Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    -blue marvel
    -(revamped Hyperion)
    All of the above should be immune to bullet and bleed caused by bullets or swords)
    Mystique( with a mirror buff ability)
    Seriously why haven’t mystique and sabertooth already been added ?
    Nova quasar beta ray bill silver surfer(Thanos imperative event quest. Gladiator would tie into this as well)
    -blue marvel
    -(revamped Hyperion)
    All of the above should be immune to bullet and bleed caused by bullets or swords)
    Mystique( with a mirror buff ability)
    Seriously why haven’t mystique and sabertooth already been added ?
    Nova quasar beta ray bill silver surfer(Thanos imperative event quest. Gladiator would tie into this as well)

    @Youconfused good list, but Sentry and Sabertooth are already in the game....

  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Marvel has revealed in the past that one of the most powerful Mutants on earth is....

    Santa Claus

    A December event just writes itself. :)
  • Chris19Chris19 Member Posts: 3
    This may or may not seem like a basic character but it would be cool to see Okoye as a skilled character. Her various forms of combat would be cool to see how it could be incorporated into the game as seen in the Black Panther and a bit in Infinity War. After all, she is the greatest warrior of wakanda, right before T’challa himself.
  • SADDANSADDAN Member Posts: 23
    If you have the xforce deadpool it would be plausible to also insert the xforce wolverine (an appearance in a dialogue a year ago does not count), Phantomex and the xforce nightcrawler, giving more importance to Phantomex.
  • SADDANSADDAN Member Posts: 23
    Another fact is also the question of new heroes or villains joining marvel comics or getting their own comic as the Gwenpool who was added to the game on his debut, so it could also put the new war machine with Frank Castle in command or even the Weapon H!
  • LordDemocLordDemoc Member Posts: 16
    Phoenix force cyclops. I feel he’d be great. The cyclops’s in game don’t show nearly enough love to him. He’s the leader of the x men for a reason and has gone toe toe with plenty of overwhelming foes! Phoenix force cyclops is cyclops at his greatness potential and is just extremely over powered in the comics that or his brothers Vulcan and havoc.
    Vulcan is way awesome in the comics and needs some love. Guy has gone toe to toe with some of the stongest enemies in the marvel universe plus his powers are awesome he just absorbs every energy and power in existence pretty much.
  • raieeniraieeni Member Posts: 1
    i want a 3 or4 star player........... please...................
  • Ajjohnsbb8Ajjohnsbb8 Member Posts: 191
    MCU Champs I Wanna See
    1 Obadiah Stane (Warmonger) (Tech) Iron Man
    2 Justin Hammer's War Mechs (Tech) Iron Man 2
    3 Whiplash (Tech) Iron Man 2
    4 Odin (Mystic, Cosmic) Thor, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok
    5 Red Skull (Science) Captain America: The First Avenger, Avengers: Infinity War
    6 Peggy Carter (Skill) Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: Winter Soldier
    7 Chitari Warrior: (Cosmic) The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War
    8 Agent Coulson (Skill, Tech) Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, The Avengers
    9 Nick Fury (Skill) Iron Man, The Avengers, Captain America Winter Soldier, Age Of Ultron, Avengers: Infinity War, Captain Marvel
    10 Tony Stark (Mark 43) (Tech) Iron Man 3
    11 Killian (Science) Iron Man 3
    12 Kraglin (Tech) GOTG, GOTG VOL 2
    13 Gamora MCU (Cosmic) GOTG, GOTG VOL 2, Avengers: Infinity War
    14 Quicksilver (Mystic) Age Of Ultron
    15 Ancient One (Mystic) Doctor Strange
    16 Kaicillues (Mystic) Docter Strange
    17 Ego (Universal, Cosmic) GOTG VOL 2
    18 Mantis (Cosmic) GOTG VOL 2
    19 Shocker (Tech) Spider Man Homecoming
    20 Korg (Cosmic) Thor: Ragnarok
    21 Valkyrie (Cosmic, Mystic) Thor: Ragnarok
    22 Black Panther Kinetic Suit. (Skill Tech) Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War
    23 Thanos (Infinity War) (Cosmic) Avengers: Infinity War
    24 Iron Spider (Tech) Spider Man Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War
    25 Outrider (Cosmic) Avengers: Infinity War
  • Username1583Username1583 Member Posts: 165
    I think Red Skull should be a priority, we have 3 types of Captain America but not his biggest nemesis.
    I also think Omega Red would be cool AF.
    Also Mystique should be added, Mar-Vell, Wasp, Namor, the Fantastic Four, Adam Warlock, Quicksilver.
  • NixiousGasiousNixiousGasious Member Posts: 4
    You really should add Jessica Jones. You already have 3 of the 4 defenders. Why not add the 4th. No event needed just slip her in sometime. Complete the set.
    I say we should get more spider-man and woman like gwenom if u read her comic she is one of coolest one with bounded with symbiote venom so yeah and maybe more symbiotes during venom
  • Gesner3Gesner3 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018
    Agreguen al asgardiano de infinity war
  • Thunderbird1211Thunderbird1211 Member Posts: 4
    Agent Melinda May would be a nice addition.
  • Hero1700Hero1700 Member Posts: 15
    What I want more than ever from this game is to please add Dr.Doom
  • OluwadmyOluwadmy Member Posts: 1
    A character like galactus
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    Signature Ability-:Density Control

