6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • TimETimE Member Posts: 28
    If we are getting 6* champions they should be true god tier champs, new characters you can only get as 6*'s: Odin, Taskmaster, The Collector, World Breaker Hulk, Dark Phoenix, Apocolypse...something to strive for rather than the same old champions.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    6* Champs will only break the game further!!
    Thought i would start with that to get my point across!!
    2018 is only a little over 4 months away so not a lot of time.
    To introduce 6*s 1st u would have to fix all the problems that exist in the game with 5*s.
    First of all resources and how they affect everything and that means catalysts, iso, gold, potions, crystals etc.
    How easy it is to get them and how they coincide with the level of the champ.
    Lets start with catalysts u would have to put whole tier 4 catalysts in the daily proving grounds and the class dailies.
    Introduce tier 5 catalysts and ways to get them not 1 every blue moon!
    Iso am i the only one that has a problem with iso being less in master than heroic events???
    Gold the harder an enemy is the more gold, xp, iso etc u should get when defeating him.
    Potions Ridiculous much? Tier 1 health potions are ridiculous on 4* champs and u have a cap at 25 how are u supposed to refill your champs health??? Make them % wise. For example tier 1 5%, tier 2 10% tier 3 20% etc. and take off the cap!!! And decrease the cost to get them!!!
    Crystals This is a very long topic so I will only make a couple of major points. The % in getting something is too low. The cost in units for 3&4* is too high. Need more types of crystals that u can get and not only as prizes for limited time things.
    Difficulty/Rewards the rewards for something that is difficult to get shouldn't be for a tier lower than u are but something useful for the tier u are at! ie a quest/event that u need 5 4* 5/50 champs and 20 revives to finish shouldnt give u 3* crystals and 4* shards.
    Champions Fix all the **** champions (Khamala, Colossus, Iron Patriot etc) and have all the champs as 5*s before coming out with 6*s
    Redo and fix all the Synergies especially the ones of different skin characters that u said u would fix and never did!! ie Superior Ironman/Ironman, Cap/Capww2, The Visions!!!
    Take out Challenger rating, Safeguard and all the BS stuff that are just there to make us pay to progress!
    Make rewards worth the risk/revives.
    Better matchmaking in AW don't put a 1 million pi alliance against a 10 million use prestige not overall pi cause higher players just sell off their 2&3* champs to lower it!
    Difficulty in Story mode. its STORY not end game content. The difficulty should progress but look how much it has jumped higher from Act 3 to 4 to 5 now.
    Make a new difficulty in events to entertain the higher level players and call it Nightmare or something. That way they will have new challenges every month and the main body of your players won't get the shaft.
    Fix the bugs finally!
    Anyway just a few pointers that have been gathering for a long time. I hope u listen to my thoughts cause they will surely make the game better for everyone and a happy customer spends more!!

    1) Iso is not a problem at all. I always have 1000-1500+ and expiring everyday.

    2) Gold also, if you did the gold realms, and do the arena just for milestones, you shouldn't run out of gold. Unless you're ranking a new 5* every 2-3 days.

    3) Other than 5.2.6 collector fight, what content is there that takes 20 revives with 5 r5 4*s !? And gives 3* crystals and 4* shards? Are you talking about master event? 1 r5 4* can do that without any revives. Even r4 4*s can do it without items.

    4) Safeguard was actually fun to play around. No BS in that. Also stop exaggeraing CR when you don't even know what it does.

    5) Obviously Act 5 is going to WAY WAY harder than Act 3. Just because it's story mode doesn't mean it should be a cake-walk. The rewards from story quests are probably the best ones. Other than Special quests, Lol etc.

    Agree with you on the health pots, they should be made % based.
    Also, Yeah it's about time we get Champion Updates. They promised to make Doctor Strange and Black Widow better pos 12.0. No updates still. DS was nerfed to hell. Plus, other champs like Spider Gwen, Luke Cage, Colossus, Antman etc especially the ones available as 5*s need some serious reworking.
  • MegaVoltsMegaVolts Member Posts: 114
    I agree @CapWW2 its not like we are going to get those 6 stars immediately in 2018. It will take a significant amount of time. Kabam is giving us a heads up. But Kabam, you need to give us more details about maxing 5 stars.
  • Fallen_LegendFallen_Legend Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017
    I can totally understand why this feels like it's too early to some people, but u can also tell some people are just there to disagree with everything.

