Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Champion Redesign: Karnak (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Karnak, as a Champion, is particularly mediocre. His special attacks are easy to evade, and even with his True Strike ability active, he's not particularly great as an attacker. Even with all of his supposed "training", he's hardly a challenge on his own. The only thing that makes him dangerous are Node boosts that make any Champion dangerous. Karnak is in major need of a rework.

    Signature Ability - Second Tower Training:
    • Karnak's Inhuman metabolism and Autonomic Function Control allows him to shrug off Debuff effects by 50% faster than normal and reduces damage from Poison by 65%.
    • Due to his Autonomic Function Control, whenever Karnak recovers Health for any reason, the Potency of the Health recovery is increased by 20%.

    Martial Focus (Passive): Given time to study his opponent, Karnak becomes Focused, gaining 4200 Critical Rating. Whenever he is struck, Karnak loses focus for 9 seconds.
    Callused Skin (Passive): Covered in dense calluses, Karnak has toughened his skin and gains 650 increased Physical Resistance.
    Stress Point Detection: All Attacks reduce the opponent's ability to Perfectly Block attacks by 80%. Additionally, after charging a Heavy Attack for 1.0 seconds, Karnak can inflict an Armor Break debuff that reduces the opponent's Armor Rating by 482 for 7.5 seconds. [max stacks: 6]
    Studied Target (Passive): Every 5 seconds, Karnak raises his Attack rating by 2.0%. This increase to Karnak's Attack is capped at +500%
    • Developer's Note: Karnak's Attack can increase quite a bit over very long fights, but it can't increase by anywhere near as much as Star-Lord's Attack, which can increase up to 24,284 Attack rating if you manage to get to 400 hits in the combo meter. Star-Lord's Attack relies on keeping up your Combo, whereas Karnak just gets the Attack increase automatically the longer he's in the fight.

    Special Attack 1: Distortion & Focus — Create distance, then focus to see the flaws.
    Animation Rework: Karnak slides into his opponent, feet-first, knocking them to the ground. He then leaps back and focuses upon his opponent's flaws.
    • This attack allows Karnak to become Focused instantly.
    • Karnak discovers his opponent's stress points, gaining True Strike for 8.5 seconds. This allows him to ignore Armor, Resistances, and Evasion.
    Special Attack 2: The Three Worlds — Through focus, understanding and strength, Karnak demonstrates his worlds philosophy.
    • Damage from this attack increases by up to 50% based on how low the opponent's Health is at the time of impact.
    Special Attack 3: Blind Time — All of humanity is as nothing. The universe will not notice when Karnak's foe is no longer.
    • Karnak Dazes his foes with his strike, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 80% for 40.0 seconds.

    • Enemies with Magneto or Magneto Marvel NOW!: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Family with Black Bolt or Medusa: All Champions gain +6% Health.
    • Teammates with Beast, Captain Marvel, or Ms. Marvel: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Martial Rivals with Black Widow, Iron Man, Daredevil, or Daredevil (Netflix): Karnak: Karnak gains a +4% chance to Auto-Block basic attacks. This can trigger Parry. Black Widow: Increase the duration of Cruelty Buffs by 50%. Iron Man: Iron Man gains a 50% chance to ignore Armor Break effects. Daredevil and Daredevil (Netflix): Light Attacks reduce the opponent's chance of triggering a Passive Evade by 100%. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    This is some good stuff got a lot of reading to do, one I really like was the Electro!! like my opinion matters

    There was a post after that about reworking Electro or seeing a new version of the that something I don't like different version of the same champs all with the same specials.... the efficient cyclops, red magneto, white magnet, Red deadpool, white deadpool, gold pool, blue deadpool <--joking and so on, I understand deadpool xforce and regular dead pool but they should of have different specials. same champ just a different color it like its taking up space....just make the original right the first time or rework it to fit now....Don't make the super amazing iron fist just because the original has been left behind with the game ever changing advancement, just fix the original!

    Please for the love of God do not bring in Jamie Fox Electro that was the worse think ever!!!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Other Champions that I'm considering a redesign of:
    • Daredevil (Netflix)
    • Old Man Logan
    • Iron Patriot
    • Howard the Duck
    • Loki
    • Thor (Jane Foster)

    Please feel free to cast your vote for my next Champion to rebuild.

    Best wishes, all!

  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Howard the duck.
    The least used champ ever.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Nairvehl wrote: »
    Howard the duck.
    The least used champ ever.

    I was afraid you might say that. I've already had a false start on a rebuild for him. I'm just not 100% sure what to do with him.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    fine. go for iron patriot.
    easier redo
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
  • Doc_Manhattan93Doc_Manhattan93 Member Posts: 14
    Sorry for my bad english, i'm from Italy.
    I really like this game for several years, and it is undeniable that some of the older characters no longer hold the comparison with the new ones. For this reason I would love to see a little justice for two of Marvel's strongest mutants: Colossus and Magneto.
    Here is my idea of ​​how Colossus should be:


    All stats based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Sig Level 99

    Health: 17.500
    Attack: 1.200


    As Colossus hardens his armor increases the power of his blows, increasing his critical damage by [58] for each Armor Charge and gaining the ability to stun the opponent with regular hits, with a chance of [0.05%] for each Armor Charge.

    In addition, it reduces the effectiveness and duration of all debuffs of [0.40% ~ 0.85%] for each Armor Charge


    Armor - Passive

    Colossus’ armored skin is extremely resistant to almost all kinds of insults and the transformation makes him extremely resistant to fatigue, so he’s completely immune to the effects of Bleeding and Fatigue.

    If Colossus is hit by bullets, each shot has a 30% chance to bounce back to the enemy, inflicting Bleeding and causing the damage it would cause hitting Colossus.

    Armor Charges - Passive

    Colossus has a passive armor's counter.
    Each time he's struck by a hit, he gains 2 Armor Charges;
    Each time he blocks an attack, he gains 1 Armor Charge;
    Well-time block guarantees +2 additional charges.
    The maximum number is 100.

    For each Armor Charge, he gains:

    + 15 Armor
    + 20 Physical Resistance
    + 25 Block Profiency
    + 0.50% Perfect-block chance
    + 1% Critical Resistance

    Also, his enemies suffer:

    - 0.35% power rate when they struck or they are stricken
    - 1% Critical Damage

    Upon reaching a number of charges equal to 10 or multiples of 10, Colossus gains a Fearless buff for 5 sec., which makes him immune to Special Attacks and their effects.

