Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    If they really wanted to create challenge, the restriction would have been the opposite. Only champs up to 4/5* would be usable.

    The way it is now is not a skill check, it's a paywall (or grindwall) unless you just have insane luck on your pulls.

    The whole creating a challenge argument goes out the window when you only allow the strongest champions in rather than preventing the strongest champions from participating. But then the whales would complain they couldn't use their beefy roster to clear it on day 1.

    This limitation is nothing but a "have you burned out in arena or bought enough crystals" gate and it's setting a precedent for the future that the current supporters may one day regret.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    DarthHaas said:

    People get so focused on go to counters to champs and synergies that they feel like there is no other way to beat something... I was the same way but variant broke me of that real quick lol

    Let us know which champs you use for 6.1.6's buffed up & pilfer path
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    DarthHaas said:

    People get so focused on go to counters to champs and synergies that they feel like there is no other way to beat something... I was the same way but variant broke me of that real quick lol

    Let us know which champs you use for 6.1.6's buffed up & pilfer path
    Ye doctor strange and sym supreme literally have like 2 counters in the entire game
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Roster exploration. 😊
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    DarthHaas said:

    People get so focused on go to counters to champs and synergies that they feel like there is no other way to beat something... I was the same way but variant broke me of that real quick lol

    Let us know which champs you use for 6.1.6's buffed up & pilfer path
    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?
  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★

    DarthHaas said:

    People get so focused on go to counters to champs and synergies that they feel like there is no other way to beat something... I was the same way but variant broke me of that real quick lol

    Let us know which champs you use for 6.1.6's buffed up & pilfer path
    Haven’t looked at that path yet other than some YouTube vids. Looks insane though

  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,849 ★★★★★

    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    I can give real examples of how 4* restrictions will cause me to suffer, since the node list has been published on reddit:
    -Biohazard, Safeguard gwenpool. My 4* iceman would melt her, but now I gotta resort to using a r2 5* nebula, my only double immune 5* (yes I know this is possible with a bleed immune but I don’t wanna throw units at it with no retreat and safeguard up)
    - Aggression Regeneration Omega red- usually my 4* vision would have this no problem, as spores stack up on him slowly. No retreat means I can’t completely avoid spore damage, so I will be throwing units at this one.
    - Tenacity killmonger- this killmonger has a 70% chance to shrug debuffs, and when he does, he regens 4% health. However, this only works when his armour is active, and this would be no problem to deal with if not for no retreat. So I gotta use my 4* medusa right? Nope.

    Other examples where I luckily have the specific counter:
    -evading moon knight, I have a 5*r4 archangel
    -fire of hades Mephisto, I have a 5*r4 quake
    - sabertooth boss, again I have archangel, but anyone without a good high level heal block champ as a 5* will struggle

    This is why people are complaining about the lack of 4*s. Im sure there are other examples I missed, and a lot of people will have to spend a lot more units or grind a lot more arena/buy fgmcs to get past these fights, when a 4* could have just been used. And this list is just 6.1.1, forget the rest of the chapter (I’m looking at those ultron and sentinel bosses that 4* Medusa probably could of shut down).

    Here is the thing about your post, while you have a 4* counter for each of these that are “God Tier” and more preferred, there are tons of other champs that could counter every one of the champs you listed.

    One thing is you only have Nebula at R2, that was your choice to keep her at R2. While Kabam did not give advance warning of the 4* restriction, it was obvious with the release of 6* that 4*’s were the new 3*’s. You relied on 4*’s due to personal choice, as it didn’t require arena grinding for 5* shards.

    There are many like me that spent the last year bringing 5*’s and focused on ranking 5*’s. The writing was on the wall that 4* days were numbered in AW and for the game. My only concerns are the 6* gates. They have not been out long enough to even consider a gate of that magnitude.

    I already finished completion of 6.1 (not exploration) with my 5* roster of Blade, Spark, Magik, Omega Red and Corvus. In fact, Corvus was my main character despite not being a great counter for most of the nodes. The only issue I will have is not being able to 100% with my current roster. So, I will have to wait.

    Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient. They want to clear everything the day it is released. Like LOL and Variant, not everything is meant to be cleared immediately. Kabam has been stating that. Sure, you can still attempt it, but it will cost you money. That is a personal choice. Most people have enough champs to do 1 run of chapter 1. 100% will take a very diverse roster. Now you know to focus on 5* ranking (which you should have been for the past year).

