Upcoming 5 star featured crystal



  • Kenny292Kenny292 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Before this gets closed, aside from the decision about future featured crystals, any update on how close they are to finishing up the upcoming pool for announcement?
  • Mlee1829Mlee1829 Member Posts: 75
    Hoarding is a way of targeting certain champs. With act 6 restrictions, i don't see how they want ppl to not target certain champs after the gates they put in.

    But all of that is pretty irelevant bc not announcing the list is just gonna just push the ppl that are hoarding shards into waiting until the crystal comes out. If they announce the champs there is a more likely chance of them saying no thanks that list sucks, and opening basics. It doesn't make sense.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    JRock808 said:

    Do you even read what you type? Kabam made the system that awarded based on something and then people played the game under that system, but Kabam didn't make them do it? Are you new to gaming? Should we rank up hulkbusters just because it's there, even though it's clearly a terrible use of resources? What do you expect players to do other than play the game in such a way that maximizes the benefit for the cost? This is basic life 101.
    I'm not new to Gaming at all. I didn't say I don't understand why people did it, it was to maximize payoff. What I said is, if you choose to play that way, you can't absolve having a hand in that and wonder why you have too much of it. What you choose to focus on plays an important part in that imbalance. There's a whole misconception that it's all just Kabam's problem, and people don't factor in their own habits.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Ironic that the Blade crystal was announced what? A month or so in advance to allow players to hoard shards for this special champion. Yet now it’s being called unhealthy for the game to have hoarded shards. I don’t want to be the one to say hypocrisy but...
  • Mlee1829Mlee1829 Member Posts: 75

    It doesn't stop it. They can't, really. They're just not encouraging it.
    How is hoarding unhealthy for the game tho?
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  • Mlee1829Mlee1829 Member Posts: 75
    To be clear I'm specifically talking about hoarding shards.
  • KuBcOoLKuBcOoL Member Posts: 45
    hoarding causes sugar diabetes
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★

    I'm not new to Gaming at all. I didn't say I don't understand why people did it, it was to maximize payoff. What I said is, if you choose to play that way, you can't absolve having a hand in that and wonder why you have too much of it. What you choose to focus on plays an important part in that imbalance. There's a whole misconception that it's all just Kabam's problem, and people don't factor in their own habits.
    My habits don't influence the game design. My habits are formed by the game design.

    Players choose to focus on the rewarding parts of the game, and those rewards and where they are are decided by one enitity, Kabam. Not the player. So yes, it is their fault. If they don't adapt to players and expect the players to adapt to them then their audience will just shrink away into nothing.

    Anyway, I'm done. Terrible decision Kabam. It's not even a huge decision, it's just a pointless one that is poorly justified, just like the act 6 restrictions. Going down a dark path here guys. Look out.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★

    To be honest, I've never hoarded Shards or Crystals to begin with. I never understood people sitting on massive hoards.

    Have you beaten the collector yet?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    JRock808 said:

    My habits don't influence the game design. My habits are formed by the game design.

    Players choose to focus on the rewarding parts of the game, and those rewards and where they are are decided by one enitity, Kabam. Not the player. So yes, it is their fault. If they don't adapt to players and expect the players to adapt to them then their audience will just shrink away into nothing.

    Anyway, I'm done. Terrible decision Kabam. It's not even a huge decision, it's just a pointless one that is poorly justified, just like the act 6 restrictions. Going down a dark path here guys. Look out.
    Our choices and habits have an effect on the overall game balance, and design has to respond to those.
    It's not even a major decision. We just have to wait until the Crystal comes out to know what's in it. Nothing is being changed in it.
  • Mlee1829Mlee1829 Member Posts: 75
    For real tho, how is hoarding shards unhealthy?
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★

    That doesn't make any sense to me at all. I wouldn't let anything expire before Ranking it. We earn more through playing. Plus, we never know what we will or will not need in the future. That's what the game is built on, acquiring Champs and Ranking them. I don't see any logical sense in letting things go to waste, just because they're called "Garbage".
    Assuming you have been playing for 3+ years, haven’t beaten the collector and still run map 3 aq, I could see your point here bc you don’t have enough rankup materials that they ever go to overflow.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Run477 said:

