
  • Aqeel10Aqeel10 Member Posts: 1
    I think the worst thing about the banquet is that there is rank up materials but I don’t have any good champs we needed some nexus 7 stars titan nexus crystals to allow us to select better champs, they say they don’t want to create a huge divide however in cyber weekend the amount of nexus crystals given for big money shows the divide, I am valiant with 4 r3 7 stars I have never opened a 7 star nexus
  • AnvilOfCromAnvilOfCrom Member Posts: 39
    jdschw said:

    One nice, small adjustment would have been to change the gifted guardian keys to selectors. It's still a small pool of champs, so we'd likely still be getting champs we haven't used recently, but at least we could get the one(s) we're most excited about.

    Gifted guardians… Considering that we’re celebrating 10 years of gameplay, and what that means in terms of the variety of champions whom we’ve encountered over that time, if feels extremely counter-objective to limit such a big milestone event & celebration to just a measly 6 champions. And i got Sentry, so i can tell you that i feel very underwhelmed by this feature. Kabam implemented a feature which THEY thought was awesome, but how many times does something like this not work entirely well and we the players are the ones left with the sour taste in our mouths? Why not actually listen to the community and where something like this is concerned, open the idea up to the community in advance and ask to vote on it so as to try and gauge whether or not it’s a good idea or gets buy-in.

  • BostonSpidey124BostonSpidey124 Member Posts: 24
    While the event rewards are decent, those are earned by opening the crystals. And when opening the crystals is disappointing, it takes away from the fun of the event. Opening crystals is what we do and that should be the best part with the event rewards being a nice perk on top of it.

    My recommendations are:
    1. Better drop rates on the best rewards and less filler. The filler this year is way better than last year but it is still not great. No one wants to spend 300 units for 2x tier 5 class catalysts.
    2. Guarantee more best rewards. Maybe every 10 crystals you open gives you a special crystal that just has amazing rewards like 7 star champions, keys, titan crystals, etc.
    3. Nexus crystals. Give at least more choice to people in what they are getting.
    4. Reduce the spend. Needing 15K units so soon after cyber weekend is too much. The banquet should be about fun and celebrating the year while cyber weekend is where you make your money. The whales will always spend if you give them good rank rewards but everyone rice should be able to hit the milestones for less than 10K units.

    This event should be fun and exciting and the current crystals make that impossible unless you get one of the rewards with less a 1% chance.
  • TheUglyone123TheUglyone123 Member Posts: 376 ★★★★

    While the event rewards are decent, those are earned by opening the crystals. And when opening the crystals is disappointing, it takes away from the fun of the event. Opening crystals is what we do and that should be the best part with the event rewards being a nice perk on top of it.

    My recommendations are:
    1. Better drop rates on the best rewards and less filler. The filler this year is way better than last year but it is still not great. No one wants to spend 300 units for 2x tier 5 class catalysts.
    2. Guarantee more best rewards. Maybe every 10 crystals you open gives you a special crystal that just has amazing rewards like 7 star champions, keys, titan crystals, etc.
    3. Nexus crystals. Give at least more choice to people in what they are getting.
    4. Reduce the spend. Needing 15K units so soon after cyber weekend is too much. The banquet should be about fun and celebrating the year while cyber weekend is where you make your money. The whales will always spend if you give them good rank rewards but everyone rice should be able to hit the milestones for less than 10K units.

    This event should be fun and exciting and the current crystals make that impossible unless you get one of the rewards with less a 1% chance.

    This is a big part of why people are upset, and for good reason. When the way you interact with the event is lackluster, you won’t feel great about the event. Especially when we were told this lackluster part would even be part of the event in the first place. “This crystal has less filler than last year.” Ok sure? Then why have I only gotten a heap of catalyst fragments out of 20-30ish crystals?

  • CharlemeignCharlemeign Member Posts: 3
    On the bright side, normally by now I would have spent a few hundred dollars to buy more crystals. I was so disappointed by the lack of a key, new champs, trophy champs, etc. after the 15000 units I saved that I have no interest in spending real money. If that was Kabam’s goal, they succeeded.
  • Kappa2gKappa2g Member Posts: 290 ★★★
    I don't think anyone was expect a reliable 7R4 rank up stuff from the banquet crystals, but to get T3A and T6B in FRAGMENTS for 300 units while we can buy whole catalysts in the BG store is simply insulting.