    The game has to progress, and this will definitely upset those who wish to be maxed, but then again, when you do max, you will need new and more content to move on.
    To the top top players out there, you either want to max and feel good about yourself, in which case you won't like this, or you still want to play the game, in which 6*s are inevitable.

    Most of you I think are just too hurried to come to a conclusion. 6*s are for the top and most advanced players, who with their progress and improved rewards now, will have max 5*s usable for a while then. And when you do have maxed 5*s, there's only two ways you can go, you either quit the game because you maxed, or new content is introduced and you continue playing and improving. Them allowing you to start earning 6*shards now means you can continue aiming for the 5*s and slowly earning the 6*shards. Who knows maybe by early 2018 top players will need 6*s to have a reason to continue playing and the timing may be just right.

    For lower level players who may only have a few 5*s and haven't even completed rol, this should matter even less. It's not like you'll be fighting 6*s or anywhere near getting 6*s for another year.

    I realize this post might not be in favour of many players here, but I think you should wait to judge. Wait to see how they increase availability of 4 and 5*s, wait to see how fast you can acquire 6* shards, and see how fast you can rank up 5*s for now. 5*s will still be the most powerful in the beginning half to a year of 6*being playable.

    So while it may seem like it's too early for many, especially those who was aiming to max out on the game, it may turn out not to be, and remember, you can never max out on a game and continue playing for long, to keep playing, players need new stuff when they max.

    Wait and express your anger or frustration when everything is known and clear. (Although I still support new content like bases and stuff.)
  • He11kiteHe11kite Member Posts: 1
    I remember a time when 5 stars weren't even an option because you couldn't even rank them past 3/30 and now way they would be stronger then a 5/50 4 star, those were the times when I spent serious money on this game but not anymore and not for a while. This company continues to devalue our money and change the rules when it suits them. Give us willpower and synergies then take them away. I so get it: you are not here for for free and I'm so cool with that, but give us something to work with here. Never Never Never take away--because every time you take, faith in your company degrades. Come up with creative ways to balance the game or you will be like with clash of clans, a game people used to love but now it's a dead broke game. You have the opportunity to bring the game back to where it used to be for us and you. Get us to spend money by giving us stuff and not taking it away. Because no matter what anyone says this also a collection on top of a game, and the intro to 6 stars will only devalue our 4 stars to 3 star status.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    Very well put, you can be agree all you want to top players, you have the right to express your opinion; However, that does not mean you are right.

    I will say this again:

    No one force you guys to hoard an insane amount of 5 star shards for feature champs. Honestly, i have never opened a feature crystal and never will. My prestige is 5400 and I could care less about having god champs. I enjoy the game for what it is: A GAME!

    Now you have these feature champs that are good for nothing because you cannot dupe the mayority of them. It is your choice. Even after 6 stars are release maxed 5 stars will be the norm. You wont be able to take a 6 star past level 2 for more than a year from now. Enjoy the game, why complain so much. Be sweet and not salty!
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Willis1519 wrote: »
    This is a complete money grab and shows lack of creativity on Kabam's side. Arenas will pretty much be worthless now because no one will want to grind for a 4* champ when they will become useless like 3* are. They could have gone a million different directions but instead chose the path of stupidity, laziness and greed. Bravo Kabam, you're slowly ruining the game.

    Arenas will be better because people will stop overflowing the score.
    edited August 2017
    Here is my thats thoughts on this whole thing. (Like anyone cares ;)

    When 12.0 came out it sucked for me. Id just got my sw duped and had poured 79 sig stones into her. I was at 180k so no 5* awakening gem. And worst of all i had never spent a penny on the game so I couldn't help with the boycott. But kabam rolled back the bp nerf and the challenger rating bs and gave some relatively epic rewards. Plus, end game items like 5* got a lot less rare. It wasnt the best, and if not for the boycott wouldn't have happened, but it was possible to move on.

    Now this. Im quitting.

    But seriously. I have 8 unduped 5*, including a iron pat and winter s from hyperion and archangel featured crystals, andnow i find out that in half a year i will have to get a total of 460000 more 5* shards, and then have to get
    dupes out of more than half those crystals to get a 6* iron pat. Yaaaaaaa nope.

    Kabam could totally release 6*s well. I would like if there was a pool of 6, one god teir of each class, and only one crystal could ever be bought. Ever. Per player. And then a special lol like quest that u can get sig stones and an awakening gem out of. That way I don't log into alliance wars and have to fight 18 rank 30 lvl 4 million dupe lvl 500 6* magiks in a row with my 5* iron pat.

    Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
  • GryphonGryphon Member Posts: 28
    Top 25 pllayer here and read the comment by big bient. Absolutely agree. All my motivation is gone after reading about 6*'s coming out. ****, it's taken me 2.5 years and a lot of money to finally have what I consider one of the best lineups out there. I'm also done with this game. I'll follow your lead.

    I'll wait for someone with a base hero rating of 200k to bash this post cause they clearly don't understand.


    Don't discount all us 200k base rate peeps. I too have invested time and money into this game, and though I'm "only" at 200k-ish base rate, I'm not happy with the news either.

    What I'm seeing is the focus on adding content to keep elite players interested (and still spending) and while that's a good idea, it's a terrible way to go about it.

    As a newbie, my ultimate dream was to get my first 4*. And I did, fairly easily and fast. Good, right? Except I didn't learn how to effectively use any of the champs, because that 4* bulldozed through early content. It then was about brute force. Along comes War and harder content... I had to learn finesse on the fly, when my Noob self SHOULD have learned earlier with lesser champs.

    5 and 6* champs are the same. People can too easily complete content they're really not ready for. These champs SHOULD NOT be available to people until they've completed certain content. And it's FAR too early to even THINK about releasing 6*.
  • YSBYSB Member Posts: 192
    edited August 2017
    I Agree with all the comments I've seen on this thread and the ones that keep getting shut down. Listen, it's too early. I already quit ranking most 4* champs because the resources are best used for 5*, and now I have zero reason to rank my 5*. That means I'm sitting on a lot of class cats and other resources that would be a waste to use until I start getting 6*? This makes everything until then so boring.

    I'm glad you're finally going release the items needed to rank up our 5* more, this is the time for that. But 6*? We need to have that conversation and announcement at this time next year, not now. It doesn't make the game exciting now, it makes it boring. In a year that will be different, but Kabam, it's just too early.

    Give us the chance at ranking and awakening our 5*, give us more opportunity to acquire 5*, get rid of the garbage characters as 5* (hulkbuster, Kamala, etc). Let us get excited about spinning those 5* crystals. That hasn't even been perfected yet. Why would we want to start over again with 6*? Is this just because you want to use them yourselves to make content harder? thats what buffs are for.

    Listen to the thousands of players who have spoken out and delay the 6* part of your announcement. At least 6 months please.
  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    Imo the only way 4 stars won't be useless after 6 stars are released is if you release content that only 4 stars are playable within and make the rewards worth it.
  • AmandaHugNKissAmandaHugNKiss Member Posts: 3
    I don't see the point in grinding 3 days for 4*s now. When will u be changing arenas to 5*s
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    edited August 2017
    Release t5bs already and make all rank up materials a lot more obtainable NOW! You guys think you got it right with these ridiculous rewards and the slow drip mentality...players have been telling you forever it takes way too long to get rank up materials and that you need to increase the rate we can acquire them. You did to some degree buts it's still too damn slow. We told you 5.2 rewards were garbage.

    Yes some people have 567 expiring t4ccs in their stash, that's not the majority of players. T4bs take too long to get, what? enough for 1-2 4*r5s per month...do you know how many champs there are? Every time I see the 3600 t2a shards as a reward in quests is like you are intentionally laughing at us.

    You fail to see you're own slow drip drip mentality towards resources and even champs is probably a giant contributor into how people feel with this announcement. "I see summoner that it took you a month to get a 5* after serious playtime, two more months to get them to rank 3, and a year to get them to r4. Congrats on your first unduped r4/55 5*...we are releasing 6* in 5 months." I understand you want to control the "economy" of the game but you made this mess. Now live with the fallout.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    I don't see the point in grinding 3 days for 4*s now. When will u be changing arenas to 5*s

    I hope never
  • Wased5678Wased5678 Member Posts: 11
    If youre dead set on 6 stars, what would be nice is instead of giving us crystals with 6* champs, give us ways to upgrade our own 5*s to 6*, this way we don't feel like weve wastes all our time collecting something thats useless
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    Wased5678 wrote: »
    If youre dead set on 6 stars, what would be nice is instead of giving us crystals with 6* champs, give us ways to upgrade our own 5*s to 6*, this way we don't feel like weve wastes all our time collecting something thats useless