    Heavy attack

    Charging a heavy attack quickly converts armor into furies.
    These furies are passive, last for 8 seconds and increase the attack rating by 250.


    Every Special Attacks gains +50 damage for each Armor Charge.

    Special Attack 1:
    50% chance to stun the enemy for 2 sec. + 1% chance for each Armor Charge.

    Special Attack 2:

    80% chance to stun the enemy for 3.5 sec. + 1% chance for each Armor Charge
    100% chance to enervate the enemy, blocking the power that he receives from being hit for 5 sec.

    Special Attack 3:

    100% chance to stun the enemy for 4.5 sec. + 0.05 sec. for each Armor Charge.
    100% to apply Armor Break, which reduces the opponent’s Armor rating by 2000 for 10 sec.
    100% chance to enervate the opponent for 10 sec.

  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    His SP3. His Power Drain and permanent Aura of Incineration buff can only happen once a fight. After that, any subsequent SP3 will have no effects but dealing damage. This is especially annoying with the Symbiot Supreme synergy, that grants a chance of an Aura of Incineration on basic attacks. This makes the risk of reaching SP3 before you could deploy an SP2 higher.

    On top of that, he fails to do the nr. 1 job of mystic champions: countering buffs. At the start of the fight, you get one free Soul Entrapment (and one refund with Hela synergy). Subsequent ones requires the loss of a soul. However, the recent The Champion synergy gives you increased attack rating per soul, punishing the use of souls. But even without it, you rather wish to keep the souls to regen, as revives & health pots are so expensive.

    On top of that, Soul Entrapment cancels the triggering of any buffs, so you lose the opportunity for MD to give you power gain, or you should wait after the entrapment expires and gain power from buff expiration.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    Add to the SP3 a Shatter ability, nullifying all buffs and dealing direct damage for each buff nullified. Or, convert every nullified buff into an Incinerate debuff, that would add an extra benefit with the Ghost Rider synergy. Either of those options is fine by me. It gives SP3 a secondary use, it gives Mephisto the ability to nullify and solves the MD issue.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    First of all, his signature ability. It is very nice that you gain analysis charges faster, no complaints about that. It is the second benefit that bothers me. Sentinel is a machine that adapts to its opponent, that should reflect in the signature ability. The reduced power drain effectiveness is nice, but is only applicable to a handful champions.

    Second of all, his synergies. They are one-way street. There are no benefits for the synergy partners. That is lots of wasted potential, especially because some can use them.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    The analysis upgrade should become class-specific. When facing the class described, Sentinel adapts himself to mimic the advantageous class, gaining new abilities to counter that class.

    Mutant: Sentinel becomes Tech, Special Attacks burn 0.3% till 0.7% maximum power per Analysis Charge (conversion values same as OG Vision).
    Skill: Sentinel becomes Mutant, Special Attacks activate a Self-Repair buff over 7 seconds that heals 0.03% till 0.07% health per Analysis Charge.
    Science: Sentinel becomes Skill, Special Attacks bleed for 0.3% till 0.7% Attack Rating per Analysis Charge.
    Mystic: Sentinel becomes Science, Special Attacks place a Petrify debuff, reducing power gain and regeneration for 0.3% till 0.7% per Analysis Charge.
    Cosmic: Sentinel becomes Mystic, Special Attacks have a 0.3% till 0.7% chance per Analysis Charge to nullify 1 buff per hit.
    Tech: Sentinel becomes Cosmic, Special Attacks activate a True Strike buff, ignoring 0.3% till 0.7% Armor per Analysis Charge and reduce 0.3% till 0.7% Evade chance per Analysis Charge.

    If possible, certain abilities that are reduced for certain classes are also reduced for Sentinel, for instant, BW's Subtlety is reduced by 15% or Crossbones' Hydra Training is reduced by 15%, as Sentinel counts as Mutant.

    The current signature ability can be added to the regular pool of effects. The middle value of 0.5% reduced effectiveness per Analysis Charge seems appropriate.

    For the synergies:

    Mutant Pursuit
    Iceman: Coldsnap reduces healing effects by 16-24-30-40%.
    Cable: 8-12-15-20% chance to deal Degeneration on Basic Hits.
    Nightcrawler: 32-48-60-80% chance for Deep Wound to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 30% Attack Rating over 7 seconds.

    Skill Training
    Kingpin: Black ISO-8 reduces Offensive Ability Accuracy by 24-36-45-60%.
    Black Panther CW: Special Attacks have 8-12-15-20% increased Critical Hit Rating per Armor buff.
    Killmonger: Special Attacks have per non-critical hit 16-24-30-40% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff.

    Science Research
    Void: Intimating Presence has a 8-12-15-20% chance per Intimidating Presence Debuff to apply an extra Weakness debuff that reduces Attack Rating by 25%. This Weakness counts as a Intimidating Presence debuff and deals Degen damage. Max stacks: 2.
    Ant-Man: Debuffs also reduce Power Gain by 16-24-30-40%.
    Electro: Basic Hits deal extra 8-12-15-20% Attack Rating as Passive Shock Damage.

    Mystic Observation
    The Hood: While Invisible, Basic Hits have a 30% chance to Shock, dealing 48-72-90-120% Attack Rating as damage.
    Morningstar: When striking with Basic Hits, 8-12-15-20% chance to gain the Fury buff of the signature ability. When struck, 8-12-15-20% chance to gain the Regeneration buff of the signature ability. When striking with Special Attacks, 24-36-45-60% chance to gain the Power Gain buff of the signature ability.
    Mordo: Mystic Barrier activates when hit by an Energy Damage-Over-Time effect, but has 32-48-60-80% effectiveness.

    Tech Advancement
    Ultron: Cauterize applies a Heal Block of 8-12-15-20 seconds. When bleed immune, Cauterize causes an Armor Break that reduces Armor Rating by 1200 for 8-12-15-20 seconds.
    Yondu: 16-24-30-40% for all attacks to steal Prowess buffs and apply it to Yondu himself.
    Green Goblin: While Green Goblin has more Cunning than Madness, or the two are equal, the opponent has 32-48-60-80% reduced Evade chance.

