Witness the Great Revival! Act 6 Chapter 1 - Coming March 13th



  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215

    Rodstein said:

    So by now the general consensus is that 4* bc of their synergies would make this way easier and less frustrating, so @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious when are we expected to see the 4* ban removed?

    We are not going to change the requirements for Act 6 Ch 1.
    Being this out of question, as welm dropping the price of 5* shards and not making them really available given the 100+ basic pools, what about 10k shards 5* crystals that contain all of one class champions, at least the odds would be better for the not so easy to obtain 5* champs, still you would be able to give us those meme champs equally distributed
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  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Kabam needs to listen to this CCP vid, really tells it how it is about Act 6, and other stuff.

    Really, amazing vid!

  • FrankYoungFrankYoung Member Posts: 9
    @GroundedWisdom why are you consistently bombarding our fellow community members, they have a right to like or not like anything they see fit...I’m sure if they play the game they already have a good understanding on how to gain champs, play arenas, rank champs up...trying to be helpful in explaining stuff that they already know can cause trouble or backlash. Everyone already knows what the deal is and what is going on, love it or hate it...it is what it is now. I’m sure we will all get use to the change over time and adjust. Like the Beatles song said “just let it be” no sense in kicking around the same ball for weeks on end. Have love and respect for your fellow community...everyone has a mind, thoughts and feelings, everyone is different...please remember that.
  • FrankYoungFrankYoung Member Posts: 9
    Just venting and being heard can sometimes can help people through a bad situation.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Funny story.

    Yesterday I got my paycheck from my boss after a month's hard work, took that pay and some savings and went to buy an electronic cigarette to work on my smoking addiction since I'm visiting my parents this weekend and they don't allow smoking in their house.

    So today I went to the airport and as I was boarding the flight, the guys checking the bags found my e-cigarette and told me that I could not bring it into the airplane because it was not allowed.

    Needless to say, I was furious.. Here's the conversation that followed after that.

    Me: "I bought that e-cig from my pay that I EARNED and saved for MONTHS! Why can't I bring it?"

    Security (S): "Sorry. You can't."

    Me: "But I am a heavy smoker and I will not be able to survive the long journey and clear the trip without using it."

    Security (S): "Then I'd suggest you reduce your reliance on them or get a few transit flights in between to make the journey shorter."

  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    edited March 2019
    @xNig unless the same airport securoiy was the 1st to introduce you to said addiction, i dont see relevance
  • RaikisRaikis Member Posts: 174
    I need more 5*. Can you please make an discount on Unstoppable Colosus like 20%? :))))
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,943 ★★★★★

    @GroundedWisdom why are you consistently bombarding our fellow community members, they have a right to like or not like anything they see fit...I’m sure if they play the game they already have a good understanding on how to gain champs, play arenas, rank champs up...trying to be helpful in explaining stuff that they already know can cause trouble or backlash. Everyone already knows what the deal is and what is going on, love it or hate it...it is what it is now. I’m sure we will all get use to the change over time and adjust. Like the Beatles song said “just let it be” no sense in kicking around the same ball for weeks on end. Have love and respect for your fellow community...everyone has a mind, thoughts and feelings, everyone is different...please remember that.

    @GroundedWisdom why are you consistently bombarding our fellow community members, they have a right to like or not like anything they see fit...I’m sure if they play the game they already have a good understanding on how to gain champs, play arenas, rank champs up...trying to be helpful in explaining stuff that they already know can cause trouble or backlash. Everyone already knows what the deal is and what is going on, love it or hate it...it is what it is now. I’m sure we will all get use to the change over time and adjust. Like the Beatles song said “just let it be” no sense in kicking around the same ball for weeks on end. Have love and respect for your fellow community...everyone has a mind, thoughts and feelings, everyone is different...please remember that.

    I'm not bombarding anyone. The majority of my comments have been to people who are addressing my comments. Many of which are not-so-pleasant, but I look past that and stick to the topic. I am not stopping anyone from expressing their feelings. I never have. In fact, I've been consistent with not debating how people feel. Everyone has the right to be heard, and the right to their feelings.
    Feelings are not the same as making demands and assumptions, ignoring the information, and claiming things that are not there. When someone replies to me with those things, I'm going to address them.
    Throughout this Thread, people have been asking, demanding, debating: "Why?". They say there hasn't been one good reason given to have the gate. There has been a whole slew of illogical claims amidst the actual responses. That is what I'm adding clarity on, the reasons behind having the gate. Both based on the information provided and my own understanding. Simply put, people can't say there are no reasons for it when the answers are staring them in the face. Those may not be answers people like to hear, but to brush off those reasons negates the claim that there is no reason to have the gate.
    People are free to express their feelings on it. If they don't like it, they don't like it. I would never debate how they feel.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    AndiYTDE said:

    nobody said "I think they are great! I´m happy that I cannot use my 4* champions!"

    In general, no one tends to say they like restrictions: if they like them, they aren't really restrictions. But I recognize the fact that restrictions on gameplay is what makes gameplay interesting, and unlimited freedom tends to make gameplay uninteresting.

