
  • Zippy_halliganZippy_halligan Member Posts: 174
    I opened over 100 crystals just looking to get something exciting, but I really have nothing to show past the milestone which has left me and many other of my alliance mates feeling just sad really. In total I got 1 good drop in a banquet key which just resulted in a BPCW.

    The tiny drops of t7bc were painfully eating up crystals which could have been something fun, and the tiny drops of 7* or titan shards were just rough given how I got no other good drops in the entire 100 crystals 😔
  • Villain_87Villain_87 Member Posts: 226 ★★
    reply kabam... u cant be speechless
  • ShodaiHighkageShodaiHighkage Member Posts: 160

    Take your fragments, gold and iso back… I want my units back….

    Honestly, at this point, this is the only resolution I want. Let's just ctrl+z this situation and go about our business.
  • Buttttt4Buttttt4 Member Posts: 29
    For such an anticipated event, especially during the holiday during the 10 year anniversary, I believe most players expected mainly better drop rates. Also better rewards in the events. I think it was a compete let down for a lot of us who've invested so much time into this game. Don't get me wrong, there are a couple nice things offered in the superior crystal BUT the drop rates are horrendous.
    I'm shocked there's no 7* basic selector or a 1 > 2 7* rank up gem. The chances getting a selector are extremely low, and getting 7* shards are also extremely low.

    It's my opinion, but I think it would be fair to either A: receive at least half of our units back along with half of the crystals we purchased (with a better drop rate) or
    B: receive a matched amount of the crystals we purchased with a better drop rate or
    C: a 7* basic champ selector, three 7* 1>2 rank up gems, one 7* 2>3 rank up gem, a tier 7 basic catalyst, and a 6* quake (yea right).
  • StarletsStarlets Member Posts: 2
    Are the drop rates bugged for banquet crystals??? Put a lot of time and money into this event and can’t believe how terrible the rewards are. Spent so much money and the rewards are constantly repeating and terrible. Takes all the excitement out of the event. Hard enough to have the extra money to spend right at Christmas. You would think the rewards would be reflective of the Christmas event. But Kabaam feels more like a greedy Scrooge than a gifting Santa.
  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 73
    As a valiant player, I think the drop rates are better than last year however the volumes you get are far too low for the SBC. For example I've gotten 7* shards a few times and it's always been 1500. I'm going to assume it's possible to get more. If not, that's trash. If so, the lowest possible amount should be more than 1500.
  • Villain_87Villain_87 Member Posts: 226 ★★
    they ruined our grand banq and now they are speechless
  • Daisys_DazzlersDaisys_Dazzlers Member Posts: 15
    Are we not getting a holiday calendar this year?
  • zerodudezerodude Member Posts: 46
    edited December 2024
    I opened 70 crystals so far, basically got only t6 frags and a little bit of 7 star shards and sig stones, it was the worst experience i had on banquet/gifting openings ever. At least in the past i would get more shards from it.

    I understand that you wanted to make the milestones a place for the better rewards, but oh boy, those crystals were saddening.
  • SumeetSahu29SumeetSahu29 Member Posts: 3
    Stop putting TB and Paragon/Valiant in the same pool, now that becoming TB is merely a rank-up job.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,268 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024
    A big part of the Banquet fun experience is opening Banquet Crystals in hopes to get something awesome. The dopamine players get from scoring champ crystal shards (7*, Titan) leads to possible dopamine rush from trying to get a champ you’ve been chasing. These banquet crystals mainly giving cat shards gives absolutely no excitement and takes away a HUGE chunk of the FUN of the event.
    Yes the milestones give tons of awesome rewards, but in putting the rewards in a simple claim prize button there’s little excitement dopamine rush in that.

    Since the rank up materials acquisition was a lot higher than champ acquisition, I’m assuming a lot of people will end up with expiring resources which feels terrible (not everyone wants to min/max their inventory like Brian Grant).

    NOW it does feel weird and ungrateful to complain about this all on the back of everyone receiving 10 free 7* champs, but this game is so popular in part because of the gambling aspect ( as much as people might not want to admit it). I still remember being on a business trip out of town opening a 6* crystal and pulling Ghost, leading to crazy amounts of fist pumping, and we all just want to keep chasing that feeling. I opened 10k units worth of Superior GBCs and fell no excitement which is a HUGE loss in the experience.
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  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 566 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    These rewards can target only Thronebreaker and below
  • edited December 2024
    This content has been removed.
  • Darkknight_94Darkknight_94 Member Posts: 482 ★★★
    If you can do the comparison of ratio between
    Shards vs catalysts ( 70% is dominated by catalysts in all the events n milestones & also if you add them with crystals.
    Catalysts are dominating the whole banquet event if not 100% than atleast upto 70% forsure.

