Scarlet Witch or Dr. Voodoo - Who is the better mystic ?

Our alliance had a lively discussion and I have almost made up my mind, but I wanted to hear your insights. Whom would you prefer if you could choose only one ? Both are at 99 sig. Prestige is not an issue.
Scarlet Witch or Dr. Voodoo - Who is the better mystic ? 178 votes
Yes! People seem to forget that Voodoo does extra damage with every hit he does when he is using a power burn instead of power drain.
4 star SW, 5/50 sig 99
5 star voodoo, 4/55 sig 60
Now, imo, both are god tier but you cannot compare a 4 star SW to a 5 star voodoo. Many dont even know how to use him. Meaning, all people think is spam sp1. His SP2 is powerful. His sp3 when launched on even combo is a huge power gain, and on odd, will knock out their defensive abilities. Voodoo helped me get past the collector each time, by taking down his unblockable sp1 with brother daniel debuff.
Now, that said, SW is who I used to beat act 5’s ultron each time. Her nullify is 2nd to none, her procs for fury and cruelty is amazing! She is STILL a god!
There is a reason SW isnt a 5 star able to be obtained. Imagine a 5 star, rank 5 sig 200. She would have 100% or close to proc, and throw 60-80k+ damage with her sp2 if proc fury/cruelty
I plan on getting 6* SW
As much as I still love SW, Voodoo is better because he's far more tactical. And his procs are 100%, not random.
Sw is an over rated rng champ.
I would vote Scarlet Witch if prestige is not an issue assuming that we are looking at two 4*s and not a 4* SW, 5* DV.
I guess someome at kabam can’t do maths
Voodoo's better now.
Power control
Ability Accuracy Reduction
He is a swiss army knife of utility.
While SW is still good, she's just a hard hitter with good nullify ability (1 buff at a time) and a weak chance at regen.
She's an RNG champ which means you can't rely on her in tricky situations, and she can't reduce ability accuracy at all.
Voodoo takes this.
The forums appear to round down.
Both are 4 stars. Cannot imagine why SW is not playable as a 5 star champ, considering she is available as a 5 star opponent in quests.
So is a magneto with bane and thorns, but for some reason I just can't seem to pull one from a crystal
Unfortunately that means very little to Kabam. They have basically said in other threads that Wolverine, Thor, DS, SW, DD and others not yet released as 5*s may never even be released as 5*s due to providing an imbalance of power to the game.
As for your poll question though, I would say Dr. Voodoo. He takes far more getting used to but at 5/50 he will end matches fast and his guaranteed regen at the start of the match will serve you better than the random regen of SW.