Destroyer123 ★★
How about instead of direct content make this server and set up a duel system where you can select your nodes and champ to fight (Downfall of this is ramp up champs suffer if no quest is available to get proper ramping) But I’m sure you could add that
4 level 2 health potions and an energy refill is the best you will get and frankly I’m overcompensating
They are gonna expire...
The same people who complain maintenance is too long will complain there’s too many bugs in the game and kabam doesn’t fix things //shrug
Rogue any touch should steal abilities not just special attacks.
Man I watch one or two expire every day... maybe a convert 2 level 1s to a level 2 would be better
Like before bases? Or after? :)
I mean that’s cool and all but what 3 star did you get from the other crystal?
If I make a horseman with a 4 star apoc can I swap him out for a better champ and keep the horseman even tho apoc left? Hmm
Should be considered one quest otherwise aegon and Corvus and such would lose charges at the end of rooms as well
Mines been r3 awhile and he’s pretty useful I must say (I have an r5 venom too tho)
How much you have now I’m sure a math kid could figure it out if it was 10 or 11 pretty fast off that data or we can wait a day lol
Torch and aa did every fight I had fury another torch and hulk buster on the team tho
I’m hugely disappointed I didn’t even read nodes on anyone except jubilee after she went so3 on my hulk buster in 3 seconds went back with aa and did every fight blind Boss rush should be endgame This felt more like middle management meeting then a boss event
If you don’t beat the boss rush in 4 hrs consult your dr?
Korg has life transfer you can literally use anyone you are over thinking this
Y’all worried about the rewards already man I’m still hoping the compensation for it when it comes out bugged is gonna be good
I’ve always said his list should update as time goes on and it super simple by making it based on a tag system Ie blades dimensional being style So he counters the tag ie no real update needed cause you can reran a champ easier then recode an ability But I was thinking the most used champs 2 per class every 3(6) months ish…
Void was a villain still is and never was a dimensional being
Valid. It statistically 1/24 x7 Still Beats 1/68 x11
Not quite you don’t get a 7/24 You get a 1/24 (7times) This 7 tries at a 4.1 percent chance each Which is still better then 11 tries at 1/68 1.4 percent ish Or 1/170 (.5 ish percent chance)
Check allaince feed and see if a champ was opened from it then check sigs of that champ bet it lines up
This is actually an easy math issue Feature 1/24 odds Basic 1/170 (ish) Dual 1/68 (ish) So it comes down to. 7 tries at 1/24 Or more tried at way worse odds
Agreed also it should range other champs I’ve wanted a way to remember what venom the ducks bank had stored as well
How is groot not extremely vulnerable to incinerate
That’s what they said about act 6 too
I’ve seen it happen in other apps where the release an update but google hasn’t fully vetted it yet so they stop you from downloading an outdated version of the app but can’t let you download a un tested new version either for obvious reasons. Not saying that’s the case here but it’s a thing I’ve seen elsewhere so maybe
Go look on YouTube there’s tons of champion solos from a lot of champions including get this stealth spidey
He uses vibramium which is a non magnetic metal for his armor so the metal tag wouldn’t work well cause magneto can’t control it
If anything hood needed a number adjustment no kit changes at all and everyone would be happy. Up his damage leave the rest alone