    It ok to Keep dreaming, in the mean time enjoy your feature 5 stars.
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 343 ★★
    edited August 2017
    So I have just figured out the biggest issues with the announcement of 6 star champions. Think about how much progression needs to be allowed without spending without offers being shoved down our throats in the 5-7 months of the game before they release those shiny 6 star champs.
    1. Release of T5 Basic Catalysts
    2. Further increase to T4 class catalysts for those at least in the expert AQ Tier
    3. Drastic increase to access of more T2 Alphas (Need 6 to r5 a 5*)
    4. Also on top of that would need to see a 5* crystal at minimum weekly for certain level players, to even remotely justify the introduction of these champions.
    5. I believe many were earning 4* shard crystals frequently when 5* started coming into the game, currently only a select small pool of big spenders are likely getting multiple 5* monthly yes monthly not weekly monthly. Still to infrequent to make 6 star introduction okay.
    6. Also if they include champions like Luke Cage, IP, Spider-Gwen, Joe Fixit they will see players walk people were rather vocal about not wanting these champs brought into 5* level without being revamped in a major way but now imagine them as 6*. It will take 37 5* dupes to get a crystal currently and if you have a chance at champs that don't belong in the top Tier Champion Class which is going to be 6* level now what purpose is there in continuing. It could take years to dupe a 6* for most and these champs hold 0 value for most players other than arena fodder and even then they are still bad and extend fights because they are weak. To the player that sticks with this game and decision think about how you will feel pulling a slightly beefed up Spider-Gwen or Luke Cage do you really want that? They could put many at ease simply by saying these are not going to be reintroduced as 6* and only want the best of the best to become 6 star champs and reduce crystal dissatisfaction. I know I know then how does it become a gamble the gamble remains with what usable champ will you get not will I get a usable champion.

  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Dont abuse the flag system you might get banned from the forums.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    So I have just figured out the biggest issues with the announcement of 6 star champions. Think about how much progression needs to be allowed without spending without offers being shoved down our throats in the 5-7 months of the game before they release those shiny 6 star champs.
    1. Release of T5 Basic Catalysts
    2. Further increase to T4 class catalysts for those at least in the expert AQ Tier
    3. Drastic increase to access of more T2 Alphas (Need 6 to r5 a 5*)
    4. Also on top of that would need to see a 5* crystal at minimum weekly for certain level players, to even remotely justify the introduction of these champions.
    5. I believe many were earning 4* shard crystals frequently when 5* started coming into the game, currently only a select small pool of big spenders are likely getting multiple 5* monthly yes monthly not weekly monthly. Still to infrequent to make 6 star introduction okay.
    6. Also if they include champions like Luke Cage, IP, Spider-Gwen, Joe Fixit they will see players walk people were rather vocal about not wanting these champs brought into 5* level without being revamped in a major way but now imagine them as 6*. It will take 37 5* dupes to get a crystal currently and if you have a chance at champs that don't belong in the top Tier Champion Class which is going to be 6* level now what purpose is there in continuing. It could take years to dupe a 6* for most and these champs hold 0 value for most players other than arena fodder and even then they are still bad and extend fights because they are weak. To the player that sticks with this game and decision think about how you will feel pulling a slightly beefed up Spider-Gwen or Luke Cage do you really want that? They could put many at ease simply by saying these are not going to be reintroduced as 6* and only want the best of the best to become 6 star champs and reduce crystal dissatisfaction. I know I know then how does it become a gamble the gamble remains with what usable champ will you get not will I get a usable champion.


    Caps wont make your case more correct. Everyone mad about this should be quiet. Kabam is doing the right thing. I agree with you the first 24 6 stars should be gathered from a community poll.

  • rajusarkar295rajusarkar295 Member Posts: 2
    money money money.....
  • RinzlerRinzler Member Posts: 23
    edited August 2017
    6* sound interesting addition to the game. Actually think it will bring a well needed shake up to the game. Would we still see the same alliances dominating AQ tiers. Gives a chance for new comers to the game to have a chance of getting somewhere thats not dominated by the ancients.

    The monthly quests are becoming tedious, I have two R5 4* and the content is mind numbing. Get shot of the easiest and drop the others in its place and have a decent quest worthy of master.

    The game needs to become modular, similar to episodic games, act 1-4 are now unused content on my phone, yet take up valuable space, growing size of the game on my mobile would be the only reason I stop playing this game.
    After all playing MCOC has kept my movements regular.

