Kinda miss Jax and Mikke

Hey yall, been a while since I last posted. Just wanted to express a sentiment I think many share - I miss Jax and Mikke running the community of this game. I feel the current community team is lacking. Minimal response on the forums mainly…
Also the game has felt like it’s lacked direction and the team has been seriously out of touch with the player base. All the new stuff is cool and all but the increased monetization, the story lines and the lack of fun/new content (that isn’t rehashed) has been abysmal and/or tremendously grindy.
I understand overall this is more than just the new community team, but the game has changed since their (Mikke and Jax’s) departure or maybe that’s just the whole correlation/causation argument.
Also the game has felt like it’s lacked direction and the team has been seriously out of touch with the player base. All the new stuff is cool and all but the increased monetization, the story lines and the lack of fun/new content (that isn’t rehashed) has been abysmal and/or tremendously grindy.
I understand overall this is more than just the new community team, but the game has changed since their (Mikke and Jax’s) departure or maybe that’s just the whole correlation/causation argument.
Maybe our expectations don’t match what the community teams job roll actually is. But at the moment, the game is in a strange place. I’m no where near to being at a point where I want to give up on the game, but I feel disillusioned with it at the same time.
Yes people, community managers are not your friends. No matter how friendly they act, they are tied and allowed to help or give information up to a certain point that is allowed by the company.
I appreciated they straight foward blunt way of communicating the good and the bad, very different from today that feels like a friendly stalling.
Math isn't mathing
I'm not necessarily blaming all this on the new team I'm just saying, whoever was making all the decisions back then and being in charge of communication which meant voicing our concerns to the rest of the team, made the game way more enjoyable for me. That's all I know.
So I stand on what I said way better without those 2
So yeah you probably got no idea what you are talking about
You guys just want to complain because they don't give attention for you guys when there's no need , but Mike would always talk in useless threads and let the one that could help the game to get better just go to waste.
A normal person would say "No, I just didn't like them"; but you seem to have some agenda.
I was jailed many times by them, I got no personal issues with them.