Characters that need Buffed or Changed (Big-time)

Hey guys! I've posted many threads and comments in the old forums about how some characters in this game completely suck and need fixed, but I've never gotten any responses, from Kabam or another user. I've finally decided it's time to not just complain about bad characters, but suggest how they could be made better. If you have a character that you're struggling with, post about it in here and give a couple ways that they could be made better. For example, I think that an easy way to make Joe Fixit better is to increase all of his Gambler abilities by about 100%. He wouldn't just be not bad, but then he would be somewhat good. Keep in mind, this is not a thread about bugs within characters. That's for the Bugs and Known Issues portion of the forums. This is simply: "This guy stinks, this would make him better, this would make us happier, and this would make Kabam more popular." Also, if you disagree with someone, and think that the character they mentioned is good, don't argue with them. The character may have already gotten buffed or maybe it's just their opinion. I don't think Captain America is good, but some do. Keep those comments to yourself. Anyway, here's my list:
1 - Black Bolt - Black Bolt is one of the worst in the game. His Signature Ability causes any critical hits landed on him to grant him an indefinite Fury and/or Cruelty buff, and also any critical hits Black Bolt lands on the enemy grants him a temporary Critical and/or Fury buff. The problem is, Black Bolt becomes less effective the more you play the game. The more you play, the better you get. The better you get, the less you get hit. The less you get hit, the less effective Black Bolt's signature ability, which is his only strength in the Contest, becomes. Simply switching how these are gained would flip the effect. Make it so that landing a critical gives you the indefinite buff, and receiving an attack gives you the temporary buff. This would make him much more effective.
2 - Joe Fixit - Joe Fixit is bad. The easiest way to make him better is to make his Gambler ability better, which I already mentioned. Gamma Regeneration isn't even worth having. Making his Regeneration like 100%-150% better would actually make it good. His Rage is good enough as it is currently. Dirty Fighting is good as well. Cunning, however, is nearly unnoticeable in my opinion. It needs to be made a lot better.
3 - Ant-Man - Ant-Man is bad. His only good aspect is his Glancing ability that you get from Awakening him. Unless you have him duplicated, he's not worth having. However, duplicating him isn't worth it, either, since he's still not good enough to be worth having. A way to increase his effectiveness would be to make his Special Attacks much more effective. They do a very low amount of damage, and changing that could help a lot.
4 - Spider-Gwen - Spider-Gwen is bad. Just plain bad. She's got low health, mediocre damage, a worthless Special Attack 1 unless she's on defense, and confusing Combat Modes. Just increase everything by like 5%. Everything. She's overall just not good. Nothing stands out as horrible, but nothing is even close to good. Just make everything slightly better.
5 - Luke Cage - Luke Cage is very poorly represented in this game. His Awakened Ability makes it so that, when struck for the first time in a fight, he gains Indestructible, which prevents him from taking damage for, I think, 6 seconds. Instead of making this his Awakened Ability, this should be changed to 3 seconds and put at the start of the fight. His Awakened Ability could be to gain Indestructible for another 3 seconds after using a Special Attack.
That's all for now. I would've put Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), but I've heard she's getting buffed soon, so I'll wait to see what happens. Let Kabam know who you think is bad and how they could be fixed! Character inequality/disparity is a huge problem, and it needs to be fixed. All characters should be in the same area of overall ability. The aspects of their gameplay is where things should differ. Again, let me know who needs to be better and how so!
1 - Black Bolt - Black Bolt is one of the worst in the game. His Signature Ability causes any critical hits landed on him to grant him an indefinite Fury and/or Cruelty buff, and also any critical hits Black Bolt lands on the enemy grants him a temporary Critical and/or Fury buff. The problem is, Black Bolt becomes less effective the more you play the game. The more you play, the better you get. The better you get, the less you get hit. The less you get hit, the less effective Black Bolt's signature ability, which is his only strength in the Contest, becomes. Simply switching how these are gained would flip the effect. Make it so that landing a critical gives you the indefinite buff, and receiving an attack gives you the temporary buff. This would make him much more effective.
