as the game grows in the number of modes, we run into the inherent problem of watered down rewards.
kabam once said they want us to pick out what modes we do instead of doing it all but that comes with the problem of enthusiasts from each mode asking for buffs.
if you and 29 mates are grinding your d**** off in battlegrounds all month, you expect some reasonable return on investment. same for war and AQ/raids.
but if we expect every mode to be buffed to the max, we run out of 7* materials and get pushed faster into what's next. they could release 2 more amazing modes on top of what we already have and eventually they won't be worth doing either and some modes will suffer over others.
kabam needs to address the staleness of BGs and EQ but there's also only so much they can do.
When was the last time they addressed any of this at all tho? I left for 5 months and somehow came back to BGs and EQ/SQ in a worse state than they were when I left and when I left it had already been close to a year since they had last addressed anything BGs or EQ/SQ related so at this point one does start to wonder are they trying to kill the game or what?
i don't disagree. BG and EQ badly need buffs but reward dilution is real.
kabam also might be stuck in the position where there's too many modes, players rightfully want to earn reasonable rewards for their work (each mode takes up a lot of time), it's impossible to buff every mode to the latest and greatest without massive acceleration, AND kabam generally needs to save their juiciest stuff for whale events first before opening the taps with content.
like i said, those two needs buffs, but we have to come to terms that the more work they put in front of us, the less we're getting with each mode. since there's finite budget.
I know there's quite an affinity for the former community team, so if there were actions from them that you really liked and want to see emulated, please feel free to let us know and we'll try to get that implemented....
It just felt that they were just a lot more present than the current team, you included. Jax and Miike interacted, gave hints and congratulations and were basically the 'voice' of Kabam to the community.
The comments a couple of days ago about reaching your quota (here) were kind of a hint that even when here, you're a relatively silent presence.
It's not unusual for you to go 3-4 weeks without a single comment; even when you're on the forums.
Not just you: it's now the norm for days and days to pass on the forum without any comment from any moderators.
I know you've got other responsibilities, and there's more to being a community manager than interacting on a forum.
But as a member of the community, I just don't feel particularly managed...
Sometimes there isn't anything to add. I'm not saying there isn't more room for communication. It's a process of always improving. Still, one of the things that Miike constantly said was that the Forum is for us to communicate first and foremost, and that there are times where they're taking things in, but there's nothing to add at the moment. They can't reply to every Thread and concern.
No, absolutely they can't.
But this wasn't a random comment/post - he asked, old friend 🙂.
And (1) it's been something I've been feeling for a while, and (2) I know for a fact I'm not alone. So, I answered... 🤷♂️
I don't have any issues with your question. I'm reiterating something that's been pointed out before. All good.
After talking to a couple of alliance mates and seeing some scattered comments around on various social media platforms, I wanted to do a community pulse check to see how people were feeling about the game recently. Personally, I would normally play all the time and would grind the arena a lot to save up a bunch of units, do content as soon as it comes out, etc. But I don't even think I've logged on more than a handful of times since the last livestream to do a couple of things or even at all in the last 24 hours, and to be honest. I don't really have a desire to do so at the moment. Never in my life did I think an addiction could be broken so quickly or I could be so put off from something I loved so quickly. For more of my thoughts if you care, see my last thread about the kneejerk reaction thing or whatever i called it.
What are we feeling, everyone? Keep it civil, please.
(And for anyone who is frothing at the mouth to derail this. 1. Yes, Kabam is a business and needs to make money. 2. No, I don't have a problem with that, and I have personally spent way too much on this game.)
9.5 year vet here and I’ve got a few things. 1. Newer players have it wayyyyy too easy, and due to that higher end player’s rewards tend to suffer. Think the “greater banquet crystals” from last year. 2. The bugs run so rampant, what’s even the point of taking this game seriously anymore? I don’t even push in BG’s much, because I know there’s really no point. 3. Someone at Kabam’s higher up team, has noticeably become more absorbed with making money- and saying to hell with the player base. At the moment it’s starting to seem more and more like what Bungie did with D2, and I’d hate for MCOC to have that same fate.