    A timeline on when the amendments to rank up costs for 5* would be awesome tho guys...
  • Vulkan7Vulkan7 Member Posts: 17
    First post on forums as a long time player cause had to voice that the release of 6* is premature. Was raising the level cap even considered? And if so why was it not the option?
  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    edited August 2017
    T2Alpha currently sell for $99 for 1/4 of a full T2A! Do you really think we will start getting one a week? Or one a month?

    Even t4cc and t1a availability and inventory capacity has fallen out of balance for 5*.

    Oh and the T5Basic that no one has yet... You think those will start flowing and we will be able to start maxing 5*s every few weeks? Expect 2 for 100% Act 5 (probably not fully released until end of Dec). That content should be a breeze to beat. After that we will get offers for 1/8 of T5Basic for $99.

    Bottom line: Very few players will have 1 maxed 5* by the time 6*s are getting released.
  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147
    Gotta hand it to the big guys for speaking out against this.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    T2Alpha currently sell for $99 for 1/4 of a full T2A! Do you really think we will start getting one a week? Or one a month?

    Even t4cc and t1a availability and inventory capacity has fallen out of balance for 5*.

    Oh and the T5Basic that no one has yet... You think those will start flowing and we will be able to start maxing 5*s every few weeks? Expect 2 for 100% Act 5 (probably not fully released until end of Dec). That content should be a breeze to beat. After that we will get offers for 1/8 of T5Basic for $99.

    Bottom line: Very few players will have 1 maxed 5* by the time 6*s are getting released.

    I completely disagree. You dont know what act 5 rewards will be.
  • RomulusRomulus Member Posts: 4
    This is very agrivating I've been playing almost 2yrs now and just got my first rank 5 four star yesterday and now everyone that joined mcoc will get to where I'm at in a few months because these "coming six star champs"?! That's a slap to the face for everyone that has been loyal n playing since the beginning when even alpha catalysts where hard to acquire. If they proceed to releasing these 6* champs I will no longer play and neither will most of my alliance. I'm very disappointed.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Enjoy your new 6* Luke Cages guys! So what if your 4* Voodoos, Icemans, and Archangels are worthless now? You only have to dupe your 5* Iron Patriot 157 times before you can get him.

    Why the long face?
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    This is a terrible idea to talk about or develop 6* champs. I'm only at 200k but at the pace I was going I finally took my first 4* to rank 5 (which was Vision AOU), with the ability to get 3 more to rank 5 soon. The real soon not the Kabam soon. Now I don't care to rank 5 my 4* anymore, I only have about 6 or 7 5* and only one dupe. It takes me forever to get 5*, it's because I don't spend money on this game. I could take one 5* to rank 3 soon but it won't feel the same as it could have before.

    I understand creating the content we have more difficult but the best way to go about it would have been to announce 6* for Story Mode, and new level of difficulty for the event quests and the release of Bases where maybe Kabam could have a team of 6* for anyone to attack. Updating the single day and 3 day events would have been better.

    We want more content and refreshed events, we wanted more options for the AW such as new maps, maps that could also restrict which star value you can use. 2* only Maps, 3* only maps, 4* only maps 5* only maps, open maps (what it is now). Instead my alliance and many other will have a really hard time in the AW and have an equally difficult time recruiting members. AQ will be more of a pain than it is now, you could have waited for more of us to catch up before making us feel like we wasted our time and money. Alliances will break up over this.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Love me some master quest and Alliance quest with badass 6 star champs. It is about time AQ becomes great again.
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2017
    I can't effectively express how dissapointed I am with this announcement.

    The real litmus test is that Kabam felt a moral obligation to let us know before buying future offers... why is that?

    A: The long accepted economy of this game no longer applies. It's like Kabam shifted the decimal place on every dollar we've spent until now.

    I will not spend again unless the "Upgrade 5⭐️" option is implemented. You can add some sort of super cool re-skin to them. Champs like Storm, Hulk, Wolverine, the core group.

    @Kabam Miike please check my account. You'll see I've spent way north of $10,000.00 on this game. Until this announcement I was in for the long haul. My friends who are also big spenders and not on the forums feel exactly the same way.

    Every lunch time since this announcement has been the three of us spitting venom on the notion of 6⭐️ Champs while angrily clutching our Americanos.

    You guys seriously need to rethink this.
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