2 - Joe Fixit - Joe Fixit is bad. The easiest way to make him better is to make his Gambler ability better, which I already mentioned. Gamma Regeneration isn't even worth having. Making his Regeneration like 100%-150% better would actually make it good. His Rage is good enough as it is currently. Dirty Fighting is good as well. Cunning, however, is nearly unnoticeable in my opinion. It needs to be made a lot better.
3 - Ant-Man - Ant-Man is bad. His only good aspect is his Glancing ability that you get from Awakening him. Unless you have him duplicated, he's not worth having. However, duplicating him isn't worth it, either, since he's still not good enough to be worth having. A way to increase his effectiveness would be to make his Special Attacks much more effective. They do a very low amount of damage, and changing that could help a lot.
4 - Spider-Gwen - Spider-Gwen is bad. Just plain bad. She's got low health, mediocre damage, a worthless Special Attack 1 unless she's on defense, and confusing Combat Modes. Just increase everything by like 5%. Everything. She's overall just not good. Nothing stands out as horrible, but nothing is even close to good. Just make everything slightly better.
5 - Luke Cage - Luke Cage is very poorly represented in this game. His Awakened Ability makes it so that, when struck for the first time in a fight, he gains Indestructible, which prevents him from taking damage for, I think, 6 seconds. Instead of making this his Awakened Ability, this should be changed to 3 seconds and put at the start of the fight. His Awakened Ability could be to gain Indestructible for another 3 seconds after using a Special Attack.
That's all for now. I would've put Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), but I've heard she's getting buffed soon, so I'll wait to see what happens. Let Kabam know who you think is bad and how they could be fixed! Character inequality/disparity is a huge problem, and it needs to be fixed. All characters should be in the same area of overall ability. The aspects of their gameplay is where things should differ. Again, let me know who needs to be better and how so!
I agree that all of these characters could and should be made better, but how?
"I don't think this should be about buffing or nerfing. Either leads to significant roster shifts and Kabam won't give us rank down tickets for them.
In gaming terms, we are looking for "win conditions" on each champ. A champ that lacks them is underused, a champ that has many is overused.
Every new champion released in the new wave has been granted more than one "win condition", but most of those have been designed to counter most commonly used strategies for champs that lack "win conditions". It's this unstructured approach that leads to this chaos and constant rebalancing.
A good example of this is how "spite" created a large curve ball by making players have to find champs that lack buffs or "win conditions".
Let's take a concrete case study.
Iron Patriot
He has the exact same stats as Ironman, but his buffs are all less frequent and less powerful than Ironman. His lower chance to armour break makes him a very unreliable counter to armoured champs, even though he applies a stronger armour break and has a stronger armour up than Ironman. His signature ability is a severely diminished version of that of Ironman because it regens less health and in the end of the regen actually places a catastrophic armour break on him, essentially making him not be able to last very long after the regen takes place.
So what are his win conditions?
Can he amplify his damage as the fight goes on? Not really, since he has reduced percentage chances compared to standard Ironman.
Can he diminish damage received as the fight goes on? Again, not really since his chances of gaining armour are again lower than standard Ironman.
Does he have the ability to place debuf on the opponent that significantly gives him an advantage on the fight? Unlike Ironman, he can stun, but the only way to guarantee that stun is through his SP3, which can never be a win condition as the opponent generates enough power for 2 SP3 on the time it takes IP to get to one SP3.
Does he have a buff or ability that allows him to significantly outlast opponents? Not really, since his regen triggers at extremely low health only and also when triggered places a significant armour reduction on himself, allowing for increased damage received.
Is he immune to one or more negative HP trade debuffs in the game? Not at all. He is vulnerable to all negative HP debuffs in the game, and is unable to avoid any of them preemptively in any way.
To give him a win condition then one of the above 5 questions must be turned into a positive answer, but essentially, when you model a champ as a worse version of another it's bound to be a weak champ."
Thanks for finding me and reposting this here. I agree that Iron Patriot should be fixed up a bit, and you summed it up very well. Do you have any other ideas for other characters? You seem to have great insight and ideas for how things could and should work in the game.
Doctor strange- revert all changes. This character was not op. Gwenpool was better than Og doctor and so are a lot of new champions.
