It really isn't even. People in a time zone where they are sleeping now gain a huge advantage over those for whom this was prime ginding time. I am unclear how anyone could logically say that this is the same for everyone
Although for compensation i wouldn’t mind an extra 1-2 mil points in arena for thise grinding and 10min timers in aq. Too bad that’s asking for much
I doubt you grind a million points a hour
Actually, my average grinding speed in the 5* featured arena is just about that.
Do you run Suicides?
Just glass cannon.
So roughly around 2.5 minutes average a series
Depending on how much I'm focused on it, between 25 and 27 rounds per hour is what I seem to average. So slightly faster than that, but in that ballpark.
My record stands at 801 then I just couldn't anymore soooo much effort
I don't have the patience for High Streak. I focus on the Points more. One of these days I keep meaning to up it. Most of the time I'm Grinding tired or distracted, or something like lag catches my attention. As long as I get the Points I need, I don't care.
If everyone is given 1-2 mill points then that only benefits people who were not grinding arena in the first place. Anyone actually grinding for champions is no longer achieving milestones so that does absolutely nothing.
Ok this is ridiculous now! 3hrs gone, and now I have to go work so that's my game time for the day completely lost! still a few paths left finish Master on monthly quest we're nearly out of time!! cannot afford lose whole mornings worth time!!!
Although for compensation i wouldn’t mind an extra 1-2 mil points in arena for thise grinding and 10min timers in aq. Too bad that’s asking for much
I doubt you grind a million points a hour
Actually, my average grinding speed in the 5* featured arena is just about that.
Do you run Suicides?
Just glass cannon.
I see. I don't run them because I don't have the patience to switch all the time. Just curious the difference in Points.
Its not really about the point difference. Its the fight time that has the biggest impact.
Probably with full suicides. With just glass cannon it is a little of both for me.
Also, I see no reason to ever switch out of glass cannon, because the overall cost/benefit tradeoff with GC for me seems to always work out better, not just in the arena.
If everyone is given 1-2 mill points then that only benefits people who were not grinding arena in the first place. Anyone actually grinding for champions is no longer achieving milestones so that does absolutely nothing.
Well a few things. First, my earlier comment said points only for those that are grinding in arenas. Then o said shorter timers for aq(benefits everyone. Lastly, like that will ever happen so. But many people who were grinding and got cut off will be at a disadvantage so its kind of fair.
People don’t know what to do with themselves on a Friday night. Guess Tinder is down too.
lol yep Friday night.... a game would be last thing on mind. It would be all about partying and women. A single adult or even a late teen just grinding on a mobile game all Friday night, just seems really sad, especially more so if your a single adult.😥
Hey everyone, I just checked in with the team and while I don't have an update on a time for you, I can say that this is a server issue and we are currently in contact with Google trying to get it resolved. I'll update you when I know more!
😂😂 I grind arena. My win streak is probably more then yours
no i think he got it right the first time, impotence - the inability to get it up (the servers)
Its not really about the point difference. Its the fight time that has the biggest impact.
I'm Android. Loading times can average betwee 10-20 seconds. Doesn't matter for me. Lol.
Nope. Highly doubtful. is possible once you hit infinite streak and use boosts and revive..that being said..this is killing my grind time
Depending on how much I'm focused on it, between 25 and 27 rounds per hour is what I seem to average. So slightly faster than that, but in that ballpark.
I believe Dell support is currently asking them to reinstall Windows.
People don’t know what to do with themselves on a Friday night. Guess Tinder is down too.
Their server's are currently updating to windows 10 cause the intern accidentally hit the install button.
Probably with full suicides. With just glass cannon it is a little of both for me.
Also, I see no reason to ever switch out of glass cannon, because the overall cost/benefit tradeoff with GC for me seems to always work out better, not just in the arena.
Well a few things. First, my earlier comment said points only for those that are grinding in arenas. Then o said shorter timers for aq(benefits everyone. Lastly, like that will ever happen so. But many people who were grinding and got cut off will be at a disadvantage so its kind of fair.
lol yep Friday night.... a game would be last thing on mind. It would be all about partying and women. A single adult or even a late teen just grinding on a mobile game all Friday night, just seems really sad, especially more so if your a single adult.😥
You have no idea how much your winstreak annoys me right now, was on pace to hit 1500.. .now not so much. But I apologize, yours is higher.