    I'm constantly driven to try to get more champions and build a stronger roster. That means I'm always looking for ways to earn more shards, more crystals, and open crystals more efficiently (that was part of the point of my featured crystal experiment, for example). But I also recognize this all depends crucially on those things being hard to get in the first place. I don't want a game in which it is easy to get any champ you want, because that then makes the game pointless to me.

    So I don't *like* restrictions, but I also know that restrictions are necessary for the game to be both fun for me, and for the game to exist at all at any scale. Individual people will disagree about which restrictions are more or less acceptable, but that doesn't change the fact that whether they "like" them or not, they all benefit from them.

    I'm not happy that I can't use my 4* champs. But I'm not angry or sad about it either. I'm driven to overcome that limitation, and get to the next stage of the game. I've stated my position on the restriction several times in a nuanced fashion, but if the only two choices some people recognize is "I love it" and "I hate it" then you have to pencil me into the "I love it" category. I don't, but the other category doesn't represent what I believe to an even worse degree.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    edited March 2019
    @FrankYoung i think 99.99% of us understand the fact that it hasnt been really justified, therefore makes no sense to engage with that 1% who will always deny the truth, i do agree there has been no real explanation other than "we want to", bc the trying to avoid frustration justification has already been proven wrong, synergies that most of us only have as 4* would have been a great way to avoid said frustration
  • FrankYoungFrankYoung Member Posts: 9
    @Rodstein I agree with ya a 100% bud, I’m in the same boat and understand 😉
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Rodstein said:

    @xNig unless the same airport securoiy was the 1st to introduce you to said addiction, i dont see relevance

    I doubt it’ll make any difference in result even if the said airport security were your childhood friend of 40 years.

    Anyway it’s just weird that the community across all roster and skill level wants to participate in end game content discussion. Lol (I mean.. even Kabam knows to invite only the top 800 alliances into their AW Beta Test.)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    xNig said:

    Me: "I bought that e-cig from my pay that I EARNED and saved for MONTHS!

    The moral of this story appears to be: smoking is now pay2win.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,943 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    xNig said:

    Me: "I bought that e-cig from my pay that I EARNED and saved for MONTHS!

    The moral of this story appears to be: smoking is now pay2win.
    This just killed me. XD
  • SiliyoSiliyo Member Posts: 1,510 ★★★★★
    xNig said:

    Funny story.

    Yesterday I got my paycheck from my boss after a month's hard work, took that pay and some savings and went to buy an electronic cigarette to work on my smoking addiction since I'm visiting my parents this weekend and they don't allow smoking in their house.

    So today I went to the airport and as I was boarding the flight, the guys checking the bags found my e-cigarette and told me that I could not bring it into the airplane because it was not allowed.

    Needless to say, I was furious.. Here's the conversation that followed after that.

    Me: "I bought that e-cig from my pay that I EARNED and saved for MONTHS! Why can't I bring it?"

    Security (S): "Sorry. You can't."

    Me: "But I am a heavy smoker and I will not be able to survive the long journey and clear the trip without using it."

    Security (S): "Then I'd suggest you reduce your reliance on them or get a few transit flights in between to make the journey shorter."

    Your e-cig isn’t RNG based, so I’m not sure how this example relates
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,068 ★★★★★
    I think the justification of because they want is enough. Its their game they can do what they want to with it and if we dont like it the answer is simple. Dont play.
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  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    edited March 2019
    MikeHock said:

    MikeHock said:

    I can give real examples of how 4* restrictions will cause me to suffer, since the node list has been published on reddit:
    -Biohazard, Safeguard gwenpool. My 4* iceman would melt her, but now I gotta resort to using a r2 5* nebula, my only double immune 5* (yes I know this is possible with a bleed immune but I don’t wanna throw units at it with no retreat and safeguard up)
    - Aggression Regeneration Omega red- usually my 4* vision would have this no problem, as spores stack up on him slowly. No retreat means I can’t completely avoid spore damage, so I will be throwing units at this one.
    - Tenacity killmonger- this killmonger has a 70% chance to shrug debuffs, and when he does, he regens 4% health. However, this only works when his armour is active, and this would be no problem to deal with if not for no retreat. So I gotta use my 4* medusa right? Nope.

    Other examples where I luckily have the specific counter:
    -evading moon knight, I have a 5*r4 archangel
    -fire of hades Mephisto, I have a 5*r4 quake
    - sabertooth boss, again I have archangel, but anyone without a good high level heal block champ as a 5* will struggle

    This is why people are complaining about the lack of 4*s. Im sure there are other examples I missed, and a lot of people will have to spend a lot more units or grind a lot more arena/buy fgmcs to get past these fights, when a 4* could have just been used. And this list is just 6.1.1, forget the rest of the chapter (I’m looking at those ultron and sentinel bosses that 4* Medusa probably could of shut down).

    Here is the thing about your post, while you have a 4* counter for each of these that are “God Tier” and more preferred, there are tons of other champs that could counter every one of the champs you listed.

