Alliance War Season rewards give rise to piloting.
Bring on the hate but I’m over it. We have lost 2 wars in a row because the other teams were using only a few people to play everyone. Don’t even act like this isn’t true either. Everyone knows it and talks about it, people even beat hard content for other people for money. There were people that got Thanos from labrynth bc they paid someone else to play it. I’m just over it already. Every alliance does it, at least in the top 200-400 for sure. So what if something doesn’t get finished bc you have a life... guess what? It’ll be like that for everyone else too. If you can’t beat the hard content yourself you shouldn’t get the rewards. The negative impact this has had goes all over the place. The value of items and catalysts is false representation of a naturally progressed inflation/deflation. Do it. Make it so you have to verify your device to sink your account. And if you get a new device have a process to get it switched. Done deal. Now go, quick like a bunny and get it done.
Social media forums that don't shut down discussions (reddit, facebook) have provided a large amount of evidence that piloting is common in higher AW tiers. If you're going to argue that piloting doesn't happen, you should provide proof to support your claims. Many players have provided evidence that piloting occurs, such as personal experience with alliances requiring members to give login information before they join, and top AW tier alliance members and well known YouTuber boasting about taking out 5-6+ bosses in a single AW.
So because it happens it means every time you lose it’s because the other team piloted ? It’s virtually impossible for a player to know the other alliance is doing it unless they say in the game chat that they are. Does that happen often ? No, so why are you getting upset about something outside of your control.
All your focus should be every war it to maximize total points, you are not competing with the other alliance per say but rather yourselves.
It sucks but it’ll be like this till something is done about account sharing. Not sure what could be done about the donos
Piloting was given rise by Seasons. It has always been an on-going problem, but most alliances were never too bothered with it because AW rewards weren’t worth that effort. The incredible season rewards is what brought rise to heavy piloting now.
Account Sharing is the real issue. It's been around for a long time. Far too long, frankly. It's the same thing.
1) I gave examples to support piloting occurs (like you asked for), I'm not able to elaborate on those examples because doing so violates the forum's terms of service. Your first sentence is a false assumption you came to on your own.
2) I didn't say anything about being upset.
3) Alliance War Tiers are based on %. That means alliances who pilot earn higher tier rewards by cheating, which in turn keeps alliances who don't pilot/cheat from moving up tiers.
4) AW Seasons rank rewards are not the only rewards alliances miss out on because of piloting. Tier 3 is top .5%, just under the top 500 AW rating alliances. Tiers 1-3 give 6* shards, if piloting is ignored then the message to increase 6* progression is cheat until you get caught.
5) Kabam is able to identify when piloting occurs, the question is whether they want to. Close to all players who throw out comments about "VPNs" or "device identifiers" or other means of determining when accounts are accessed from multiple devices have a fraction of accurate knowledge of how companies track their users' internet access. Information security and cyber forensics are not my areas of expertise, but it's possible to learn about how companies track their users' internet/device access from knowing people with meaningful experience in those fields.
5) You change your stance in your 2nd comment from asking for evidence that piloting occurs to saying that it's close to impossible to identify when piloting occurs. Chose a stance and stick with it, or concede when others provide evidence/details that disprove your points. No one has all the answers.
Piloting is not the biggest problem with AW seasons. Alliances that pilot lose all of the time.
Players in the higher tiers should be more concerned with their competitors getting matched with alliances that are using 3*s on defense.
Matchmaking is a much larger problem.
I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. I’m saying it’s a waste of time worrying about it because it’s ourside your control.
I know it happens but I’m not going to blame losses on it. If we lose a close war by a few deaths it’s still on us to improve. That has nothing to do with the other alliance and their piloting or lack of piloting
Thanks for clarifying. I agree with that 100%. Only thing I'll add is Kabam does listen to players' AW feedback. Diversity points changes, attack bonus, and AW Seasons rewards are examples of changes made based on player feedback. If we don't give feedback on why we hate AW piloting, Kabam may not take steps to prevent piloting from occurring.
@Obi_Jedi0110101 How were you able to confirm this is the reason you lost and they were actually doing it? You have yet to explain that part. Could it be that you just actually lost and are really just finding excuses to blame it on?
Once again I’d like to reiterate I’m not looking for anyone to get into trouble bc if anyone who played someone else’s account or has had theirs played got bummed the game would be over. Show some class this is a real problem and I think could easily be fixed. Of course the people with unlimited resources will probably still find a way around it but that’s how it goes.
I. Not even gonna respond to denial posts because that’s just what they are. And I will keep fighting to make alliance wars great again! #MAWGA
So I once went to this basket ball tournament. I knew MJ was gonna be there and I’d def not beat him, but maybe I’d beat everyone else. So, I play against MJ and of course I lost. I’m waiting for my next opponent and out walks MJ and I lost again. I’m thinking wtf I just played MJ. Ok so I lost again and I’m thinking ok well maybe I’ll get third. I’m waiting for my next opponent and out walks f’in MJ again.
When you play against piloted alliances you ruin the skill needed in game. Instead of needing 30 skilled players you need only 1 or the ability to afford 1.
On iOS, this would violate Apple's terms of service. You are not allowed to force customers to prove their eligibility to use a different device connected to the same iTunes account. You can, at most, require them to log in.
u lost to mark johnson? what a scrub!
Who are you talking to? Less ellipses and more paragraphs please.
Oh just stop it. I was in a top alliance and they pilot. If you know the people on top, eveyone knows what is really going on. And how do some alliances magically get better when they saw the new AW rewards a few months ago. Trust me...there's a lot of piloting, but Kabam won't admit it.
I don’t think they are saying it isn’t happening. I think they are saying you hav to report it so they can look into it. Just saying someone is doing it isn’t enough. Report it
I ate 4 cookies in the time it took me to read this post am I a fast reader or a slow eater?