New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • EgeCEgeC Member Posts: 128
    We have multiple problems from Android users in my alliance:

    - Fights start like slow motion and lasts the entire fight (S7 Edge on Oreo)
    - Random short freeze (S7 Edge on Oreo)
    - Slow motion fights or slow motion around an animated special (S8+ on Oreo)

    @Kabam Zibiit
  • KyrazmomKyrazmom Member Posts: 159
    Played for 2 hours and no heating or crashing!
  • PolderpommiePolderpommie Member Posts: 68
    Soooo, new update after what...? 2-3 weeks? The positive: it’s a lot better. The downside: I’m still getting heat issues. The difference is that it now happens far more gradually and only after about 2 hours of gameplay. Before, it was after about 10 minutes.
    I’m a little peeved at missing out on events and arenas I would normally have run. But mostly I’m just hoping the next update will simply solve the issues fully.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Why do I need to come to the forums to find out there is a hotfix to download?
    Terrible communication skills. I will assume the only reason they don't let players know about this, is so they don't install and log in at the same time (avoiding a server crash).
  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    Still overheating. Ipad ios 11.4.1
  • DrPepper_75DrPepper_75 Member Posts: 126
    Improvement yes, fixed no. Overheating still, but not shutting off.
  • JonLiuJonLiu Member Posts: 1
    Still overheating, but no crash yet. iOS 11.4.1 on iPad
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    The game is so much better than before. Still gets a little warmer than I remember but could be just that I'm paying attention now. The game play is so much better too. Keep making impovements please.
  • 3ul3r23ul3r2 Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2018
    So the response for Android users is get a new phone? It's bs you say its particular to each phone. There are so many complaints about the exact same just crashes to black screen every few fights. How can so many people saying the SAME EXACT thing imply that it is unique to each phone. Literally the opposite of the definition for unique.

    @Kabam Spice @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Labamahama

    One off you explain that logic please. Please don't ignore.

  • 3ul3r23ul3r2 Member Posts: 56
    Android still super laggy and crashing after update. Hmm
  • JAQRIPPJAQRIPP Member Posts: 90
    IOS 11.4.1
    WiFi & ATT
    Mcoc 19.0.1

    Still overheating. Erased app and reloaded. Not fixed yet.
  • Dhorne61Dhorne61 Member Posts: 109
    Playable now. Still gets warm but at least I can play arena without damaging my phone.
  • Parking_Parker17Parking_Parker17 Member Posts: 10
    iPhone 7, Telus, iOS 11.4.1, MCOC 19.0.1

    Phone still heating up, but not nearly as bad.
    No lag(besides the usual random bs).
    No crashing.
    Battery drain still significant, but not as bad.

    Was able to actually do a run through my champs in t1a arena, run some event quest, and AW. No crashing, odd lag here and there.

    Analysis: Signs of progression with most recent update, but still have much further investigating to do, as there are still some noticeable issues. Also, with the disparity from player to player, and with various devices, it’s quite obvious there is still fixes needing to be done.

    We await our SIGNIFICANT compensation.
  • MrOnizukaMrOnizuka Member Posts: 121
    Iphone 6s+
    IOS 11.4.1

    Game performances are much better without lags and crash.. game loading kinda faster than 19.0.. but phone still gets slightly little warm but its definitely much better than before.. but I am still hoping for the game to be normal just like before 19.0...
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    3ul3r2 wrote: »
    Android still super laggy and crashing after update. Hmm

    The update is for IOS
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    3ul3r2 wrote: »
    So the response for Android users is get a new phone? It's bs you say its particular to each phone. There are so many complaints about the exact same just crashes to black screen every few fights. How can so many people saying the SAME EXACT thing imply that it is unique to each phone. Literally the opposite of the definition for unique.

    @Kabam Spice @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Labamahama

    One off you explain that logic please. Please don't ignore.

    Fixing bugs is much harder for android players , with so many different devices using so many OS made by several different companies.What is your device ???
  • Maximus_SpankersonMaximus_Spankerson Member Posts: 445 ★★
    Heating issues continue after hotfix for me.

    It’s not all bad, definitely step in the right direction. Frequency of game crashes is reduced significantly. It also takes 5-10 min of play to heat up the phone, where before it would get hot after second arena series.

    iPhone 7
    iOS 11
  • Badazz97Badazz97 Member Posts: 10
    So i downloaded the hotfix a couple of hours ago and my iPhone 7+ still gets really hot after playing like 30 minutes. It doesn't shut down though so the update helped but i wouldn't say the problem is solved since the game still drains a lot of battery, didn't have any issues before 19.0.
  • SRArch_SAI21SRArch_SAI21 Member Posts: 96
    I am using iPhone 6s Plus iOS 11.4.1 with new update , still have the battery draining issue and this is not fixed, I don’t know if this fix helped in all heating issues but definitely progress in the right direction. Kabam need to resolve the battery issue , may be heating issue completely gone for iPhone 7 users but still on my 6S version
  • BK_1BK_1 Member Posts: 145
    So I’ve tried the hotfix on both my iPhone 6s Plus and IPhone X now. What I’ve found is that if you put your phone on power saving mode, it gets better. My iPhone 6s Plus basically do not heat up at all now (well may be a little warmth on the back but it’s definitly OK.) My iPhone X still gets warm (warmer than iPhone 6s) but not as bad as it was before the hotfix. But the key is that you’d have to turn on power saving mode. Without doing so, my iPhone X scorches up very quickly.

    I hope kabam will be working on a better, more permanent fix with the next update. As for now I see this Hotfix as a bandaid to a much more serious problem. It stops the bleeding temporarily but in the long run it doesn’t solve the problem.
  • LogarooLogaroo Member Posts: 100
    Mine is the same. iPhone 7+ on up to date iOS. Huge battery drain and the phone still heats up. No crashes so far though.
  • Lucky7LucianoLucky7Luciano Member Posts: 77
    Hate to say it, but it’s the phone as well. Each update the game has, the phone will get a little worse.
    It’s a known issue with iPhone 6/6+/7/7+.
    The phone can not keep up with the updates. Something with the animations. Well this is what my buddy told me who works at Apple, & is a gamer. If it wasn’t doing it before &/or as bad, it’s Very possible it will get worse as the games content/champs/animations evolve.
    I was victim to this with my 6+. Started in Jan 2018 & got worse each month. I updated to an 8+... no problems since.
    Again, sorry to ruin hopes if I did.

  • John_WickedJohn_Wicked Member Posts: 2
    iPhone 7 Plus
    iOS 11.4.1
    WiFi only

    Since I downloaded the latest update for iOS users the phone doesn’t seem to overheat anymore. It still gets warm so I played the game and did the arenas. Amazingly I was able to do arenas normally without the game crashing like before. Good job on the update and hope to see better updates soon.
  • Bryman187Bryman187 Member Posts: 204
    edited July 2018
    Same. No shut downs yet, but still getting very hot.

    iPhone 7 plus
    iOS 11.4.1
  • MaybeThisIsNotMeMaybeThisIsNotMe Member Posts: 147 ★★
    iPhone 6s with iOS 11.4.1 still overheating too. Problem is not fixed
  • MaybeThisIsNotMeMaybeThisIsNotMe Member Posts: 147 ★★
    iPhone 6s iOS 11.4.1. Still overheating
  • Makaha96792Makaha96792 Member Posts: 4
    WTF. Why can’t the developer just downgrade back to 18.0 programming. What’s hard to understand that whatever kabam installed in 19.0 is the cause of the BS.
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