Would Dr. Strange be a champion you quest with if he were buffed back up to his pre-nerf level?

Dr. Strange was once a god tier champion. You could quest with him. You could run alliance quests with him. You could use him for war. In every area of the game he was a viable champ. Of course since he was changed a year ago he is not a god tier champ. He is not an effective champ for harder maps and for alliance wars. Let's say that Kabam decided to change him back to his previous awesomeness. Obviously there are many great champions that have been released since the time of his nerfing that offer many of the same or better abilities. Would you still use Dr. Strange?
Would Dr. Strange be a champion you quest with if he were buffed back up to his pre-nerf level? 102 votes
Dr. Strange's strength came partially from 11.x mechanics that don't exist any more and partially from his incredibly strong health steal. No champion currently replicates those abilities. It is impossible to get a block that strong anymore due to diminishing returns, armor break no longer generates the same huge damage effects, and the only time you see a heal as strong as Dr. Strange had in 11.x is when you use Rogue against a Flare node. Even Blade's heal is a squib compared to 11.x Strange.
The comparison pre-12.0 was that Scarlet Witch could do more, but Dr. Strange could do enough 100% reliably. And Strange didn't need a crit team to reach his full potential.
Doesn't DS do pre-nerf levels of healing with Mephisto synergy?
Lol no, you could heal from zero to near-full with a single L2
1. Negative Armor is no longer a thing. Used to be able to obliterate armor and keep tearing it off until you saw their SOUL and attack that directly. If it’s still a thing it’s a hollow shell if it’s former glory
2. Diminishing returns ruins that block game a lot
3. His regen mechanic doesn’t really exist anymore as even new champions with regen have solid flat rates.
While id LOVE to get him back as a dependable AQ champion there’s little else I’d ever consider him for
I never said that he was not reliable. What I did say was that she was better. And I know that a lot of that has to do with personal preference. But she was a better boss killer for AQ even without a crit team. Her s2 did a lot of damage that could end matches fast compared to longer matches with him. That is why she was a choice I made often for AQ over him.
A solid 9. Wasn’t his damage but he could last longer than wolverine and still burst in good hits and took buffs off the enemy like crazy (which he still does)
One of the best blocks and a staggeringly high regen plus a nice zone where you could blast them with a powerful attaxk
That's your opinion (that she was better), and many people agreed with you pre 12.0. But I'm saying many other people disagreed because Scarlet Witch's random performance meant that outside of a critical team which increased critical chance to a high enough degree to neutralize most of the randomness in performance Dr. Strange's "best worst case" performance was better than SW's best-worst case performance, and that stability in never performing worse than a particular level was valued higher by many players than the optimum case performance you could get out of SW. There was a legitimate difference of opinion between the two in 11.x that meant there was no consensus winner. I'm highlighting that difference of opinion because people's memories of how strong Strange was pre-12.0 seems to have gotten oddly muted over time, as evidenced by the fact that this is the umpteenth thread I've read recently which claims that many current champs exceed what Strange used to be able to do in 11.x, when its not even really close.
I still use Scarlet Witch as boss killer in AQ map 5.
This. The argument that they have God Tier now isn't really feasible because no Champ is capable of doing what they did pre-12.0. There are some that are strong in ways, but none that are all-round. It wouldn't likely be even possible to restore him because the Champ wasn't the only change that was made. We have entirely new mechanics.
People just have champs now with PI that rivals the bosses with 5*.
If a champ doesn't end a fight in 50 hits they are apparently trash.
In today's MCOC, it is a very different world. I would say the closest champs to what DS used to be now are Ghost Rider and Voodoo, both of which I have at R4, and have been lucky to have.