Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • I spent 100$ in this raid for units for revives.
  • I lost 2 keys bc the quest allows you to edit your team without leaving the quest. I had 2 keys and thought it was fine. I went to change it a second time and realized I just wasted 2 keys. There's no reason to do the quest now if I can't 100% it. I did not leave or quit the quest. How can you not allow us to retry the…
  • Woo no one said you have to have only guillotine in your party to complete the objective of doing the quest with only 2 star guillotine. It only states complete act 4 chapter 3 quest 6 using only 2 star guillotine. Kabam I spent revives and health potions and units to do this quest and the forums are saying we were…
  • So I'm having an issue with my new alliance. I have done a war with them already and now I have been assigned a new bg. It allows me to place heros but it won't let me fight in the new bg. But it shows I can fight in the old bg. I just need it to let me place heros in bg3 and join the fight in bg3. @SummonerNR