Uncollected chapter 1 final boss emma totally ridiculous.



  • Luckylefty01Luckylefty01 Member Posts: 156
    Funny thing about this Emma, I mistimed her special every time I fought her and still one shot her every time. You have to look at your roster and see who you have to beat her. Armor break champs are her weakness(Medusa owns her). I 100% UC this past Saturday, I found this one very easy
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    She’s super easy. Took her down in 40 seconds with corvus and 1 charge.
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Woozie wrote: »
    Hyperion on the last quest is fun wait til then lol

    Exactly. If you think evading Emma Frost’s special 1 is frustrating, get ready to throw your phone when you get to tangle with that Aspect of War Hyperion. If you’re not decent at intercepting and baiting specials...hope you have a good overtime check coming in to pay for some revives.
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  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Seeing as how this thread is inevitably going to get shut down soon, how did you guys deal with Dorm on the Rage node?

  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    Seeing as how this thread is inevitably going to get shut down soon, how did you guys deal with Dorm on the Rage node?

    I used magik. Just L3 when he gets a few furies.
  • Goken2345Goken2345 Member Posts: 621 ★★
    yeah I beat her without a second thought. Sorry OP
  • hiddenblizzardhiddenblizzard Member Posts: 506 ★★
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    She’s super easy. Took her down in 40 seconds with corvus and 1 charge.

    You mean 1 cruelty charges?
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 405 ★★★
    I have to agree with the OP. The placement of Emma was poor. I'm not saying the fight was impossible or unfair. But it was not a fight you would expect to see in chapter 1. I think it was the hardest ch. 1 fight I recall facing.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    gforcefan wrote: »
    I have to agree with the OP. The placement of Emma was poor. I'm not saying the fight was impossible or unfair. But it was not a fight you would expect to see in chapter 1. I think it was the hardest ch. 1 fight I recall facing.

    So you would rather see emma in later in the event with higher health and attack? The placement was fine its early enough in the eq for her health and attack to be manageable
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,324 Guardian
    Starhawk wrote: »
    I have been voting with my wallet when it comes to the harder content. I used to spend more than I care to admit and it has gotten me less excited to go through hard content. Less excitement means I skip out on more and more "deals". Pretty soon that excitement will just move to a different game. If Kabam wants to make content harder create a new monthly quest above uncollected with better rewards.

    The fact that Kabam did in fact do that by making Uncollected above Master, and also reducing the difficulty of Master, tells me this would have zero impact on the complaints. We'd just be here the next day complaining about how SuperUncollected was absolutely mandatory to make any reasonable progress in the game and if Kabam wanted to make more difficult content they should make a difficulty level higher than SuperUncollected.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,324 Guardian
    Funny thing about this Emma, I mistimed her special every time I fought her and still one shot her every time. You have to look at your roster and see who you have to beat her. Armor break champs are her weakness(Medusa owns her). I 100% UC this past Saturday, I found this one very easy

    I was so out of practice I must have eaten half her special one attacks. But I just held my specials until the sting expired and just kept at it. I have to echo the people saying that it was actually beneficial for her to show up early, because she's not buffed high enough to be a serious threat even if you play horribly but at least smartly.
  • TsoderbeTsoderbe Member Posts: 32
    We can all spot the differences between a garbage fight set up to take Units and a difficult fight. Emma is a difficult fight for some people to get through, I get that, but she wasn't as difficult as she has been in the past. The real nut buster was the AoW Hyperion. That one is a straight garbage fire of a fight and you have to do it three times. Kabam needs to restructure their rewards on each level. Basically, they need to up the rewards on 100% for part 1, 3, and 5 of each level of quest. 100% completion of Chapter 3, part 1 nets you 100 4* shards in Uncollected. That is insulting considering they have been putting some of the more difficult content in that part of the quest each month.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    Tsoderbe wrote: »
    We can all spot the differences between a garbage fight set up to take Units and a difficult fight. Emma is a difficult fight for some people to get through, I get that, but she wasn't as difficult as she has been in the past. The real nut buster was the AoW Hyperion. That one is a straight garbage fire of a fight and you have to do it three times. Kabam needs to restructure their rewards on each level. Basically, they need to up the rewards on 100% for part 1, 3, and 5 of each level of quest. 100% completion of Chapter 3, part 1 nets you 100 4* shards in Uncollected. That is insulting considering they have been putting some of the more difficult content in that part of the quest each month.

