Dev Diary: Battlegrounds in Focus



  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,321 ★★★★★
    Alot of this boils back down to, be careful what you ask for.
  • jrkst34jrkst34 Member Posts: 20
    So amazing to see such an honest and informative post. What you guys do is amazing, that’s why we are all here!
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    It took me 6 months after becoming valiant to form a deck with 7* rank 3 and 6* rank 5 ascended sig 200

    The barrier to entry for battlegrounds is too high for the vast majority of the playerbase who are paragon and below, they simply cannot assemble 30 strong champions unless they spend money but the rewards in battlegrounds doesn't justify the spending

    Battlegrounds is the only mode that casual players actively avoid playing bcos nobody likes the feeling of losing, there's no rewards from losing in battlegrounds except some points in the solo and alliance battlegrounds event

    Battlegrounds is a mode that only a minority of the playerbase are playing bcos they reached the end game and there is nothing else to do, you can't do Epoch after 100%

    Other competitive games have no barrier to entry, what's so difficult about shooting a gun in call of duty or getting a couple of champions in moba that can be used immediately after purchase

    In mcoc, you have to get the champion you want from a crystal, rank up and level up and sig up before it's ready and multiple that by 30

    Battlegrounds benefits the incumbent long playing valiants who have built a full deck and they are a minority in the game

    From the perspective of Kabam, they have to focus on the majority of the playerbase

    Still I'm glad they are finally doing something about it
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    edited March 22
    It's like the rich get richer node

    Buffing the rewards in battlegrounds only make the strong players even stronger and the weak players avoid the mode entirely
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    Of course I support buffing the rewards in battlegrounds

    I also don't expect anything crazy from Kabam when the rewards are buffed
  • Brain_XBrain_X Member Posts: 7
    I like this post, it eases the players frustrations. Though this also results in a feedback loop, and I hope this don't burnout the team involved in making these changes. I too understand the frustration of getting my weeks to months worth of projects rejected and returned again n again.
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    Speed reading is important skillset

    You need that to read all the nodes of everest content boss abilities in a flash
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    MCOC as a 10 years old game has become an abomination of it's original self

    Like a gamma radiated Maestro who is far different from the original hulk
  • Lester_JoaoLester_Joao Member Posts: 16
    edited March 22
    I didn't read anything about trophy tokens and the current BG store. Will the new currency replace the old one? If not, will there be a change in the BG store? Would we get a revamped store or the store remains untouched. If yes, what will happen to our unused trophy tokens?
  • Cyborg17Cyborg17 Member Posts: 127
    What are the top 5 most played game modes?
  • JESUSCHRISTJESUSCHRIST Member Posts: 1,112 ★★★
    The key issue here is why wont the casual players touch battlegrounds since some of us here enjoys the mode so much

    Is it inherently designed to be not for casual players?

    Is it not worth playing for casual players?

    Is it too scary for casual players seeing a full deck of serpent, enchantress, arcade and other monstrosities?
  • HulkbusterN1HulkbusterN1 Member Posts: 286 ★★★
    Kabam: We want simplicity
    Meanwhile Nightmare Raid nodes: ☠️
  • RekamRekam Member Posts: 17
    Thats awesome i can't wait for the war store, arenas, Glory store, incursions store, montly and secundary quest updates
  • destroy456destroy456 Member Posts: 32

    Im thankful for the update and transparency but i think one thing yall might be missing is that a lot of players may not be getting into GC as early as they should be due to the 48 hour event. I know that several of my alliance mates and myself will only play when these challenges reset so we can maximize our trophy token gain for time spent, especially bc most of us know we wont be getting into the higher GC brackets. If yall removed this event and instead added a small amount of trophy tokens (or some form of reward) to each match played i believe this would greatly incentivize players to actually play more than a few matches every day.

    Like what they did with the magnetron crystals and the tickets thats exactly what they should have done with the dark plums i don't understand why they changed it when it was perfectly ok to keep it in that order they did with the previous 2 chase champs
  • sedimentedwatersedimentedwater Member Posts: 4

    so what are everyones thoughts on vt update for upcoming season
  • MedosaMedosa Member Posts: 1
    For pausing you can apply penalty
    To summarize your post you have a big game that needs serious big changes and an overwhelmed small team to implement them and on top of that you had major layoffs so basically you’re aware of what needs to be done but you keep shelving it to sometimes a year or more in a game that was out for 10 years so 10% of it’s lifetime

    My advice hire more people to distribute the work load and get better and faster results

    And For pausing you can apply penalty on players pausing constantly you don’t have to disable pausing you only need to recognize that it’s happening and discourage it
  • Beerus2StrongBeerus2Strong Member Posts: 61
    edited March 22
    So now it's a "post" that a respected forum member calls it as such but it's a "discussion" or "thread" when I post?

    Nice writeup though
  • dr2wsdr2ws Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    edited March 22
    I’m not a complainer, what I’m gonna say is more or less constructive criticism.

    Crashed you do mention players farming in lower tiers, I understand modders are the priority.

    However this season you are encouraging them to farm, with the VT rewards buff + solo event milestone, so we get double dip, so they’re gonna absolutely love this.

    These farmers need cracking down on because it’s ridiculous man. I’m not a game developer but I feel as if these VT + GC rewards should’ve been done together.
  • ButteredPopcorn8008ButteredPopcorn8008 Member Posts: 185 ★★
    They need a system that makes it possible for players with smaller rosters to advance and to get points and experience the rewards also.i have friends that love battlegrounds but dont have the roster to fully compete so they need to be engaged better somehow
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 906 ★★★★
    Seems like a risky overhaul,..and battlegrounds has been through this before.
    I see a lot of “time incentive “ ideas to be implemented and i’m not certain this is great approach. Maybe it’s more complicated then just “buffing rewards”, but i find it’s over complicating things by changing battlegrounds format,.,(Again).
    A good start and maybe a simple solution would have been to replace all the useless relic rewards with something else,..for example.
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