[Android] 20.0 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Hünkar1453Hünkar1453 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: Hünkar1453
    Device and Model: redmi 2
    Device Operating System: 7.1.2 android
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi and mobile
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Danger modes, opening crystals and just everywhere in general
    Description of the Issue: lagging, choppiness, in game freezing making it impossible to have fair fights.
    All problem there I have, begin with new update,with 20.0.0. Before I don't have problem just was becoming my phone hot. Now even we can't open crystals, can't move on the map's, can't open champions page, so how can play?? The last version couldn't have almist any problem. Just was becoming little hot my phone. Now with update 20.0.0 and 20.0.1 impossible to play. How much days passed, didn't change anything. This is so bad and sad.
  • edited September 2018
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  • MEKA5MEKA5 Member Posts: 344 ★★
    In-Game Name: M Ξ K H Λ S
    Device and Model: Xiaomi Mi5
    Device Operating System: Android 8 / MIUI10
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 20.0
    Game Mode:Any screen where you need to scroll the screen content. Crystals, champs, even moving from one node to the other in quest, aq, aw
    Description of the Issue: Did you just add any code to try avoid the server crashes...any kind of timer? Because it feels like the refresh of the screen content has a delay, this slows down the fps to 3 per second !!!
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  • Troy_Elric123Troy_Elric123 Member Posts: 542 ★★★
    IGN : Troy Eric
    Redmi note5
    Wifi and data
    Os : MIUI 9.6 STABLE, android 7.1.2 N2G47H
    Game version 20.0
    I ve been experiencing block breaks in every aspect of the game. Dex failures and lagging during fights which completely destroys your match . I ve been whooped many times in aw and sometimes in aq, arena and story / monthly because of this
  • Chan103148Chan103148 Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: chan103148
    Device and Model: sony Xperia Z1
    Cellular or WiFi: cellular
    Mobile carrier: smart
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Danger modes, opening crystals and just everywhere in general
    Description of the Issue: lagging, choppiness, in game freezing making it impossible to have fair fights.
  • AvergosAvergos Member Posts: 1
    Device and Model: meizu m3 note
    Device Operating System: 5.1
    Flyme OS:
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.0
    Game Mode: everything from opening crystals to very choppy fighting.
    Description of the Issue: its just very laggy. It doesnt freeze and it doesnt dc me. Its just very fast pauses that start almost as soon as they finish. Please help.
  • amfm981amfm981 Member Posts: 11
    In-Game Name: amfm1047
    Device and Model: ZTE Blade Z MAX Z982
    Device Operating System: 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: lag happens on wifi as well as cellular network
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: I experience lag in every game mode. The quest for this month has been really bad. As well as trying to open crystals.
    Description of the Issue: Any time I try to open any crystals I have to wait like to minutes before the screen will let me scroll down. If I try to scroll down immediately it will just do nothing or click on the crystal that my finger touches last. In gameplay it is having bad lag for frame rates per second. I have had fights where I swipe back and the screen freezes for a second and then skips a few frames and Ive lost half my life by the time I know what even happened. Then there are times where my swipe doesn't register at all. It has progressively been getting worse over the past couple of months. Its to the point where I don't play this game even half the time I did 6 months ago.
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  • Username719233932Username719233932 Member Posts: 57
    Name: Bastarred
    Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
    Android 8.0
    Cellular mode
    Game ver 20.0
    Alliance Quest