    Hype was a pain but he was the first fight. Easy to restart until you have a good fight against him.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,324 Guardian
    Tsoderbe wrote: »
    We can all spot the differences between a garbage fight set up to take Units and a difficult fight.

    If by "all" you mean "everyone who agrees with me" then probably. In general, though, no there is no such agreement.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,324 Guardian
    Tsoderbe wrote: »
    We can all spot the differences between a garbage fight set up to take Units and a difficult fight. Emma is a difficult fight for some people to get through, I get that, but she wasn't as difficult as she has been in the past. The real nut buster was the AoW Hyperion. That one is a straight garbage fire of a fight and you have to do it three times. Kabam needs to restructure their rewards on each level. Basically, they need to up the rewards on 100% for part 1, 3, and 5 of each level of quest. 100% completion of Chapter 3, part 1 nets you 100 4* shards in Uncollected. That is insulting considering they have been putting some of the more difficult content in that part of the quest each month.

    Hype was a pain but he was the first fight. Easy to restart until you have a good fight against him.

    I much prefer him at the beginning than the end. So far I've found Vision to be the best option actually, since reducing his special usage with power drain and being able to remain aggressive (by not pushing him to SP3) tends to keep the fight manageable. Even if I don't kill him, I knock him down enough that he's not hard to clean up. If I have a bad fight against him, can always just restart.
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  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    If you land one magic sp2 it's over super easy after that. Landing that one.. ehh that's a bit of work lol

    Issue with Magik's power lock is that you end up putting Emma in perma-diamond form and essentially debuff immune with crazy armor.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    And while Emma isn't necessarily new (added to the game in September), she is far from a common champ once you get out of the top 10% of allies (those able to buy/grind featured arenas). She's barely been in the basic pool for a month and most of us F2P players are lucky to have 2-3 attempts at pulling her as a 5*.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,324 Guardian
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    If you land one magic sp2 it's over super easy after that. Landing that one.. ehh that's a bit of work lol

    Issue with Magik's power lock is that you end up putting Emma in perma-diamond form and essentially debuff immune with crazy armor.

    The quote pyramid was referring to the aspect of war hyperion.
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    That's a total exaggeration. The entire basis of the argument. People downplay any comment that something is too much and assume people just want something without effort. Only, people aren't that entitled or naive. Not everyone, anyway.
    15ims wrote: »
    Unblock sp 1 so hard for chapter 1 uncoll. And regen too. Unusually final boss for chapter 1.

    Does this sound like the OP is asking for advice or complaining? Also, look at the topic. Most of the time when people ask for help they say something along the lines of "Any advice against EF in Chapter 1? I'm really bad at inverted controls so if there's an alternative, I would really appreciate it." To me, it seemed that OP is "entitled" and/or "naive".

    That's how humans work. If you're nice and ask for help, people are more than willing to lend a helping hand. If you sound entitled like how the OP did with the topic and opening post, he's more than likely going to get trolled. I, for one, will definitely enjoy trolling him.

    [Edit. Just saw this post about the exact same challenge against EF in Chapter 1. Look at how the replies differ and you'll get my point.

    https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/121777/emma-frost-uc#latest ]

    We know the difference between a decent challenge and a pinhole. It happens far too often lately. The problem IS the content, and you can only brush it off for so long before you realize the Users are the ones you're brushing off.

