Crystal cleansing. A call to "big sisters and brothers" of MCOC

For those who haven't yet, let's all pitch in and help our "younger" sisters and brothers with smaller accounts.
I know the rewards aren't ideal, or is the overall goal, but they can help those who really need them. Opening a few thousand hoarded, irrelevant crystals aren't going to hurt.

I know the rewards aren't ideal, or is the overall goal, but they can help those who really need them. Opening a few thousand hoarded, irrelevant crystals aren't going to hurt.

Happy to help others out if they need the rewards
I appreciate you pointing that out. Was planning on doing the same. Plenty of other adjectives could have been plenty sufficient...
As has been said before, this is a community event and I'm happy to blast through some solo crystals for one simple reason. If we don't support new players (who will benefit the most from this event) the game will end before it's time. So let's not allow that to happen.
@Terminatrix nice rally cry! and you’re right, I’ve hit just under 3K just on Solo objective crystals and general grind. and most of that, Iwould have been doing anyway to grind needed’s not that hard, and the “small stuff” could mean something to lower accounts.
The plan was to keep going. Here you go. You're welcome lol
How about stop giving useless crystals that you have to open ten at a time and then sell ten at a time or can’t sell?
It’s probably just an annoyance event to the folks that have all these crystals.
They don’t need anything from them.
Let Kabaam open them all at once.
The 7*'s stay put.
My new perspective exactly 👊🏽 I hope we reach the top milestone!
Lol at the CMM comment The solo crystals gotta be goated right now lol
Some people are very sensitive to the thought of vomiting/gagging/retching; to the point where seeing it thinking about it will bring about similar symptoms in themselves.
People feel differently about different words, in different parts of the world. I'm a British myself, and I consistently avoid using a shortened nickname for Spiderpunk, personally...
Do that.
What are you waiting for?
And what new players need six? Count em six! Profile pics???