Should it be easier to acquire champs in arenas?

Jvdb2003Jvdb2003 Member Posts: 35
So, the results are in from the last round of the arenas and what has caught my eyes is the rediculous score you’d have to put in for getting the featured 3 star champion (Ronin in this case). I myself have put in 1.14 million points and I’ve still landed in the 10-20% bracket, which means that to get a 3 start which you’re probably not going to use later you’d have to put in almost double the score required to get the last milestone. To me this seems rediculously much compared to the value you get for grinding the arena. My question to the community is: should arenas get a change? If so, how?

Should it be easier to acquire champs in arenas? 98 votes

SnakeEyes69Timone147FitzhuexNigJRock808buffajrTerraSungjMr9Savio444TwmRAhitlawWorknprogressDonnymeijCupidDarthPhalGustavo20SummonerNRB_Dizzle_01JayCee 41 votes
Yes (please put method in comments)
winterthurRagamugginGunnerStefffSpity68NanoDroidFeeney234duckrogersBrandonmballouMqc19BigDog34DkutctghkikiFurieuxItaRMBattle_GreninjaJedi_HawkeMarvel_Sanchez87ClydaniaMaldroit2Noob2435Denzel116 57 votes


  • Jedi_Knight1Jedi_Knight1 Member Posts: 62
    No i don't think it should be easier, and that is coming from someone who has never earned a champion in Arenas.
    I do however think the milestone rewards are awful and could do with some 3-4* shards throwing in there, they have been phc shards for years. Very outdated
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
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    Im'a say yes just cause I grinded like crazy for the 3 and 4 star arena this week and got 1,300,000 points, but still didn't get in the top 10%. I was playing constantly, but I don't think my available champs could rack up enough points. I would've really liked that Guillotine. Iam happy about the 500 four star shards and 200 five star shards, so I guess I can't really complain.
  • Jvdb2003Jvdb2003 Member Posts: 35

    No i don't think it should be easier, and that is coming from someone who has never earned a champion in Arenas.
    I do however think the milestone rewards are awful and could do with some 3-4* shards throwing in there, they have been phc shards for years. Very outdated

    So for you the extreme amount of grinding to get a 3 star is healthy? To Kabam it’s apparently healthier than hoarding crystals
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    Yes (please put method in comments)

    No i don't think it should be easier, and that is coming from someone who has never earned a champion in Arenas.
    I do however think the milestone rewards are awful and could do with some 3-4* shards throwing in there, they have been phc shards for years. Very outdated

    I do agree that the milestones need to be a lot better. Sure, I get like 3 or 4 ph crystals, but all I get from them are 2 star heroes. Definitely not worth the effort.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,864 Guardian
    A new 3* Hero probably goes for only around 1.4m (maybe more this time for an Avenger). Old Heroes much less than that.
    It is always nice to get newest hero (1) for reference, (2), to use for Rankup/Levelup Events, (3) in this case of Ronin to earn another Avenger for new Objectives (although dup'ing a Cap or Ironman in “Get the Stones” Quests also count).

    Does not actually take much time, especially using 3* Arena Boosts which otherwise just sit around unused (have hundreds of those crystals unopened). And only need to do the new hero arena just once, not both times that week (can use the plentiful 3* Awakening Gems later, during certain Solo/Ally Events).
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    It's much better than it used to be.

    This week is likely an aberration due to end game players needing an avenger to rank up since those objectives are otherwise impossible for them to get, short of selling a champ.

    Milestones are still weak, even after the revamp. Honestly, just skip arena if you haven't completed a ton of content and don't have a deep roster.
  • Jvdb2003Jvdb2003 Member Posts: 35

    A new 3* Hero probably goes for only around 1.4m (maybe more this time for an Avenger). Old Heroes much less than that.
    It is always nice to get newest hero (1) for reference, (2), to use for Rankup/Levelup Events, (3) in this case of Ronin to earn another Avenger for new Objectives (although dup'ing a Cap or Ironman in “Get the Stones” Quests also count).

    Does not actually take much time, especially using 3* Arena Boosts which otherwise just sit around unused (have hundreds of those crystals unopened). And only need to do the new hero arena just once, not both times that week (can use the plentiful 3* Awakening Gems later, during certain Solo/Ally Events).

