CptMuffin ★
I was asking myself, 3? How does this idiot figure there's 3? Then I remembered Jane Foster. Now I'm the idiot.
Uncollected for a year and never pulled 1 from it.
I would buy this daily deal maybe once a week if the odds to pull a 5 star were better than 2%. Increase those odds to be similar to the old daily deal and you've got me once a week. 10% for 5 star, 30% for 4 star, and 60% for 3 star. That gets my $6.99 once a week. 2% keeps me not spending any money.
So, a buddy in my alliance had Mystic Dispersion at rank 4, his refund was 30 units. Thats it. No loyalty, just 30 units. For 75 mystic cores. I on the other hand had it at rank 5 and my refund was 1,032,000 loyalty and 810 units. Others in my alliance also had wildly different refunds for the same rank of Mystic…
With the amount of abuse these guys take, they're actually pretty good with their attitudes. I'd be a huge jerk and ban happy with the abuse that gets thrown at them. That being said, yeah this game has constant issues, but all we can do is let them know. It will get fixed eventually.
@"Kabam Miike" and all the other mods, sorry not going to tag you all. I was one of the ones who did receive it twice. It finally came up for me this morning and I clicked on the questing package. Screen went into the game and then the offer came up again, so me assuming it was a glitch clicked the questing package again.…
My in game name is CptMuffin... just got the crystal in the mail. No choice of offers. Restarted several times today. Hopefully works itself out tomorrow but if not I guess it’s ok too? My interest has been waning anyways.
Pass the dutchie.
My AW attack team is a 3/30 4 star Winter Soldier, 6 star Killmonger, and a 4/55 Iceman or Majik depending on bosses. I still use that 3/30 to clear nodes on my path relatively easily in tier 6-8 AW. He'll be rank 5 once I get those pesky T3 skill cats that take forever to farm.
You brought up using Killmonger in war and specifically mentioned only caring about IMIW in war.... Are you part goldfish or do you just not like having an answer to your problem handed to you?
That's your flawed opinon. Winter Soldier isn't that bad of a champ. And the synergy with Killmonger makes him pretty useful adding 5% to his attack for every hit on the combo meter plus his power drain. The added bonus of Killmonger being able to activate true strike on an intercept makes IMIW a cake walk. Something I…
Use Winter Soldier for synergy with Killmonger. Every intercept will activate his True Strike ability then. Its far from impossible. It's actually really easy.
I popped mine and got Killmonger. Do not regret it at all.
Winter Soldier.
No need to be a ****. I admitted that I missed the date.
I read it, missed the date.
In-Game Name: CptMuffin Device and Model: iPhone 6S Device Operating System: iOS 11.4.1. Cellular or WiFi: Both, carrier is Rogers (Canada) Game Version Installed: 19.1.0 Game Mode: All modes currently Description of the Issue: The phone is overheating. Its causing some lag spikes when it gets hot. Other than the…
Running an iPhone 6s, iOS 11.4.1, game is still overheating. I made a post about this in its own thread as I couldn't find this thread. The hotfix worked at first but that faded. This is the only thing on my phone causing this issue. 3 fights is all I can get before I have to put the phone down because it's too hot.
Same experience for me.
Dude, don't plan your life around video games.Go gripe about something that actually matters.
Just to add on to this now as its gotten worse. Alliance War is completely unplayable. The lag is terrible and I'm refusing to use items to revive or heal on what should be an easy time but isn't because the lag is so bad you only get through 2 fights. It's tier 8 war, pretty easy to solo those paths. Every other gameplay…
OS: iOS 11.4 Device Model: Iphone 6S Carrier: Rogers (Canada, you guys better know this since you're in Vancouver) Wifi or Cellular Network: Both on Wifi and Cellular (LTE) The issues: -Gameplay is super laggy -Phone is overheating anytime I attempt to play -Game has crashed a few times -Happening across all game modes…
So Magik is just going to face roll through this.
...Dude. Even with the buffs this challenge isn't much. These champions just aren't challenging at their core, and with their buffs still not challenging. You had a hard time with Falcon on it? You're in for a rough ride.
Who'd you use? My first glance without trying was eff no to that Mags and KK.
Magik is fine as is. No need for changes.
Parry has been broken since the newest update. The green parry text comes up but there's no stun anymore. Evade and block seem to be working as normal though.
4980 for prestige, more than capable of Map 5 path clearing/boss killing (although Rhino is painful). Very little Map 6 experience though. cptmuffin is my line id and CptMuffin in game.
I can check off all your requirements except 1, Map 6. I've tried it maybe 3 times. Basically completely new to Map 6 but can kill bosses and clear paths all series in Map 5. Prestige is 4980. A little below 5k. cptmuffin is my line ID if you would like to talk.
It’s working as intended... lol. They have had many problems over the last year. But this seems to be excessive. Even for Kabam.