Community's Choice: Champion Update



  • Apex_Hunter1Apex_Hunter1 Member Posts: 3
    Look we have good mutant champions like Emma frost and a couple of others but we need a more good mutant champions

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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    mkk, ip, groot and colossus are perfect examples of meme champs, when you see them appearing you know what it's like to be kabamed. Same for cyclopses and magnetos actually. So in order to save then as momento of how bad their champs are, I'll vote oml or maybe venompool
  • PIZZATIMEPIZZATIME Member Posts: 307
    Colossus so my Unstoppable Colossus can maybe be good for something!
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

  • T32wakandaT32wakanda Member Posts: 4
    Def. Colosus my 1st three star and four star. Uninstalled the game each time. Also rage quit when I pulled a 5* Duck. Some characters just shouldn't be over 4* if they are not viable to use. TBH I used to hate Hawkeye too but I was wrong hes pretty nice as a 5*
  • DinoxysDinoxys Member Posts: 2
    iron patriot!!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,969 ★★★★★

    He's not even on the list. Lol.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    Dinoxys said:

    iron patriot!!

    Agreed my friend.
  • Captainspider75Captainspider75 Member Posts: 1
    Buff Howard
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    I'd personnally ask @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra and @Kabam Porthos
    The question wether Collossus unstoppable will be buffed if collossus gets reworked is easy to answer in my opinion, i think he aint. Just get get safe and for all those People asking, could you leave a quick answer? Thx a lot !
    ( PS i know they will never answer ^^)
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    Reference said:

    I just wonder why this post do not include a poll

    True Thing, poll, but an private one
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★
    I've made a poll now, who ever reads through this: pls vote in my Poll

    THIS IS NOT THE COMMUNITY CHOICE VOTE, just a PRIVATE POLL to get a generall overview over the communitys Opinion!!!
  • troyelricaccount2troyelricaccount2 Member Posts: 50
    IronPatriot or Groot
  • RAHUL7275RAHUL7275 Member Posts: 7
    I think there are be some change in venompool, Colossus and ms marvel kamla khan
  • V3N0M0U5_JU57IC3V3N0M0U5_JU57IC3 Member Posts: 56
    For me, it will have to be venompool and Colossus.

    1. Venompool is basically one of the most useless characters in the game. His bleed is Okay but I have tested out my venompool around some content and really, he does not hit as hard as venom. Venompool also needs a whole new special animation rework. He does not feel special at all and venompool is a combo champ. He should have the strength of venom and half the healing of deadpool. The random buffs, no offence, doesn’t make sense to the character. It is random, and really looking at it, is not beneficial to the player. Again, if venompool does get chosen (which I hope) then please do take the time to rework his animations special attack wise.
    2. Colossus at this rate I am sure no one needs to explain his situation. He is just a character. Plain and simple. His armor is useless, the damage that he supposedly gain from his armor is very very underwhelming and he hits as if he has pillows attached to his hands. Last time I checked, colossus has 2 metal hands...that sounds like hard and heavy damage to me. For colossus, I think a mini “Outlast” esque buff would be fitting to the character. Along with a small damage boost when he stacks up his armors. (Could potentially have a maximum amount of 10 armors).
  • baro009baro009 Member Posts: 2
    Old man logan !!
  • NerveNerve Member Posts: 2
    Old Man Logan!!!!
  • GurhanBtGurhanBt Member Posts: 1
  • SalentoboySalentoboy Member Posts: 11
  • BrudixTreeBrudixTree Member Posts: 801 ★★

    I've made a poll now, who ever reads through this: pls vote in my Poll

    THIS IS NOT THE COMMUNITY CHOICE VOTE, just a PRIVATE POLL to get a generall overview over the communitys Opinion!!!

    Just as reminder, we already have LOTS of votes, ist already a assessment of which Champion have a good Chance to be buffed
  • Edd67Edd67 Member Posts: 22
    Colossus out of this list.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    How will the vote happen? Forum poll? Most of players don't use it. Facebook? Same, in many countries it is not popular. The best way would be to give all players some ticket to buy a crystal with one guaranteed 1* champ of all those champs. But 1* champ can break our progression in the game, I guess
  • YotzYotz Member Posts: 117
    2015 champs out of this list: colossus, iron patriot and groot. They have to be top options to find some use for those variant 2015 gems
  • Rob35Rob35 Member Posts: 1
  • FendyFendy Member Posts: 4
  • AshkenziaAshkenzia Member Posts: 13
    Venompool for sure
  • Ga1axyGa1axy Member Posts: 1
  • EnchantedWariorEnchantedWarior Member Posts: 2


    It’s time for us to start working on our next Champion update, but we need your help on choosing which Champion will be next! We’ve created a short list of Champions we want to address, and want to put the power to decide which of these Champions will get the re-work treatment first in your hands!

    Below, you’ll find a short list of Champions we’re looking to address in the future. This list is not indicative of every Champion that’s on our Radar for an update, just the ones we want to address first.

    How do we get to decide?

    Starting May 9th at 10am PT, and running until May 10th at 10am PT, there will be a poll on our Forums where you can vote for which Champion you would like to see receive an update. The poll is only open for 24 hours! So make sure that you’ve decided in advance which Champion you’d like to see get the update.

    Which Champions are on the List?

    We’ve shortlisted the following Champions based on their utilization and performance in content across the Contest, and player feedback through our many channels.

    • Venompool
    • Old Man Logan
    • Groot
    • Colossus
    • Howard the Duck
    • Iron Patriot
    • Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)

    If you think that a deserving Champion has been left off the list, don’t worry! This is a list of the Champions we want to address first, and doesn’t not necessarily indicate that other Champions won’t also be addressed in the future.

    I really want to make sure my choice wins!

    Then start your campaigning! Start discussions on why you think your Champion should be the one that others select! Now is your time to convince other Summoners to join you in voting for the Champion you want to see Buffed the most!

    When will this updated Champion be released?

    Our plan is to take this Champion update through the full rework process. That means we’ll take about 2 months to rework the Champion’s abilities and tuning, then put them through a Beta test. Those typically last a couple weeks, and then we’ll address the feedback that is received.

    We’ve learned from our last couple Champion Beta Tests that we require a little more time between the end of the test and releasing the update to analyze feedback, data, and implement any further changes that might be necessary.

    Barring any changes to the schedule, this Champion will be updated and released in early Fall.

    Voting Day Approaches!

    The time to decide is coming soon! Start thinking of who you want to see updated, and start spreading the word! Voting day is May 9th-10th!
  • EnchantedWariorEnchantedWarior Member Posts: 2
    Buff Iron Patriot
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