    Since you say it IS the content, could you give an example of a "decent challenge"? Honestly, Chapter 1 EF wasn't even close to being a challenge.

    I'm telling you there is most definitely a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. Too many times, it's not even in line with the level that it's at. Yet there's always people who pride themselves on getting past it and have to minimize the feedback other people are giving. That's entirely fine if people get some form of pride out of that, but I'm telling you if people continue to be alienated in that way and not heard, there's not going to be many left to debate it. There is a limit you can push the challenge before it just discourages people altogether.

    I'm telling you I agree with you that there's a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. And I'm telling you, if you feel that there is overboard frustration when attempting content, then that content is most likely not suitable for you, be it roster wise or skill wise. It is with no apologies that the community doesn't mince their words when telling someone that they are lacking either. If you want someone who will be politically correct and tell you "you can be anything you want to be" and "get anything you want", you're at the wrong place and asking the wrong people.

    You can say they just need to "Git gud!", but that doesn't help anything, and just pours salt on the wound. I tell you this. No one wants to keep trying when it's that frustrating at the beginning of the EQ. When you have month after month of roadblocks, people stop caring. The goal post moves too quickly. Point blank.

    To be frank, it doesn't help anything but THAT IS THE TRUTH, and yes it hurts. But what else would you like the community to say? Does "Oh it's ok you can't clear Emma Frost in Chapter 1. You just need to tell yourself you can do it and keep trying! Don't worry! We will give you a participation medal for trying. As long as you do your best!" sound good to you?

    The matter of fact is, "GET GOOD". Put in the effort, practise fighting against her, do your duels, find out alternatives that can help get past her. If Masochism is giving you a problem, learn to fight without relying on parry. There are no two ways around it. If people do not want to put in the effort, then NOTHING is going to help.

    Yes. Get good. Rather, should I say "Your feedback is invalid, we didn't have a problem with it, you're the problem.". That's the message it's sending. It's dismissive and ignorant. It happens literally everytime someone says something has gone too far. Only you can't be right everytime.
    People are willing to put the effort in. They've put the effort in thus far. You don't get to Uncollected by hitting Auto Fight. The reaction is as if people have just been given Rewards up until now and now have to earn them. That's a wash. What I would have the community do is respect other people and the feedback they give. I would actually have them do more and consider there may be truth to what others are saying, but that seems to be a reach in this situation, so I would settle for letting people speak their piece without being made to feel less than just because they got past it.
    News Flash: We know what we're capable of more than you do.

    Well.. that’s the problem. You didn’t read what I’ve said. The community help others when the person asking for help shows that they have put in the effort and realize the problem is themselves and they want to improve. Look at the thread I quoted. When people complain it’s the content, many many others have done it without finding it an issue. You want something you can handle easily, go do beginners.

    People are spoiled after they get Uncollected because they think after getting the title, they deserve to be able to complete UC difficulty. That’s ridiculous.

    People are entitled to give their feedback about your feedback. If your feedback is unsubstantiated and lacks thought, expect to get trolled. Welcome to the real world.