    Correct me if m wrong here that catalysts are overly dominant compared to shards offered in the banquet event.
  • Jan_McFly_Jan_McFly_ Member Posts: 27
    This whole event is just a huge disappointment. Especially for Valiant and endgame players those Superior Banquet Crystals are just a joke. It's more two steps back instead of one step forward compared to last year. #bigfail
  • Champ_197Champ_197 Member Posts: 36 ★★
    its gonna take them a while to go through all the responses lmao , i also wanted to put a constructive message but so many people here have already done it and provided with why the event sucks. i would like to add on to it that kabam you got a situation here and if you fail to please this audience in timely manner and appropriately you are gonna lose a good chunk of summoners only cuz of your own fault.
  • OxygeN610OxygeN610 Member Posts: 64
    edited December 2024
    What I don’t understand is that the information about the crystals came super late. Just a week before, you were with all the content creators. You could have clearly tested these crystals with them to get their feedback and make adjustments before the launch! When you see that 80% of the content creators are dissatisfied with these crystals, it really makes you wonder what the logic is behind not conducting more tests involving them...

    And With all the time i hear from stream (kabam) and content creator, "make sure to buy from the webstore" i was really disappointed to see only 1 offers there..
  • ZodlessbgZodlessbg Member Posts: 23
    You don't want to create big whales and us that's why drop rates are bad? Whales already have everyone at rank 3 and max sig. The gap will be always here and from top rank rewards they will have r4s that's fine. But making SBC so bad for 10th anniversary is spitting to our faces.
  • Cyberguy7777Cyberguy7777 Member Posts: 67
    I think the main issue is that the milestone rewards are supposed to make up for the terrible drop rates in the crystals. So what happens on Monday when Kabam tries to includes the selector keys in with Odins? Honestly the keys are a terrible idea because most people want 1 or 2 specific champs and don’t care about the rest, but you are making people have to get all 6 first? That kind of sucks.

    I will say that I did not mind the web store deal where you get the superior crystals plus 20 tokens. At least that was a little something extra. I would say for Monday’s specials I hope you will double the amount of crystals you can get in order to try and offset the terrible drop rates fact that most of the decent rewards have already been met. Alternatively, you could extend the personal rewards track to now include a second set of prizes.

    I noticed there is a $1,000 bundle in the web store now that contains exactly the same amount of units a just buying 10 odins. What is the incentive? For that much money up front I would expect 50-75% more units. Not exactly 0 units.

    Either way, the only milestones left now are realm shards and hitting them unfortunately won’t make up for the cost of not getting materials or anything better in the crystals.

    What about having fixed titan shards? Instead of 1500-10k make it a flat 5k if you pull them. Simple. The same with the materials.

    A 3% drop rates on titan shards isn’t exactly 3% when you have to get that, then roll again hoping you get the great amount. The probably of getting decent numbers is actually much much less, making this a bit of a scam.
  • Amms90Amms90 Member Posts: 364 ★★★
    edited December 2024
    MCOC Team said:

    Hey Summoners,

    We just wanted to take a moment and address some of the concerns around our Banquet event this year as we see some of you are disappointed with the Superior Banquet Crystals in particular.

    We wanted to move more of the rewards to the milestones, while keeping 7-star relevant rewards in the crystals as you build up your tracks in the various milestones between solo and alliance-based events. Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    That being said, we want to make sure the game team sees and hears you, so please leave your constructive feedback on what you’d like to see changed.

    Superior banquet crystals are completely worthless. The content is supposedly good, but with these drop rates you just get scammed. I got a bunch a t6 cc fragments that's it. A couple times 1500 7s shards. 0 titan shards... Only lucky pull was 7s jessica jones but I understand that was 0.03% chance to get her and that was just a random lucky moment which I never have usually. But this is it. Rewards in solo event and alliance event are alright. Realm event milestones also are alright. What's disgusting is superior banquet crystals dropping basically nothing. When it comes to getting rewards from the milestones you need to spend like 15k-18k units. But those units spent are just to get stuff from the milestones because 50-60 crystals give you nothing to show for it.

    Which also means you missed the mark because people are not willing to spend more than it takes to just cover the milestones. Because after covering the milestones they just get nothing else. So if you don't consider 50 people or so that are willing to throw several thousand dollars into banquet event, pushing for ranked rewards, the rest of us are not spending. That means you guys earning less than what you expected. So overall it's really bad for the players and bad for kabam. I remember a couple years ago I was excited to open every crystal because I could get something good but this feeling is gone.
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