    You simply were ranking on current content and not paying attention to how the game was expanding. Kabam hinted at gates and * restriction with Gwenpool Goes to the Movie. It was 100% unexpected that eventually they may do this. They want to slow down progression instead of 20-30% of the player base completing content within days and demanding more while complaining they are bored. Now they have something to challenge them and to build towards.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Oh really? What a ridiculous blanket statement. I am not going to pretend to speak for others , but I just want to use the heroes I’ve earned.
    You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement... And you are not guaranteed to use any specific champ on all content. If the restriction was on existing content your moaning would be more valid. People complained on restrictions on 5* arenas when they first released.

    This is new content with a new focus. It is intended (like Variant) to use other champs outside of your coveted “god tier” or wait until you have said champs. Don’t blame me because your are either impatient or unskilled to use other champs that are less coveted but can do the job.

    Most of the global nodes can be beat with adjusting play style. Even Korg can be beat with Original BP. Yes, there are specific champs that make content easier, but Kabam has been trying to challenge players (especially end game). They have stated they wanted people to use a more diverse roster instead of relying on a coveted few.

    It was the reason they added diversity in AW, added global nodes like bleed immune... you thought that was only for AW? It was regarding the Contest as a whole. Based on their announcement, Chapter 6 is the end of this specific story mode, and they are using the ante and trying to make it last and be a challenge.

    And just because you earned something doesn’t mean you can use it whenever and where ever you want. Kabam has made it clear, and frankly their intent on restrictions has been event if you read the release notes of content and adjustments to AW or the past year.

    Anyway, cheers and enjoy.
    “You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement..”

    Get back to me when you have evidence to back up such a ridiculous claim .

    The evidence is the countless videos from Seatin, Richtheman and Prof Hoff... comments of this thread on how people cannot complete the content without paying because they cannot use their 4*...

    The issue is the have to wait on the luck of RNG to have a team they feel comfortable with. The evidence is astounding. As Kabam Miike stated, “the content is permanent, so if you can’t attempt it now it will be there when you are ready.”

    That answer isn’t good enough for the vast majority of those complaining, as they want to clear it now and with their 4*’s. :)

    Sorry, mate!
    Lol, thanks for demonstrating that you don't know what evidence is. You seem like a decent fellow, but your OG statement is nothing but conjecture.
    That is your opinion. Keep only accepting facts that meet your perception-bias. You obviously haven’t read all the posts saying that their synergies require 4* or that they have a specific counter that is a 4*.

    The alternative is to wait and keep playing until they get the 5*. That my friend is the evidence. Their complaints are not have immediate access with their pre-existing 4*. Which is exercising their impatience on wait.

    Even if it is to make the Act cheaper on units... it is called being patient. Demanding or complaining about the 4* gate comes from a position of the instant gratification culture of entitlement. Being F2P does not entitle you access to content. Otherwise, why do we have gates that require levels of your account?

    Kabam stated years ago that they made no plans of raising to level 70 (or releasing more mastery points). This limits them as to how they can gate content to force player to wait. You are unwilling to accept these facts because it is against your position (is perception-bias).

    Realize, that I don’t have all the 5* God Champs to make Act 6 easier as well. The only difference is I accept the challenges Kabam presented.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Is not a fact, but you’re free to believe it is and imagine whatever you want about me.

    Ramble on...
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  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    Anyone 100 percent it yet?
  • VanillaCokeVanillaCoke Member Posts: 1,515 ★★★★★
    teekq said:

    Anyone 100 percent it yet?

    Lagacy has
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    Ace_03 said:

    DarthHaas said:

    People get so focused on go to counters to champs and synergies that they feel like there is no other way to beat something... I was the same way but variant broke me of that real quick lol

    Let us know which champs you use for 6.1.6's buffed up & pilfer path
    I used Void with the Hulk Synergy, I stacked the debuffs on SS, while keeping myself close to him so he wouldn't eat my dexterity. Once they got going, I started to charge my heavy and trying to get furies, I got slapped around a bit, trying to get the timing, but ultimately I just dashed all the way back and started charging frantically and kept using the heavy against him, until I cornered him, heavy spam while the 3 furies are up, because of fear of the void and the petrifies he wouldn't gain power and he was trapped, finally I hit the L3 and presto. One shot.

    For the poison and fury path, I used Hulk, probably the only and best choice, also thor rag for the indestructible below 20 percent, great for burst damage and that hulk smash, strange was annoying but 1 revive took care of him.
    Awesome tip. What rank is your Hulk? Also, since no 5* or 6* void or ghost here, what other options for buffed path, especially SS? Do Angela and Mordo work, I wonder?

