"The Unstoppable" frustration... This is not the game for average players anymore...



  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Two year player prestige is 7k and haven't been able to get Diablo down without turning off dexterity to counter buffet. It just sucks that they really limit the challenges you face to be countered by 3 champs. Usually 1 of those champs is the same throughout every month...

    Two ways kabam messes with you
    1) Regen
    2) power gain

    I took Diablo down with a 4/40 Void on my second account. This is dumb

    Not really complaining about the fight because eventually I'll get it. Play master mode and learn the tactics a little more so I'm sure once I figure it out it'll be much easier to mitigate. Just annoying at first by a lot in the early going of it
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★

    Some people like peanut butter cups and some people are allergic to chocolate. 🤷‍♂️
  • GenidiaminGenidiamin Member Posts: 105
    They just give with one hand and take with the other.... release a new champ and then next content drops and the nodes are all designed to make sure that same new champ is almost ineffective
  • TacoScottyTacoScotty Member Posts: 407 ★★
    Unstoppable is Kabam’s new flavor of the month(s). It seems we have move past the auto block phase. We are also starting to see a little sprinkling of additional immunities in combo with unstoppable - fate seal etc - some overlap with Champion
  • RisengawRisengaw Member Posts: 30
    This month isn't even that bad compared to aegon and night thrasher, even emma frost was nasty. For the thing just don't attack when he gets 15 charges and bait special to get rid of them. Diablo just wait out the potions. Unstoppable is annoying for sure, especially in the trials this month, but be thankful this month's isn't like the previous, it could always be worse with kabam.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    A_Noob_Is1 wrote: »
    A good portion of people in this thread forgot about RNG. Not everyone has god tier champs that can steamroll content. I like to see you guys try this eq with bad/ mediocre champs.

    In my experience, you make your own luck in this game. If you're not putting in the time or money to open lots of crystals your roster is going to be lacking.

    I used to set defense for my BG and I could easily tell the players who grinded arena and those who didn't. Wildly different rosters.

    To use my previous analogy, this is just one big marathon. If you're not going to put in the same time/money training as the other racers you're gonna fall behind.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    In any other game if you can't handle a certain difficulty you drop down a difficulty level and work on it there until you can handle the next step.

    This is one of the few games where every single person is expecting to solo every single piece of content. Truth of the matter is that just isn't the case sometimes and there will be things you just can't take on until either your roster improves or skill.
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    What stops anyone from playing the game just for fun?

    Kabam is ruining the game. Each new EQ and "Epic" level stuff is making it where a game that used to be fun is not fun any more.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    edited January 2019
    The biggest problem for me is that as more of these specific counter champs are introduced it makes the game even more luck based. As everything is developed on RNG it’s becoming more and more that if you are not lucky on your pulls you are screwed.

    Overall I’m ok with it and can handle it but truth is it is becoming a problem. As I saw in someone else’s post it really is becoming a “rock, paper, scissors” game but if you are lucky enough to pull/ have the right counters you need a larger wallet.
    Wanted to iterate It’s not quite fully there as there are skill counters to these champs but they are frustrating and tedious to fight. The game though is trending this way it seems.
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Tsoderbe wrote: »
    Content should get harder each and every EQ. Of course, the rewards should balance that out, but that has never been how Kabam works. Rewarding the player base and not just the few that spend is not their style. Every once in awhile, they will throw the entire player base a bone, but that is few and far between. As for the Unstoppable mechanic, it is not only being overused, but it is showing their laziness with making actual fun content. This is the second or third EQ in a row where Unstoppable is the star, not the characters or content.

    If it should be getting harder each month then at some point they would need to make an easier level than beginner. Master is master. Epic is epic. Master continues to inch closer and closer to epic in terms of the bosses and crazy nodes. I always explore master and complete epic. Didn't explore master last month. With my skills, it was the first time I didn't learn, adapt and overcome. And I got tired of using up my resources because I wouldn't have any for uncollected. If they are going to increase the difficulty for master, then it's no longer master.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    crogs wrote: »

    If it should be getting harder each month then at some point they would need to make an easier level than beginner. Master is master. Epic is epic. Master continues to inch closer and closer to epic in terms of the bosses and crazy nodes. I always explore master and complete epic. Didn't explore master last month. With my skills, it was the first time I didn't learn, adapt and overcome. And I got tired of using up my resources because I wouldn't have any for uncollected. If they are going to increase the difficulty for master, then it's no longer master.

    I'll be honest: I didn't explore Master because I chose not to fight Darkhawk five more times -- I thought it was that cheap of a fight
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    ESF wrote: »

    I'll be honest: I didn't explore Master because I chose not to fight Darkhawk five more times -- I thought it was that cheap of a fight

    Yep. I was good after completion. Tried twice. During a completion event. Would have done it if I made a large enough dent exhausting my team once. Then I'm fine finishing off with a solo revive or two, but that wasn't the case.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    I can't remember who said this on here before (probably many) but this game "rewards patience and punishes haste". Truly.

