The Almighty Hyperion



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  • Dean9300450Dean9300450 Member Posts: 85
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Corvus and medusa are not even closed to hyperion damage . The biggest lie this month 😂

    Ill just take it u dont have all 3 like i do. No they are not close to hyperion. No boosts no synergy needed and i still 20k medium on ws. And there is always potential for more furies

    Again that is aganist ws,ws is super easy, he's not even in top 5,
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  • Dean9300450Dean9300450 Member Posts: 85
    Pennmabob wrote: »
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Corvus and medusa are not even closed to hyperion damage . The biggest lie this month 😂

    Ill just take it u dont have all 3 like i do. No they are not close to hyperion. No boosts no synergy needed and i still 20k medium on ws. And there is always potential for more furies

    Again that is aganist ws,ws is super easy, he's not even in top 5,

    He's not saying how hyperion can beat ws, he's talking about how much damage he can do lol. Where did you get your education from, BBC bitesize?

    He also said everyone everywhere
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  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    I wasn't specifically referring to WS, but I did take him down rather easily with Hype. Stack fury after fury and incerate from his l1 made it rather easy.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    @Kade7175 wrote: »
    @Akhilxcx wrote: »
    Corvus and medusa are very much near hyperion in damage but the very best counter for his unmatchable power gain is sitting in tech class. Can you guess who it is?? (he's not even considered a god tier)

    Og vision. The synthesis is pretty bad ass, bleed and poison immune power control. I have the 4* and had bought a max sig stone that popped up tech so hes maxed. Awesome champ for sure

    I'd say vision is god tier champ, the only bad thing about him is relatively low damage, but it's ok.
    As for tech class, sparky can counter hype with taunt and heavy, dococ had power lock. but the most underrated one (tech champ I'd use vs debuff immune hype with sp3 biass) is civil warrior - aar per armor buff (if power gain is considered to be offensive ability, I believe it should be), sp2 power burn, and with 8 armor buffs you can eat hype's sp3 losing less hp than icaman
    actually Hype is my favourite champ, can take him in most of the fights
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  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    Aleor wrote: »
    Corvus and Medusa aren’t anywhere near Hyperion damage potential lol

    Is that a joke?

    it's clearly true. medusa's damage is capped by 3 furies (duped), Corvus - by 20 hits. my not duped hype can hold 6-8 furies easily, take duped Hype - it will be smth like 10-14 I guess. he is not close to starlord, but better then those two for longer fights for sure

    Maybe he might have them damage wise in long fights, but they smash him in other places. Aw attack: which one of the 3 would you take in? Most would take corvus, you should know that. Aw defense : which out of the 3? Clearly medusa
    AQ: either Corvus or medusa, I'll probably take medusa to shut down all the bots.
    Questing: me personally I don't like having to build up furies with him every match, takes too long. I would rather take in corvus or Medusa, especially medusa just incase I miss a block she can save me.
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  • edited September 2018
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Hype also has Regen, basically on demand. At 5/65 it's good for 5,041 health. Not a ton, but if you do it once a fight it adds up.
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  • edited September 2018
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  • edited September 2018
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Hyperion is the #1 cosmic champ and it is not even close. I do have all 3. Hyperion you just sit and just spam specials. If getting a heavy is hard for you due to a node just wait until you get 3 comsic charges and your attack is thru the roof.

    Forcing heavy is a must have LOL strategy too. I am amazed this is even a conversation. The difference between Hyperion to any other champ is that using others you got to intercept and parry. With hyperion you dont even have to do that if you want to. Hyperion only with 3 cosmic charges and no furies hit harder than medusa and corvus and hela and any other champ. Just do the math.

    #1 is a very broad term. But if you are saying he is #1 for everything... well then... that is kinda odd. Also, no. Corvus hits WAY harder than Hype in his 1st 20 hits, & Medusa's damage is very similar to Hypes as well dude.

