Dashamtvamasiay ★
Another option:- Emma frost as at C, she will just woo the men by her hotness and talent after performing samba dance. And yeah keep kingpin as a backup, if the ball gets punctured, you can always use kingpin's head or stomach as a basket ball, it will be soft and bouncy too.
Finally!! These guys are finally useful!!!
Night crawlers at all positions . Just grab the ball, teleport directly above the hoop/basket , and enter inside the hoop with the ball lol ( if NC was small enough) . Would be better if he teleported from the 3 point line. Don't know if it would be considered a foul or not.
You guys are even exploring acts??!! Only one I had explored in my whole life was the uncollected monthly eq of black widow.
Actually , I had the same opinion about 5.3, but after I took a long huge break from story quests , I found 5.3 and everything after that( I have done only upto 6.1 , not ahead) extremely interesting for some reason lmao.
U have ghost, she will carry you a long way ahead, but i would say rank up a few more guys , sabretooth , darkhawk, and maybe killmonger to r4 or atleast r3, and still u would need some more units , for those last 2 bosses of act 6.1
Got it, btw congrats on pulling 6* warlock
Yup , gonna save for those tech mutant 5* class crystals
20k heavies..hmmm, now I want him real badly
@DeaconVelvet thanks man, those numbers were what I was looking for, 25k is more than enough for me without suicides, that too for a utility champ. Now I am definitely gonna hunt for warlock .
Ok, so I guess he's not a good damage champ, but still anyone has an idea how much dange dies his sp2 do, coz he armor breaks so maybe atleast 10k? For a max potential 5*?
Yup, except bpcw ,cyclops and diablo, all others are nice
@Rockypantherx you r5ed pyramid x, nice, she's pretty under rated imo
Atleast u have more 6*s than me
I wish you could have given me half of your roster lol
@Stark154667 that too really soon
@manveerthereal you are just lvl 48 and u already have 3 5* awakening gems!!! I am level 52 and got just one ag in my whole life lol
For showing off, this roster is itself enough lol
Average? For you? Yup. For me? Whoaaaaa!!!
Lucky man
Congrats bro, and yeah ur 6* roster is awesome, everyone literally everyone are useful (not you king groot)
Then I would say, end the quest , take some time for grinding units and also get those maple syrup and poutines , rank up ur Corvus and u will be fine. Either that or practise to play with ur loki after watching some videos
That's cool!! 6* Emma frost is awesome dude!
I am like.....that's a huuugee roster!!!
Wait, u have just got 10 6*s and already started duping them?? That too aegon and capiw?? Did u do aol or something?
Again, jealous of your warlock and aegon
Awesome roster man
Most prolly saving for class crystals, I am chasing for warlock and ghost
@Mr_Platypus oh dude there u are again👋 , I read the dev diary just now , i didn't even realize that the champions prelude has been released, my bad lol.