@KabamDORK please keep an eye on the replies on this thread as well, there's a lot of feedback on this one as well, feedback that imo is really important and speaks a lot about how we currently see the state of the game. I know I don't speak for all the playerbase but it seems most of us endgame players are in agreement here.
as the game grows in the number of modes, we run into the inherent problem of watered down rewards.
kabam once said they want us to pick out what modes we do instead of doing it all but that comes with the problem of enthusiasts from each mode asking for buffs.
if you and 29 mates are grinding your d**** off in battlegrounds all month, you expect some reasonable return on investment. same for war and AQ/raids.
but if we expect every mode to be buffed to the max, we run out of 7* materials and get pushed faster into what's next. they could release 2 more amazing modes on top of what we already have and eventually they won't be worth doing either and some modes will suffer over others.
kabam needs to address the staleness of BGs and EQ but there's also only so much they can do.
When was the last time they addressed any of this at all tho? I left for 5 months and somehow came back to BGs and EQ/SQ in a worse state than they were when I left and when I left it had already been close to a year since they had last addressed anything BGs or EQ/SQ related so at this point one does start to wonder are they trying to kill the game or what?
i don't disagree. BG and EQ badly need buffs but reward dilution is real.
kabam also might be stuck in the position where there's too many modes, players rightfully want to earn reasonable rewards for their work (each mode takes up a lot of time), it's impossible to buff every mode to the latest and greatest without massive acceleration, AND kabam generally needs to save their juiciest stuff for whale events first before opening the taps with content.
like i said, those two needs buffs, but we have to come to terms that the more work they put in front of us, the less we're getting with each mode. since there's finite budget.
And that's completely fine I understand that, I'm sure nobody here is asking for free Titans awakening gems or r4 materials on the Paragon Gauntlet or Vibrabium tiers in BGs. I do however think certain things (mainly r2 and r3 materials, as well as 7* crystals, Titan shards sig stones etc) should be more affordable and in higher quantities for Valiants at this point.
I sometimes look at the accounts in my neighborhood and I saw a 6.8 million paragon and a 6.8 million thronebreaker
Those 2 accounts have at least 2 7* rank 3 champions so the champion requirement was already met, so it means story quest requirement wasn't met, it's not my position to ask those 2 players why you aren't doing the story quest
Had a lot of questions in my mind when I saw those 2 accounts like how do you play until you reach 6.8 million rating for your account and still avoid story quest like a plague
About progression shaming, I sometimes question the need for progressions when valiant don't mean a thing currently in the game and I don't think anyone can shame those 2 accounts with 6.8 million ratings
I guess we have all kinds of players in this game and everyone play this game differently
Rating is irrelevant. 7+ mill here. I rather level up 1-6* champs than sell ISO or Catalyst... Yay I got a bunch of maxed champs I will never use. Its not about shaming. Its about knowing someone's place and maybe shutting up or being quiet when a person can't relate. Problems with the game? Sure talk about bugs, glitches, things like that affect everyone. Now a TB being critic about Valiant problems? Lol
We only see things from our own perspective
I realised that a lot of complaints come from valiants bcos valiants have progressed far ahead of the game, the game developers are playing catching up to this group of end game players
For paragons and below they don't see the same problem bcos they haven't progressed that far ahead
Valiants are a minority of the entire playerbase if you consider every player who login at least once a month
Valiants will never agree that the game is ok right now even though to the majority of the playerbase, this game is alright simply bcos they haven't progressed to where the valiants have reached in the game
A lot of games have the same end game problem when end game players have progressed far ahead of the game and the game developers are seriously lagging behind, this is not exclusive to Kabam alone
Yes, as I said
Valiants need to dry the tears and accept that they are already top of the notch, end game players. They can beat every quest.
Maybe they need to wait for the next title... Mastodont , and receive rewards...
I sometimes look at the accounts in my neighborhood and I saw a 6.8 million paragon and a 6.8 million thronebreaker
Those 2 accounts have at least 2 7* rank 3 champions so the champion requirement was already met, so it means story quest requirement wasn't met, it's not my position to ask those 2 players why you aren't doing the story quest
Had a lot of questions in my mind when I saw those 2 accounts like how do you play until you reach 6.8 million rating for your account and still avoid story quest like a plague
About progression shaming, I sometimes question the need for progressions when valiant don't mean a thing currently in the game and I don't think anyone can shame those 2 accounts with 6.8 million ratings
I guess we have all kinds of players in this game and everyone play this game differently
Rating is irrelevant. 7+ mill here. I rather level up 1-6* champs than sell ISO or Catalyst... Yay I got a bunch of maxed champs I will never use. Its not about shaming. Its about knowing someone's place and maybe shutting up or being quiet when a person can't relate. Problems with the game? Sure talk about bugs, glitches, things like that affect everyone. Now a TB being critic about Valiant problems? Lol
We only see things from our own perspective
I realised that a lot of complaints come from valiants bcos valiants have progressed far ahead of the game, the game developers are playing catching up to this group of end game players
For paragons and below they don't see the same problem bcos they haven't progressed that far ahead
Valiants are a minority of the entire playerbase if you consider every player who login at least once a month
Valiants will never agree that the game is ok right now even though to the majority of the playerbase, this game is alright simply bcos they haven't progressed to where the valiants have reached in the game
A lot of games have the same end game problem when end game players have progressed far ahead of the game and the game developers are seriously lagging behind, this is not exclusive to Kabam alone
Yes, as I said
Valiants need to dry the tears and accept that they are already top of the notch, end game players. They can beat every quest.