    Values apply for 3*-4*-5*-6* Sentinel.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed

    Iron Man (Infinity War), Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Doctor Strange, Thor, Thor (Ragnarok), Thanos

    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    First of all, IMIW is like a Swiss army knife: so much utility. I love playing with him. His animations are just awesome.

    There are however some aspects of him that could be better.

    The main mode of playing is to stack-up plasma passives. The surest way is to combine Incinerate and Shock debuffs with the repulsor rays. However there is a problem: the Plasma passive has only a duration of 5 seconds. No problem, repulsor rays refresh that, yes?

    Yes, but not the SP2 has no repulsor rays. It takes almost 3.5 seconds for it to complete. You need to rush to the opponent to refresh it, or you lose all your plasma passives. You do not have a second to spare. The SP2 compensates for this fact that it has a chance to stun, depending on the number of armor breaks.

    A different story is when the opponent does a SP. Those often take so long you don't have much room to refresh the plasma passive. This makes IMIW a very stressful champion to play, it is a race against the clock and you need to fight extremely aggressive, increasing the risks of slip-ups.

    A second problem is associated with this. Plasma passives are quite power-intensive, you need to hit with a SP2 and subsequently with a SP1. In short fights, you often don't have the time to do the whole build-up. IMIW has no abilities by himself to power gain and speed things up.

    A minor problem is for me the lack of regeneration. Arc Overload is the only good thing of OG IM. IMIW doesn't have that, although the nanobots do have some repairing capabilities...

    Hulk has a problem fighting mystical champions: his fury abilities get nullified/sealed. That cripples his use.

    Hulk (Ragnarok) Face Me triggers on some very specific occasions, while it should be more like Blade's Danger Sense.

    Doctor Strange is dead after 12.0 nerf. He needs a boost.

    Thor is the same story as Doctor Strange.

    Thor (Ragnarok) Boon of the Gods just takes too long to activate.

    Thanos is a trophy champion, I know, but shouldn't he have a bit use to?

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    When the debuffs merge, the plasma passive should adopt the timer of the Shock debuff (which is 12 seconds). This should relax the gameplay of IMIW in order to build-up plasma passives.

    As you stack plasma passives, the power drain stacks with it: two plasma passives drain 5% of stored power, three passives drain 7.5%,... This increases power control a lot.

    I suggest two new unique synergies:

    Brilliant Insight (4* and above)
    IMIW: Power drained is Burned and 50% gets Stolen. Every plasma passive becomes more easy for IMIW as it drains more power from the opponent and steals it for his own. The burn damage is a nice extra, as the attack rating of IMIW is slightly below-average.
    Hulk: Instead of getting nullified, Fury buffs are converted into Fury passives with 50% effectiveness. This will disable MD and punish champions using nullify. I guess Doctor Strange with his regular Counterspell will get wrecked by Hulk. Scarlet Witch on the other hand sometimes gives Fury buffs, so those get converted to, strengthening Hulk even more.
    Hulk (Ragnarok): Face Me activates against the Contest's Greatest Fighters: Star-Lord, Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced), Corvus Glaive, Hyperion, Iceman, Archangel, Blade, Gwenpool, Void, Hulk (Ragnarok), Magik, Ghost Rider. Hulk likes a challenge! This will be great for AW, where you frequently see those as defenders.
    Doctor Strange: Evocation is +25% more effective. This should make many players happy as it would partly return the good old doctor's glory.

    Cosmic Insight (5* and above)
    IMIW: Once a fight, when going below 15% health, IMIW triggers an Arc Overload that heals 5% health per stack of Molecular Armor over a short period of time. This would be very handy in a quest context, especially when the sig grants up to 8 Molecular Armor Stacks, healing 40% health.
    Thor: Armor Breaks do stack, but subsequent breaks have their effectiveness halved. So 1 Armor Break = 100% of the original value, 2nd Armor Break = 50% of the original value, 3rd Armor Break = 25% of the original value, etc. Infinite number of Armor Breaks would stack up to 200% of the original value. It would revive Thor.
    Thor (Ragnarok): Boon of the Gods requires 30 hits on the combo meter or getting struck 15 times. This should speed-up fights.
    Thanos: Thanos' blast attacks get 25 Critical Hit Rating per hit on the combo meter, up to 100 hits. After 15 hits, damage from blast attacks is not reduced by blocking and trigger Critical Hits & abilities through the block. This is the perfect counter for IMIW, M.O.D.O.K., Darkhawk or Medusa!

    It would be interesting to see if with these changes we see a lot more IMIW - CAIW - Ghulk teams in AW Offense.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Thor ragnarok actually already has that synergy with proxima, lowers the 40 hits needed by 10 and the 20
    Hits taken by 5, so technically Thor ragnarok doesn’t need that. I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying though, these champions you’re talking about already have a solid use. IMIW has valuable immunities and power control. Hulk ragnarok’s face me is specific, and I don’t know what you mean when you say it should “trigger against the contest greatest fighters” it would just be infinite? Hulk is fine, he’s fallen behind a bit sure, but furies are what he does, and sure, doctor strange can nullify them. A lot of mystics rely on hits to nullify things, so if you’re playing well that should be an issue. I do agree with Thor and Doctor Strange to an extent. To bring back Thor, buff his fury by 25%, let his armor breaks stack to 3 and increase their duration, maybe an armor shatter. Doctor strange should have perfect block chance on armor phase again, Symbiotic supreme got it well as maybe a new debuff that can be applied during fury phase, maybe like

    Doctor Strange
    Fury Phase has a 10% chance on hit (50% on crits) to apply an energy bomb passive on the opponent, these stack infinitely and expire when the fury phase ends, or when using a special two, these energy bombs do 567 damage, but each subsequent one applied gets its damage increased by 10%.
    These do an additional 235 energy damage when detonated with the special two

    I would like to see Strange buffer this way, or some sort of decent damage output...instead of what we have

    The Thanos change, eh, make him super strong, it doesn’t really matter

  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Thor ragnarok actually already has that synergy with proxima, lowers the 40 hits needed by 10 and the 20 Hits taken by 5, so technically Thor ragnarok doesn’t need that.

    Hmm, right, forgot that one. Maybe scrap that one altogether, Thor (Ragnarok) is technically not even cosmic anyway. Or do you have a better idea?
    I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying though, these champions you’re talking about already have a solid use. IMIW has valuable immunities and power control.