    I ran uncollected Darkhawk until i could do it with no revives. Took maybe 13-15 runs and watching a video. No revives.
    Either you spend time or you spend revives. 1st few runs I died without even getting a hit in. Frustrating at first but overcome-able.

    Knowing this months opponents and taking the time will save you from revives. You go in blind expecting to plow through and you will need all the revives you can get your hands on.

    EX. Thing reaches 15 rocks and he goes unstoppable. Parry one smack and back away. His sp1 and sp2 are easily avoidable.
    Diablo was tough but Void and patience works for me. I'm using mostly 4* r5 champs and with patience can clear uncollected quests most months.

    A complaint about difficulty this early typically means you fit the "haste" category.
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  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    ESF wrote: »

    I'll be honest: I didn't explore Master because I chose not to fight Darkhawk five more times -- I thought it was that cheap of a fight

    I had a harder time with Master last month than i did Uncollected due to the aggression of the AI. Master Darkhawk would not throw that sp2 easily. Uncollected threw it right away most times.
  • DrunkgamerrrrDrunkgamerrrr Member Posts: 16
    I just tried again on the boss ...i already spend o lot of units i don't know why my champs are moving without me interacting ... And i can't beat him only because i don't have a 5 star void awaken ... Or a spidey ...this is not fun anymore , if they bring a boss like that they should give us a void if only with him you can manage to take him down ...no uncolected for me this month ...
  • Tarzan041Tarzan041 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    This game has nothing to do with skill. It has everything to do with spending, grinding and luck. If not for lag and bugs most of us could clear any content. When people say get good, or get skilled, its laughable. You do realize how simple the mechanics of this game are right, nothings hard as long as you have an iPhone, money and luck.
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  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    I just tried again on the boss ...i already spend o lot of units i don't know why my champs are moving without me interacting ... And i can't beat him only because i don't have a 5 star void awaken ... Or a spidey ...this is not fun anymore , if they bring a boss like that they should give us a void if only with him you can manage to take him down ...no uncolected for me this month ...

    I know this doesn't help much but i did it with 4* Void. I admit more and more lately that the right champ has become just as important (maybe more) than the right skill.
    The right champ with the wrong skill won't work. The right skill with the wrong champ won't work. Ya need both.
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,514 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike Can you please relay to the Dev team that the sudden Unstoppable that comes on Diablo is a bit too punishing on Master/Epic? I mean at least with The Champion, there was a warning with "Primal Fury" which indicated you should back away. However, there's nothing like that with Diablo. Please consider this. Thanks.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,472 Guardian
    Spurgeo14 wrote: »

    Kabam is ruining the game. Each new EQ and "Epic" level stuff is making it where a game that used to be fun is not fun any more.

    Kabam is not making the game less fun. Kabam is making the game different with new content. Whether you find it fun or not is mostly up to you.
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  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★

    LOL... you're so dense I'm just going to laugh at your ridiculousness and try to explain to you why the MAJORITY of the people discussing these issues are frustrated at the asinine content created recently. Not many of us are scared of a challenge or losing a fight - but almost all of us can agree that an alarming amount of content lately has been full of cheap or downright broken mechanics that have NOTHING to do with player skill, and are either a blatant cash-grab by Kabam, or an insulting lack of insight into their own game. THAT'S the problem here; not a lack of skill or desire for a challenge from the MAJORITY of players.

    Name 1 piece of content released recently, besides maze, that is a complete cash grab and can't be overcome by some combination of skill, strategy, and the right champ. What, exactly, do you consider a broken mechanic? Can you name examples?
  • G0311G0311 Member Posts: 913 ★★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »

    Last time I checked this is still a contest. If I can complete content that others can't, then that's good for me.

    UC EQ's, or EPIC difficulties are made for the people with the highest skills and best rosters. If people aren't complaining then kabam is doing it wrong.

    Even master mode was designed for people who play at a fairly high skill level. If you can't complete master with a few 4/55s then the game isn't the problem, you are.

    I'm not trying to be an ass. That's just the reality of the situation. There will always be people who can't complete content. Pandering to casuals who want everything handed to them is never good for a long term game.

    once again not a contest, because you are not in competition with any other account, only in alliance wars and even then , it's a whole alliance versus another alliance.
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  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    G0311 wrote: »

    once again not a contest, because you are not in competition with any other account, only in alliance wars and even then , it's a whole alliance versus another alliance.

    lol bro the game is literally called MARVEL Contest of Champions.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★

    Tons, but your opinion wouldn't change anyways, so I'm not even going to waste my time. You're in the minority. Bye felicia.

    I just asked for 1 single example and you can't even do that.
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  • peasantpeasant Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2019
    Whoever designed the node Unstoppable every 5 seconds is an idiot. There's little skill in playing against it; forced to sit back when unstoppable. That's not a good game design, especially with enemy champs being defensive, so very little progress is made dealing damage to the enemy.

    There should be a way to vote out garbage nodes.
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