Special one and two keep getting blocked!



  • IIBruticusIIIIBruticusII Member Posts: 9
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »

    At this time, using the information we have, the team has not yet been able to reproduce this problem in order to confirm there is a bug. We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance. But we are still looking into it and all the details you can provide will be helpful in that process. This doesn't mean we're ending our efforts on this topic. Any new details you can provide will be used to try and track down what people are experiencing related to this issue!

    After 8 pages and a lot of time, not being able to reproduce this problem..
    Maybe it's the person who tries to reproduce or the device on which it is tried...
    Just maybe...

    Hulk sp1 very often unless pinned against wall.
    Iron man sp2 very often.
    (Very often might as well be always)

    Samsung s9
    So yeah, probably my device peformance..
    Or indeed what also has been said, the lack of my skill.

    (After MLLLM combo)
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    To those who have already provided device information and details about which Champions you were using, thank you! We've passed all of this along and it is very helpful for us as the team investigates.

    If you haven't yet done so and are experiencing this issue, please reply and include your device information and Champions used.

    At this time, using the information we have, the team has not yet been able to reproduce this problem in order to confirm there is a bug. We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance. But we are still looking into it and all the details you can provide will be helpful in that process. This doesn't mean we're ending our efforts on this topic. Any new details you can provide will be used to try and track down what people are experiencing related to this issue!

    How will you ever be able to reproduce it? Blocking within 500 msec cannot be device specifc and people have been playing on the same devices for ages!! How did this start happening suddenly unless something wasnt tweaked?
    Bump! Not fixed yet! Hulk SP1, Hawkeye SP1, Blade SP2.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,473 ★★★★★
    Lyra, et al...

    I’m sure the game team is testing something, but I would suggest some specific tests that are (in my experience) more likely to trigger the miracle block by the AI.

    For example, run Ch. 3 of this month’s UC EQ and try the following with several of the fights along the paths:

    1) Use Sp1 at the end of a 5-hit, 4-hit and 3-hit combo, each one ending in a light hit. Do the same with similar combos ending in a medium hit.

    2) Use Sp2 at the end of a 5-hit, 4-hit and 3-hit combo, each one ending in a light hit. Do the same with similar combos ending in a medium hit.

    My recent experience is with both 5* R4 Medusa and Blade as well as 4* Stark. I use a iPhone 7+ on the most correct iOS and play on both WiFi and cell connection; I’ve noticed it happening equally on both connections. In fact, I had a fight today against the 3.1 Guillotine where every one of Blade’s specials were blocked, which is a new one for me.

    If you are unable to reproduce any AI blocking of specials doing the above (across several paths—not just a nominal fight here and there), then please let us know your own device, OS and connection. That would be instructive.

    Thank you.

    Dr. Zola
  • RJustice_209RJustice_209 Member Posts: 213 ★★
    I've had the same problem ever since finishing Act 2 with all champions. The only time I can fire off a special when it's not an intercept is:

    Parry, Medium, Special 1 or 2.

    That's the only combo that works 99% of the time....which technically isn't a combo since it's just one medium hit followed by a special.

    The only champs that can do a 5 hit combo followed by a special 1 or 2 and not get blocked all the time (just some of the time) is Magik and Gamora (probably because they have similar animations).

    My device: Samsung Note8 & Ipad
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Rajuteda wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    To those who have already provided device information and details about which Champions you were using, thank you! We've passed all of this along and it is very helpful for us as the team investigates.

    If you haven't yet done so and are experiencing this issue, please reply and include your device information and Champions used.

    At this time, using the information we have, the team has not yet been able to reproduce this problem in order to confirm there is a bug. We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance. But we are still looking into it and all the details you can provide will be helpful in that process. This doesn't mean we're ending our efforts on this topic. Any new details you can provide will be used to try and track down what people are experiencing related to this issue!

    How will you ever be able to reproduce it? Blocking within 500 msec cannot be device specifc and people have been playing on the same devices for ages!! How did this start happening suddenly unless something wasnt tweaked?

    Well one of the misconceptions is that this started happening suddenly. It has been happening and getting progressively worse since 12.0.

    The part the device plays into this is how long a go it started becoming an issue.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Recently I haven't had any problems getting hulk's sp1 to hit after a 5 hit combo. Hopefully it stays that way.
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 720 ★★★
    Rajuteda wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    To those who have already provided device information and details about which Champions you were using, thank you! We've passed all of this along and it is very helpful for us as the team investigates.

    If you haven't yet done so and are experiencing this issue, please reply and include your device information and Champions used.

    At this time, using the information we have, the team has not yet been able to reproduce this problem in order to confirm there is a bug. We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance. But we are still looking into it and all the details you can provide will be helpful in that process. This doesn't mean we're ending our efforts on this topic. Any new details you can provide will be used to try and track down what people are experiencing related to this issue!

    How will you ever be able to reproduce it? Blocking within 500 msec cannot be device specifc and people have been playing on the same devices for ages!! How did this start happening suddenly unless something wasnt tweaked?

    Well one of the misconceptions is that this started happening suddenly. It has been happening and getting progressively worse since 12.0.

    The part the device plays into this is how long a go it started becoming an issue.

    Although I have no proof of this, I firmly believe that CR ties in to this significantly. More sp are blocked when going against a higher CR champ than when even or lower.
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    djr17 wrote: »
    Rajuteda wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    To those who have already provided device information and details about which Champions you were using, thank you! We've passed all of this along and it is very helpful for us as the team investigates.

    If you haven't yet done so and are experiencing this issue, please reply and include your device information and Champions used.

