2015 rank up gems [Merged Threads]



  • ackrite26ackrite26 Member Posts: 51
    Also I think this topic has been set to not renew when a new post is entered. It doesn’t go to the top.

    It will be lost soon.
  • blindside493blindside493 Member Posts: 51
    Have to keep pushing this. So contradicting to their previous stances on exploits. Ridiculous @Kabam Miike. This has to be rectified. Or change the rewards to apply to all champs going forward.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★

    I literally just showed you they’ve done exactly that before

    The restrictions were in the item description and on the forums

    Go troll somewhere else please
  • Minkl3Minkl3 Member Posts: 134
    edited November 2018
    Have you guys noticed how none of the famous youtubers (apart from Dorky obviously) are making a single video about this or even mentioning it.
  • MattManMattMan Member Posts: 435 ★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Rektor wrote: »
    MattMan wrote: »
    Minkl3 wrote: »
    Have you guys noticed how none of the famous youtubers (apart from Dorky obviously) are making a single video about this or even mentioning it.

    Because they’ve already exploited it and want to keep their ill gotten gains.

    Or they’re just cowards afraid of controversy.

    Thanks to Dave for having a pair.

    Yeah most times quick to point out an issue...except when it benefits them.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,500 ★★★★★
    Epsilon3 wrote: »

    I literally just showed you they’ve done exactly that before

    The restrictions were in the item description and on the forums

    Go troll somewhere else please

    Does everyone come to the Forum? I wasn't trolling at all. I was showing a different perspective. God forbid someone doesn't grab a pitchfork. Bottom line is it was a bug. It's fixed. I don't care if a few people got to use it on newer Champs. Doesn't affect me at all. It's not going to make a difference to the people who used them, or the ones that didn't. It was a glitch. Now people want a glitch.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Epsilon3 wrote: »

    I literally just showed you they’ve done exactly that before

    The restrictions were in the item description and on the forums

    Go troll somewhere else please

    Does everyone come to the Forum? I wasn't trolling at all. I was showing a different perspective. God forbid someone doesn't grab a pitchfork. Bottom line is it was a bug. It's fixed. I don't care if a few people got to use it on newer Champs. Doesn't affect me at all. It's not going to make a difference to the people who used them, or the ones that didn't. It was a glitch. Now people want a glitch.

    Others care that “a few people” purposely exploited this bug for otherwise unattainable advancement of their account. Many of those other people are directly affected by people who did it.

    Thanks for sharing your opinion. Feel free to respect a differing opinion at any time.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    afyffe96 wrote: »
    Rektor wrote: »
    See everyone this is where the block list and LOL button come in handy.

    Carry on

    Yep. They’ve sent in thier closer. He’ll now derail the thread and get it closed. It’s amazing how such a low level player can come in and take over discussions. He doesn’t care that they get an advantage but he cares about a player running 10 accounts and stealing his 3 star shards in war. How convenient

    Only happens if you let it. Keep it on point.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,500 ★★★★★
    Epsilon3 wrote: »

    I literally just showed you they’ve done exactly that before

    The restrictions were in the item description and on the forums

    Go troll somewhere else please

    Does everyone come to the Forum? I wasn't trolling at all. I was showing a different perspective. God forbid someone doesn't grab a pitchfork. Bottom line is it was a bug. It's fixed. I don't care if a few people got to use it on newer Champs. Doesn't affect me at all. It's not going to make a difference to the people who used them, or the ones that didn't. It was a glitch. Now people want a glitch.

    You dont care???

    Some do like me who plays in top aw meta and in a top alliance

    My peers get to rank up any champ, while im restricted to 2015 champions

    It also effects those who complete this 100% in the future knowing the first people who did this abused a bug and essentialy got better rewards.

    You dont care because you will never be up here, but its more than that, its morale thing.

    And everyone should get same rewards even if its day 1 100% or 1-3 years from now

    The rewards details was released before the event came out.

    And thats what it should have rewarded.

    Feel free to know it effects end game community and future completion from community.

    You cant just give people completly different rewards just because they completed it first

    What a selfish opinion you have

    I'm being described as selfish and people are complaining about what others got. Interesting.
    If something is a bug, it's not intended. They have to fix it. They can't just let it ride for everyone because everyone should get the same thing. Did some use it knowing it was bugged? Sure. Some didn't. How many people got to use them in the bugged state do you figure? A handful, perhaps. People who are already developed, and a couple more R4s among them are not going to throw the game off.
    Do not presume to tell me what I will and will not do. It's there for everyone should I choose to do it. The issue is mine to discuss as well. I say it doesn't matter.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    The best part are the players who completed this on purpose specifically to take advantage of this bug that are now offering to complete it for other players for a price.

    Based on what I’ve seen, for only $800 you can have someone complete it for you to get rewards worse than they got.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,500 ★★★★★
    Rektor wrote: »
    The best part are the players who completed this on purpose specifically to take advantage of this bug that are now offering to complete it for other players for a price.

    For only $800 and you can have someone complete it for you to get rewards worse than they got.

    Offering to be a paid Merc is a whole other ball of wax. That's not cool. My point is, you need quantifiable proof to take action in the case of an exploit. You can't prove who had knowledge of the glitch, and who just used their Gems. That's not something you can do. We can't read peoples' minds.
  • RektorRektor Member Posts: 678 ★★★
    danm11 wrote: »
    How many pages in this thread and not 1 mod can speak... they warned before about taking advantage of bugs and yet we here again, all it takes it a post to say they will reverse the gems of those who exploit the bug. Then again the people that did exploit it are top players who spend money and we all know rules are not same for whole player base

    Plenty who spend more than they spend did not do this, based on the fact that people have been banned for less and that kabam’s own words said this is a ToS violation.

    This isn’t about money. They will lose more by not reversing it.
  • rockstar323rockstar323 Member Posts: 57
    The main issue is the players that took advantage knew it was bug. Then they told their alliance mates so they too could rush to complete it. They knowingly exploited a bug and it's just ignored. At the very least they should have those champs ranked down and not refunded the ISO or gold spent leveling past r3.
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