    That is not true. You can have an opinion. It does not make it truth. No Hyperion is not the answer for absolutely everything because A bleed node will kill him. However as a heavy hitter he finishes fights faster for a reason. Just how many hits medusa takes to beat SL in LOL in a test run?

    I checked videos of both 5/65 Medusa and Hyperion in LOL and Hyperion is very superior. Again you dont even have to intercept with hyperion just sit back and spam specials. Hyperion is #1 cosmic. Medusa and corvus might be fighting for #2 altough I consider Hela better than those 2 if talking about incredible damage.

    Dude, even if Hypes damage was better (which it isn't) he still lacks in utility. He has no evade countering mechanic, no auto block counter mechanic, & no bleed immunity. Corvus has all of that. Hyperion isn't gonna be taking out Emma Frost in AW either, but both Medusa & Corvus can. Last but not least, Medusa & Corvus both beat him out in Prestige. Also, please show my any video of Hyperions damage being superior to Medusa in Labyrinth. And don't even mention Hela... she's not even worth an honorable in the God Tiers

    How is he not taking out Emma in AW? He took her out in uncollected EQ and there's not going to be oscillate in AW.
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Hyperion is the #1 cosmic champ and it is not even close. I do have all 3. Hyperion you just sit and just spam specials. If getting a heavy is hard for you due to a node just wait until you get 3 comsic charges and your attack is thru the roof.

    Forcing heavy is a must have LOL strategy too. I am amazed this is even a conversation. The difference between Hyperion to any other champ is that using others you got to intercept and parry. With hyperion you dont even have to do that if you want to. Hyperion only with 3 cosmic charges and no furies hit harder than medusa and corvus and hela and any other champ. Just do the math.

    #1 is a very broad term. But if you are saying he is #1 for everything... well then... that is kinda odd. Also, no. Corvus hits WAY harder than Hype in his 1st 20 hits, & Medusa's damage is very similar to Hypes as well dude.

    That is not true. You can have an opinion. It does not make it truth. No Hyperion is not the answer for absolutely everything because A bleed node will kill him. However as a heavy hitter he finishes fights faster for a reason. Just how many hits medusa takes to beat SL in LOL in a test run?

    I checked videos of both 5/65 Medusa and Hyperion in LOL and Hyperion is very superior. Again you dont even have to intercept with hyperion just sit back and spam specials. Hyperion is #1 cosmic. Medusa and corvus might be fighting for #2 altough I consider Hela better than those 2 if talking about incredible damage.

    Dude, even if Hypes damage was better (which it isn't) he still lacks in utility. He has no evade countering mechanic, no auto block counter mechanic, & no bleed immunity. Corvus has all of that. Hyperion isn't gonna be taking out Emma Frost in AW either, but both Medusa & Corvus can. Last but not least, Medusa & Corvus both beat him out in Prestige. Also, please show my any video of Hyperions damage being superior to Medusa in Labyrinth. And don't even mention Hela... she's not even worth an honorable in the God Tiers

    How is he not taking out Emma in AW? He took her out in uncollected EQ and there's not going to be oscillate in AW.

    There is no 3 minute timer in Uncollected

    Lol, won't be a problem. Trust me on that. He's never timed out once on me. Sp2 her and then incenerate while in her telepath form.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Corvus on the other hand, that could be a problem is you don't get her down in the first 30 hits. And Medusa is not bleed immune either, not sure what your points are. Obviously no champ counters every single defender out there. That's why you want a wide ranging toolbox. But outside of bleed nodes, he's my go to on everything and just obliterates what's put in front of him. The only potential problem for him is a very strong Morningstar, only because she inflicts bleed and can steal away some of his buffs, but even that isn't a dead end.
  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    BTW, I'm a huge fan of Corvus and Medusa as well.
  • edited September 2018
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
  • edited September 2018
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Ah, gotcha and I agree with that 100%. I love my Hyperion, but he's not the absolute answer for everything. That's why I'm about to 5/65 my Void. And from there it'll be someone with an entirely different set of skills. That to me is the true answer to this game, a wide range of tools.
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