    My question to you is: what method do you use to get so many boosts? I had only 30 crystals after 3 weeks of grinding...
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  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,864 Guardian
    Don't some Arena boost crystals come from Solo Events too, in addition to Arena Milestones ?
    Also, the Lesser and Greater Solo (?) crystals give out some Arena boosts too (in addition to other stuff)
    Hang onto all those crystals until you need the boosts for particular 3* Hero Arenas you are short on time for (one of the valid excuses to hoard crystals). Since once opened, they only last 3 days in Stash, just long enough for that Arena.
  • Fred_JoeityFred_Joeity Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    If you want the featured, I think some effort should be put in. They may have to change the numbers a bit with the expanding player size though.
  • killer7703killer7703 Member Posts: 19
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    My solution to getting champs easier is to prevent modding, which in turn prevents cheating arenas.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    Achieve all milestones and given option to guarantee the 3☆ at 1,450 units.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Yes (please put method in comments)

    Every time a new champ is released, they should mail a 5* to every one.

    Problem fixed.
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  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,172 ★★★
    The last arena grinded was Human Torch..both times..I put up 11 mil first round and almost 13 mil second round..never again will I grind again
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  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Jvdb2003 said:

    I have some ideas to change the arenas myself. Some of which are:
    - Add more milestones.
    - Swap the premium hero shards for featured hero crystal shards.
    - Increase the range of the rank rewards where the champion is acquired.
    - add an extra milestone where you’d get a crystal of the level the arena is for (3* crystal for 3* arena, 4* crystal for 4* arena etc.)
    - Increase the rewards for the milestones if the player is uncollected.
    - Make the rank rewards rank the scores per region (Eu, NA, SEA etc.).

    Adding gmc shards would be perfect for who became uncollected.
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    The main reason it was difficult to get Ronin was because everybody needed him or I should say all the long time players needed him in order to complete the solo events for a 3-star avenger because I'm sure most old school players like myself already have all of their three star avengers completely maxed out

    The second round will be much easier to get him so you really can't go by the three star arena this time. many players including myself were going for him just to complete those solo events in order to get the rewards.
  • Physology101Physology101 Member Posts: 77
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    I think it would be better if they had it where if you reach a certain amount of points you get the champ
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    If they give free 2*s of the champs, it could inspire us to grind
  • Physology101Physology101 Member Posts: 77
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    Not everyone has multiple hours a day to put in enough points to get a champion from arenas.
  • TheSquish671TheSquish671 Member Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    How much did he go for in top 1-10% and top 50? I grinded 2mil hoping for the rankup gem but didn't get it
  • Tahu_the_FierceTahu_the_Fierce Member Posts: 3
    TLDR: Yes.
    So, overall, I think the amount of time required to get anything useful in this game is too long. In comparison to other games, there is so grinding, and then you are still stuck with the gacha system randomizing your rewards.

    Anyway, for arena, widening the champion reward percentage to about a third would feel really good, and add exclusive/valuable rewards for the top ~10% (say, awakening gems, or a ton of hero shards... maybe top 50 get the champ already awakened).
    For lower tiers, maybe there could be a milestone reward for the champ, but for competitive 4 and 5 stars, it probably should remain a ranked percentage reward
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    Yes (please put method in comments)

    The main reason it was difficult to get Ronin was because everybody needed him or I should say all the long time players needed him in order to complete the solo events for a 3-star avenger because I'm sure most old school players like myself already have all of their three star avengers completely maxed out

    The second round will be much easier to get him so you really can't go by the three star arena this time. many players including myself were going for him just to complete those solo events in order to get the rewards.

    Why so? Just complete the quest for each difficulty and Solo objectives is met. If champ is maxed out, get max sig crystal.
  • Sly1Sly1 Member Posts: 23
    I stopped trying awhile ago. Only champ I have gotten was a 3* Captain America. Usually I get between 600k to 800k and land around the 25% to 50% mark. I don't have many 4* and 5* champs, so usually not more than 400k.. on a weekend where I can play a bit more. I look at arenas now as more rewards from daily goals.
    At least I can get champs in other ways like through events, calendar and the random sale.
  • StubshotStubshot Member Posts: 43
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    I grind arena over and over again and I still get halfway through the milestones so I say yes they should make the arena milestones a little easier to achieve and base the ranked rewards to a level group like 1-15 16-30 etc. That way its more fair to those that don't have as many champs as a veteran player.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    Drooped2 said:

    Hamin said:


    Every time a new champ is released, they should mail a 5* to every one.

    Problem fixed.

    But I'm cavalier shouldnt I get a 6?
    Always pushing that envelope.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Yes (please put method in comments)
    3* Ronin arena was expected to have a very high cutoff due to many high rated players haven’t a 3* avenger available to rank up since they are old and pretty sure maxed out. I was expecting a higher cutoff and did just over 2,4mil and tbh I wasn’t sure if I’ll get him. The usual 3* arena cutoff is low but for the higher ranked arenas the 1-400 position system to get the champ should be replaced with a 1-10%.
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