Beta Test - Technical Issues Thread [PLEASE READ ORIGINAL POST FOR STATUS]



  • N0L1M1TSN0L1M1TS Member Posts: 26
    Never in my life have I witnessed such a collection of whiners and complainers.

    First and foremost, this is a beta test. The whole purpose of a beta test is to identify and correct issues; therefore, if you entered this test without the expectation that you would encounter problems, I don’t know what to tell you.

    Secondly, I keep seeing the same questions asked repeatedly when they have already been answered. For the love of all that is right in the world, at least have the good sense and courtesy to not waste everyone else’s time by actually checking to see that you aren’t asking something that has already been asked thirty times.

    Thirdly, again, the purpose of the test is to identify and correct issues—not to simply complain. At least try to be constructive, and hounding the admins does not help anyone.

    Finally, the incentive for participantion should be that you get to be involved in the creative process.

    The sad fact is that, for the most part, any inconveniences that you may have experienced as a result of the beta testing have cost you nothing and will ultimately not matter a week from now; and had Kabam not invited people to engage in this beta testing and handled it all internally, you would not have gained anything...and you would still be complaining.

    And this is coming from someone who hasn’t been able to participate yet, but who “gets it.” For it’s worth, I’d be willing to participate in any and all future beta—(un)expected problems and all—just to be involved.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,082 ★★★★
    My first impression on Red Hulk :
    Its new System of heat charge raising his dammage, physical resistance and giving him some resistance to heat dammage is great !
    The fact that the charges can’t be lost over time made them very useful as we can now put on some strategy
    Concerning its signature i would have add some cold resistance aside the heat resistance making him useful against iceman :wink:
    Its capability to convert blocked energy attack and any blocked attack from mystic in heat charge makes RH very useful notably against mystics

    SP1 : nothing to say. Great and gives RH the opportunity to build up its charges

    SP2 : while the possibility to regen is a good addition to RH, it appears relatively useless in its actual form. I would suggest switching SP2 and SP3 giving making sp2 more useful as an offensive SP

    SP3 : the dammage of an SP that is supposed to be the ultimate power of the champion is very low. By switching SP2 and SP3, regen could become a nice side effect by, for example, spending half the heat charges and giving back lets say 150 hp per charge for a 4 star rank3/30
  • BangorCheffBangorCheff Member Posts: 2
    I’m not able to enter arenas in my main acc :/ejpfjwfysg9b.png
  • Royboy102Royboy102 Member Posts: 4
    All of my beta information has disappeared. I no longer have any mail and my beta entry display has disappeared. Wtf Kabam! Thanks for nothing! Closing out the app and reopening does nothing.
  • geniz11geniz11 Member Posts: 1
    I received the message stating that my beta access was granted but whenever I try to connect it give me an error connection to beta server failed and then it logs me into the original version without any changes to Luke cage or red hulk therefore I do not think it is signing me into the beta version it has been approximately 23-24 hours since my first login attempt and I am still unsuccesful.
  • CedrilkCedrilk Member Posts: 2
    Eu gostei muito das mudanças. Conseguiram deixar o Red Hulk e o Luke bons. Mas ainda gostaria de ver o Red Hulk imune a incineração. Ficaria bom na minha opinião. Estão de parabéns continuem assim.
  • CedrilkCedrilk Member Posts: 2
    AAAAH e podiam melhorar a regeneração do Red Hulk achei um pouco baixa.
  • hugoR7hugoR7 Member Posts: 2
    i want to play beta
  • XôôXôô Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2018
    Agora funcionou. Mas quando volto para minha conta, a arena esta desabilitada. Por favor arrumem isso, vou perder a chance de ganhar o Aranha.
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 79
    Still cannot log in, I can participate in survey but not beta testing.
  • XôôXôô Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2018
    Hulk Vermelho ficou bom até de mais. Vai ser top pra quem tem ele, mas vencer dele em uma missão pode ser bem difícil.
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 79
    Getting double qpponhl9sf3x.png
    image bug
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 79
    Getting thesenjur9w0w82fl.png
  • barking_spyders1barking_spyders1 Member Posts: 79
    Just letting admin of known bugs thanks
  • JgxJgx Member Posts: 2
    Hey Kabam, the purpose of a beta test is to allow people to test things. Tomorrow is the third day of the beta test you invited me to that you are still locking me out of. If I can’t get in tomorrow you can count on no feedback bc I won’t waste my time.
  • DefianceDefiance Member Posts: 3
    Still unable to log in. Participate buttons have been live for several hours. Once I click on participate, I receive the following errors... at1i99rw7t9a.png
  • OjasonOOjasonO Member Posts: 1
    Good idea
  • SchanchezSchanchez Member Posts: 4
    Why did i not getting that invitation from beta
  • SchanchezSchanchez Member Posts: 4
    My friend are getting that
    Thwy also got 10k units ,50 energy refills,250k gold
  • SchanchezSchanchez Member Posts: 4
  • Jondarcy13Jondarcy13 Member Posts: 15
    Still not allowed on beta whats the point
  • Jondarcy13Jondarcy13 Member Posts: 15
    Still same thi3jsm97gfykih.png
  • _eVerBLaCK__eVerBLaCK_ Member Posts: 51
    Beta server is working fine for me , but when I back to Main account I found Arena has been disabled .. Actually need to resolve this issue because i was planning to go for Stark Spidey arena during the weekend , My stash has been disabled on main account as well...

    Kindly support ASAP

  • Roqbone97Roqbone97 Member Posts: 44
    Orange Beta Hub is gone restarted game multiple times. It was there last night been gone all day
  • CornHarrCornHarr Member Posts: 5
    Was excited to test- guess you guys changed your minds about letting me be a part of it. 😕
  • Maya0316Maya0316 Member Posts: 1
    Aún no me permite participar
  • LucasBishopXLucasBishopX Member Posts: 30
    I was testing. I did the survey. Now today, the orange beta hub button and all read mail about the beta test are gone. Is there technical issues or was I removed for some reason????
  • Hero221977Hero221977 Member Posts: 7
    My beta doesn’t appear anymore I don’t have access
  • N0L1M1TSN0L1M1TS Member Posts: 26
    Stellar wrote: »
    My first impression on Red Hulk :
    Its new System of heat charge raising his dammage, physical resistance and giving him some resistance to heat dammage is great !
    The fact that the charges can’t be lost over time made them very useful as we can now put on some strategy
    Concerning its signature i would have add some cold resistance aside the heat resistance making him useful against iceman :wink:
    Its capability to convert blocked energy attack and any blocked attack from mystic in heat charge makes RH very useful notably against mystics

    SP1 : nothing to say. Great and gives RH the opportunity to build up its charges

    SP2 : while the possibility to regen is a good addition to RH, it appears relatively useless in its actual form. I would suggest switching SP2 and SP3 giving making sp2 more useful as an offensive SP

    SP3 : the dammage of an SP that is supposed to be the ultimate power of the champion is very low. By switching SP2 and SP3, regen could become a nice side effect by, for example, spending half the heat charges and giving back lets say 150 hp per charge for a 4 star rank3/30

    Hey, look. Something useful.
  • Ani79Ani79 Member Posts: 13
    I still cnt participate in beta testing....error: cudnt connect
This discussion has been closed.