    The power control of IMIW is relatively tiny. Remember, it isn't flat 2.5%, but 2.5% of stored power. With three full bars, you get the full value of 2.5% drain per hit but with two bars, that's only 1.67% power drain and with one bar that is 0.83%. It is not much in comparison to many other power control champions.

    IMIW immunities are actually disappointing. The only really good one is bleed immunity. Coldsnap is very situational, there is only one champion that use it. Even then, the immunity doesn't apply to Frostbite so...

    Anyway, my suggestion is to get the maximum out of this champion and this is through the stacking of plasma passives. Here is a good guide on using IMIW:
    Hulk ragnarok’s face me is specific, and I don’t know what you mean when you say it should “trigger against the contest greatest fighters” it would just be infinite?

    Face Me only activates when Ghulk is under the effect of a Passive DoT effect. There aren't that many of those in the game, Mephisto's Aura of Incineration comes to mind but that's about it. It would be real nice if that effect would be permanent active when fighting the best champions. I do think the 70% regenerate is a bit OP, so that probably shouldn't happen.
    Hulk is fine, he’s fallen behind a bit sure, but furies are what he does, and sure, doctor strange can nullify them. A lot of mystics rely on hits to nullify things, so if you’re playing well that should be an issue.

    It doesn't make sense class-wise for Hulk to be vulnerable against mystics right because of the common nullify ability. As a Science champion, he should totally wreck them. Stacking-up Fury passives is the best way to go.
    I do agree with Thor and Doctor Strange to an extent. To bring back Thor, buff his fury by 25%, let his armor breaks stack to 3 and increase their duration, maybe an armor shatter.

    The Fury of Thor is pretty decent, that was never the issue. The reason why Thor was nerfed is because of his stackable Armor Breaks. Like, that break is massive and three stacks would give so much increased damage you could practically one-hit every champion. No, to return that would be a very bad idea. That's why I suggest that subsequent armor breaks have reduced potency to avoid that.
    Doctor strange should have perfect block chance on armor phase again, Symbiotic supreme got it well as maybe a new debuff that can be applied during fury phase, maybe like Doctor Strange
    Fury Phase has a 10% chance on hit (50% on crits) to apply an energy bomb passive on the opponent, these stack infinitely and expire when the fury phase ends, or when using a special two, these energy bombs do 567 damage, but each subsequent one applied gets its damage increased by 10%.
    These do an additional 235 energy damage when detonated with the special two

    I would like to see Strange buffer this way, or some sort of decent damage output...instead of what we have;

    The Thanos change, eh, make him super strong, it doesn’t really matter

    I tried to keep it simple: Evocation just needs to be better. Doctor Strange was all about the Life Steal, +25% more of that would make him way more attractive. Returning the 100% perfect block chance would be a very bad idea: people just used to block and do nothing during armor phase, just cashing it that easy power gain and not need to worry about taking any damage. That was wrong and a lazy form of playing.

    If I get your idea right, you want some sort of Frostbite equivalent? I do like such suggestion, but not as complicated as yours. Just 80% chance for an Energy Bomb to apply with each crit (which gets increased during Fury phase) and those expire after a set amount of time and deal damage or detonate prematurely when using SP2 for extra damage. I do not think a synergy would be the best way to add that, that is better as a permanent ability.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Thor ragnarok actually already has that synergy with proxima, lowers the 40 hits needed by 10 and the 20 Hits taken by 5, so technically Thor ragnarok doesn’t need that.

    Hmm, right, forgot that one. Maybe scrap that one altogether, Thor (Ragnarok) is technically not even cosmic anyway. Or do you have a better idea?
    I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying though, these champions you’re talking about already have a solid use. IMIW has valuable immunities and power control.

    The power control of IMIW is relatively tiny. Remember, it isn't flat 2.5%, but 2.5% of stored power. With three full bars, you get the full value of 2.5% drain per hit but with two bars, that's only 1.67% power drain and with one bar that is 0.83%. It is not much in comparison to many other power control champions.

    IMIW immunities are actually disappointing. The only really good one is bleed immunity. Coldsnap is very situational, there is only one champion that use it. Even then, the immunity doesn't apply to Frostbite so...

    Anyway, my suggestion is to get the maximum out of this champion and this is through the stacking of plasma passives. Here is a good guide on using IMIW:
    Hulk ragnarok’s face me is specific, and I don’t know what you mean when you say it should “trigger against the contest greatest fighters” it would just be infinite?

    Face Me only activates when Ghulk is under the effect of a Passive DoT effect. There aren't that many of those in the game, Mephisto's Aura of Incineration comes to mind but that's about it. It would be real nice if that effect would be permanent active when fighting the best champions. I do think the 70% regenerate is a bit OP, so that probably shouldn't happen.
    Hulk is fine, he’s fallen behind a bit sure, but furies are what he does, and sure, doctor strange can nullify them. A lot of mystics rely on hits to nullify things, so if you’re playing well that should be an issue.

    It doesn't make sense class-wise for Hulk to be vulnerable against mystics right because of the common nullify ability. As a Science champion, he should totally wreck them. Stacking-up Fury passives is the best way to go.
    I do agree with Thor and Doctor Strange to an extent. To bring back Thor, buff his fury by 25%, let his armor breaks stack to 3 and increase their duration, maybe an armor shatter.

    The Fury of Thor is pretty decent, that was never the issue. The reason why Thor was nerfed is because of his stackable Armor Breaks. Like, that break is massive and three stacks would give so much increased damage you could practically one-hit every champion. No, to return that would be a very bad idea. That's why I suggest that subsequent armor breaks have reduced potency to avoid that.
    Doctor strange should have perfect block chance on armor phase again, Symbiotic supreme got it well as maybe a new debuff that can be applied during fury phase, maybe like Doctor Strange
    Fury Phase has a 10% chance on hit (50% on crits) to apply an energy bomb passive on the opponent, these stack infinitely and expire when the fury phase ends, or when using a special two, these energy bombs do 567 damage, but each subsequent one applied gets its damage increased by 10%.
    These do an additional 235 energy damage when detonated with the special two

    I would like to see Strange buffer this way, or some sort of decent damage output...instead of what we have;

    The Thanos change, eh, make him super strong, it doesn’t really matter

    I tried to keep it simple: Evocation just needs to be better. Doctor Strange was all about the Life Steal, +25% more of that would make him way more attractive. Returning the 100% perfect block chance would be a very bad idea: people just used to block and do nothing during armor phase, just cashing it that easy power gain and not need to worry about taking any damage. That was wrong and a lazy form of playing.