    That's exactly the problem I'm highlighting. It's borderline abusive to tell people they should just go do Beginner if they have an issue with how hard something is. There's a judgment, a generalization that they're just whining and not good enough, and then an insult. Tell me, how can someone claim to be trying to help if all they're doing is putting people down and not listening to them? That's not offering help, that's belittling them, and there's nothing helpful about it.
    You may have the right to offer feedback on someone else's feedback, but you certainly don't have the right to judge whether they should be heard, or if their feedback is valid or not. You definitelsy don't have the right to give me some type of lesson on the real world. I'm a 38 year old adult. I'm fully self-aware, and I know my own capabilitiies. I also know that I have the right to express my opinion when I think something is overboard. However, I'm a little more thick-skinned than that. I could care less if someone tells me to "Git gud.". All it does is display their unwillingness to consider others.
    My issue here is the amount that it happens on the Forum. It's ridiculous. As soon as people say they think something is too hard, they're jumped on, told they're not good enough, given unwarranted advice, and called unwilling to listen because they can't hear feedback being shoved down their throat. There is nothing appropriate about that. You think the only people who have the right to be heard are the ones that want harder content? Do you consider that a fair place to communicate? Is it acceptable to be silenced immediately and not even heard before being told they're the problem, and they should adapt or go down a notch? The only people that helps are the people who get an Ego trip out of it.
    You can't assume people are jut looking for something, for nothing. You can't just pass judgment and say they should stick to Beginner. It's not your place to say they're right or wrong, and you can't speak for their experience. People come to offer feedback to the ones responsible for making the game, and it's their responsibility to consider what is valid based on feedback. Are you all so scared someone might be taken seriously and others will have enjoyable content instead of a miserable experience? Sounds to me that putting other people down like that is really based on insecurity instead of feeling proud.
    My point is let people speak. Do people have the right to dispute feedback? Sure. However, if you expect me to cosign ignorance, you'll be waiting a while. Big difference between saying, "I didn't find it hard.", and "Git gud. You suck. Stick to. Beginner, whiner.".

    @GroundedWisdom ... God! Stop Whining! 😁

    This was the easiest Uncollected EQ in months & we all know it. It’s because of people like you that the game is getting boring & dull. I’d like a boss sometime that actually sucks my unit stash dry... but it’s never gonna happen with all this complaining. Whining about things like an Unblockable SP 1 Emma? Really?? I’ve seen that evaded hundreds of times, & I’ve evaded it many times too. I know you are against “hurting people’s feelings”... but I care about actually having fun in game with some actual tough content... not about hurting some snowflakes feelings.

    I really don't think they adjust the difficulty based on forum complaints. The forum is a very small sample of the player base and often people only post because they are frustrated so the frustrated people can be over-represented. They can see the percentage of the people that attempt and complete content, how many potions were used, etc., and they use that sort of data.
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  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    This thread has gotten way more attention then it deserves. Time to learn how to evade her specials people, it’s a super easy fight if you actually try and practice. Not everything is just going to get handed to you in life, practice with duels and get better.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,324 Guardian
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom ... God! Stop Whining! 😁

    This was the easiest Uncollected EQ in months & we all know it. It’s because of people like you that the game is getting boring & dull. I’d like a boss sometime that actually sucks my unit stash dry... but it’s never gonna happen with all this complaining. Whining about things like an Unblockable SP 1 Emma? Really?? I’ve seen that evaded hundreds of times, & I’ve evaded it many times too. I know you are against “hurting people’s feelings”... but I care about actually having fun in game with some actual tough content... not about hurting some snowflakes feelings.

    Really? You want an EQ boss to suck your units dry? That sounds absurd. Maybe for a seasonal boss like Maze or Champion Clash, but not for something that has a monthly recurrence. That’s just silly.

    That's almost certainly a bit of an exaggeration, but there's a bit of truth to it as well for many players. If I had said a year ago that I wished there was an EQ boss that was so difficult I had to simply give up and exit and try again, over and over again until I figured out how to beat him, that might have seemed completely absurd as well. And yet, that's basically what Uncollected Thanos was (at least to me) and it was a blast to run. That content was specifically engineered to make that kind of play less of a drag (the two Thanos bosses were the only things on the map and the energy costs to reach him were small), but the concept is still there.

    I'm at a point in the game where units and potions still matter somewhat, because there's still content to burn them on ahead of me. But the amount of content that requires those resources is dropping faster than Kabam is adding it, and the day may come when the only thing I could possibly use those resources on is content far over my head, and I might start wishing for content far over my head to burn those resources on. And I already know from experience it is unlikely I'll be getting it except rarely. That's just how these games go.
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  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    That's a total exaggeration. The entire basis of the argument. People downplay any comment that something is too much and assume people just want something without effort. Only, people aren't that entitled or naive. Not everyone, anyway.
    15ims wrote: »
    Unblock sp 1 so hard for chapter 1 uncoll. And regen too. Unusually final boss for chapter 1.

