Should there be a ‘Confirm Purchase’ UI after clicking an offer/item involving units?

Just as the title says, should people be more careful or is this something that after 10 years of this game, still has no Confirm Purchase UI.
Should there be a ‘Confirm Purchase’ UI after clicking an offer/item involving units? 236 votes
(but with that being said..)
Although that popular opinion doesn’t give people the right to demand a bunch of reversals, especially after having opened any included crystals or such that involved RNG in what you receive.
Because if they were good crystal pulls, some would keep them, and only ask for refund if they were bad pulls. And you know where that would lead, purposedly purchasing them knowing they can always get refund if they don’t like it.
I’m not sure whether purchasing these currently gives some follow up screen clearly showing that you just made the purchase or not ???
If there is a follow up “here is what you purchased” screen, then at least you'd know at the time it happened, and not go off and open the bunch of crystals that may have been included. And in that case, go directly to asking for refund, since you know it just happened.
(*and just why would you say “you’re glad you’re not the only one that feels this way.” Do you really think the rest of us are so uncaring as to NOT want this to be changed in the future ? Which is why there may be some opposite votes, voting no to the necessity of the poll itself)
In cases of menu items, or heal/revive during quests, you would have initiated the process that led you to the point of making a purchase or using items.
For pop-ups, you may be about to tap on the screen for whatever is there prior to the pop-up suddenly slipping itself underneath your screen press.
(Or similarly, these pop-ups can appear as if they are uncompleted Selector Choices from prior crystals that sometimes don’t pop-up until you restart. Or might be other reward selectors for free stuff, and you're not seeing the (X) in the far corner, you think it's something you have to select and choose before being able to continue into game)
At every dev shop I worked at confirmation buttons/dialogs were a big issue. The users and testers and UX designers absolutely wanted them. The devs always argued, "the users know what they're doing, why should we do the extra work? If they make a mistake, they make a mistake." This was even the attitude at a company that make software for trading stocks. You click the wrong button you could cost your company or customer millions, but devs didn't care.
Kabam could really use a UX team to work with the players on things like this.
What's the profit one may ask. Well a lot of people apparently brought the offer and most of them wrote to kabam to revert the purchase, which they did. But again few others who are not too social (just play the game and don't use forums line etc) they may not even be aware that kabam can revert purchases. Few others may just take the L and move on. Draining the units so they spend more on banquet.
What I said above may sound like a stupid conspiracy theory (indeed it is) but after how they did the hulk gamora offer this make sense right?
(was getting annoying that the first one was lasting so many days, get used to it for even longer now)
Was just doing Rank/Level ups.
When I was done and already moving my finger to the STASH button, this comes up right at that exact moment (I caught myself, but it's exactly where the button I was going for is at).
DON'T USE or OPEN anything that came with the accidental click/purchase.
Submit a Request to Kabam (link above) to request a refund (and removal of the accidental items/champ from your account)