    I have 100% the first 5 quests but not sure yet how to deal with buffed and caustic temper paths.
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  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    Ace_03 said:

    I used Void with the Hulk Synergy, I stacked the debuffs on SS, while keeping myself close to him so he wouldn't eat my dexterity. Once they got going, I started to charge my heavy and trying to get furies, I got slapped around a bit, trying to get the timing, but ultimately I just dashed all the way back and started charging frantically and kept using the heavy against him, until I cornered him, heavy spam while the 3 furies are up, because of fear of the void and the petrifies he wouldn't gain power and he was trapped, finally I hit the L3 and presto. One shot.

    For the poison and fury path, I used Hulk, probably the only and best choice, also thor rag for the indestructible below 20 percent, great for burst damage and that hulk smash, strange was annoying but 1 revive took care of him.

    @Ace_03 Very impressive! Alliances mates and I considering legends runs have been discussing this path a lot, Hela with Thor Ragnarok synergy (35% nullify resistance for Hela) is one idea that's been thrown around. I just passed your strategy on, thanks for the SS and detailed explanation!
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
  • Drat32Drat32 Member Posts: 34
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra Is there any update yet on who the 6* Legends reward will be yet? I know many summoners are waiting on that announcement before deciding to do a legends run for 6.1!
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
    Got an ally mate to test it for me.. doesn’t work. 😂😂

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
    Got an ally mate to test it for me.. doesn’t work. 😂😂

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.
    What are the nodes and their effects? I can try to brainstorm with you.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    V1PER1987 said:

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
    Got an ally mate to test it for me.. doesn’t work. 😂😂

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.
    What are the nodes and their effects? I can try to brainstorm with you.
    Caustic Temper - 50% Chance to Inflict Poison Damage when Struck. Additionally, defender takes 90% less damage if the attacker does not have a fury buff.

    Oh. It also has Split Atom where every class except Science deals 50% less damage.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.

    Poison immunity with Heimdall & Angela/Hela synergy for permanent fury
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.

    Poison immunity with Heimdall & Angela/Hela synergy for permanent fury
    DS will be able to counterspell it, no?
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    I can give real examples of how 4* restrictions will cause me to suffer, since the node list has been published on reddit:
    -Biohazard, Safeguard gwenpool. My 4* iceman would melt her, but now I gotta resort to using a r2 5* nebula, my only double immune 5* (yes I know this is possible with a bleed immune but I don’t wanna throw units at it with no retreat and safeguard up)
    - Aggression Regeneration Omega red- usually my 4* vision would have this no problem, as spores stack up on him slowly. No retreat means I can’t completely avoid spore damage, so I will be throwing units at this one.
    - Tenacity killmonger- this killmonger has a 70% chance to shrug debuffs, and when he does, he regens 4% health. However, this only works when his armour is active, and this would be no problem to deal with if not for no retreat. So I gotta use my 4* medusa right? Nope.

    Other examples where I luckily have the specific counter:
    -evading moon knight, I have a 5*r4 archangel
    -fire of hades Mephisto, I have a 5*r4 quake
    - sabertooth boss, again I have archangel, but anyone without a good high level heal block champ as a 5* will struggle

    This is why people are complaining about the lack of 4*s. Im sure there are other examples I missed, and a lot of people will have to spend a lot more units or grind a lot more arena/buy fgmcs to get past these fights, when a 4* could have just been used. And this list is just 6.1.1, forget the rest of the chapter (I’m looking at those ultron and sentinel bosses that 4* Medusa probably could of shut down).

    Here is the thing about your post, while you have a 4* counter for each of these that are “God Tier” and more preferred, there are tons of other champs that could counter every one of the champs you listed.

    One thing is you only have Nebula at R2, that was your choice to keep her at R2. While Kabam did not give advance warning of the 4* restriction, it was obvious with the release of 6* that 4*’s were the new 3*’s. You relied on 4*’s due to personal choice, as it didn’t require arena grinding for 5* shards.

    There are many like me that spent the last year bringing 5*’s and focused on ranking 5*’s. The writing was on the wall that 4* days were numbered in AW and for the game. My only concerns are the 6* gates. They have not been out long enough to even consider a gate of that magnitude.

    I already finished completion of 6.1 (not exploration) with my 5* roster of Blade, Spark, Magik, Omega Red and Corvus. In fact, Corvus was my main character despite not being a great counter for most of the nodes. The only issue I will have is not being able to 100% with my current roster. So, I will have to wait.

    Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient. They want to clear everything the day it is released. Like LOL and Variant, not everything is meant to be cleared immediately. Kabam has been stating that. Sure, you can still attempt it, but it will cost you money. That is a personal choice. Most people have enough champs to do 1 run of chapter 1. 100% will take a very diverse roster. Now you know to focus on 5* ranking (which you should have been for the past year).

    You simply were ranking on current content and not paying attention to how the game was expanding. Kabam hinted at gates and * restriction with Gwenpool Goes to the Movie. It was 100% unexpected that eventually they may do this. They want to slow down progression instead of 20-30% of the player base completing content within days and demanding more while complaining they are bored. Now they have something to challenge them and to build towards.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Oh really? What a ridiculous blanket statement. I am not going to pretend to speak for others , but I just want to use the heroes I’ve earned.
    You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement... And you are not guaranteed to use any specific champ on all content. If the restriction was on existing content your moaning would be more valid. People complained on restrictions on 5* arenas when they first released.

    This is new content with a new focus. It is intended (like Variant) to use other champs outside of your coveted “god tier” or wait until you have said champs. Don’t blame me because your are either impatient or unskilled to use other champs that are less coveted but can do the job.

    Most of the global nodes can be beat with adjusting play style. Even Korg can be beat with Original BP. Yes, there are specific champs that make content easier, but Kabam has been trying to challenge players (especially end game). They have stated they wanted people to use a more diverse roster instead of relying on a coveted few.

    It was the reason they added diversity in AW, added global nodes like bleed immune... you thought that was only for AW? It was regarding the Contest as a whole. Based on their announcement, Chapter 6 is the end of this specific story mode, and they are using the ante and trying to make it last and be a challenge.

    And just because you earned something doesn’t mean you can use it whenever and where ever you want. Kabam has made it clear, and frankly their intent on restrictions has been event if you read the release notes of content and adjustments to AW or the past year.

    Anyway, cheers and enjoy.
    “You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement..”

    Get back to me when you have evidence to back up such a ridiculous claim .

    The evidence is the countless videos from Seatin, Richtheman and Prof Hoff... comments of this thread on how people cannot complete the content without paying because they cannot use their 4*...

    The issue is the have to wait on the luck of RNG to have a team they feel comfortable with. The evidence is astounding. As Kabam Miike stated, “the content is permanent, so if you can’t attempt it now it will be there when you are ready.”

    That answer isn’t good enough for the vast majority of those complaining, as they want to clear it now and with their 4*’s. :)

    Sorry, mate!
    Lol, thanks for demonstrating that you don't know what evidence is. You seem like a decent fellow, but your OG statement is nothing but conjecture.
    That is your opinion. Keep only accepting facts that meet your perception-bias. You obviously haven’t read all the posts saying that their synergies require 4* or that they have a specific counter that is a 4*.

    The alternative is to wait and keep playing until they get the 5*. That my friend is the evidence. Their complaints are not have immediate access with their pre-existing 4*. Which is exercising their impatience on wait.

    Even if it is to make the Act cheaper on units... it is called being patient. Demanding or complaining about the 4* gate comes from a position of the instant gratification culture of entitlement. Being F2P does not entitle you access to content. Otherwise, why do we have gates that require levels of your account?

    Kabam stated years ago that they made no plans of raising to level 70 (or releasing more mastery points). This limits them as to how they can gate content to force player to wait. You are unwilling to accept these facts because it is against your position (is perception-bias).

    Realize, that I don’t have all the 5* God Champs to make Act 6 easier as well. The only difference is I accept the challenges Kabam presented.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Is not a fact, but you’re free to believe it is and imagine whatever you want about me.

    Ramble on...
    You obviously have difficulty with the word “most”... you called it a blanket statement which implies that most means all. Sorry, buddy... you are still wrong. The fact remains that MOST, not all, people complaining are impatient and view that they need to have God Tier 5* or synergies in order to complete Act 6 one time.

    “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.”

    Saying that they cannot complete without the luck of RNG for X champion or Y Champion shows a lack of patience and wanting to complete it now with a 4* alternative to the champ in question.

