Manav_preet0808 ★
sheesh mine was 3:23 got 38th
what was your time?
ah no wonder, I opened it at 12:02:01 so missed it my 1 milli second dammit
take a shower bro
whats ur ingame name?
the some motivation i had to start playing seriously again is gone now. Don't even know if this game is gonn have any good changes in the future. Seems like the past years were the peak of the game. Oh well guess gotta find something else to pass time
Good job though
i might try this next month and start one but i already did this last year and got thronbreaker in a year of starting + being f2p
He is a youtuber. That is his job smh people be complaining cause they be jealous lol
and here i thought i could rank high with 300 points :(
how do you skip on ios ?
hmmm i think ur gonna hate me these were my rewards
Yea i did it with the oeverflow revives and got enough shards to opne two 6* crystals. Opened them and awakened my first 6* which was doom and then awakened storm pyramid x. So the doom made the rewards worth it in my opinion used about 25 revives with my 5* corvus (im bad lol)
welp you cant control people and most often than not some group gets offended and so on
human torch and lights out easy
same here I use a XR
bruh maestro is easy no joke
i already run double doom so i would have picked warlock
Yea lol when I got uc 4* 4/40s were my highest Chuck ur roster happy to help
yo can u record that vid Would love to see it
U mean get cavalier first then talk?
did u stop playing in the middle cause it's not even a year for my acc and I got more rank 5s and stuff if u need help hit me up
yes sir
I would say this was easier compared to some of the ones we had last year
Sorry bruh hahaha i just saw the mangog and didnt read the name bahaha
lol i checked his acc and with the champs he has he can definietly do it the thing that I think is lacking are his skills His ingame name is Waseem1 if u wanna check it out for urself
Stop complaining then and get gud my best option for the sorcerer was a 4* void and did I whine? no I finished it and now am just collecting the various profile pics And people are trying to help u as they asked to post ur roster but did u do it? no just arguing on and on
My friend took him to rank 3 to get thronebreaker lmfao
Just finished act 7.1 wasnt as hard as expected