    Does this sound like the OP is asking for advice or complaining? Also, look at the topic. Most of the time when people ask for help they say something along the lines of "Any advice against EF in Chapter 1? I'm really bad at inverted controls so if there's an alternative, I would really appreciate it." To me, it seemed that OP is "entitled" and/or "naive".

    That's how humans work. If you're nice and ask for help, people are more than willing to lend a helping hand. If you sound entitled like how the OP did with the topic and opening post, he's more than likely going to get trolled. I, for one, will definitely enjoy trolling him.

    [Edit. Just saw this post about the exact same challenge against EF in Chapter 1. Look at how the replies differ and you'll get my point.

    https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/121777/emma-frost-uc#latest ]

    We know the difference between a decent challenge and a pinhole. It happens far too often lately. The problem IS the content, and you can only brush it off for so long before you realize the Users are the ones you're brushing off.

    Since you say it IS the content, could you give an example of a "decent challenge"? Honestly, Chapter 1 EF wasn't even close to being a challenge.

    I'm telling you there is most definitely a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. Too many times, it's not even in line with the level that it's at. Yet there's always people who pride themselves on getting past it and have to minimize the feedback other people are giving. That's entirely fine if people get some form of pride out of that, but I'm telling you if people continue to be alienated in that way and not heard, there's not going to be many left to debate it. There is a limit you can push the challenge before it just discourages people altogether.

    I'm telling you I agree with you that there's a line between exciting challenge and overboard frustration. And I'm telling you, if you feel that there is overboard frustration when attempting content, then that content is most likely not suitable for you, be it roster wise or skill wise. It is with no apologies that the community doesn't mince their words when telling someone that they are lacking either. If you want someone who will be politically correct and tell you "you can be anything you want to be" and "get anything you want", you're at the wrong place and asking the wrong people.

    You can say they just need to "Git gud!", but that doesn't help anything, and just pours salt on the wound. I tell you this. No one wants to keep trying when it's that frustrating at the beginning of the EQ. When you have month after month of roadblocks, people stop caring. The goal post moves too quickly. Point blank.

    To be frank, it doesn't help anything but THAT IS THE TRUTH, and yes it hurts. But what else would you like the community to say? Does "Oh it's ok you can't clear Emma Frost in Chapter 1. You just need to tell yourself you can do it and keep trying! Don't worry! We will give you a participation medal for trying. As long as you do your best!" sound good to you?

    The matter of fact is, "GET GOOD". Put in the effort, practise fighting against her, do your duels, find out alternatives that can help get past her. If Masochism is giving you a problem, learn to fight without relying on parry. There are no two ways around it. If people do not want to put in the effort, then NOTHING is going to help.

    Yes. Get good. Rather, should I say "Your feedback is invalid, we didn't have a problem with it, you're the problem.". That's the message it's sending. It's dismissive and ignorant. It happens literally everytime someone says something has gone too far. Only you can't be right everytime.
    People are willing to put the effort in. They've put the effort in thus far. You don't get to Uncollected by hitting Auto Fight. The reaction is as if people have just been given Rewards up until now and now have to earn them. That's a wash. What I would have the community do is respect other people and the feedback they give. I would actually have them do more and consider there may be truth to what others are saying, but that seems to be a reach in this situation, so I would settle for letting people speak their piece without being made to feel less than just because they got past it.
    News Flash: We know what we're capable of more than you do.

    Well.. that’s the problem. You didn’t read what I’ve said. The community help others when the person asking for help shows that they have put in the effort and realize the problem is themselves and they want to improve. Look at the thread I quoted. When people complain it’s the content, many many others have done it without finding it an issue. You want something you can handle easily, go do beginners.