    When struck by enemy Sandman has a flat 85 Percent chance to control his body's sand density resulting in gaining Physical resistance ___(certain value)and Energy resistance___(certain value) for 7 seconds.

    As Sand man is made up of organic sand he is fully immune to bleed,poison and shock effects BUT not immune to incineration.

    Silicosis---:Opponents fighting with Sandman has 33.33 percent to trigger silicosis in them causing them to lose health over 3 seconds and causing Weakness in them of ___(certain) value.

    Sandarmor reduces the critical hit damage by 15 percent due to glancing of sandman.

    As sand is not easily destructible,When below 25 percent of health Sandman will get 3 undestructible charges each lasting 10 seconds each.

    Heavy attacks inflicts armor break effect upto 6 each lasting 6 seconds.

    Cause a bleed effect of ___(certain) value over time and is unblockable.

    During charing of the special Sandman will gain Critical damage buff which lasts for 7 seconds.

    Sandman dazzels the opponent reducing their ability accuracy by 100 percent for 35 seconds.

  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    Because the Venom movie is releasing you may also consider to add the cosmic symbiote TOXIN, as there are not many good cosmic champs it would be a great addition.
  • SlappapowSlappapow Member Posts: 130
    I'm just gonna leave this here…di1sprladpwr.jpeg
  • DynarsttDynarstt Member Posts: 1
    My GENIAL ideas....

    Cable (Film version)
    Red skull
    Spider man 2099
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    Hello fellow summoners. I had a character I wanted to suggest for play. Namor The Sub-Mariner. I suppose he would be placed in the Mutant class. I would say they should design him in one of his cooler costumes and not just the green briefs.
    Also thought Havok is long overdue for the Mutant class.
  • YouconfusedYouconfused Member Posts: 274
    imaginejim wrote: »
    -blue marvel
    -(revamped Hyperion)
    All of the above should be immune to bullet and bleed caused by bullets or swords)
    Mystique( with a mirror buff ability)
    Seriously why haven’t mystique and sabertooth already been added ?
    Nova quasar beta ray bill silver surfer(Thanos imperative event quest. Gladiator would tie into this as well)
    -blue marvel
    -(revamped Hyperion)
    All of the above should be immune to bullet and bleed caused by bullets or swords)
    Mystique( with a mirror buff ability)
    Seriously why haven’t mystique and sabertooth already been added ?
    Nova quasar beta ray bill silver surfer(Thanos imperative event quest. Gladiator would tie into this as well)

    @Youconfused good list, but Sentry and Sabertooth are already in the game....
    Yea my bad. I kinda wrote this about a year ago and it was in my drafts
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    They should probably do Captain America Sam Wilson. For the next Science character they want to do a different costume of.
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    Is there a reason why no Fantastic Four characters are in the game? I can see why there wouldn't be what with the teams current deal in the comics but was wondering if there's more to it than that.
  • MadplanetMadplanet Member Posts: 20
    The new Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes. His characters getting bigger. On the Avengers and was on the Shield tv show. He would be good for the Mystics. Good to think of good Mystic class characters. The Enchantress would be a good one for that class too i think.
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106

    Persons intrested in this character can contribute in making its abilities🙂 for ex-true strike,signature ability-Symbiotic regeneration etc.
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    Powers and Abilities

  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    TOXIN (Symbiote)

    About Toxin-:
    Born from Carnage as the 1000th symbiote in its lineage, "TOXIN" was feared to be the strongest and most dangerous of their race by both CARNAGE and VENOM.Just born, the symbiote united with police officer PAT MULLIGAN.