    If I get your idea right, you want some sort of Frostbite equivalent? I do like such suggestion, but not as complicated as yours. Just 80% chance for an Energy Bomb to apply with each crit (which gets increased during Fury phase) and those expire after a set amount of time and deal damage or detonate prematurely when using SP2 for extra damage. I do not think a synergy would be the best way to add that, that is better as a permanent ability.

    Permanent ability was the implication
  • Doc_Manhattan93Doc_Manhattan93 Member Posts: 14
    Hi everyone. After having posted my idea of how Colossus should be, and with the sad knowledge that probably this will not lead to anything, I would like to share my idea of how more or less one of the most powerful mutants in history should be made: Magneto!


    All stats based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Sig Level 99

    Health: 14.900
    Attack: 1.170



    Maintaining the block, Magneto creates an electromagnetic field around itself, reducing the impact of projectiles attacks (firearm shots, lasers, etc.) of [85%].


    Also, against Tech champions depending on metal, he reduces passively his class disadvantage by 2% every 5 sec., until he has the equivalent class advantage.


    Basic attacks

    Magneto's basic attacks are energetic, so he’s not harmed by abilities that reflect the damage when he strucks the opponent.

    Well-time block

    With his magnetic powers, Magneto can use the Parry Mastery even against projectile attacks.

    Mind control immunity

    Thanks to his helmet, he is immune to telepathic control and therefore to the inversion of controls.

    Magnetism - Passive

    Magneto is the Lord of Magnetism and by controlling electromagnetic fields can influence opponents who depend on metal, reducing their statistics based on proximity by applying them a passive debuff, Magnetism.

    Magnetism is always at level 1, and increases by 1 level for every second near the opponent, decreasing instead by 1 level every 0.5 sec. spent far from him.
    Each effect is multiplied by the number of level reached.

    At Level 1 Magnetism involves:

    + 20% to Magneto’s basic attack
    + 10% ability accuracy

    Besides it causes:

    - 10% to opponent’s basic attack
    - 10% power rate
    - 20% regeneration rate
    - 20% ability accuracy (Parry and Dexterity included)
    - 20% armor rating

    Degeneration - Passive

    Magneto can manipulate the ferrous components in the blood. Striking an opponent with ongoing bleeding provides a 10% chance to apply a permanent passive degeneration that inflicts up to 8000 damage per minute based on Magneto's proximity to the opponent. Max: 1 stack.


    Against champions under the effect of the Magnetism debuff, each effect activated by special attacks has a doubled duration.

    Special attack 1:

    85% chance to apply a Bleeding that inflicts 2240 damage and lasts 8 sec.

    Against bleeding immune champions, 85% chance to apply an Armor Break that reduces the opponent armor rating by 1500 for 8 sec.

    Special attack 2:

    100% chance to apply a Bleeding that inflicts 4480 damage and lasts 10 sec.

    Against immune champions, 100% chance to apply an Armor Break that reduces the opponent armor rating by 3000 for 10 sec.

    100% chance to apply an Health Block for 10 sec.

    Special attack 3

    100% chance to apply an Armor Break that reduces opponent’s armor by 2000 for 15 sec.

    100% to apply an Health Block for 15 sec.
  • SoulreaverasSoulreaveras Member Posts: 63
    Because, let’s be honest, everyone gets her as a 5* as one of their first few crystals. LoL
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Venom would be greatly improved by being added to my account as a 5*.
    Please see to these improvements.
  • PDZIncPDZInc Member Posts: 7
    Just add passive to reduce time of poison or shrug it off as his healing factors in d comics and d movie Logan do this.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Hi everyone. After having posted my idea of how Colossus should be, and with the sad knowledge that probably this will not lead to anything, I would like to share my idea of how more or less one of the most powerful mutants in history should be made: Magneto!


    All stats based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Sig Level 99

    Health: 14.900
    Attack: 1.170



    Maintaining the block, Magneto creates an electromagnetic field around itself, reducing the impact of projectiles attacks (firearm shots, lasers, etc.) of [85%].


    Also, against Tech champions depending on metal, he reduces passively his class disadvantage by 2% every 5 sec., until he has the equivalent class advantage.


    Basic attacks

    Magneto's basic attacks are energetic, so he’s not harmed by abilities that reflect the damage when he strucks the opponent.

    Well-time block

    With his magnetic powers, Magneto can use the Parry Mastery even against projectile attacks.

    Mind control immunity

    Thanks to his helmet, he is immune to telepathic control and therefore to the inversion of controls.

    Magnetism - Passive

    Magneto is the Lord of Magnetism and by controlling electromagnetic fields can influence opponents who depend on metal, reducing their statistics based on proximity by applying them a passive debuff, Magnetism.

    Magnetism is always at level 1, and increases by 1 level for every second near the opponent, decreasing instead by 1 level every 0.5 sec. spent far from him.
    Each effect is multiplied by the number of level reached.

    At Level 1 Magnetism involves:

    + 20% to Magneto’s basic attack
    + 10% ability accuracy

    Besides it causes:

    - 10% to opponent’s basic attack
    - 10% power rate
    - 20% regeneration rate
    - 20% ability accuracy (Parry and Dexterity included)
    - 20% armor rating

    Degeneration - Passive

    Magneto can manipulate the ferrous components in the blood. Striking an opponent with ongoing bleeding provides a 10% chance to apply a permanent passive degeneration that inflicts up to 8000 damage per minute based on Magneto's proximity to the opponent. Max: 1 stack.


    Against champions under the effect of the Magnetism debuff, each effect activated by special attacks has a doubled duration.

    Special attack 1:

    85% chance to apply a Bleeding that inflicts 2240 damage and lasts 8 sec.

    Against bleeding immune champions, 85% chance to apply an Armor Break that reduces the opponent armor rating by 1500 for 8 sec.

    Special attack 2:

    100% chance to apply a Bleeding that inflicts 4480 damage and lasts 10 sec.

    Against immune champions, 100% chance to apply an Armor Break that reduces the opponent armor rating by 3000 for 10 sec.

    100% chance to apply an Health Block for 10 sec.