    Meanwhile, several players have attempted without the most optimism synergies or GoD Tier and commented how the Chapter isn’t as hard as they thought it might be based on the general complaints.
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    I can give real examples of how 4* restrictions will cause me to suffer, since the node list has been published on reddit:
    -Biohazard, Safeguard gwenpool. My 4* iceman would melt her, but now I gotta resort to using a r2 5* nebula, my only double immune 5* (yes I know this is possible with a bleed immune but I don’t wanna throw units at it with no retreat and safeguard up)
    - Aggression Regeneration Omega red- usually my 4* vision would have this no problem, as spores stack up on him slowly. No retreat means I can’t completely avoid spore damage, so I will be throwing units at this one.
    - Tenacity killmonger- this killmonger has a 70% chance to shrug debuffs, and when he does, he regens 4% health. However, this only works when his armour is active, and this would be no problem to deal with if not for no retreat. So I gotta use my 4* medusa right? Nope.

    Other examples where I luckily have the specific counter:
    -evading moon knight, I have a 5*r4 archangel
    -fire of hades Mephisto, I have a 5*r4 quake
    - sabertooth boss, again I have archangel, but anyone without a good high level heal block champ as a 5* will struggle

    This is why people are complaining about the lack of 4*s. Im sure there are other examples I missed, and a lot of people will have to spend a lot more units or grind a lot more arena/buy fgmcs to get past these fights, when a 4* could have just been used. And this list is just 6.1.1, forget the rest of the chapter (I’m looking at those ultron and sentinel bosses that 4* Medusa probably could of shut down).

    Here is the thing about your post, while you have a 4* counter for each of these that are “God Tier” and more preferred, there are tons of other champs that could counter every one of the champs you listed.

    One thing is you only have Nebula at R2, that was your choice to keep her at R2. While Kabam did not give advance warning of the 4* restriction, it was obvious with the release of 6* that 4*’s were the new 3*’s. You relied on 4*’s due to personal choice, as it didn’t require arena grinding for 5* shards.

    There are many like me that spent the last year bringing 5*’s and focused on ranking 5*’s. The writing was on the wall that 4* days were numbered in AW and for the game. My only concerns are the 6* gates. They have not been out long enough to even consider a gate of that magnitude.

    I already finished completion of 6.1 (not exploration) with my 5* roster of Blade, Spark, Magik, Omega Red and Corvus. In fact, Corvus was my main character despite not being a great counter for most of the nodes. The only issue I will have is not being able to 100% with my current roster. So, I will have to wait.

    Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient. They want to clear everything the day it is released. Like LOL and Variant, not everything is meant to be cleared immediately. Kabam has been stating that. Sure, you can still attempt it, but it will cost you money. That is a personal choice. Most people have enough champs to do 1 run of chapter 1. 100% will take a very diverse roster. Now you know to focus on 5* ranking (which you should have been for the past year).

    You simply were ranking on current content and not paying attention to how the game was expanding. Kabam hinted at gates and * restriction with Gwenpool Goes to the Movie. It was 100% unexpected that eventually they may do this. They want to slow down progression instead of 20-30% of the player base completing content within days and demanding more while complaining they are bored. Now they have something to challenge them and to build towards.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Oh really? What a ridiculous blanket statement. I am not going to pretend to speak for others , but I just want to use the heroes I’ve earned.
    You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement... And you are not guaranteed to use any specific champ on all content. If the restriction was on existing content your moaning would be more valid. People complained on restrictions on 5* arenas when they first released.

    This is new content with a new focus. It is intended (like Variant) to use other champs outside of your coveted “god tier” or wait until you have said champs. Don’t blame me because your are either impatient or unskilled to use other champs that are less coveted but can do the job.

    Most of the global nodes can be beat with adjusting play style. Even Korg can be beat with Original BP. Yes, there are specific champs that make content easier, but Kabam has been trying to challenge players (especially end game). They have stated they wanted people to use a more diverse roster instead of relying on a coveted few.

    It was the reason they added diversity in AW, added global nodes like bleed immune... you thought that was only for AW? It was regarding the Contest as a whole. Based on their announcement, Chapter 6 is the end of this specific story mode, and they are using the ante and trying to make it last and be a challenge.

    And just because you earned something doesn’t mean you can use it whenever and where ever you want. Kabam has made it clear, and frankly their intent on restrictions has been event if you read the release notes of content and adjustments to AW or the past year.

    Anyway, cheers and enjoy.
    “You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement..”

    Get back to me when you have evidence to back up such a ridiculous claim .

    The evidence is the countless videos from Seatin, Richtheman and Prof Hoff... comments of this thread on how people cannot complete the content without paying because they cannot use their 4*...