Maybe they need to wait for the next title... Mastodont , and receive rewards...
Because right now, is like this below
I honestly don’t understand how you’ve been able go on like you have on the forums. #globalchatvibes
@KabamDORK please keep an eye on the replies on this thread as well, there's a lot of feedback on this one as well, feedback that imo is really important and speaks a lot about how we currently see the state of the game. I know I don't speak for all the playerbase but it seems most of us endgame players are in agreement here.
It's why I chimed in here and encouraged it Want people to know we got eyes on this stuff.
@KabamDORK please keep an eye on the replies on this thread as well, there's a lot of feedback on this one as well, feedback that imo is really important and speaks a lot about how we currently see the state of the game. I know I don't speak for all the playerbase but it seems most of us endgame players are in agreement here.
It's why I chimed in here and encouraged it Want people to know we got eyes on this stuff.
Thanks Dave, appreciate it, I hope you guys also watch the videos I linked as well aside from all the comments that were posted here. I think there's some really good criticism on both of them as well as good ideas on what can be done to make the game better for those of us that are currently unsatisfied, maybe some of them are worth considering.
I am in a stale spot. There is nothing really meaningful to do, in my opinion.
EQ has terrible reward:time ratio SQ I do, but that takes only a while thankfully Story is explored mostly AW+AQ isn't my thing BGs could be nice, but I was never too much into watching stuff load, so... Everest is undoable for me, I need to git gud, but that's fine. Not everyone can be good. I missed out on DL champs, so my last 2 months were like "enjoy having fun without me" - that's my own stupidity tho.
Now, I would like to get my G2099 to r2 to get the challenge done, but guess what? I need t6cc and there are few meaningful ways to obtain these.
Sure would've been great of a couple people hadn't decided to detail this. There was legitimate, constructive feedback given that suddenly stopped getting answered, probably because it's now buried beneath a bunch of useless nonsense. Really helping the game out, guys.
Sure would've been great of a couple people hadn't decided to detail this. There was legitimate, constructive feedback given that suddenly stopped getting answered, probably because it's now buried beneath a bunch of useless nonsense. Really helping the game out, guys.
People cannot help themselves. However the usual quickfire derailers didn't derail this one which i was happy about
Sure would've been great of a couple people hadn't decided to detail this. There was legitimate, constructive feedback given that suddenly stopped getting answered, probably because it's now buried beneath a bunch of useless nonsense. Really helping the game out, guys.
People cannot help themselves. However the usual quickfire derailers didn't derail this one which i was happy about
I agree. I cannot help myself and I am sorry for that. I have caused irreparable trauma. Someone else does something and I get named 🤣. In all seriousness after all the criticism I think its actually cool mods chimed in during the weekend.
We're a different team with different tactics and strategies but we'll do our best to oblige.
Care to expand on what this team's tactics and strategies are?
It seems like the 3 or 4 of you are getting absolutely roasted over what you're doing (or lack thereof). I can't imagine any of you enjoy reading that. Two of you were prominent players and YouTubers yet now it seems as if you've abandoned trying to help players and have their voices be heard.
But it was refreshing to see you actually check into the forums and respond. Maybe start by being present more here and responding.
I am in a stale spot. There is nothing really meaningful to do, in my opinion.
EQ has terrible reward:time ratio SQ I do, but that takes only a while thankfully Story is explored mostly AW+AQ isn't my thing BGs could be nice, but I was never too much into watching stuff load, so... Everest is undoable for me, I need to git gud, but that's fine. Not everyone can be good. I missed out on DL champs, so my last 2 months were like "enjoy having fun without me" - that's my own stupidity tho.