    Would have been better to remove the T5CC; T3A and T6B should have only dropped as a full catalyst and shuffled those drop rates onto 7 star crystal shards.
    At the very least just shower us with shards to open random RNG basic crystals. Could have honestly recalled opening much more champion crystals in previous years.
  • Champ_197Champ_197 Member Posts: 38 ★★
    DukeZman said:

    MCOC Team said:

    Our intention was to improve the experience over last year's event, and feel we have succeeded in that goal.

    Maybe leave out the self-congratulatory back-patting next time. It feels very condescending and dismissive to tell a complaining customer “We think we did great, but go ahead and complain if it makes you feel better.” Of course you feel, from your perspective, that you delivered an adequate experience.

    The reality is that the drop rates were too heavily skewed towards T3A and T6B — I, like many others, have them now coming out the wazoo. And after liquidating my Unit stash, the only real positive is that I finished a T4A I was already close to completing, slightly accelerating getting an R3; and I got a lucky Key and pulled Sentinel. Other than that, the event was just very mid. I never had a “WHOOHOO!!!” moment. Feels like an RBI double rather than a grand slam.
    thats just soo dismissive of them and crashed responds like that every time ad other community members are like atleast thats better than miike. but man getting bad in comparison to worst is still not it and crashed has dipped up saying yeah yall yapp i have got medusa imma enjoy myseleves and we shall look into it after holiday so until then let me enjoy myseleves while yall grieve
  • IlociaMIlociaM Member Posts: 155
    People wanna open crystals and get new champions I used my 8k units and got 1 7*crystal
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,737 ★★★★★

    Emilia90 said:

    It’s honestly amazing, I’ve never seen Kabam get cooked this badly by everyone in a while. If their response is “we’ll learn next year” no one cares and no one believes them after the promises this year, if they actually just ignore it they’re still getting cooked. Just compensate everyone. Do a refund or give everyone more crystals as a sorry to hit the higher milestones. No way you guys thought this event would be good after stuffing the crystals with trash

    Agree with you 1000%. Will see how they try to save face with this one. But it’s bad. As bad as 12.0.
    I hate that these events also line up with the weekend, it’s Saturday now so no response back most likely until next week and they probably won’t even do anything
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  • Mrmr13Mrmr13 Member Posts: 35
    I feel the easiest improvement is to add a guaranteed something good every 10th crystal opened or sow thing like that

    Every 10th crystal remove all filler trash and the lower end of shards etc
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    About feelings:

    Banquet/gifting Crystals used to have the surprise to contain somthing amazing., Like "yeah Jessica Jones, Kang, WolverineX" and when your Not an endgame Player this was mindblowing awesome!
    Or some other really expensive/ rare stuff, hard to get for Players one or two titles behind the top title.

    Now... I have to 'work' myself with Units to the Rank rewards. I can calculate my Units to get what i want. But cannot expect any good surprise or WOW moment out of the Crystals themself.
    This is just sad!

    My Feeling is not anger. More Like sadness and disapointment.

    I get why Vaillant Players are upset.
    Paragon Casual Players dont get the Chance to close the Gap with some luck. Only by brute buying thru it. And thats Motivation killing.
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    When it started, I didn't think it was too bad. However, very quickly I realized why it actually is.

    What was the best part of Banquet (for me) in years past was the shiny new toys I'd get to play with, be they a fresh rank up that probably wouldn't have happened for a while, or mostly, a shiny new toy to play with. While the milestones did provide some of this, the crystals themselves, as virtually everyone has said, are terrible.

    How to improve? First, every 7* shard drop should be either 1/3, 1/2, or a full crystal. Titan shards should be 1/4 to 1/2 a crystal. And the t6c/sig stones shouldn't be less than what we can easily get elsewhere for just playing the game.