    Added 3 boosts to 5* Thor to face 1st Mordo in AQ map4. Game lag. Kicked me. Lost 50% health. Lost fight.
  • DepecheDepeche Member Posts: 17
    In-Game Name: DepecheX
    Device and Model: Xiamo redmi 3s
    Device Operating System: android 6.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: everywhere
    Description of the Issue: game is lagging so bad it is unplayable to put it in perspective its loading takes about 3 mins per fight moving on map lag s so bad frame rate doesnt even appear and moves so slow it might be 12 frame per minute
  • FranciscoNtFranciscoNt Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: FranciscoNt
    Device and Model: LeNovo Motorola Moto G4 Plus
    Device Operating System: Android 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: This is happening on both 4g and Wifi. My mobile carrier is brazilian TIM.
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: I'm having this lag issues all over the game, mainly between screen changes and on crystals screen.
    Description of the Issue: I'm experiencing issues all over the contest, mainly between screen changes and on crystal screen, during fights it becomes lighter, but not enough to turn into a good experience.
  • FreakydFreakyd Member Posts: 209
    As above
    Oneplus 6
    Can't play because so few movements are responding. Worse since update.
  • Kakashi1Kakashi1 Member Posts: 1
    Hey kabam

    i've been enjoying this game with clean and fluidity performance in the game.Besides, 20.0 version is so lagging and annoying the game experience just the ruining the best impressions on the game these days. please, give us an another update for smooth and fluid gaming experience.

    Model:Mi 4A

    OS: Android 7.1.1
  • horrendous_toohorrendous_too Member Posts: 254 ★★★
    In-Game Name: horrendous too
    Device and Model: HTC 10
    Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War. Anything that takes more than 2 fights
    Description of the Issue: Main issue seems to be the overheating. When it does overheat I then get massive random lag. the game will stutter and pause in the middle of fights, ignoring inputs for either blocking or attacking. Seems to be directly caused by the overheating, when I place my phone on an ice pack in between fights it does seem to mitigate the lag in game. It is completely insane that I would have to have external cooling for my phone to play this game.
  • axtell5000axtell5000 Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2018
    It has been bad since 19.1 Why does it take so long to fix. Only positive is this garbage company wont get a single cent from me. Beyond disgusting
  • Stark78AlfaStark78Alfa Member Posts: 502
    In-Game Name: Stark78Alfa
    Device and Model: Moto G5 Plus (XT1683)
    Device Operating System: Android 7.0
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 20.0
    Game Mode: All of them
    Description of the Issue: The game freezzes in general. Champions do not responde imediatly to commands, this makes it difficult for evading atacks. It is almost impossible to see all the map (AQ, WAR or mission) without having to restart the game. If I insist playing despite the lags, the game will close after some minutes.
  • JayBird_IsTheWordJayBird_IsTheWord Member Posts: 167 ★★
    In-Game Name: JayBird_IsTheWord
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime
    Device Operating System: 5.0.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? Dedicated WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 20.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? AQ late movements after input such as dash and combos that result in getting punished. LOL practice, after a few minutes the fight becomes choppy and skipping frames with my inputs not being accepted. AW unblockable sp1 nodes, I dex the sp1 but the return attack delays leading to standing intercept.

    Extremely frustrated with the game right now. I am getting punished and the only recommended solution is to go IOS.
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    edited September 2018
    In-Game Name: Ankalagonn
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Note 8
    Device Operating System: 8
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: 30 mins of game play depletes the battery almost through a 25%, takes forever to load stages. No other apps on background (I always kill them), no developer options activated. Settings on game mode performance.
  • Hünkar1453Hünkar1453 Member Posts: 5
    In-Game Name: Hünkar1453
    Device and Model: redmi 2
    Device Operating System: 7.1.2 android
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi and mobile
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.1
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Danger modes, opening crystals and just everywhere in general
    Description of the Issue: lagging, choppiness, in game freezing making it impossible to have fair fights.
    All problem there I have, begin with new update,with 20.0.0. Before I don't have problem just was becoming my phone hot, now is impossible to play. Even can't open crystals, can't move on the map. Pls kabam do somethings for this. Like I said before too, old version we don't have any problem. All problems is begin this month with 20.0.0 and 20.0.1. This is so bad and sad
  • Jlemos818Jlemos818 Member Posts: 83
    This is **** ridiculous why should I have to go look all that info up bs all I know is I'm on android lg aristo2. After update same issues as everyone else on here please fix!
  • darkmirrorimagedarkmirrorimage Member Posts: 12
    User name dark.mirrorimage
    Lg K20 plus
    Android 7.0
    Game version 20
    both WiFi and mobel network
    Like most everyone else, just combat in general is so laggy it's almost unplayable. It does kinda lag a little when loading but as soon as the players start running at each other everything slows down and freezes then jumps to after fight started and your already in the middle of being hit with a combo, which has made the harder levels a joke to even try, I wasted a ton of units buying revives and health after burning through my stash I had before giving up cause I kept getting one shot killed because the lag would freeze up right at the beginning of the fight and unfreeze after I'm already being hit. Most of my alliance won't even do danger rooms at all because of it.
  • mikejs1mikejs1 Member Posts: 52

