Is the Boss Rush Iceman too tough?

Seriously what [edited by Moderator] is that iceman. You know 90% of players dont have a ghost rider? So why [removed by Moderator] are you making such a horrible fight? I cant even pin this one on kabam. Why cant you just be creative like brian or yeet?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Yeet did a great job (if we could vote I would've done it for him, perfect fight to test skill & patience) , Brian's was actually a bit too easy with flare & life transfer.
Does GR have to be awakened or will this one be ok?
He buddy, it's ok, we understand. All of us were extremely bad at this game when we first started too. Just keep practicing and eventually you'll get good at it! Don't give up! Hope this helps!
Ghost Rider? That borders on completely random.
Brian's fight was interesting conceptually, but also bordering on ludicrously easy if you simply understand how the buffs interact and are remotely aggressive. Venom was probably the hardest in terms of being a slog. Iceman was actually a very well designed high-difficulty fight. I actually considered Iceman to be the best designed fight out of the set, and that's with my game design hat on. Putting safeguard on a triple immune champion with a tricky SP1 to evade and an easy SP2 to evade but eliminating the heal block we encountered with Ice Phoenix made it a better tactical fight than honestly many of the uncollected bosses we face every month.
Well because then you would cry there was
nobody the crystal
Dave gave you the best champion in the rewards possible.. think about that
you prob dont even stand a chance in 100% act v let alone to be able to do map 6 aq.
its obviously you are a beginner/mid player,
all i did was survive his colsnap and there u go, bait and dodge all his specials and don't get hit, practice your interceps and parrying and u should be good.
get better and get good.
GR doesn't rely on being awakened to be great. His awakened ability gives him that extra damage which is great. But he is worth ranking to R4 even unawakened.
Not sure about the attacking between combos, assuming you aren't doing full combos against his block, but he slips out of a Stun when he has Ice Armor active; it will be consumed to remove a stun. Both YJ and GP should do well vs him with patience, assuming GP is awoken. With YJ, hit him with L1 when he has a special ready, and bait, bait, bait. If you have trouble fully evading Ice's L1, just block it.
Exactly. Just survive the cold snap and the rest is skill at avoiding getting hit. You can use anyone that can survive the coldsnap