Alliance Quest Miniboss and Sentinel Refresh - April 2018 - Discussion Thread [Updated April 13]



  • PurePure Member Posts: 44
    And @GroundedWisdom do you have any facts that this was not intentional? Just because they said so?
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....
  • geoff78geoff78 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Rank down tickets and rewards buff. That's what your community wants
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    geoff78 wrote: »
    Rank down tickets and rewards buff. That's what your community wants

    They will buff the AQ rewards with the new season. I expect they will also provide more incentive to run map 6, which may not be the worst thing if they reduce the cost. I don't think you are correct that the community wants rank downs though. Most of the rank down threads get shouted down pretty quickly these days lol. I think they would be bad for the game if they were always available.
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    I want a 5* RDT so I can rank down my 4* Wolverine since he is no longer viable in AQ ( wink wink )
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.
  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    edited April 2018
    Sentinels don't need to be lowered, but I have a problem with the whole damnnnn sentinel build.

    Sentinels were specifically created to smoke mutants, Why is it then that they smoke humans?

    Even if you realllly stretch it, inhumans, mutated science, aliens, and techs like rocket or possibly stark Spidey and starlord. Daredevil and iron fist would be a super duper reach, as would dormammu etc

    Certain champs shouldn't be affected with all these debuffs, learning combos and specials, and other bs and may make them useable

    Champs such as Ironman, iron patriot, black widow, Hawkeye, ant man, black panther, civil warrior, crossbones, docock, vulture, falcon, Dr strange, Elektra, guillotine, hulk buster, kingpin, Mordor, nebula, ultron, punisher, war machine, vision, winter soldier, yellowjacket etc

    Sidenote: black panther/killmonger not affected by magnetos skillset. Is Vibranium no longer considered a metal?

    Does this not make sense? Maybe I'm becoming old and senile
  • StolenNameGuyStolenNameGuy Member Posts: 36
    When will Kabam learn from past mistakes and start a real beta test program before implementing changes like the sentinel change? I mean a real beta test, not like the LC/Rulk 'beta' where the surveys weren't even available to some participants?
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    They're making adjustments but we're still losing ground in this never ending struggle between difficulty and rewards.

    They want more difficulty without giving out better rewards. We want more rewards without too much difficulty. It's just that this time we protested enough and they knew they couldn't get away with it.

    Kabam, you are run by very very smart people. Every change you guys make is extremely deliberate and it's determined by the numbers. Any changes you guys make is simulated first before making it live. You knew how it would affect us but you pushed it anyway.

    This wasn't a "mistake". Some intern didn't make these changes. This was determined by the same genius team that has made hundreds of millions for this company peddling super buggy game and somehow getting hundreds of thousands of us to play the same boring fights 10 000 times a month. Your magic is pretty damn good.

    So why are you looking for "feedback" from us? YOU KNOW US BETTER THAN WE KNOW OURSELVES. That's how smart you guys are.
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★
    Sounds like half a fix to me. Sentinels are not fun in anyway regardless of difficulty & anyone without the perfect champs are still gonna timeout against MS.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    Was there really a difficulty change or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it because its not easy and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★

    Whoopie. Map 5 still replaced 44 syms with Sentinels. Longer, boring, monotonous fights against the same moveset.
  • SnizzbarSnizzbar Member Posts: 2,278 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    ***Was there really a difficulty change*** or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it ***because its not easy*** and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.

    You just answered your own question there lol
  • KlaywikiKlaywiki Member Posts: 41
    With so many champs in the game I don't understand the need for Sentinels to be spammed all over an AQ map anyway.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    Was there really a difficulty change or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it because its not easy and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.

    I did think about that and I actually made a post explaining why I believed it is a change in difficulty and not just one of circumstance. What it boiled down to was that when adaptoids were changed to symbioid after aq season 1. Venom replaced Kang bringing in symbioids to replace adaptoids. They each have different move sets and abilities. But There was nowhere near this level of unease with the new content in aq. Simply because adaptoids and symbioids were the same difficulty. Sentinels are not.
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    we should be given extra reward this week for the increased difficulty and extra tile, making the time spent fighting double to what it was
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    Was there really a difficulty change or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it because its not easy and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.

    I did think about that and I actually made a post explaining why I believed it is a change in difficulty and not just one of circumstance. What it boiled down to was that when adaptoids were changed to symbioid after aq season 1. Venom replaced Kang bringing in symbioids to replace adaptoids. They each have different move sets and abilities. But There was nowhere near this level of unease with the new content in aq. Simply because adaptoids and symbioids were the same difficulty. Sentinels are not.

    Here's where I can agree with you on. They are awkward as h*ll. I will admit that. Their fighting style is clunky and hard to get used style wise. Thats where a lot of people are confusing difficulty with unfamiliarity.
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    Hey Summoners,

    We've just posted an update in regards to your feedback on Alliance Quests. This post includes some adjustments to Sentinels and Alliance Quests that will be coming with the next series. Take a look right here:

    can you start a new pinned thread for these changes? so its not in with all the negative stuff from the last two weeks, which we can then also use to give our thoughts next week once the changes are active, lock this one start a new thread please.
  • PurePure Member Posts: 44
    I know I don't post much, but all this complaining about Sentinels,yes they **** up ,and everyone saying it wasn't intentional may be wrong,(not saying they are) but what do you expect? I personally think it was done on purpose.When we started bitchin they noticed they got caught.
    Don't expect it not to keep happening.
  • stinkypants74stinkypants74 Member Posts: 13
    Changes, I hate to say, are not sufficient. Bleed (and poison) immune replacements of symbioids imbalance gameplay.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    Was there really a difficulty change or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it because its not easy and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.