Now, I would like to get my G2099 to r2 to get the challenge done, but guess what? I need t6cc and there are few meaningful ways to obtain these.
The game needs alot of love, & right now it seems kabam just isnt there for it.
- BG’s need a serious rewards increase - EQ is severely outdated (Paragon Gauntlet is trickles in the game economy rn) - Side quest is typically ignored now, kabam killed the hype for them with the release of the stale (now outdated) traders market. - AQ is in a dier need of a buff for general years now. - Incursions are D.O.A & need a serious rewards buff, its nice to have a saga incursion every 3 months, but a gamemode is only worth it every 3 months? - Ali Rewards are mostly pointless. Seriously. These have received what? A single update or 2 since 12.0?? - Arenas still dont offer 7*s, catalysts arenas have never been loved, & the sunday arenas have never been given love. - Calendar rewards are painfully behind in terms of importance, the only update as of late was a single valiant crystal? Why??? - Variants, i dont need to say much. Theyre so forgotten at this point they dont matter.
The game needs alot of love, im noticing it in some places like raids, endgame content, AW, & champion buffs, but how can certain areas just sit there for months, if not months, YEARS without updates?? Its 2025 & we have an arena for T4B/T1A. The year is still young, but my hope is kabam will listen. Please give it the love it so desperately needs.
I've been reading posts here on forums for the past 2 weeks and something I see is there are many type of players having different "needs" according to their level of "engagement" in mcoc.
I will share my feelings towards this game as an end game Valiant's low spender "competitive" player's perspective. @KabamDORK@KabamPinwheel
I've been playing this game for almost 7 years and I feel things started to change around 1 1/2 years ago.
1) MONETIZATION I understand this game monetizes through early access which I believe is fine after all it's a free to play game. However, we used to have 2 semi anual sales July 4th and Cyberweekend closing off with Banquet. Now we have +8 sales per year on top of frequent Platinum Pass, Summoner Bundles, Daily & Weekly Bundles, Chain Offers, Sigil Subscription, Collectors Daily Card and Unit Bundles. If this weren't enough, Unit currency has been suffering a constant devaluation throughout the unit sale stores. It has become insanley difficult to keep pushing for "top" ranks with no meaning whatsoever to grind arena or lower EQ levels which helped "ease" sales draw back. If the game needs the money and that amount of sales are going to keep taking place, at the very least allow there to be some type of grindable resources with reasonable value through out other game areas for who ever wants to take the time to chase them. This is not a way to give players "free" resources, it's a way to keep players engaged and reward them for over investing valuable time on playing this game although time is not seen as a profitable resource for the game's economy.
2) GAME MODES They have become repetitive and tedious, there are no updates to the game modes themselves except for a few changes of nodes every season. For a player that has gone through double digits of AQ, AW and BGs every day this is tiresome. I strongly believe Game Modes should have significant tweaks every certain amount of time to keep players engaged besides rewards (we'll get to that). End game players invest the majority of their playing time on game modes (not content) and this is what keeps us interested everyday. For example, BGs can be played by decks of 20-50 champs changing every season, defenders can have increased +500% HP one season and +200% Attack another season, etc. The point is to make game experience on game modes feel different and interesting at least every 2 seasons.
3) REWARDS They have become stale in all game areas for so long now and they are not equivalent to the time, effort and resources spent. Rewards should constantly be updated according to the latest resource acquisition from sales and it's devaluation process. Yes, I understand they can not be too good in comparison with sales and that devs manage this to be the least amount of chasable cuantity but we are talking about the top 1% ranks of the game, the best players/alliances of the world for each game mode... give them something to play for! They should also scale accordingly with each ranked position meaning, in BGs, alliance rank #2 shouldn't have same rewards as #5 and solo rank #11 shouldn't have same rewards as #100. Please get rid of this type of reward ranking system which only outcome is to have players or alliances "Park" at certain thresholds.
4) CONTENT End game Valiant players for the most part have a self sufficient roster and a reliable cuantity of resources to tackle any new content, and if not, they sure do know how to manage their resources and/or are highly skilled to use the least possible amount. For the last few months I've seen a tendency to recycle previous end game content and believe me, this is not exciting at all. It's something we try to get rid of asap just to get the rewards and keep pushing on game modes, if this content is aimed for valiant players at least keep it new. Regarding EQ, SQ, Arena, Incursions and any other type of content, if it doesn't have meaningful rewards, it feels like a Chore, it's repetitive and tedious and in it's current state not even worth playing. Aside from rewards, these type of content should also be updated and innovated periodically. I've been playing the same format of all these type of content for years now and there's no need to make them complicated with keys and stores, etc. nobody cares tbh, the simpler the better.