    And most importantly, don't try to deflect people's feelings/reactions by claiming an event is actually right where it should be when you've been hyping the 10 year mark for quite some time. It's like telling someone that an economy is actually doing great, their feelings/experience notwithstanding.
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    When are the changes going to be implemented? Or is it just commenting our opinions for the sake of making another discussion about this matter?
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    As a 6 million plus rating valiant, there is nothing in the entire banquet event that I was hunting for
    I was hoping for 1x 7* rank 4 gem in the final realm milestone before the stretch goals cos I want to bring my 7* juggernaut to rank 4
  • BloodyRoseBloodyRose Member Posts: 282 ★★
    Considering the whining about higher levels getting too many rewards suited for us lower levels, maybe a shift in the delineation is needed.

    Although I like TB being included in the rewards for Valiant and Paragon, maybe in future Kabam shift the goal posts and group TB with Cav, and then Valiant with Paragon and adjust the rewards accordingly.
  • Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Member Posts: 1,023 ★★★★
    I typed out a lot but I don’t expect them to read everything at this point so I paired it down.

    I’d sum it up as:

    Saying feedback was heard last year + saying crystals had less filler this year + saying “you don’t know the drop rates yet”+ hype for 10 year event = high player expectations

    Poor drop rates+ low minimum quantities + lumping TB, Paragon, and Valiant together = major player disappointment.

    I understand that moving more of the rewards budget on milestones guarantees everyone a higher “floor” for what they’ll walk away with. The problem is that shifts the focus to units to hit milestones and away from the Banquet crystals. All the communication was hyping the crystals so when those are well below expectation, no amount of milestone rewards will make opening a 300 unit crystal and seeing 2 7* sig stones feel good.

    Some things seem way over valued. 10% of T6CC, 2 7* sig stones, one 7* +5 sig stone, any portion of a T6B/T3A, sig stones for a super limited pool that is set up to ensure we don’t awaken any of them without a huge spend - these are all part of what made this disappointing.

    I don’t spend on this game. I’ve considered it many times and was considering it again this year leading up to banquet but this disappointment and the response so far just reinforces why I don’t spend.

    The whole tone of the response would be different if you hadn’t said you felt like the team hit the goal. With this much negative feedback that means you went into this knowing the goal would mean disappointment and that’s just sad.
  • TheBaldAvengerTheBaldAvenger Member Posts: 267 ★★
    TrongNov said:

    When are the changes going to be implemented? Or is it just commenting our opinions for the sake of making another discussion about this matter?

    Banquet 2025

  • FeydRauthaFeydRautha Member Posts: 220 ★★★
    djr17 said:

    When it started, I didn't think it was too bad. However, very quickly I realized why it actually is.

    What was the best part of Banquet (for me) in years past was the shiny new toys I'd get to play with, be they a fresh rank up that probably wouldn't have happened for a while, or mostly, a shiny new toy to play with. While the milestones did provide some of this, the crystals themselves, as virtually everyone has said, are terrible.

    How to improve? First, every 7* shard drop should be either 1/3, 1/2, or a full crystal. Titan shards should be 1/4 to 1/2 a crystal. And the t6c/sig stones shouldn't be less than what we can easily get elsewhere for just playing the game.

    And most importantly, don't try to deflect people's feelings/reactions by claiming an event is actually right where it should be when you've been hyping the 10 year mark for quite some time. It's like telling someone that an economy is actually doing great, their feelings/experience notwithstanding.

    This event started becoming less exciting to me as soon as they removed the gifting aspect of it. Scammers and exploiters ruined it but Kabam could and should have tried to implement measures to mitigate them rather than downright removing it. Without gifting the novelty factor is simply gone. Pulling a portion of T6CC would feel much better if I was opening a crystal sent by my alliance mate compared to me directly dropping 300 units. Also I see nothing wrong with players creating multi accounts to gift themselves, still time spent in game, still effort required. Kabam just didn't like the fact that non-spenders had a way to get more free stuffs.
  • ZsirhcZZsirhcZ Member Posts: 293 ★★
    I now have 17,400 pts amassed in the event from opening SBC.

    Nothing really to show for it. 80% of them gave me t6cc frags that I could have bought from the rank up store for 65 units…

    The other 20% were T4A frags, T6B, T3A, and 500 ag shards.

    Oh and 17K 7 star shards.

    So my 9K units and $50 are good for rank up mats that are cheaper elsewhere and a 7 star champ from shards….


    Over hyped, under performed, and out of touch. It’s where you’re at.

    All players who have invested at this level or more should have rewards that match our investment.

    You all need an apology compensation package.
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