    The issue is the have to wait on the luck of RNG to have a team they feel comfortable with. The evidence is astounding. As Kabam Miike stated, “the content is permanent, so if you can’t attempt it now it will be there when you are ready.”

    That answer isn’t good enough for the vast majority of those complaining, as they want to clear it now and with their 4*’s. :)

    Sorry, mate!
    Lol, thanks for demonstrating that you don't know what evidence is. You seem like a decent fellow, but your OG statement is nothing but conjecture.
    That is your opinion. Keep only accepting facts that meet your perception-bias. You obviously haven’t read all the posts saying that their synergies require 4* or that they have a specific counter that is a 4*.

    The alternative is to wait and keep playing until they get the 5*. That my friend is the evidence. Their complaints are not have immediate access with their pre-existing 4*. Which is exercising their impatience on wait.

    Even if it is to make the Act cheaper on units... it is called being patient. Demanding or complaining about the 4* gate comes from a position of the instant gratification culture of entitlement. Being F2P does not entitle you access to content. Otherwise, why do we have gates that require levels of your account?

    Kabam stated years ago that they made no plans of raising to level 70 (or releasing more mastery points). This limits them as to how they can gate content to force player to wait. You are unwilling to accept these facts because it is against your position (is perception-bias).

    Realize, that I don’t have all the 5* God Champs to make Act 6 easier as well. The only difference is I accept the challenges Kabam presented.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Is not a fact, but you’re free to believe it is and imagine whatever you want about me.

    Ramble on...

    And I want to focus on something you said in this:
    “Is not a fact, but you’re free to believe it is and imagine whatever you want about me.”

    I never said you personally were impatient... My comment was about most, not all... so why do you think that most included you? It would almost appear as a guilty conscience.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    DS will be able to counterspell it, no?

    Yes, hadn't heard of Doctor Strange caustic temper fights. Hyperion Medusa Ghost for that one, Omega Red at r5 max sig would probably work too.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    DS will be able to counterspell it, no?

    Yes, hadn't heard of Doctor Strange caustic temper fights. Hyperion Medusa Ghost for that one, Omega Red at r5 max sig would probably work too.
    That’s one of the nastier fights according to my ally mates who have already 100% it. Together with Split Atom (and since Cosmic is the most common class to meet the criteria), most champs deal like 30% to 50% of their base damage against him.

    OR generates buffs? I don’t have him so not very sure of his mechanics as an attacker.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    xNig said:

    V1PER1987 said:

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
    Got an ally mate to test it for me.. doesn’t work. 😂😂

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.
    What are the nodes and their effects? I can try to brainstorm with you.
    Caustic Temper - 50% Chance to Inflict Poison Damage when Struck. Additionally, defender takes 90% less damage if the attacker does not have a fury buff.

    Oh. It also has Split Atom where every class except Science deals 50% less damage.
    This node node sounds like it was designed for she hulk.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    axelelf_1 said:

    xNig said:

    V1PER1987 said:

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
    Got an ally mate to test it for me.. doesn’t work. 😂😂

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.
    What are the nodes and their effects? I can try to brainstorm with you.
    Caustic Temper - 50% Chance to Inflict Poison Damage when Struck. Additionally, defender takes 90% less damage if the attacker does not have a fury buff.

    Oh. It also has Split Atom where every class except Science deals 50% less damage.
    This node node sounds like it was designed for she hulk.
    .... She Hulk’s furies are passive bro
  • This content has been removed.
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    xNig said:

    axelelf_1 said:

    xNig said:

    V1PER1987 said:

    xNig said:

    xNig said:

    Do you think ability accuracy reduction like GP and AA will work on Buffed Up?

    I haven't heard of ability accuracy reduction negating buffed up. If it can I think Archangel would be best option, Gwenpool's AAR only affects defensive abilities.
    Got an ally mate to test it for me.. doesn’t work. 😂😂

    Any advice and tips on Caustic Temper besides Hulk? The main pain in the butt is DS.
    What are the nodes and their effects? I can try to brainstorm with you.
    Caustic Temper - 50% Chance to Inflict Poison Damage when Struck. Additionally, defender takes 90% less damage if the attacker does not have a fury buff.

    Oh. It also has Split Atom where every class except Science deals 50% less damage.
    This node node sounds like it was designed for she hulk.
    .... She Hulk’s furies are passive bro
    Oh, how stupid of me
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    OR generates buffs? I don’t have him so not very sure of his mechanics as an attacker.

    No, at r5 max sig 10% of his degeneration is enough to solo Map 7 caustic temper fights
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