    One thing is you only have Nebula at R2, that was your choice to keep her at R2. While Kabam did not give advance warning of the 4* restriction, it was obvious with the release of 6* that 4*’s were the new 3*’s. You relied on 4*’s due to personal choice, as it didn’t require arena grinding for 5* shards.

    There are many like me that spent the last year bringing 5*’s and focused on ranking 5*’s. The writing was on the wall that 4* days were numbered in AW and for the game. My only concerns are the 6* gates. They have not been out long enough to even consider a gate of that magnitude.

    I already finished completion of 6.1 (not exploration) with my 5* roster of Blade, Spark, Magik, Omega Red and Corvus. In fact, Corvus was my main character despite not being a great counter for most of the nodes. The only issue I will have is not being able to 100% with my current roster. So, I will have to wait.

    Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient. They want to clear everything the day it is released. Like LOL and Variant, not everything is meant to be cleared immediately. Kabam has been stating that. Sure, you can still attempt it, but it will cost you money. That is a personal choice. Most people have enough champs to do 1 run of chapter 1. 100% will take a very diverse roster. Now you know to focus on 5* ranking (which you should have been for the past year).

    You simply were ranking on current content and not paying attention to how the game was expanding. Kabam hinted at gates and * restriction with Gwenpool Goes to the Movie. It was 100% unexpected that eventually they may do this. They want to slow down progression instead of 20-30% of the player base completing content within days and demanding more while complaining they are bored. Now they have something to challenge them and to build towards.
    “Most of the complaints on 4* bans are from people who are extremely impatient.”

    Oh really? What a ridiculous blanket statement. I am not going to pretend to speak for others , but I just want to use the heroes I’ve earned.
    You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement... And you are not guaranteed to use any specific champ on all content. If the restriction was on existing content your moaning would be more valid. People complained on restrictions on 5* arenas when they first released.

    This is new content with a new focus. It is intended (like Variant) to use other champs outside of your coveted “god tier” or wait until you have said champs. Don’t blame me because your are either impatient or unskilled to use other champs that are less coveted but can do the job.

    Most of the global nodes can be beat with adjusting play style. Even Korg can be beat with Original BP. Yes, there are specific champs that make content easier, but Kabam has been trying to challenge players (especially end game). They have stated they wanted people to use a more diverse roster instead of relying on a coveted few.

    It was the reason they added diversity in AW, added global nodes like bleed immune... you thought that was only for AW? It was regarding the Contest as a whole. Based on their announcement, Chapter 6 is the end of this specific story mode, and they are using the ante and trying to make it last and be a challenge.

    And just because you earned something doesn’t mean you can use it whenever and where ever you want. Kabam has made it clear, and frankly their intent on restrictions has been event if you read the release notes of content and adjustments to AW or the past year.

    Anyway, cheers and enjoy.
    “You can call it ridiculous, but it is a true statement..”

    Get back to me when you have evidence to back up such a ridiculous claim .

    The evidence is the countless videos from Seatin, Richtheman and Prof Hoff... comments of this thread on how people cannot complete the content without paying because they cannot use their 4*...

    The issue is the have to wait on the luck of RNG to have a team they feel comfortable with. The evidence is astounding. As Kabam Miike stated, “the content is permanent, so if you can’t attempt it now it will be there when you are ready.”

    That answer isn’t good enough for the vast majority of those complaining, as they want to clear it now and with their 4*’s. :)

    Sorry, mate!
  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    There were a couple @‘s toward me, but it seems the comment was deleted... sorry if I don’t respond.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I just completed 6.1.1 and got a crystal upgrade.
    How are these new crystals different?
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    xNig said:

    Me: "I bought that e-cig from my pay that I EARNED and saved for MONTHS!

    The moral of this story appears to be: smoking is now pay2win.
    Well said.
    Well freaking said!!!!
  • ZerackielZerackiel Member Posts: 2
    Buttehrs said:

    .. and if we dont like it the answer is simple. Dont play.

    Indeed. I will spend my money somewhere else.
    I will just finish the AW season for my team.

    Have fun guys ;-)

  • SpizaetoSpizaeto Member Posts: 20
    Add me to the list of people upset about the ban on 4* champs.

    I have 5* Thing, Anglea, Hela, Heimdall. But I’ve been exploring content with 3* champion, cause it’s the only one I have pulled.

    This ban on anything lower than a 5* has literally stopped me from advancing until I can either rework my roster or get a 5* champion.

    There is ZERO reason to ban champs of any level. You create synergies for a reason, and then block people from using them. This is a cash grab to force people to get more 5* champs...nothing more.
  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    Hate to say it bro but you prob would be struggling with the 4* the same or worse then with your 5* roster.
  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    Take AA, thing, SL, Iceman, and heimdall in and get the initial clear you can prob do all of it with them for around 400 units worth of revives
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    xNig said:

    Me: "I bought that e-cig from my pay that I EARNED and saved for MONTHS!

    The moral of this story appears to be: smoking is now pay2win.
    Definitely. Without money you can’t get cigs, no? 😂
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