Colossus- when he has three armors he can't lose more Than 5% of max health, and armor breaks on specials equivalent to his amount of armor ups (more armor ups = more armor breaks), special attacks inflict concussions lowering the targets ability accuracy
Hulkbuster- when opponent below one bar of power he bleeds them and when bleed runs out it power burns them,less than two bars he shocks them and when shock runs out it stuns, less than three he armor breaks them and when armor break runs out it deals 700 damage as energy damage.
I really agree with you on Black Widow and Dr. Strange. They need to be updated. Keep up the good work.
Black widow - she is fine in everything but her first move should be changed.she is very good with weapons so she needs to use guns like winter soldier and punisher
Actually, I think that's the point. He's supposed to be impossible to stop when he dashes forward. He can be really fun to use if you utilize that ability.
Instead of gamora having assassination on her l3, why not an enhanced bleed just like deadpool? Having an l3 with a 50% chance of assassination and not triggering is not worth it.
Yes, he needs buffed. Have any suggestions on how?
What if we just got rid of these characters, and then reintroduce them in the future, revamped as the same character. Anyone who loses their champion gets a crystal of the tier of champion they lost, awakening gem (if the champion was awakened) and sig stones (again if the champ was awakened), as well as those new, fancy rank up ticket/stone/ looks like a gem. The champion removed from the game is given the full reworks, new abilities, etc. So Iron Patriot can be unique and have his win conditions and come back as a "new" character. However, not in the same "new", there would be no arena, no special quest. Just reintroducing the champion.
This is my first comment/thread/post on here, so be kind.
I do think that some characters definitely need reintroduced, but they shouldn't be taken away. This would be hard to pull off, since people would lose the character and all the resources they poured in to get them. Yes, some definitely need revamped, but shouldn't be removed in the process.
As to your points. . .
1) Black Bolt - He needs some refinement. I currently like him as a champion with his previous adjustments. Without much insight to him as a character though, it's hard for me to make suggestions on how to fine tune him.
If played correctly, his SP1 can hit like a truck and in most fights, I can generally get two combos through his stun duration unlike most champions.
2) Joe Fixit - agreed 100%
3) Ant-Man - he is lackluster as stated. I only use him in arena and have been disappointed, to say the least, with the promised "increases" in his fatigue stacks in update 12.0. If I do see more than four, it's typically in the first two combos and they have worn off by the time I have built enough power to use his SP2.
Either his changes didn't go through as intended or the significant changes made were actually trivial and we aren't seeing a modicum of difference.
I do enjoy the character design but feel that maybe he needs to have more ants incorporated into his specials. Why not call in fire ants and add an immolate debuff with his first special uppercut instead of an extra fatigue (I may be reaching here). Or, Kabam could revisit his animations akin to Yondu and just have ants (ground and flying) swarming during the fight doing random base damage.
4) Spider-Gwen - I believe she too is in a good place EXCEPT Kabam did not add a damage component to her SP1. Her stacking armor breaks coupled with her SP2 is usually a fight ender for me and my four star is only 3/30 non-duped.
I would only give her a new first special.
5) Luke Cage - his damage output is trivial. I do believe, being the character he is, he should be able to armor break with his exhaustion. I do not see armor breaks like Iron Fist. Or possibly add a Dazed that would reduce the enemy power gain or crit rate (though that is fatigue).
I agree with indestructible as well. It is also an ability that could possibly reset during the fight. Put a cooldown timer on it (15 seconds, 10 seconds?)
And my thoughts. . .
1) She-Hulk - Her damage output is paltry at best at 3/30 as a four star. Being awakened, I cannot see any difference in the class abilities she is intended to reduce.
Her design intent is to stun lock you as much as possible so I feel she as a champion should immediately nullify the presence of the Limber mastery, increase Rogue's stun cooldown duration, reduce the chance for Agent Venom's Tenacity to trigger, and possibly even be a counter to Mordo's Astral Evade.
I also think her signature ability needs to be redesigned to either increase the stat reduction at lower signature levels or better reflect her legal background (don't know how that would play out).