    At this time, using the information we have, the team has not yet been able to reproduce this problem in order to confirm there is a bug. We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance. But we are still looking into it and all the details you can provide will be helpful in that process. This doesn't mean we're ending our efforts on this topic. Any new details you can provide will be used to try and track down what people are experiencing related to this issue!

    How will you ever be able to reproduce it? Blocking within 500 msec cannot be device specifc and people have been playing on the same devices for ages!! How did this start happening suddenly unless something wasnt tweaked?

    Well one of the misconceptions is that this started happening suddenly. It has been happening and getting progressively worse since 12.0.

    The part the device plays into this is how long a go it started becoming an issue.

    Although I have no proof of this, I firmly believe that CR ties in to this significantly. More sp are blocked when going against a higher CR champ than when even or lower.

    I'm sure it does... but since this happens more frequently now even when CR should not be a factor, there seems to be something else at play.

    Maybe a "Frame Rate enhancement" which gives the AI more time to recover....
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  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit Since I don’t know how to attach videos, here are two frames, one after the other. Taken from danger rooms just now but it also happens nonstop in AQ or any area where the ai has been sped up.
    Device iPhone 8
    iOS 12.0
    Game 20.0
    AQ arena dungeons and danger rooms
    And then a couple frames later at the end of the special, there’s this, which I think proves it’s an issue with ai speed and recovery time:
    Happy trails!
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  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all,

    To those who have already provided device information and details about which Champions you were using, thank you! We've passed all of this along and it is very helpful for us as the team investigates.

    If you haven't yet done so and are experiencing this issue, please reply and include your device information and Champions used.

    At this time, using the information we have, the team has not yet been able to reproduce this problem in order to confirm there is a bug. We believe this may be an issue specific to certain devices and their performance. But we are still looking into it and all the details you can provide will be helpful in that process. This doesn't mean we're ending our efforts on this topic. Any new details you can provide will be used to try and track down what people are experiencing related to this issue!

    There is no way on earth I believe you have not been able to reproduce this problem. There are so many videos, I could reproduce this with Iron Man and Moon Knight 30 times in an hour. Running an IPhone X so far I’m pretty it can handle the game
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    Hey All,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!

    Thank you!

    Any champ, all game modes, block fails, evade fails, AI activate specials when we’re in combo, our combos drop and we freeze. Everywhere you look this is what is talked about. Since last few updates game mechanics are just poor.
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    @Rich_Ryder so far it seems like any issue that’s stemming from their speed increases, this one, overheating, lag, freezing, crashing, frame rate issues, they have all been blaming on our devices. “Please check your network connection while we deflect everything away from the real problem.”
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Still happening.

    Gifted Danger Room
    3* Phoenix vs Juggernaut boss.
    Specials 1 and 2 blocked following 4 hit MLLL combos.
    Android. Galaxy S7.
    Wifi with 4G backup.
    No connection issues.
  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    The issue still does exist, your reflexes need to be like Spider Man's to get a successful special after a combo
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Hey All,

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is something that the team has already been looking into, but if you can tell us what Champions you see this occur with, where you're seeing it (mode/quest, etc.), and who you're fighting against, that would be very helpful!

    Thank you!
    I'm using 4* 40/40 Killmonger, trying to kill Ant-Man boss from Act 4.1.2. Every time I try to string a combo of light attacks with Sp2, the AI blocks. It is also happening with Rhino. Other champions don't have that issue.
  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    My phone is oppo neo 7, everytime i use specials with gwenpool after 4 or 5 combos, always get blocked (not happend with other champs)
    Will 20.1 fix these bugs? I don't see it in the description, except, maybe, the part that says:

    «- Various performance and stability improvements»
  • Jawarrior2001Jawarrior2001 Member Posts: 303
    Will 20.1 fix these bugs? I don't see it in the description, except, maybe, the part that says:

    «- Various performance and stability improvements»

    Given that they 'can't' reproduce the issues, I'm doubtful it will be fixed

    They can't 'fix' what the can't see.
    Four SP1 and SP2 blocked! I was using Killmonger against Magneto, was really close, and he still blocked them all!
  • DragonFire2DragonFire2 Member Posts: 181
    I’ve noticed similar things happening. Most of the time I just have to be fast enough to get the sp1 or sp2 in... a concern I had is that when I use a champion with a multi-hit heavy attack, they’re able to get hit by the first hit which should “stun” them but they’re able to evade the second hit and counter immediately.
  • TurtleJamesTurtleJames Member Posts: 68
    It has been happening all night for me. Especially with Killmonger L2 in mutant quest.
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    So i know i cant be the only one that specials are getting blocked in queasts and aw. I use a samsung s8 with the latest update.
    But uve notice since alliance war seasons were made active my spacials are been blocked almost everytime and then you get hit with a comb and have no time to react to the attack tge is mainly on my sp1.
    The main champs this happens with are stark spidey, gwenpool, dr voodoo, arch angel to name a few.
    It doesn't matter what combo i use before using it gets blocked. This is really effecting my act 5 run.
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  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018

    Device and Version: iPhone 7

    Device Operating System: iOS 12.0

    Mobile Carrier: N/A

    Cellular or WiFi: CenturyLink 500MB/s WiFi

    Game Version Installed: 20.1.0

    Game Mode: Epic Occult Labs

    Champions Affected: 5/65 Doctor Voodoo

    Active Boosts: No

    Description of the Issue: Doctor Voodoo is unable to chain his sp2 before finishing his combo. For more examples of this bug dating as far back as January 2018, see this thread:


    Screenshot or Video:

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