    Special attack 3

    100% chance to apply an Armor Break that reduces opponent’s armor by 2000 for 15 sec.

    100% to apply an Health Block for 15 sec.

    I actually quite like how the current Magnetism works. The problem is that the 'wrong' kind of champions (Tech) have that tag, potentially gamebreaking. This isn't really a problem how bad Magneto currently is, but if he gets your rework it will. 40% AAR is enough of a punishment. I would rather have the Metal tag expanded to all Skill champions who uses guns or swords, so they are all affected by it.

    I don't think your suggestion of the sig actually makes it better. Blocking already reduces damage, so what is the point of further decreasing that? It is better that the electromagnetic field has a [stacks]% chance to glance projectiles, reducing damage by [stacks]%. Glancing hits are non-critical and have 100% AAR. Effectiveness increases against magnetized opponents. Maybe OG Magneto has 10-50% chance to glance which reduces damage by 50-100%, while Magneto MN has 50-100% to glance but reduces damage by 10-50%.

    I don't think Magneto is able to manipulate the ferrous components in the blood. Yes, he did in X2 but only because Mystique injected the guard with an overdose of iron. In normal cases, he is

    I had the idea that while blocking, Magneto collects every 0.5 seconds shrapnel from his environment (max stack: 10). Every stack of shrapnel increases Special Attack Damage by 10%, increases ability accuracy by 10% and gives basic hits a 3% chance to bleed. Every special that strucks, uses all of the shrapnel (block or dexterity doesn't count). Magneto loses focuses so shrapnel slowly decays over time. Key is to build-up shrapnel and then unleashing a SP2 or SP3 as attacker, while as a defender you need to avoid building up too much shrapnel and keep Magneto moving.
  • Edd67Edd67 Member Posts: 22
    Kabam's a huge disappointment that Magneto is one of the biggest villian in Marvel..and yet he has no buffs and his special one is bout as useless as Karnaks lol..with the exception of a very small window to bleed the opponent. He should be able to cause just as much bleed as Wolverine, X-23 etc..he's been may favorite villian in the franchise since I was a child and to see him reduced to this Karnak level is disrespectful to him as the God of Magnetism so I hope more who are passionate about him way in also. On a high note I want to say thanks for all the current and recent changes made to the game and the current characters that have received buffs like Venom and Carnage to name a few. So good luck with the upcoming buffs for Spider Gwen and She Hulk I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

    P.S. Thank you for your time and patience.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    His SP3. His Power Drain and permanent Aura of Incineration buff can only happen once a fight. After that, any subsequent SP3 will have no effects but dealing damage. This is especially annoying with the Symbiot Supreme synergy, that grants a chance of an Aura of Incineration on basic attacks. This makes the risk of reaching SP3 before you could deploy an SP2 higher.

    On top of that, he fails to do the nr. 1 job of mystic champions: countering buffs. At the start of the fight, you get one free Soul Entrapment (and one refund with Hela synergy). Subsequent ones requires the loss of a soul. However, the recent The Champion synergy gives you increased attack rating per soul, punishing the use of souls. But even without it, you rather wish to keep the souls to regen, as revives & health pots are so expensive.

    On top of that, Soul Entrapment cancels the triggering of any buffs, so you lose the opportunity for MD to give you power gain, or you should wait after the entrapment expires and gain power from buff expiration.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    Add to the SP3 a Shatter ability, nullifying all buffs and dealing direct damage for each buff nullified. Or, convert every nullified buff into an Incinerate debuff, that would add an extra benefit with the Ghost Rider synergy. Either of those options is fine by me. It gives SP3 a secondary use, it gives Mephisto the ability to nullify and solves the MD issue.

    I forgot two things.

    It would also be nice that whip attacks do not contact and thus trigger no Parry. He should also deal energy damage (his whip is on fire!).
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed

    Red Hulk

    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    I absolutely love him. He has been my first 4* pull and been my companion all the way: quests, AQ, AW, he gets the job down. Still, he has some missing abilities that would make sense and gives a nice addition to the game.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    First of all, I think the damage from Heat Charges should be energy. They are called HEAT Charges for a reason. I know, this might make him less efficient towards mystics, of which some have high energy resistance. But this far outweighs the niche Rhulk would occupy. There are so few energy-based champions while a lot more have high physical resistance. On top of that, the switching resistances node would get a counter.

    Second of all, he should be coldsnap and frostbite immunity. The man is on fire, not even Iceman can cool him. However, that immunity should only be applied when he has at least 1 Heat Charge. This way, an awakened Iceman would still Coldsnap an unawakened Rhulk.

    Third of all, Rhulk is one of the few Science champions who have no debuffs at all. He should apply some Incinerate buffs when he strikes. whose chance is based on the amount of Heat Charges. I was thinking like 2-3% per Heat Charge. The damage should be only moderate, not really that much as he already packs quite a punch, maybe like 40% of his attack rating. I was thinking of a short duration (4 seconds). It would be nice in conjunction with the Omega Red synergy, which increases power rating by +25% when the opponent is incinerated.

    Fourth of all, his SP2 should definitely heal more but for a cost. He should heal like 2.5% per Heat Charge but he uses all of his charges. Domino synergy could stay the same while regaining 2 of his Heat Charges. Tactically, baiting the SP2 provides a mean to get rid of the Heat Charges, but for a cost.

    Lastly, his current signature ability allows the reduction of Incinerate damage. But as he converts incinerate debuffs into Heat Charges, this only works against one champion: Mephisto. That is way too specific to be useful, so I suggest expanding it to all Energy-based DoT effects, passives or debuffs. It would be a nice counter to Domino.
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Mines simple. Is rogue fixed yet and if not, could you guys look into why she doesn’t gain any health at all when her lifesteal is the final hit in a match. Ive seen crits as high as 4500 not go into my health pool. Why does the damage show but 0 goes back to her???

    Edit: literally went into aq after this post and faced km in section 3. Her final move was the life steal of l1. 3500 dmg showed. 0 to her.
  • K3600K3600 Member Posts: 50
    Hey everyone,

    I was redirected by Kabam on my recent post to update Deadpool (X-force), who is my first 6 star champion.

    This champ needs a major upgrade and putting him in a 6 star crystal without an upgrade is rubbish. I finished act 5 finally and was so happy about it but then hey, Deadpool (X-force).