    People are spoiled after they get Uncollected because they think after getting the title, they deserve to be able to complete UC difficulty. That’s ridiculous.

    People are entitled to give their feedback about your feedback. If your feedback is unsubstantiated and lacks thought, expect to get trolled. Welcome to the real world.

    That's exactly the problem I'm highlighting. It's borderline abusive to tell people they should just go do Beginner if they have an issue with how hard something is. There's a judgment, a generalization that they're just whining and not good enough, and then an insult. Tell me, how can someone claim to be trying to help if all they're doing is putting people down and not listening to them? That's not offering help, that's belittling them, and there's nothing helpful about it.
    You may have the right to offer feedback on someone else's feedback, but you certainly don't have the right to judge whether they should be heard, or if their feedback is valid or not. You definitelsy don't have the right to give me some type of lesson on the real world. I'm a 38 year old adult. I'm fully self-aware, and I know my own capabilitiies. I also know that I have the right to express my opinion when I think something is overboard. However, I'm a little more thick-skinned than that. I could care less if someone tells me to "Git gud.". All it does is display their unwillingness to consider others.
    My issue here is the amount that it happens on the Forum. It's ridiculous. As soon as people say they think something is too hard, they're jumped on, told they're not good enough, given unwarranted advice, and called unwilling to listen because they can't hear feedback being shoved down their throat. There is nothing appropriate about that. You think the only people who have the right to be heard are the ones that want harder content? Do you consider that a fair place to communicate? Is it acceptable to be silenced immediately and not even heard before being told they're the problem, and they should adapt or go down a notch? The only people that helps are the people who get an Ego trip out of it.
    You can't assume people are jut looking for something, for nothing. You can't just pass judgment and say they should stick to Beginner. It's not your place to say they're right or wrong, and you can't speak for their experience. People come to offer feedback to the ones responsible for making the game, and it's their responsibility to consider what is valid based on feedback. Are you all so scared someone might be taken seriously and others will have enjoyable content instead of a miserable experience? Sounds to me that putting other people down like that is really based on insecurity instead of feeling proud.
    My point is let people speak. Do people have the right to dispute feedback? Sure. However, if you expect me to cosign ignorance, you'll be waiting a while. Big difference between saying, "I didn't find it hard.", and "Git gud. You suck. Stick to. Beginner, whiner.".

    @GroundedWisdom ... God! Stop Whining! 😁

    This was the easiest Uncollected EQ in months & we all know it. It’s because of people like you that the game is getting boring & dull. I’d like a boss sometime that actually sucks my unit stash dry... but it’s never gonna happen with all this complaining. Whining about things like an Unblockable SP 1 Emma? Really?? I’ve seen that evaded hundreds of times, & I’ve evaded it many times too. I know you are against “hurting people’s feelings”... but I care about actually having fun in game with some actual tough content... not about hurting some snowflakes feelings.

    Really? You want an EQ boss to suck your units dry? That sounds absurd. Maybe for a seasonal boss like Maze or Champion Clash, but not for something that has a monthly recurrence. That’s just silly.

    @V1PER1987 Alright... I thought this was obvious, but I’ll play along. It’s mostly sarcasm bro. I don’t “Actually” want a BS Boss that will suck my units dry. What I mean is, I want something that Difficult... highly difficult, but not BS. Like Infinity Thano’s.

    Lol Infinity Thanos wasn’t even that bad once you learned his phases. So you wanted to be challenged but not really challenged. I’m just trying to understand your comments because you seem to just be taking pot shots. I hope they bring Infinity Thanos back. He was fun.
  • thebigsquid123thebigsquid123 Member Posts: 5
    The Hyperion on the last quest is the only champ that gave me trouble. Other than that pretty easy and straight forward.

    the only problem for me was KORG.
    man you just die for hitting him .......... other than that this EQ is easier than most
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