    Assuming you have been playing for 3+ years, haven’t beaten the collector and still run map 3 aq, I could see your point here bc you don’t have enough rankup materials that they ever go to overflow.
    That literally adds nothing to the conversation.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★

    Ironic that the Blade crystal was announced what? A month or so in advance to allow players to hoard shards for this special champion. Yet now it’s being called unhealthy for the game to have hoarded shards. I don’t want to be the one to say hypocrisy but...

    Most recent one I could find.. from Miike about that crystal.

    This is a celebration of a huge Community Movement. The #SaveForBlade initiative that our players came up with was pretty big, and something that we wanted to celebrate on its anniversary.

    Also, Blade was far from the only one to get a Crystal like that.

    Just funny.. #SaveForBladeButNotAnyoneElse
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Run477 said:

    I don’t know what to say in response to this other than you don’t know what you are talking about. Everyone (outside or apparently you) who has been playing this game for an extended period of time, has way more t4cc than they can handle and nowhere near enough t4bs.

    You can’t sell t4cc. You can’t rankup without t4bs. So the only option is hoard or watch them expire. When I see comments like this, it confirms my belief that you probably play map 1 aq only.
    True. I could probably come up with nearly 500 t4cc between the 70ish I have in inventory, the nearly 100 fully formed crystals, and thousands of frag crystals. I think I could scrap up 20-25 t4b right now.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★

    The Players created that imbalance, not Kabam. They designed the system to award AQ based on Prestige. The Players chose to maximize that by Ranking based on Prestige only, and focusing on AQ so much. The end result is an overflow of T4CC.
    In other words: Kabam set up a game where you win by having he highest prestige champs win the most rewards. Players ranked high prestige champs to win the most rewards. Therefore it’s the players fault that they get too many rewards.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Run477 said:

    I don’t know what to say in response to this other than you don’t know what you are talking about. Everyone (outside or apparently you) who has been playing this game for an extended period of time, has way more t4cc than they can handle and nowhere near enough t4bs.

    You can’t sell t4cc. You can’t rankup without t4bs. So the only option is hoard or watch them expire. When I see comments like this, it confirms my belief that you probably play map 1 aq only.
    Making unfounded digs at my level of progress is not going to make your points any more valid.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Let’s be honest—they made this decision today to distract us from the massive amount of bugs in 22.1. They would rather us complain about not getting to see a list of champs than keep pointing out how much they just screwed up this game with the last update and which we have zero clue when it will actually be fixed.

    Any bets whether Yondu will be the next map 6 miniboss tomorrow?
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  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I started hoarding again just for simple fact of constantly getting trash for every hard 10k earned. It’s more unhealthy for me to open trash and be depressed. Kind of sarcastic but some truth to it. I know it’s rng but with how new content is set up I’ve honestly lost my desire to do arena and grind other for shards just for the simple let down every time. Not trying to whine or say give us awesome champs all the time but as a customer I feel improvements can be made for a product
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  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    edited April 2019

    I shouldn't have called the devil out.
    Sorry people.

    You should be, now it’s going to be 95% a certain poster and everyone who doesn’t know that it’s bad for a thread to engage with them.
    But basically, on topic, these things need to be announced in advance. There’s no reason to suddenly stop what you had been doing, just make the last list and announce the change then, rather than sneaking it on us and getting yelled at until you release the list and announce the change. But it won’t change hoarding either way, just give a narrower window on choosing between current and future featured.
    While we’re here, how about class and/or tag and/or whatever specific crystals? Since content is being regularly gated by this or that now.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★

  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Can we just get the list posted and close down this thread? I think we’ve had enough this week. Definitely had enough for today.
  • UlysseOdysseus75UlysseOdysseus75 Member Posts: 188
    Just give us this last list
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