    Base stats and abilities-:
    *All stats based on 4 star, rank 5, level 50, signature level 99.
    Health-: X value
    Attack-: X value
    Max PI-: X value,
    a) without signature-: X value
    b) with signature(99)-: X value


    Basic abilities-:
    Evasion, Tenacity, Bleed, Exhaustion, True strike, Resist physical, Stun, True damage.

    When attacked-:
    Toxin's burgeoning symbiote sense grants him a passive X •|• chance to evade.

    Pat's intense police background, coupled with the alien symbiotic enhancement, grants him a X •|• chance to shrug off any debuff.

    All attacks-:
    X •|• chance to inflict bleed.Dealing X •|• of your attack as direct damage over X seconds.

    On medium attacks-:
    X •|• chance to exhaust the opponent, reducing critical hit damage rating by X •|• and the potency of their power gain effects by X •|• for X seconds.

    Critical light attacks ana all heavy attacks-:
    X •|• chance to gain true strike, lasting for X seconds.

    When strucked-:
    The Toxin symbiote changes form creating physical resistance of + X (value) based on Toxin's needs.

    Special 1-:
    X •|• chance to cause the opponent to bleed, dealing X (value) direct damage over X seconds.

    Special 2-:
    X •|• chance to stun the opponent for X seconds. The duration of the stun increases by 1 second(s) for each true strike effect the champion has.

    Special 3-:
    This attack deals true damage, ignoring all armor and resistances.
    X •|• chance to stun for X seconds.

    Signature ability-:
    Symbiotic healing i.e
    100 •|• chance to heal X •|• health over X seconds at the start of the fight.


  • sm211195sm211195 Member Posts: 13
    Hope to see Man-Spider soon
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    We need korg because korg is awesome
  • Mrmarvel123Mrmarvel123 Member Posts: 60
    Has the obvious abilities of his ten rings
    Here are his abilities and how they go with his rings
    Ring 1- 3 will rotate through the fight like dr stranges buffs
    1)zero(ice ring)- starts with ice armor like iceman
    2)daimonic (magnet ring) lowers metal characters ability accuracy and raises his
    3)incandescence (fire ring) basically aura of incineration like Mafisto
    The next rings will be just available while the Mandarin is fighting
    1) influence (force ring) his regular critical hits have a chance to have double damage
    2) spin (wind vortex ring) his heavy attacks have a chance to stun the enemy for a second
    3)night bringer (darkness ring) when he holds block he becomes pitch black and the enemy might miss hits like the hoods ability
    4) Lightning (electric ring) his parries cause shock damage like blades parties cause bleed
    The last 3 rings are for each speacial attack
    1) remaker (reality warping) he turns the air around the enemy into poisonous gas giving the enemy poison damage
    2) spectral (molecule manipulation) he blasts beams that cause degeneration
    3) the lair (mind control) he manipulates the enemy to stop dead in their tracks and the mandarin fires off his elements attacks dealing a random status effect
    So those are he’s basic abilities
    His awakened ability would be somthing that makes his rotating buffs and debuffs last longer and up their effectiveness
    His synergies would have some of the Ironman characters on them and one would allow him to add all weapon holding characters to the metal character tag# which will make him more useful with dealing with characters like blade, gwenpool, or Medusa who wouldn’t be affected normally this could make in very useful but I don’t think he would be a god character or anything he would deal many status effects that can be dealt with by nullifying and he would still be a mystic villain so blade is not screwed idk if this is a stupid idea but I was just thinking about this at work all day and would just like some feed back and see if he would suck, be to Op or if it’s just too much.
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