5) BUGS and AI For the most part, players try to adapt to these issues since they are surprisingly common, however, it is clear we can't fully enjoy the game when we have to acknowledge and overplay dropped inputs or deal with awckward AI mechanics. In high tier game modes, all it takes to loose a match is 1 mistake and when the reason behind this is a Bug it gets very frustrating. I've read that as a team, you are aware of these issues and I hope they are being worked on with TOP priority.
Overall, my current feelings towards the game in it's current state is absolutely no motivation or desire to keep playing. I stopped spending for 8 months now and I reduced my playing time immensely. As a BG focused player who constantly ranked #1 in alliance, placed #4 in anniversary solo event and pushed for top 200 in solo ranking every season; I have currently played 3 BG matches, I do not have the will to play Epoch, the next Gauntlet or any other type of content. My decision to keep playing mcoc relies on wether or not these points are acknowledged and constantly worked on in the near future of the game.
kabam also might be stuck in the position where there's too many modes, players rightfully want to earn reasonable rewards for their work (each mode takes up a lot of time), it's impossible to buff every mode to the latest and greatest without massive acceleration, AND kabam generally needs to save their juiciest stuff for whale events first before opening the taps with content.
like i said, those two needs buffs, but we have to come to terms that the more work they put in front of us, the less we're getting with each mode. since there's finite budget.
1. Newer players have it wayyyyy too easy, and due to that higher end player’s rewards tend to suffer. Think the “greater banquet crystals” from last year.
2. The bugs run so rampant, what’s even the point of taking this game seriously anymore? I don’t even push in BG’s much, because I know there’s really no point.
3. Someone at Kabam’s higher up team, has noticeably become more absorbed with making money- and saying to hell with the player base. At the moment it’s starting to seem more and more like what Bungie did with D2, and I’d hate for MCOC to have that same fate.
Valiants need to dry the tears and accept that they are already top of the notch, end game players.
They can beat every quest.
Maybe they need to wait for the next title... Mastodont , and receive rewards...
Because right now, is like this below
Ooohhohhh ahhhahhh 🙈🙉🙊
I honestly don’t understand how you’ve been able go on like you have on the forums. #globalchatvibes
Want people to know we got eyes on this stuff.
EQ has terrible reward:time ratio
SQ I do, but that takes only a while thankfully
Story is explored mostly
AW+AQ isn't my thing
BGs could be nice, but I was never too much into watching stuff load, so...
Everest is undoable for me, I need to git gud, but that's fine. Not everyone can be good.
I missed out on DL champs, so my last 2 months were like "enjoy having fun without me" - that's my own stupidity tho.
Now, I would like to get my G2099 to r2 to get the challenge done, but guess what? I need t6cc and there are few meaningful ways to obtain these.
I cannot help myself and I am sorry for that.
I have caused irreparable trauma. Someone else does something and I get named 🤣.
In all seriousness after all the criticism I think its actually cool mods chimed in during the weekend.
It seems like the 3 or 4 of you are getting absolutely roasted over what you're doing (or lack thereof). I can't imagine any of you enjoy reading that. Two of you were prominent players and YouTubers yet now it seems as if you've abandoned trying to help players and have their voices be heard.
But it was refreshing to see you actually check into the forums and respond. Maybe start by being present more here and responding.
- BG’s need a serious rewards increase
- EQ is severely outdated (Paragon Gauntlet is trickles in the game economy rn)
- Side quest is typically ignored now, kabam killed the hype for them with the release of the stale (now outdated) traders market.
- AQ is in a dier need of a buff for general years now.
- Incursions are D.O.A & need a serious rewards buff, its nice to have a saga incursion every 3 months, but a gamemode is only worth it every 3 months?
- Ali Rewards are mostly pointless. Seriously. These have received what? A single update or 2 since 12.0??
- Arenas still dont offer 7*s, catalysts arenas have never been loved, & the sunday arenas have never been given love.
- Calendar rewards are painfully behind in terms of importance, the only update as of late was a single valiant crystal? Why???
- Variants, i dont need to say much. Theyre so forgotten at this point they dont matter.
