GATE55 ★
7th time mystic gem which I DONT NEED . RNG
Which post is not dead tell me ?
The designer are ruining it. Not players . This could be avoided.
if you get in game message from the team u are legend if not u didn’t make it
Early June
Well they gonna give u all the resources That currently u don’t need. This is how it works . I been here 5years. Kabamoom never fails they really smart intelligent doing this thing .
Ripped offf
6time mystic none tech none cosmic none mutant This is crazy. I already have mystic gem so that why keep showing mystic that’s how this game is suppose to run
All I see is mystic skill and what I want is mutant tech cosmic . Perfect Kabam full of sht
You are welcome
Early June
Was expecting this same as the nuts events 🥜
Early June - 3hours and below 99% legend
I been seeing mystic for last 6days -3rift enter pissing me off. All I need is mutant or tech or cosmic WTF
That’s what I always do.only 6* arena can’t get all coz 12hours charge time All Milestone already done it was fast and easy with suicide. I just want a 4* doom badly so I go crazy on this 😂
It’s not old . The latest arena I’m doing it this much for BC and because I have nothing much to do with my life 😂
Don’t think so there to many arena botters Kabam not dojng anything’s much
This was 7hours ago Now I’m at 16mill. I can get a mill for one full round
Hope this enough
Those r3 account most them are already legend . But I’m not sure is there such thing double legends ?
3hrs and below are all 99% legend
Easy they thinking to make it difficult as possible so u need units u spend . This game is not fun anymore .
This enough
This is awesome 👏🏻
Yup u are legend
Yeah I need a mutant all I’m seeing mystic science mystic science.
Another very well calculate timing announcement form Kabam. Aq time out and now treasury **** show