Awakening gems for a single sig stone?

We have shard crystals for 7* AG crystals. Why would that not be the logical choice? I have no desire to hoard all these 6* AG but awakening a trophy champ or new 6* for testing until I obtain the 7* is still waaaaay better than a single....sig stone. SMH this is just dumb. I'm sorry. But what a waste or excitement
I'm sure most of you want more, but nobody is forcing you to do this. If you value the 6-star gems more just keep them.
You get what you get and you donβt get upset
I can assure you most dont have anywhere near this amount. I'm one of the biggest hoarders in the game and I only have 17.
Could check the data as well to see how many have 40+ like you, but a 1 +5 sig stone wouldnt be game breaking i feel
I have 79 unawaken 6 starts, 132 Awakened 6 star, 3 6 star Awakening gem
All we want is for these rewards to mean something. The fact that they're valued so low just makes the events to which they're attached seem equally meaningless.
Time and again your AG economy has shown to be unbalanced. It's a tale of two undesirable extremes: either we can't get an AG of a specific rarity when we need one, or we have so many AGs by the time we don't need any. It happened with 5* before 6*, and now as 7* AGs become a thing, you're repeating the same mistake. Break the cycle and make 7* AGs available in time for us to actually use them.