I don’t get champs I’m dying to get. Should I quit?

Dear Kabam,
I don’t know if you are listening, but I’m wondering how you distribute champs out there, and what I know for certain is that you could have done it in a much better way.
Say... there are those ‘Unparalleled’ champs that I’m dying to get. You know who they must be! Blade, Stark Spidey, Iceman... and other ‘God Tier’ champs. Well, since it’s about chance, I really am not that hurt. But... there’s a big ‘but’ in here...
The reason I’m writing this is that I can’t get into a better alliance because when they look at my roster, they pretty much laugh about it. I have 100% explored act 5, and I believe I deserve to play in a more competitive place which I am not being able to because of my ‘Good Luck’ on 5* and 6* pulls.
Is it how Kabam treats his customers? Is it their policy to leave customer satisfaction to mere luck? When people say to me nothing but “You’ve been Kabammed”- it hurtts me, but does that hurt you even for a bit?
Should I quit the game because I am tired of ‘being out of luck’?
Suggestion: Please create a poll. Make a list of top 3 most desired champs and make sure whoever is uncollected, or whoever has fully explored act 5 gets at least one of them. Dear Kabam, they’ve been withh you for a very long time, trusting you. They deserve it.
I don’t know if you are listening, but I’m wondering how you distribute champs out there, and what I know for certain is that you could have done it in a much better way.
Say... there are those ‘Unparalleled’ champs that I’m dying to get. You know who they must be! Blade, Stark Spidey, Iceman... and other ‘God Tier’ champs. Well, since it’s about chance, I really am not that hurt. But... there’s a big ‘but’ in here...
The reason I’m writing this is that I can’t get into a better alliance because when they look at my roster, they pretty much laugh about it. I have 100% explored act 5, and I believe I deserve to play in a more competitive place which I am not being able to because of my ‘Good Luck’ on 5* and 6* pulls.
Is it how Kabam treats his customers? Is it their policy to leave customer satisfaction to mere luck? When people say to me nothing but “You’ve been Kabammed”- it hurtts me, but does that hurt you even for a bit?
Should I quit the game because I am tired of ‘being out of luck’?
Suggestion: Please create a poll. Make a list of top 3 most desired champs and make sure whoever is uncollected, or whoever has fully explored act 5 gets at least one of them. Dear Kabam, they’ve been withh you for a very long time, trusting you. They deserve it.
I dont buy the luck thing, 3 years playing and ive seen certain players pull top champ after top champ with little effort and certain players just getting junk after junk. There is no balance as they always state there is, theyre full of it.
I say keep playing if you still like the game. Eventually your luck should change. When you stop enjoying the game, then you could contemplate quitting. Until you reach that moment, I say push on still.
If you don't feel like you get the appropriate amount of value from spending, stop.
Being lucky with the RNG on this game has reached a point where it has become equally as important as playing the game well in a lot of cases. So long as they keep designing situations and champs that require a "counter" to effectively beat, you're reliant on the luck to get the counter at the appropriate level to continue moving forward in content.
They have made it pretty clear their business model is to leave the old behind, and continuously push out the new in an effort to drive profits.
My top 5* champs are Luke, Magic, Ultron, Phoenix, bpcw and Colossus and only recently I have pulled AA. Colossus was my only duped for a long time so ranked him up! Other than that only luke and phoenix are duped here. And I used an awakening gem on AA.
I have a few decent champs that I can R3 without a question, but for R4, esp. R5 option I’ve got none. Some say since now that I’ve pulled AA I could psbly think about maxing him, but I really don’t think I should do it.
From Seatin’s tier list for August-2018, I only have three champs (unduped magic, AA, and Luke) out of God/Demigod tier (3 out of 33). Yes, I have seen people having worse roster than myself. My heartdfelt condolences to them!
The champs you want are not. You probably just need more time to pull them, just it.
I understand your predicament, I'm in a similar boat thinking who to rank 5.
Going on what you've said using Seatin's list, i probably only have maybe 5/6 good champions and none that I want to rank 5. I've only got 3 at rank 4 (due to the worth fullness) I've been playing this game for over 3 years.
The point is though, that resources in this game are so rare that I'm not in a hurry 1 bit to use my t2a or t5b, I'm happy to keep hold of them until I actually pull a champ that I want to rank up. You can hold plenty of them so there's no rush in using them.
A note: if you’re going by seatin, he’s said that he plans to r5 his unduped lc on his f2p account.
Another note:
Seatin maybe rocking the whole buddy-jesus vibe...
His word isn’t gospel. It’s his opinion.
One of my favorite champs is CM. She gets **** done.
Nowhere near this so-called bible everyone seems to think they need to play well.
That's the primary source of your dissatisfaction.
Let's say for the sake of argument that Kabam implemented your suggestion:
After they did, all uncollected would have at least one. So you'd be back to square zero, because having one wouldn't mean anything. The people with stronger rosters than you would still mostly have stronger rosters than you. Top alliances would want even more from their members, because it would be a given that everyone would have at least one. If other players appear more desirable than you to top alliances, there's no way to hand out more rewards to everyone, or even just all of the higher players, in a way that would make you look any better to those alliances. Instead of complaining that you didn't have any, you'd be here complaining to didn't have every.
I have an unduped 4/55 AA. I would love to awaken him sure, but he absolutely destroys non-immune anything as it is.
I still enjoy the game.
1) Learn to make the most of the champions you have. I did act 4 with Luke Cage (before the buff), Drax, Crosses Bones, Iron fist and Storm. Your way of playing will take you far in the game and not a specific champion.
2) Make arena to get better champions.
3) Make another account and test if you will have better luck in the crystals.
As for leaving the game, after these steady falls, many players are considering the possibility, including me.
But we can take this problem to the other way with lucky people who got Blade on the first 5* cristal and unlucky one (like me) who got She Hulk on his first cristal. Boring