6-Star Release Discussion Thread



  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Spurgeo14 wrote: »

    Couldn't agree more. I'm one of those players that doesn't have a single R4 5* although I'm getting very close, and the thought of having a 6* even at R1 sounds awesome! But I do understand some champs aren't great in that pool. Nevertheless, if I could, I would jump on the chance to open one just to have a 6*!

    This is exactly why the pool of available 6*s are pretty meh... If they had blade or stark or AA available then people like yourself who doesn't even have an R4 5* yet can't pop a 6* and instantly have (what's equivalent) a R4 5* blade with zero resources pumped into them yet.

    I realized this last night and it makes perfect sense why they chose the initial champs they did.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike when will there be word on 6* featured?
  • SSofLimboSSofLimbo Member Posts: 148
    Why not expand the game with more mastery points available or more quests? Why downgrade everybody's champs? (What this effectively does)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,303 Guardian
    SSofLimbo wrote: »
    Why not expand the game with more mastery points available or more quests? Why downgrade everybody's champs? (What this effectively does)

    Because the whole point is to add a new pursuit goal to the game. That pursuit goal must be something everyone wants, or its worthless as a pursuit goal. It must be hard to get, or its worthless as a pursuit goal. And it must be something that is far better than what you already have, or its worthless as a pursuit goal.

    That pursuit goal was 5* champs, when almost no one had 5* champs and they were very hard to get. Now that both of those statements are not true anymore, something else has to replace them. That's 6* champs. It is really as simple as that.

    Here's how this works, how it always works, and how it will always work. 6* champions are powerful and rare. Players will demand easier access to them. Kabam won't listen, and they will be accused of being greedy and not listening to the playerbase. Over time, as more players acquire 6* champions and they become more common, Kabam will make them more available and easier to rank up. As this accelerates, there will be a critical threshold where 6* champions no longer serve the function of a top tier pursuit goal. And then Kabam will start working on the next thing, whether that is 7* champions or something else conceptually different. Whatever it is, it will not be a simple upgrade of 6* champions. It will be something that is hard to get even for players full of 6* champions. It will be seen to devalue 6* champions, and Kabam will be accused of not listening to the players that don't want them "devalued." And then this will repeat, so long as the game exists.

    The alternative to making 7* champions and 8* champions and 9* champions is either gear or super expensive skill trees. And we already saw how popular the idea of gear was.
  • SSofLimboSSofLimbo Member Posts: 148
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    SSofLimbo wrote: »
    Why not expand the game with more mastery points available or more quests? Why downgrade everybody's champs? (What this effectively does)

    Because the whole point is to add a new pursuit goal to the game. That pursuit goal must be something everyone wants, or its worthless as a pursuit goal. It must be hard to get, or its worthless as a pursuit goal. And it must be something that is far better than what you already have, or its worthless as a pursuit goal.

    That pursuit goal was 5* champs, when almost no one had 5* champs and they were very hard to get. Now that both of those statements are not true anymore, something else has to replace them. That's 6* champs. It is really as simple as that.

    Here's how this works, how it always works, and how it will always work. 6* champions are powerful and rare. Players will demand easier access to them. Kabam won't listen, and they will be accused of being greedy and not listening to the playerbase. Over time, as more players acquire 6* champions and they become more common, Kabam will make them more available and easier to rank up. As this accelerates, there will be a critical threshold where 6* champions no longer serve the function of a top tier pursuit goal. And then Kabam will start working on the next thing, whether that is 7* champions or something else conceptually different. Whatever it is, it will not be a simple upgrade of 6* champions. It will be something that is hard to get even for players full of 6* champions. It will be seen to devalue 6* champions, and Kabam will be accused of not listening to the players that don't want them "devalued." And then this will repeat, so long as the game exists.

    The alternative to making 7* champions and 8* champions and 9* champions is either gear or super expensive skill trees. And we already saw how popular the idea of gear was.

    So why spend resources upgrading and acquiring 6*s when 7* (8*,9*,10*...) are going to be released and will make 6* redundant?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,303 Guardian
    SSofLimbo wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    SSofLimbo wrote: »
    Why not expand the game with more mastery points available or more quests? Why downgrade everybody's champs? (What this effectively does)

    Because the whole point is to add a new pursuit goal to the game. That pursuit goal must be something everyone wants, or its worthless as a pursuit goal. It must be hard to get, or its worthless as a pursuit goal. And it must be something that is far better than what you already have, or its worthless as a pursuit goal.

    That pursuit goal was 5* champs, when almost no one had 5* champs and they were very hard to get. Now that both of those statements are not true anymore, something else has to replace them. That's 6* champs. It is really as simple as that.

    Here's how this works, how it always works, and how it will always work. 6* champions are powerful and rare. Players will demand easier access to them. Kabam won't listen, and they will be accused of being greedy and not listening to the playerbase. Over time, as more players acquire 6* champions and they become more common, Kabam will make them more available and easier to rank up. As this accelerates, there will be a critical threshold where 6* champions no longer serve the function of a top tier pursuit goal. And then Kabam will start working on the next thing, whether that is 7* champions or something else conceptually different. Whatever it is, it will not be a simple upgrade of 6* champions. It will be something that is hard to get even for players full of 6* champions. It will be seen to devalue 6* champions, and Kabam will be accused of not listening to the players that don't want them "devalued." And then this will repeat, so long as the game exists.

    The alternative to making 7* champions and 8* champions and 9* champions is either gear or super expensive skill trees. And we already saw how popular the idea of gear was.

    So why spend resources upgrading and acquiring 6*s when 7* (8*,9*,10*...) are going to be released and will make 6* redundant?

    Only you can answer that, although for myself the logical answer is that 7* champions won't make your 6* champions redundant if you don't have enough 6* champions to earn those 7* champions in the first place. 6* champions don't currently make my 5* and 4* champions redundant because without those champions I have no way to earn 6* champions.

    If you don't like treadmills, don't play progressional games. All progressional games give you ways to progress, and the rewards you earn from that progress are used to make more progress. If you want a game that ends, you need to play single player games. If you want a game that allows you to reach the top and then stay there without anything appearing over the top, you'll need to write it yourself.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Why don’t 6* have better synergy numbers than their 5* or even their 4* equivalents?
  • DangerHaggisDangerHaggis Member Posts: 39
    When can we expect more 6* champs to be put into the 6* pool?
  • MoltenboyMoltenboy Member Posts: 1
    How do u get them?
  • mdsubmdsub Member Posts: 180
    When will Unstoppable Collosus be added & how much Loyalty will he cost? It's been asked several times I'd love to hear a response. @Ad0ra_ @Kabam Miike
  • ChuckNorrisChuckNorris Member Posts: 104
    could improve deadpool x-force change your e1 to shoot with weapon and your e2 in that does not bleed have armor breakdown, fury or cruelty and activate passive regeneration
  • BigTimeBigTime Member Posts: 246 ★★
    edited May 2018
    xxyanarxx wrote: »
    When will the new champs be added to 6 star pool? These ones just not worth to waste 6 star crystal.

    Could we please get an update on this mods? At least an idea.
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