2) Nightcrawler - I don't like using him on offense. Granted, I do enjoy his animation of evading as Kabam did a great job getting that right, it just makes it difficult (unsure why) to properly focus on an attack with him. I don't know how to implement it, but if there were some way we could control his evade to better control the flow of the fight.
I 100% agree with your statements on NC and She-Hulk. She-Hulk is awful, and NC is very hard to use. Nightcrawler's animation is awesome, but it takes you out of the fight, and makes it hard to attack afterwards.
Colossus - His two aspects that are unique are Armor Up and Bleed Immunity. That being said, those two abilities are used by many throughout the Contest, alongside other, better buffs. Colossus should be able to gain a few things that would make him better. One of them could be Fury. Another could be Luke Cage's Indestructible. We all know that Colossus is virtually indestructible, as is shown on his Special Attack 3. It would be very entertaining if, when he has 5 Armor Up buffs stacked on top of each other, he could gain Indestructible for 3-5 seconds. It would be much more fun to use him, and he would be made effective again.
Black Panther - This martial arts master has nothing good about him but Bleed. That's it... Bleed. Not that Bleed is bad or anything, but it gets old fast. An easy way to make this character more fun to use would be to change his animations on Special Attacks. Make him punch the enemy into the air, then kick him back into the wall. Or he could slash out their legs before delivering a slice to the head. Simple changes to his Special Attacks would make him more fun to use. He's already good, just not entertaining enough.
Abomination - Poison. Poison, poison, and some more poison. He's super annoying to fight, and awful to fight with. The better you are at the game, the less effective he is to have. If you are good enough to not get hit for long combos, his Awakened Ability is worthless. Is there not contact when his fist strikes your face? Why would this not Poison the enemy? Decrease the odds of the enemy being Poisoned, but add the chance of Poison to his attacks as well. Doing so would at least make him relevant.
His sp3 needs to be more anty. Probably he can shrink the opponent lowering their base health and attack stats?
He is also a thief, maybe he can steal any buffs on the opponent and put any debuffs he currently has on them instead.
Also thinking about his fatigue debuff he puts on the opponent, have no timer on them and let them stuck until special 2 is used. That way poison will actually be useful.
Yeaaah, Venom could use a buff or two, couldn't he? Sure, he's not a priority (he's not great, but not awful either), but he could use one.
First: Remove his defensive buffs from his genetic memory. They just suck, and I wouldn't like them even if they didn't because it means less damage.
Now then, for improvements:
->He's got a healing factor in the comics, why not add that? A decent permanent regen that pops back up if it's nullified (think Joe Fixit's current regen on power).
->Give him some form of invisibilty, since he can also do that. ( 50% chance for all attacks to miss, bump it up to 75% for projectiles, 5 seconds for duration, 5 second cool down). Dash back and hold block for it (1.5 seconds)
-> Make him reduce the opponent's evasion chance by like 5% and increase it to 95% against science class champs ( and if he's invisible it's 100% against anyone).
->Taking into account the symbiote's usual durability in a fight, give him a passive armor increase of about 750 at best. This armor goes away if Venom is under an incinerate.
-> Increase his sp1 replication chance to 75%, sp2's to 85% and invisibility after and give his sp3 a 100% chance to Absorb the opponent ( increase Venom's stats (all) for 60 seconds, decrease enemy stats (all) for 20 seconds and replicate all buffs+ all possible abillities that were on the opponent at the time of the sp3's activation. Stats should be 5%-ish)
-> I'm thinking of making his bleed more unique: increase the duration to about 20-25 seconds (so it makes his bloodlust more relevant). He can only have one bleed timer on the opponent at a time with a 5-stack limit (no refreshing the timer, which is shared by all five bleeds). If you have five stacks when the bleed ends, it has a 50% chance to leave an Open Wound. Each heavy while the opponent has five bleeds increases this chance by 25%, and each crit by 5%.
-> Increase his bleed proc chance from 7% to 10% and make his crits increase that chance by 15%.
All right. Any questions/ suggestions are welcome, and while this looks like a lot, it's just a long list of small buffs and/or changes to improve Venom overall.