    I did think about that and I actually made a post explaining why I believed it is a change in difficulty and not just one of circumstance. What it boiled down to was that when adaptoids were changed to symbioid after aq season 1. Venom replaced Kang bringing in symbioids to replace adaptoids. They each have different move sets and abilities. But There was nowhere near this level of unease with the new content in aq. Simply because adaptoids and symbioids were the same difficulty. Sentinels are not.

    Here's where I can agree with you on. They are awkward as h*ll. I will admit that. Their fighting style is clunky and hard to get used style wise. Thats where a lot of people are confusing difficulty with unfamiliarity.

    That’s not my issue with sentinels. I got pretty used to their fighting style during the event quest. I don’t find them difficult because of that, I find them more difficult because the mystic one has mystic dispersion on steroids, the skill one has 100% tenacity and crazy fury and they all have near impossible to evade L2, (if the game wasn’t laggy they’d be feasible but currently the game is ignoring me when I swipe back multiple times).

    Who would you chose to fight, let’s assume they both have the sentinel moveset, just as a baseline.

    A) has purification where if you hit them they have a chance to remove debuffs and no other abilities
    B ) has 100% tenacity and fury when purifying debuffs, plus unblockable l1 and L2, and energy damage that deals through your block

    Now who would you fight outof these, again, both have sentinel same move sets
    A) has a small periodic power gain

    B ) has mystic dispersion that scales up throughout the fight from 1% per buff to 40% per buff after about a minute

    This isn’t even a biased question, I’m sure most people would choose fight A in both cases.

  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Cmon where is the updated rewards? We need t2a’s!!!!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,440 Guardian
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    Was there really a difficulty change or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it because its not easy and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.

    I did think about that and I actually made a post explaining why I believed it is a change in difficulty and not just one of circumstance. What it boiled down to was that when adaptoids were changed to symbioid after aq season 1. Venom replaced Kang bringing in symbioids to replace adaptoids. They each have different move sets and abilities. But There was nowhere near this level of unease with the new content in aq. Simply because adaptoids and symbioids were the same difficulty. Sentinels are not.

    Here's where I can agree with you on. They are awkward as h*ll. I will admit that. Their fighting style is clunky and hard to get used style wise. Thats where a lot of people are confusing difficulty with unfamiliarity.

    If that were the case, it would not be difficult to convince the developers of this. You may simply be unfamiliar with the most efficient way to do so.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Well I'm glad for the change but after the first week I really haven't had a problem.
    The biggest issue is all the damage that was done to the community. Players left, alliances crumbling, and we get free maps for a week? I'm not asking for rdts but I would understand why people would. Big changes twice in two weeks ...a normal person is going to rank someone up they might not have in order to help and old champs might not be useful. This just wasn't thought out very well.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,785 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Credit where credits due, well done for working quickly to right the wrong. I’m sure everyone’s grateful for you admitting kabam missed the mark and are fixing the issue. Thanks.

    There was no wrong.....

    Well there was, otherwise kabam wouldn’t be changing it and making it right. Whenever you want to stop whining about kabam doing something right is great with me! :)

    Same for when you want to stop whinging about them doing a wrong.

    According to you, adding a sentinel to replace a Symboid is a wrong, because your struggling to beat a 7k PI champ with about 25k health.

    Yep that’s so wrong of Kabam isn’t it.

    My issue is, and always has been, kabam claiming there was no difficulty change. I can handle to sentinels, they are more difficult but I didn’t mind about them. I don’t like that they upped the difficulty without upping the rewards, the fact I could deal with it is irrelevant.

    So, yep, it is wrong of kabam.

    Was there really a difficulty change or was it that you are so used to fighting symbiods that getting used to a different champ with a different fighting style takes getting used too? Symbiods were easy, no thought needed in beating them. Sentinels come along and now you cant be in cruise mode. You have to use strategy and you dont like it because its not easy and since its different so you think you are owed these great new rewards or get rid of the sentinels because you arent used to them yet.

    I did think about that and I actually made a post explaining why I believed it is a change in difficulty and not just one of circumstance. What it boiled down to was that when adaptoids were changed to symbioid after aq season 1. Venom replaced Kang bringing in symbioids to replace adaptoids. They each have different move sets and abilities. But There was nowhere near this level of unease with the new content in aq. Simply because adaptoids and symbioids were the same difficulty. Sentinels are not.

    Here's where I can agree with you on. They are awkward as h*ll. I will admit that. Their fighting style is clunky and hard to get used style wise. Thats where a lot of people are confusing difficulty with unfamiliarity.

    If that were the case, it would not be difficult to convince the developers of this. You may simply be unfamiliar with the most efficient way to do so.

    Thats what i am saying though. We had symboids for like what a year? You know how they work, you know what to expect and its just business as usual. Now you have a AI Sentinel that isn't all that aggressive and has different move set. The community didn't even give it at chance. They were up in arms before AQ even started. No one gave them a chance and didn't try to learn and understand how to combat them.
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