The game needs alot of love, im noticing it in some places like raids, endgame content, AW, & champion buffs, but how can certain areas just sit there for months, if not months, YEARS without updates?? Its 2025 & we have an arena for T4B/T1A. The year is still young, but my hope is kabam will listen. Please give it the love it so desperately needs.
I will share my feelings towards this game as an end game Valiant's low spender "competitive" player's perspective.
@KabamDORK @KabamPinwheel
I've been playing this game for almost 7 years and I feel things started to change around 1 1/2 years ago.
I understand this game monetizes through early access which I believe is fine after all it's a free to play game. However, we used to have 2 semi anual sales July 4th and Cyberweekend closing off with Banquet. Now we have +8 sales per year on top of frequent Platinum Pass, Summoner Bundles, Daily & Weekly Bundles, Chain Offers, Sigil Subscription, Collectors Daily Card and Unit Bundles. If this weren't enough, Unit currency has been suffering a constant devaluation throughout the unit sale stores. It has become insanley difficult to keep pushing for "top" ranks with no meaning whatsoever to grind arena or lower EQ levels which helped "ease" sales draw back. If the game needs the money and that amount of sales are going to keep taking place, at the very least allow there to be some type of grindable resources with reasonable value through out other game areas for who ever wants to take the time to chase them. This is not a way to give players "free" resources, it's a way to keep players engaged and reward them for over investing valuable time on playing this game although time is not seen as a profitable resource for the game's economy.
They have become repetitive and tedious, there are no updates to the game modes themselves except for a few changes of nodes every season. For a player that has gone through double digits of AQ, AW and BGs every day this is tiresome. I strongly believe Game Modes should have significant tweaks every certain amount of time to keep players engaged besides rewards (we'll get to that). End game players invest the majority of their playing time on game modes (not content) and this is what keeps us interested everyday. For example, BGs can be played by decks of 20-50 champs changing every season, defenders can have increased +500% HP one season and +200% Attack another season, etc. The point is to make game experience on game modes feel different and interesting at least every 2 seasons.
They have become stale in all game areas for so long now and they are not equivalent to the time, effort and resources spent. Rewards should constantly be updated according to the latest resource acquisition from sales and it's devaluation process. Yes, I understand they can not be too good in comparison with sales and that devs manage this to be the least amount of chasable cuantity but we are talking about the top 1% ranks of the game, the best players/alliances of the world for each game mode... give them something to play for!
They should also scale accordingly with each ranked position meaning, in BGs, alliance rank #2 shouldn't have same rewards as #5 and solo rank #11 shouldn't have same rewards as #100. Please get rid of this type of reward ranking system which only outcome is to have players or alliances "Park" at certain thresholds.
End game Valiant players for the most part have a self sufficient roster and a reliable cuantity of resources to tackle any new content, and if not, they sure do know how to manage their resources and/or are highly skilled to use the least possible amount. For the last few months I've seen a tendency to recycle previous end game content and believe me, this is not exciting at all. It's something we try to get rid of asap just to get the rewards and keep pushing on game modes, if this content is aimed for valiant players at least keep it new. Regarding EQ, SQ, Arena, Incursions and any other type of content, if it doesn't have meaningful rewards, it feels like a Chore, it's repetitive and tedious and in it's current state not even worth playing. Aside from rewards, these type of content should also be updated and innovated periodically. I've been playing the same format of all these type of content for years now and there's no need to make them complicated with keys and stores, etc. nobody cares tbh, the simpler the better.
5) BUGS and AI
For the most part, players try to adapt to these issues since they are surprisingly common, however, it is clear we can't fully enjoy the game when we have to acknowledge and overplay dropped inputs or deal with awckward AI mechanics. In high tier game modes, all it takes to loose a match is 1 mistake and when the reason behind this is a Bug it gets very frustrating. I've read that as a team, you are aware of these issues and I hope they are being worked on with TOP priority.
Overall, my current feelings towards the game in it's current state is absolutely no motivation or desire to keep playing. I stopped spending for 8 months now and I reduced my playing time immensely. As a BG focused player who constantly ranked #1 in alliance, placed #4 in anniversary solo event and pushed for top 200 in solo ranking every season; I have currently played 3 BG matches, I do not have the will to play Epoch, the next Gauntlet or any other type of content. My decision to keep playing mcoc relies on wether or not these points are acknowledged and constantly worked on in the near future of the game.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post,