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Upcoming Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw Balance Changes
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And what are you saying about severe disadvantage? can we do LOL with him without items? or walk over all paths in AW/AQ without deaths,or do variant without revives or pots? definitely not.
other players that dont have him might have other high damage champ like corvus, ghost, domino, capiw, etc. so whats the disavantage?
My opinion is not correct in every instance, but my logic is generally, not always, pretty good. And no, it is not attacking other users for sharing their opinin, it is attacking their statements, which is how discussions are supposed to work. If you cannot reply to people without being considered attacking them then you could not have a discussion.
What a joke.
Hey Miike - your car manufacturer called. They want you to bring in your car for tuning....it’s getting a bit better gas mileage than they would like it to get.
Statistical relevancy and randomized sampling plans aren't necessary. Why would they be? If the calculations have been through the validation and verification process it would be a wasted effort to repeat testing pointlessly. After that any unexpected outcome would be a bug.
You can reply to people as much as you want, my point is that some self reflection on your part could be a good thing. Ill let you carry on though, for all the good it's doing.
Ill make one final point on this and let others speak because I don't wanna fall in that trap myself:
I truly believe if Kabam fixed the system of champion rollouts, featured crystals/packages/arenas when they come out, or their compensation model that we would as a community be much more receptive to these changes. It's when we have no guarantee if the "case by case" basis will come down in our favor if we ranked and spent on that champ that things get toxic, like we see with this thread. If we're already starting from a TOS perspective that every player is at the whim of the company at the end of the day, and THEN we have no guarantee that things will be made right when there's a change to a character, and no guarantee that we will get back our resources we spent and don't get in huge quantities, that's when you're gonna eventually run that system into the ground. I think we're starting to see that. It's kind of amazing to me to see the 3-4 people who don't have an issue with Cull being changed ALSO have the opinion that everything is fine with the system as it is right now. That's the problem, not Cull being changed as much as I personally don't think he needs it. And personally, all this and the last few months have made me do is hold off on ranking anyone until the big announcements come out. And i'm not buying packages or crystals. That doesn't seem like something Kabam intended to cause but is probably the case with a lot of people right now, and needs to be dealt with some kind of reassurance going forward that we're not all gonna be waiting for the other shoe to drop in perpetuity.
Bought the Cull crystals offers and used a generic awakening gem on him + all my sig stones!
It is more than ridiculous at this point, this is just straight up FRAUD!
Cull was "bugged" and unusable for several weeks, then you "tuned" him only to make him way too powerful and fixed him on the second day, this is just against the playerbase and has nothing to do with tuning or tweaking or whatsoever. I'm really at a point right now where I'm too anxious to rank up any champ just because I have to be afraid that it will be nerfed to the ground in the near future and thus I would have spent resources on a falsely advertised champ!
Get your s**t together and stop robbing the playerbase for God's sake!