Contest down again ???



  • DrewskiDrewski Member Posts: 27
    Bro....I have been down for like 7 or 8 hours today. I was grinding towards legend and I am afraid of this hit. I have talked to multiple people on line and they are playing now. Just wondering if their is a fix anytime soon.
  • bubbapost1979bubbapost1979 Member Posts: 25
    iPhone 8 Plus
    iOS 11.4
    T-Mobile LTE
  • SpaycizSpayciz Member Posts: 3
    There goes my arena😢.. super annoying considering I just bought the catalyst pack as well😤
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    Rather than all these complaints.. people should just be happy AW and AQ aren't running currently.
  • iW0nderingWolfiW0nderingWolf Member Posts: 81
    Well bye bye dungeon time..... why can't I just log onto a game. Seriously
  • visstilvisstil Member Posts: 19
    Well this is lovely. Do we have any chance of getting on today... any?
  • DurgentimeDurgentime Member Posts: 16
    I-phone 8 plus
    ios 11.3.1
    It doesn't work on wi-fi or LTE, it doesn't work at all
    Will we be compensated in any way for all the arena we are missing? Mine has been down for hours and i wanted to tear through the new quest, now i am wasting energy.
  • DrewskiDrewski Member Posts: 27
    Yea....ALL day. I completed heroic then done. Cant get on
  • RakeYoungRakeYoung Member Posts: 474 ★★★
    I’ve been down since about 8pm EST

    iPhone 7 Plus
    iOS 11.3.1
    WiFi and T-mobile nothing

    I’m in North Carolina if it matters.
  • Aditya17Aditya17 Member Posts: 5
    Where is the solution????????? Almost 6 hours, god damn it!!
  • Socal_Ultimo1Socal_Ultimo1 Member Posts: 1
    Haven’t been able to log into game for hours.
    iPhone 7
    iOS 11.3.1
    Full wi-fi connection
    Full cellular connection

    Deleted and reinstalled the game multiple times. No dice.
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    Can we please get an update?
    Is a developer checking this issue or is it too late, you gave up and will keep working on it tomorrow?
    I missed my dungeon run, I missed my arena milestone, my energy is going to waste, and I’m “grinding” the chat hope to hear some good news or any comment.
    So frustrating to have the game down for more than 5 hours without get any update of sign of life from any of you.
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  • JohndeeperJohndeeper Member Posts: 33
    I’ve been down for 6 hours. A day is wasted which means more than likely I won’t get the infinity dust for the awakening gem. Lost gold, energy, infinity dust, dark artifacts for the 5 star hero plus daily rewards and many more things I can’t think of at moment?? 6 hours and no update????? So dam stupid and infuriating
  • DrewskiDrewski Member Posts: 27
    Im not trying to be disrespectful but I believe we at least deserve a response on this issue. I and I am assuming numerous others put alot of time, money, and effort in to this awesome game. The thing is that some of the bars you all set with some of these rewards requires all the time we can get. Im just saying in times like this a simple "we hear you and we are working on it" will go along way. Thank you for your services......hope its back up soon
    Hey All,

    If you're having trouble connecting, can you let me know what Device and OS you're using? Also, is this on WiFi or your Network? If on your network, please let me know which of those as well. We're investigating this right now.

    Droid 7.0, MetroPCS
  • LightMagiciansLightMagicians Member Posts: 42
    Rather than all these complaints.. people should just be happy AW and AQ aren't running currently.

    So you're saying only AQ and AW warrants loging in? I don't think so. What about all the people that were grinding for champs in the arena. All that time spent is now wasted plus many won't get the champ cause we can't "login".

    This is just absurd.
  • SlotSlot Member Posts: 4
    Iphone 7 verizon LTE says network connection issue
  • DrewskiDrewski Member Posts: 27
    Its back on....thanks
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    I’m finally in. I haven’t heard any official response so I hope it will stay like that (and that others can log in too)
  • BigDaddyE1978BigDaddyE1978 Member Posts: 2
    I got on!
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    This affect a large group of players but not all players, some players like myself was heavily invested into grinding and using units to refresh, as this is known as an optional tactic, it is what it is. There is also a large group of players who weren't affected at all who also used units to refresh for arena, they now hold an even greater advantage over those who were affected by this outage. Will Kabam do anything about it?
  • XfatbummXfatbumm Member Posts: 8
    Its working now
  • iKillUx2iKillUx2 Member Posts: 23
    Yeah we need compensation!! Bc the outage wasn’t for everybody!!! Not fair that some players can and others can’t
  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 360
    Yeah it’s really not fair Iv only just got back in the game lost all my arena milestones lost my champions from the dungeons it sucks q76jwz38p2il.png
  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 360
    I lost a good 8-12 hr that’s so long to lose :(ca505d1lfwws.png
    I low all the final milestones of arena 2 :( makes me sick
  • BowlSheetBowlSheet Member Posts: 116
    The important thing is that we all got some nice goodies for the inconvenience. Oh....wait...
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited May 2018
    So has a compensation package been sorted to send people that were in dungeons when it went down numerous times yesterday?
    It happened to me in the middle of two different runs, I usually get around 6000 points on average from two runs, but ended up with a combined total of 600 points and my 6 top champs used up that will take 2 days to refresh unless I use units because the server kept going down

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam DK @Kabam Rose @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Kabam Zibiit
  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 360

    Rather than all these complaints.. people should just be happy AW and AQ aren't running currently.

    Dude if you got locked out of the game 3 times for a total of 12 hours while you were grinding for champs grinding for arena milestones and you lost your top champs in a dungeon you couldn’t finish I personally think you would be the first to have a moan. It’s not fair what happened.
  • JohndeeperJohndeeper Member Posts: 33
    So has anyone heard kabam trying to compensate players who weren’t able to connect yesterday for several hours? Please respond @Kabam Miike
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