    I read through some one the comments and the upgrades suggested by everyone is really great. I just want Kabam to upgrade this champ so much. He is such a fun champ to play but has no use at all.

    Kabam if you are listening please upgrade Deadpool (X-force) Atleast the 6 star one. So that we don't feel **** grinding so much content to get a 6 star and end up getting him.

    Frustrated 6 star Deadpool (X-force) player.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Iron Patriot (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Iron Patriot is an Iron Man (Classic) clone. His play style is almost completely indistinguishable, and he doesn't really even get any of Iron Patriot's cooler powers, or any Osborn-technological upgrades. In addition to that, the guy is still the Green Goblin (with all his accompanying crazy) under that Stark-tech suit. He should have access to all sorts of nasty tricks, but no... He has a weaker version of Iron Man (Classic)'s power set combined with a little bit of Black Bolt's moveset. He doesn't get anything that is uniquely him, and that needs changing.

    Signature Ability - Insane Genius: He may wear a suit cobbled together from confiscated Stark technology and his own Oscorp weapons, making Norman Osborn all the more dangerous, but he's still as insane as he ever was as the Green Goblin!
    • Iron Patriot has a 10% chance to gain an Insanity charge whenever opponents attack him. +90% chance if Iron Patriot performs a Well-Timed Block. [Max Stacks: 12] Each time Iron Patriot executes a Special Attack, he loses up to 3 Insanity charges.
    • For each Insanity charge Iron Patriot has, Special Attack damage is increased by 5%.
    • While he has 2 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot becomes immune to Concussion and Fatigue Debuffs.
    • While he has 5 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot takes 65% less damage from Psychic Attacks. Opponents take 50% of the damage dealt from Psychic Attacks as psychic backlash.
    • While he has 8 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot's Power Gain from all sources is increased by 12.5%.
    • While he has 11 or more Insanity charges, Iron Patriot's Heavy Attacks are Unblockable.
    • When Iron Patriot's health drops below 15%, he automatically gains 6 Insanity charges and his Attack Rating increases by 250 per Insanity charge. When Iron Patriot's health drops below 10%, his suit burns out and he loses his Advanced Satellite Communications, Iron Durability, Spider-Proofing, and all base Armor.

    Advanced Satellite Communications: Iron Patriot's advanced satellite communications system feeds him information about his opponent in real time, decreasing their Ability Accuracy by 15%.
    Iron Durability (Passive): The Iron Patriot Armor absorbs a lot of the force of even the heaviest of blows. Basic Physical Attacks cannot inflict more damage than 7.5% of Iron Patriot's total health.
    Spider-Proofing (Passive): The Iron Patriot Armor has been specifically designed to withstand the attacks of Spider-Verse Heroes. Iron Patriot is Immune to Armor Break effects from Spider-Verse Heroes.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Well-Timed Blocks activate Iron Patriot's Magnetic Impact Blast Systems, granting Iron Patriot +2% Damage on Basic Attacks for 4.5 seconds, and +450 Critical Rating versus Champions that employ metal arms and armor for 4.5 seconds. [Max Stacks: 2]

    Special Attack 1: Dual Flamethrowers — One of the best ways to get rid of a pest is to burn it to ashes!
    Animation Rework: Iron Patriot blasts his opponent with twin jets of fire from his forearms. These flame jets reach 70% of the way across the screen.
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict an Incinerate Debuff, dealing 682.2 Direct Damage over 3.0 seconds.
    Special Attack 2: Miniature Lasers — Iron Patriot activates a devastating laser attack!
    Animation Rework: Iron Patriot launches himself into the air, rapidly fires two magnetic impact blasts at his opponent, then activates a laser array that fires several sustained laser blasts that sweep the area. This sweeping blast of laser energy will be similar to Hyperion's, except that there are three beams that simultaneously sweep across the arena.
    • This attack has a 100% chance to inflict two Incinerate Debuffs, each dealing 682.2 Direct Damage over 3.0 seconds.
    • 54% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 665.75 Armor Rating reduction for 9.0 seconds. Against Champions that have metal weapons or armor, this chance is increased by 20%, and Armor Rating is reduced by an additional 200.
    Special Attack 3: Missile Strike — Calling in a tactical strike has never looked this good!
    Animation Rework: Iron Patriot calls in a heat-seeking missile that his opponent dodges, he then follows up with a series of punches that stun his opponent, while the heat-seeking missile turns around in the background, then zips in to finish the job!
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.75 seconds.

    • Friends with Iron Man, Superior Iron Man, or Iron Man (Infinity War): All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating.
    • Enemies with Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Man (Symbiote), or Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Rivals with Captain America, Captain America (WWII), or Captain America (Infinity War): All Champions gain +155 Critical Damage Rating.
    • Crazy Together with Green Goblin: Iron Patriot: Whenever Iron Patriot loses an Insanity charge, he Regenerates 0.8% of his Max Health. Green Goblin: Green Goblin gets +20% Ability Accuracy for his Super Bomb. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Dark Avengers with Venom or Sentry: Iron Patriot: Each time an Incinerate Debuff expires, it has a 25% chance to reapply itself. Venom: Venom has a 25% chance to activate a Fury buff every time he inflicts a Bleed Debuff on his opponent. Sentry: Sentry only requires 30 hits in a Combo to gain a Reality Warp. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist
    7. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    8. Falcon
    9. She-Hulk
    10. War Machine
    11. Superior Iron Man
    12. Colossus
    13. Black Panther
    14. Gamora
    15. King Groot
    16. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
    17. Karnak
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Other Champions that I'm considering a redesign of:
    • Daredevil (Netflix)
    • Deadpool (X-Force)
    • Old Man Logan
    • Howard the Duck (Not entirely certain what to do with him... yet.)
    • Loki
    • Thor (Jane Foster)

    Please feel free to cast your vote for my next Champion to rebuild.

    Best wishes, all!

  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Other Champions that I'm considering a redesign of:
    • Daredevil (Netflix)
    • Deadpool (X-Force)
    • Old Man Logan
    • Howard the Duck (Not entirely certain what to do with him... yet.)
    • Loki
    • Thor (Jane Foster)

    Please feel free to cast your vote for my next Champion to rebuild.

    Best wishes, all!