    In-Game Name: mikejs1
    Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy Tab A 9.7 (SM-T550)
    Device Operating System: 7.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: 20.0
    Game Mode: All of the above, including the crystal vault and menus.
    Description of the Issue: After the Ant man update we got lag, skipping, and other issues, but they were easy to play over and power through. Now we get the danger room update and EVERY aspect of the game lags HORRIBLY. If i go to hit the help button that screen lags, sometimes hitting "help 4" does nothing. Going to the crystal vault, it lags, you're trying to scroll through and it just keeps tapping instead and dropping down crystal menus instead. Spinning or popping crystals, even a single one takes more than a minute to do. You could wait up to 2 minutes to find out what champ you got because it freezes between openings or tapping to stop. Lag during combat makes AQ almost impossible to finish, the fights don't start until right before the background music loops, and the whole fight is just skipping frames. Doing things like intercepting, baiting a heavy attack, parrying, or dexterity use is hard to do, because the whole fight will freeze right before any input is successfully registered. Swiping sometimes throws a medium attack, tapping might throw a heavy attack. Every time we get new game modes or characters, it seems to pile on a ton of bugs and lag. We really appreciate what Kabam is trying to do, but I've been playing the game less and less, only popping on for alliance modes to avoid getting kicked, but it takes longer than it should to finish a fight or do anything in game of significance
  • Pappee526Pappee526 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2018
    In-Game Name: Pappee526
    Device and Model: Vodafone Tab mini 7
    Device Operating System: android 6
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: To 20.0.1
    Game Mode: every mode
    Description of the Issue: At the beginning of fights i only see like 1 frame /sec and it goes on for like 20-30 secs. After that it works almost fine with short periods of lags. Also when browsing crystals cant scroll easily. Its been going on for about a week.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Still lagging really bad especially at night and it's only this game that is having issues with lag.

    Any word on when it's going to be fixed.
  • BraderSawBraderSaw Member Posts: 76
  • BigKOBigKO Member Posts: 25
    ign: wuzu85
    Device and Mode Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505)
    Device Operating System: 5.0.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both (WiFi & Cellullair T-Mobile)
    Game Version Installed: 20.0.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: The game loads very slow to extreme with late response, can't block or parry in time. In AQ or AW game lags, opening crystals game lags, moving in quests and viewing my roster game lags and at the start of fights game lags. So the main issue is Game performance, when will there be a stable fix or can you guys acknowledge that you are not going to fix this, this problem started from version 12+ and we are now at version 20

    8 versions with no fix :(:(:(

  • Titan_MikeTitan_Mike Member Posts: 14
    In game name: Titan Mike
    Phone: LG V30+
    Software: Android 8.0
    Wifi - my connection is strong and normal on all other connected devices
    Game modes affected: moving in quest maps, scrolling through champions for arena lineups, loading screens, the starts of fights where it says "ready...fight". Pretty much everything outside of the actual fights, although occasionally I've seen some lag there, too.
    Game version: I'm assuming is 20.0? It's the latest updates version of the game.
  • edited September 2018
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  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    edited September 2018
    IGN : T3mu
    Device and Model: oppo neo 7
    Device Operating System: 5.1
    Game Version Installed: 2.0.1
    Game Mode: AW, AQ, EQ, opening crystal, moving from map to map, insanely lag
    Internet : wifi and cellular
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