Let's talk new BG matchmaking system

So there been a couple matchmaking threads (like always) but more then usual. Now Kabam made a thread about them having changed the BG matchmaking system this season. There is no more account strenght matchmaking system. Now cavs have to fight paragons+ even in brons/silver? Is this going to affect BG participation even more? Before you say anything. I'm valiant vibranium 3 so don't come at me just want to hear y'all opinion.
I made a post as well but by the time I was done typing it out this post was made lol.
I understand the intention, nothing good will come from it at this point during this ongoing season. Matter of fact they will probably use the post to complain more and more about it until it slowly fixes itself as said on the official post.
I don't think participation will really decrease much in BGs, and hopefully this change incentives smaller accounts to push story and progression over worrying about bgs.
Over time it will be Top down every progression player will start where it should except some anomalies of who have big account but don't play bgs just sometimes play.
Think of it as
400- plat 5
300- gold 5
200- silver 5
100- bronze 5
1 season with lack of interest changes the next season already
i have a pretty good account but it pales in comparison to who i've had to battle against.
By buffed rewards I meant the rewards in Diamond and vibranium, 15k 7 star shards and 10k titan shards
The fact you thought you should have a chance at those by facing only uncollected level accounts is why this change is great. It balances the game economy back to where it always should’ve been
Not wanting to do story because it doesn't give you want need at this point, sounds like a you problem. I try & be empathetic to smaller rosters, but go clear content & build your roster like the rest of us did...