step in the wrong direction.
They laid off a significant portion of the community team. I don't think Netmarble even cares if you get a response from the poor community guys that are picking up the slack.
Modok is also not giving fervor upon completion of prompts. I got several block hits and whiff attack missions but none gave any fervor. Only got fervor for knock down. Here is a video. I started recording after nearly 1.5mins and you can see how much fervor I gained. Must have completed 8-10prompts prior to the recording. https://youtu.be/gbrFkeZmKJg?feature=shared
It seems they've cranked up the Modok AI even further. Hyper aggressive, so rarely holds block; and on top of that each of the prompts keep repeating multiple times at the most inopportune times. This fight design is just exploitative and total BS. And on top of that, one input lag/miss will end the fight.