    Old man Logan.
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    I’m surprised so many ppl care about colossus.. it makes no sense or make him op or even in the middle class of champions. Some champions just have to suck. In this case, he should be a heavy armor weaker champion.

    Champions that need rework are ones like Magneto and IF
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    All abilities are based on 5/50. 4*

    Signature Ability: Headstrong, 75% chance dash attacks will be unstoppable and gain 813 attack. If already unstoppable, this attack generates 30% of a bar of power over 5 seconds if it lands.

    (Notes: i decided to do developer notes on this buff posts to give my thoughts. This will make juggernaut have more reliable damage and will allow him to spam his special 1’s or get to a special 2 or 3 easier. To get the power gain you have to have the unstoppable from a special attack if that wasn’t clear.)

    Passive: additional 400 block penetration when unstoppable, as well as not being able to be stunned...

    I know the community is coming up with great ideas, and I am in no way saying that some champions aren't already too far above the champ balance average, but I want to suggest that you make a couple tweaks to your ideas when considering certain abilities. Specifically, think about them from all aspects of the game, especially AWD, Dungeons and other buff heavy special monthly events. In this case there may be too many problems having Juggernaut penetrate the blocks by 400, be unstunnable and power gain on successful hits (like Power Steal) all while starting unstoppable. Yes that makes him certainly better, and with MD toned down to where it should have been for years IMO, it would benefit a few mystics to have power gain/steal opportunities from elsewhere (but within reason)

    Just think about facing him with almost anybody other than Cap. America IW or Symbiote Supreme and him being buffed out the wazoo and there being only the hope that the AI plays dumb and does not push you into a corner before Unstoppable expires and he starts another from Sp1 immediately. (Look at people's experiences with the Brawl buff in Trials to get a sense of the player experience and then multiply that by 2 since Juggs wouldn't have the 5 or 10 second gaps between reapplying the effect)

    Balancing is truly about having sufficient counters to overly scary abilities that they aren't automatically impossible to deal with when someone doesn't have the 1 or 2 rare champs that can deal with the effect, even if the counters aren't completely obvious or easy they should exist. In this case, let's consider that an ability on this level should have built in prevention from happening too many times back to back.

    Here're a few ways how balance should account for how impossible those abilities may be to face:
    1. Consider conditions that must be met to activate this ability. e.g. Juggernaut enters a state (Cyttorak's Creed or some such) after 6 staggers. When he activates Unstoppable from a special while 'Creed' is active, his successful hits award him 33% more power, and blocked hits gain an additional 400 block penetration. [Note: Now this is reasonable to allow considering the onus is now on the player to play smart and cause 6 staggers if playing with Juggs; or avoid certain situations that cause themselves to be staggered if facing Juggs (like not parrying while he's unstoppable; and at this point, parrying is habitual and can be forced by aggressive AIs)]
    2. Consider it being timer based: e.g.1. Juggernaut can start with the extra block penetration and power steal but enters a 25 second cool down after Cyttorak's Creed activates by being parried once or blocked 3 times during Unstoppable, or e.g.2. Juggernaut can start with extra penetration and power steal for 6 seconds then Cytorrak's creed automatically becomes available again after 30 seconds with his next Unstoppable. [In both cases, this varies the severity of different Unstoppable effects making Juggs more interesting]
    3. Consider it being counter based: e.g. every 4th Unstoppable activates Cyttorak's Creed granting Juggernaut's successful hits while Unstoppable 33% more power gain and adds 400 block penetration to blocked hits. [During synergies with Colossus or Unstoppable Colossus. Cyttorak's Creed would activate every 3rd Unstoppable and adds 500 bp instead]

    Even with all of that, I think the main thing is to always ask yourself, "Well, how would I feel facing this design I just came up with when buffed even further by a Special event node or Alliance Wars nodes." and "Does this mean only this one champ I do not even have can counter him?"

    I think a cleaner design overall just suits Juggernaut better: a mechanism to make his furies more intense or resist more damage: every 6 staggers (or whatever) Juggs gets a boon from Cyttorak to cause greater destruction in his name. Juggs resists 50% more physical damage and gains Fury that is 70% more potent and has +200 block penetration while he is Unstoppable. (Keep in mind that the scale test should be that Unstoppable Colossus shouldn't be so far outclassed by Juggs getting yet another improvement. This and some other champion abilities of late should only be as strong as they are while under unique synergies. If these super strong characters are hitting softer than supposedly peak human characters (balance reason being all the resistance, high health and durability) what they really need is a system to make their furies more intense. That would be fair to base on Cyttorak craving destruction: the more Juggs or UC do damage while unstoppable, without being stunned, the more they build fury potency.

    I know this won't change as I read before, but Angela has AXES and SWORDS why can't she make champs bleed? I find it stupid they are giving all these buffs to new characters like thing and dark hawk who arent that good but champs like Angela who are actually GOOD in comics are trash in game. I would be ok with the no bleed if thing wasn't immune to everything and The champion wasn't like Thanos with his gauntlet.
    While you make a great point about high tier comic characters often being outclassed by in the game by champs who were lower tiered in the comics, I wouldn't say Thing and DH aren't that good (but it's all subjective) and at the end of the day it's supposed to be what balances characters (although most older champs are way outclassed). Your greater point about Angela's axes and swords not causing bleed is valid. They could have (and probably should have) gone with a champ fighting style that used her ribbons instead of the bladed weapons if they wanted to not give her bleed debuffs.

    This reminds me of thoughts I've had about other bladed characters that do not cause bleed, and missed opportunities.
    • Psylocke - if the sword was meant not to cause bleed why not design her with a telekinetic manifestation of the sword instead? It's what she often does - all Kabam would've needed to do was make the sword pinkish and give it a glow affect and we'd consider it not a cutting tool.
    • Nightcrawler - don't want him to cause bleed over time? Give him a fencing sword (since he's not the AOA version) and explain the insta-damage as bruise points.
    • Heimdall - more effects around the sword that don't show contact would help us ignore that it should slice.
  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
    -Iron Fist
    -Armor Break no longer as beneficial with game changes
    -Give him multiple stances, like Nightcrawler and Winter Soldier allowing him to generate different buffs or debuffs like Fury, Precision, Weakness, Power Drain/Lock, True Strike, etc. Pretty much any additional abilities will help restore him back to where he was when the Armor Break meant more. I think Fury/Precision/True Strike make the most sense for the power of the Iron Fist
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